View Full Version : Player Help I need help with a situation I caused, Please.

2014-12-22, 04:01 AM
Im playing in a pathfinder game. It's fun. But I screwed it up.
We are level six, and we are fighting cr 11 creatures because of my power.

I created two constructs that are nearly impossible to kill, and do a lot of damage. I gave them a weakness that the gm wont use. And, I power gamed, in the vain attempt to beat a specific NPC. Now that I did, I realized that I went to far.

A number of thing to note.
I have a company worth 16 million gp.
I have a couple of intelligent constructs, that in the past I have used instead of my character.
I somehow do more than half the damage, when I planned on doing less then 5%. (But my weakness requires the enemy to move, which isn't good because are party has good combat tactics)
I have a specific ability that is OP.

So, without having to break the story by making a new character, what would you suggest I do to alter my power back down?
And, yes, I know this is all really bad. I am asking for help because of that. I also know that there are some obvious fixes, but I want opinions.

2014-12-22, 04:16 AM
1) Does the DM know that you know you screwed up?
2) Does the DM know that you know that they know that you know that you screwed up?
If yes to both then the answers become relatively easy.

Looks like you have 3 things to remove/reduce (excessive wealth, powerful constructs, and the specific ability).

The wealth can be reduced by (A: Remembering that it is the company's and not yours. B: Spend it on something selfless like the victims of the last BBEG.)

The specific ability can be lost (DM fiat with some curse explanation or something.)

The constructs can be permanently needed somewhere else (with weaker prototypes as replacements) like protecting the company or someone dear to you.

2014-12-22, 05:03 AM
As a DM I would

Have a hostile takeover of your company using the constructs to kick you out. The company would then start doing “bad things” but as everyone knows its your company you start getting the blame.

Party now have a new job, the DM has a pre made evil corporation to play – everyone is happy

Raul Leão
2014-12-22, 08:15 AM
Your DM can make any corporate gablin sabotage your constructs and control them to destroy your company, so they can be the new big company in town. This