View Full Version : Rules Q&A Is there a way to "call armour" to oneself?

2014-12-21, 07:56 PM
Hi Playground,

Is there a way in general 3.5 to summon/instantly create+wear a set of heavy armour for oneself?

Assuming yes to the above, is it possible to do it without being a caster?

2014-12-21, 07:58 PM
Called magical property: +2,000gp Magic Item Compendium. Page 9. Standard action and your armor or shield appears on you.

2014-12-21, 08:02 PM
And here its actually called armor

2014-12-21, 08:08 PM
Doesnt the ring of arming do this too?

Red Rubber Band
2014-12-21, 08:58 PM
There is also the option of binding Savnok. You have to have an EBL of 3 to call him.

Related: There's also the EBL2 vestige that allows you to call up a great warhammer. Cannot remember her name though.

2014-12-21, 09:26 PM
And here its actually called armor

'Here' of course, being America, the only place that spells armour 'armor', on this site that's totally exclusive to America, ya know, with absolutely no one from anywhere other than good ol' USA. I'm glad you reminded us of this fact, o' great curator of all that is GitP. I forgot the specific shade of blue we're supposed to use. Ah well.

Red Fel
2014-12-21, 09:37 PM
Doesnt the ring of arming do this too?

Two different but both useful things.

The Ring of Arming basically lets you store an entire loadout of equipment in the ring, and swap it out as a standard action. Which is really quite useful.

Called is an armor enhancement which summons only the suit of armor (or shield), from anywhere on the plane. This has several advantages and a single disadvantage. Its advantages: Because it's an armor enhancement instead of a separate item, it frees up the slot otherwise occupied by the ring. Because it's a flat cost instead of a numerical enhancement, it doesn't count against your numerical limit (although it still counts against item cost). Because it calls the item regardless of its location, as long as it's on the same plane, it's a boon if you ever lose the armor (unless someone else uses it). The ring, if stolen, is useless to you, but Called Armor can be more easily recovered.
The disadvantage, of course, is that the property applies only to the armor or shield, and not the rest of your gear. That, and the Ring costs about 3,000 more than the Called enhancement.

2014-12-21, 09:42 PM
Called also has the disadvantage that it can't send the armour away, so if you want to go without, you need to leave it to a safe place (since if someone else wears it, it won't respond to your call anymore).

2014-12-21, 09:49 PM
In my pathfinder game we houseruled the "folding" enhancement to be a +1. No one has taken it yet (though they are low level) but they seem to like having the option.

2014-12-21, 09:56 PM
'Here' of course, being America, the only place that spells armour 'armor', on this site that's totally exclusive to America, ya know, with absolutely no one from anywhere other than good ol' USA. I'm glad you reminded us of this fact, o' great curator of all that is GitP. I forgot the specific shade of blue we're supposed to use. Ah well.

I am glad you see it my way. Though the "here" I referred to is the DnD system. Unless I am mistaken the system does not use the word armour. We gor example have the spell "Mage Armor". Armour is a word not defined by dnd books. So yes. While you are playing dnd, one should probably stick to the spelling the whole system uses. For the sake of consistency.
Oh, and im not from America.

Agent 451
2014-12-21, 10:26 PM
Arms and Equipment Guide has Tessellated Armor (p.95), which starts off as a small box until a command word is spoken, at which point all of its interconnected pieces flow over the user to become a suit of armor. Doesn't say you have to be in contact with it, but it also doesn't have any kind of maximum range for the feature either.

2014-12-21, 10:28 PM
I am glad you see it my way. Though the "here" I referred to is the DnD system. Unless I am mistaken the system does not use the word armour. We gor example have the spell "Mage Armor". Armour is a word not defined by dnd books. So yes. While you are playing dnd, one should probably stick to the spelling the whole system uses. For the sake of consistency.
Oh, and im not from America.Your concern for proper spelling would be more convincing were it more consistently applied.

2014-12-21, 10:39 PM
'Here' of course, being America, the only place that spells armour 'armor' ...
You shouldn't exaggerate. Belize uses the same spelling; the BDF (Belize Defence Force) adopted U.S. conventions to facilitate joint operations with the U.S. Navy. Throw off the yoke of British Imperialism! :smallbiggrin:

The Grue
2014-12-21, 10:47 PM
And here its actually called armor

Where is "here" exactly? I'm in Canada, and we spell it with the "u".

Why should your spelling be adopted universally by all users of the internet?

EDIT: By the way, "its" should be "it's", and you left off the period at the end of your sentence. Those who live in glass houses etc.

2014-12-21, 10:50 PM
It wasn't really meant to be taken seriously. I just have a knee-jerk snark reaction to people insisting words be spelled in specific way, as opposed to another equally correct way. :smalltongue:

2014-12-21, 10:56 PM
There's also the arming rod; 15k, heroes of battle.

mabriss lethe
2014-12-21, 11:08 PM
There's also a 1st level psionic power on the psi-war list that will allow you to conjure up any sort of armor you like for a minute/level. The downside is that it takes 1 round to do so. Ring of arming or other solutions are probably better.

2014-12-22, 03:42 AM
Called magical property: +2,000gp Magic Item Compendium. Page 9. Standard action and your armor or shield appears on you.

By any chance does the Called property also allow you to divest yourself of said equipment for a standard action as well, or is it called *to* you only?

2014-12-22, 03:45 AM
Called also has the disadvantage that it can't send the armour away, so if you want to go without, you need to leave it to a safe place (since if someone else wears it, it won't respond to your call anymore).

Already answered.

2014-12-22, 04:07 AM
Besides the ways arleady mentioned (called enhancement, ring etc.) I'd like to add my favourite, tessellated armor from Arms and Equipment Guide. Its a suit of armour (just under 12k gold, +2 full plate with bonus stuff) rather than an enhancement, but if you look at the price it works out as a +1, so a little homebrewing works easy enough. absically the armour sits as laquered discs in a box and on a command assembles on you, if needed under cloak, clothes etc. has similar effect to mithril (decrease in category, reduced penalties etc.).
Had an enemy in a campaign that had metallic jigsaw and when one of my PC's got physical suddenly the gent had +2 full plate on :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-22, 04:50 AM
By any chance does the Called property also allow you to divest yourself of said equipment for a standard action as well, or is it called *to* you only?No, you have to remove it by hand.

2014-12-22, 05:20 AM
For anybody that's interested, I reverse engineered the tessellated armor. The part where it's comprised of a bunch of little pieces seems to be worth about 3900.

The proof looks something like this.

Tessellated armor = 11560

Hypnotic pattern 1/day = (2*3*1800)/5 = 2160

full plate = 1500

mithral medium armor = 4000 (I realize that this should be an error, full plate being heavy, but it's the only way to make things fit. The stats for the armor don't match up to mithral full plate anyway).

4000 + 1500 + 2160 = 7660

11560 - 7660 = 3900.

2014-12-22, 05:37 AM
Already answered.

I disagree. The statement implied that it had to be left somewhere, not that you couldn't necessarily magic it off yourself. And lo did I just stupidly join the argument over grammar, spelling and other such things that seems to be the primary pasttime of the Playground other than RPGs...

Anyway, another follow up to the Called property: can the magic call it to you from inside a bag of holding, or does it have the usual "not across planar boundaries" addendum?

2014-12-22, 05:38 AM
'Here' of course, being America, the only place that spells armour 'armor', on this site that's totally exclusive to America, ya know, with absolutely no one from anywhere other than good ol' USA. I'm glad you reminded us of this fact, o' great curator of all that is GitP. I forgot the specific shade of blue we're supposed to use. Ah well.

I had to scroll up to re-read that post because I actually thought he meant it's actually called "Called" armor :D

There's also:


2014-12-22, 05:40 AM
For anybody that's interested, I reverse engineered the tessellated armor. The part where it's comprised of a bunch of little pieces seems to be worth about 3900.

The proof looks something like this.

Tessellated armor = 11560

Hypnotic pattern 1/day = (2*3*1800)/5 = 2160

full plate = 1500

mithral medium armor = 4000 (I realize that this should be an error, full plate being heavy, but it's the only way to make things fit).

4000 + 1500 + 2160 = 7660

11560 - 7660 = 3900.

Thanks! Very helpful, I tried but failed to work it out previously.

2014-12-22, 05:44 AM
Anyway, another follow up to the Called property: can the magic call it to you from inside a bag of holding, or does it have the usual "not across planar boundaries" addendum?
Provided that you and your called armor or shield are on the same plane, you can call it to you by speaking the proper command word, regardless of the intervening distance.When the armor is in a bag of holding and you are not, you are not on the same plane. You can even argue that if you are both in the bag you cannot call it as you are not on any plane.

I had to scroll up to re-read that post because I actually thought he meant it's actually called "Called" armor :D

There's also:

etcDown with the superfluous letters. We have to save ink time and space.

2014-12-22, 05:49 AM
By any chance does the Called property also allow you to divest yourself of said equipment for a standard action as well, or is it called *to* you only?

Already answered.

The Quick-Release modification from A&EG lets you take your armor off as a standard action for a few hundred gold. You still need to figure out where to put it, but it's something.

2014-12-22, 08:08 AM
If the limitation of the ring of arming bothers you, make a belt or bandoleer or vest that can contain multiple loadout options. I did for my campaign. Great tool for a rogue or bard who likes to disguise himself. Plus, true seeing can't see through things like full faced helmets so it gives you a different approach to disguise than a Hat of Disguise or Ring of Chameleon Power.

2014-12-22, 08:20 AM
If the limitation of the ring of arming bothers you, make a belt or bandoleer or vest that can contain multiple loadout options. I did for my campaign. Great tool for a rogue or bard who likes to disguise himself. Plus, true seeing can't see through things like full faced helmets so it gives you a different approach to disguise than a Hat of Disguise or Ring of Chameleon Power.A nice idea, but custom magic items are subject to DM approval.

2014-12-22, 08:59 AM
Have 5 rings, agree with DM that your index fingers are active rings and that it takes a standard to swap.
Works a lot easier than two sets of boots.

2014-12-22, 09:33 AM
A nice idea, but custom magic items are subject to DM approval.

The entire game is subject to DM approval.

2014-12-22, 09:39 AM
Of course, but it is a lot easier for a DM to say no to new rules than to remove existing ones. Also any game is subject to player approval. Without players there is no game.

Red Fel
2014-12-22, 09:54 AM
By any chance does the Called property also allow you to divest yourself of said equipment for a standard action as well, or is it called *to* you only?

Out of curiosity, are you trying to pull off a transformation sequence? Because there are ways to do that.

2014-12-22, 12:04 PM
Arms and Equipment Guide has Tessellated Armor (p.95), which starts off as a small box until a command word is spoken, at which point all of its interconnected pieces flow over the user to become a suit of armor. Doesn't say you have to be in contact with it, but it also doesn't have any kind of maximum range for the feature either.

I totally want to use this on a Swordsage or a PsyWar and go full Saint Seiya on the flavour.

2014-12-22, 12:44 PM
I cannot recall where or when I found it, but I seem to recall finding a spell that essentially gives you a tattoo on your body and an exact replica of it engraved on your armour in the corresponding place. When you touched your tattoo and spoke the "magic word" your armour would appear on you as a standard action. You could then proceed to touch the engraving and say the word, causing your armour to leave your body. I think the armour was stored in a pocket dimension when not in use. You cannot "summon" the armour to yourself if it is not in the pocket dimension or less than some number of feet away from you.

If anyone can remember more about this or even better where/what it is please correct me as needed :)

Agent 451
2014-12-22, 01:33 PM
I totally want to use this on a Swordsage or a PsyWar and go full Saint Seiya on the flavour.

Thank you! I couldn't figure out for the life of me where I'd seen the exact same thing (well, within reason) as Tessellated Armor before (specifically with armor coming from a box). It was definitely from that though:


2014-12-22, 01:38 PM
Folding Plate -

It looks like a pendant but you can instantly have it cover you with a command word and put it away the same way.

2014-12-22, 01:47 PM
Where can I find that?

2014-12-22, 01:51 PM
Where is "here" exactly? I'm in Canada, and we spell it with the "u".

Why should your spelling be adopted universally by all users of the internet?

EDIT: By the way, "its" should be "it's", and you left off the period at the end of your sentence. Those who live in glass houses etc.

I type on my phone for most of the posts. So sometimes I miss punctuation or even sillier press tge wrong letter on the virtual keyboard. But I did already say that the DnD books use armor instead of armour. And for that reason I use the word "here".

2014-12-22, 02:00 PM
Arms and Equipment Guide has Tessellated Armor (p.95), which starts off as a small box until a command word is spoken, at which point all of its interconnected pieces flow over the user to become a suit of armor. Doesn't say you have to be in contact with it, but it also doesn't have any kind of maximum range for the feature either.
Command words function for attended objects, so it works when you're holding the box, have it in a pocket, or whatnot. Otherwise, your armor could be called back into the box in an enemy's hand as they yell the command word across the battlefield.

2014-12-22, 02:09 PM
Where can I find that?



Just CTRL+F Folding Plate

ace rooster
2014-12-22, 02:19 PM
There is a spell that was on the assassin list that basically did exactly what you ask, together with an item for each hand or a THW. Can't remember what it is called though or where it is from, and can't be bothered to search through all the books.

Weighing in on the language pedantry; the forum rules state that "English" is the language to be used, not American English. It would strike me as odd if the language used in England did not qualify as English. I sometimes use Armor when I am directly quoting from a text, as they are written in american english. Certainly seems harsh to try to call someone on it either way.

2014-12-22, 02:19 PM
Ah, pathfinder stuff, no wonder I have never heard of it. Thanks.

The problem with that item is that it will only ever be a +1 steel full plate.

2014-12-22, 02:22 PM
Ah, pathfinder stuff, no wonder I have never heard of it. Thanks.

The problem with that item is that it will only ever be a +1 steel full plate.

I can't see a DM refusing to let you improve it.

2014-12-22, 02:25 PM
I can't see a DM refusing to let you improve it.Improving will do no good. The armor the brooch changes into will always be a +1 full plate, no matter what enchantments you put on it in armor form. You would have to make a new wondrous item. Depending on how you calculate the cost it may become very expensive.

2014-12-22, 02:28 PM
Not to derail the thread, but I just had a cool campaign idea involving a Ring of Arming which already has some... interesting gear in it.

2014-12-22, 03:16 PM
Thank you! I couldn't figure out for the life of me where I'd seen the exact same thing (well, within reason) as Tessellated Armor before (specifically with armor coming from a box). It was definitely from that though:

Thank you, now, i totally want to watch it.
Childhood memories.

I type on my phone for most of the posts. So sometimes I miss punctuation or even sillier press tge wrong letter on the virtual keyboard. But I did already say that the DnD books use armor instead of armour. And for that reason I use the word "here".

Bite me, i tend to be a grammar nazi myself (in my own language) yet i cannot remember how to get accented capitals and always use firefox spell correct to get them.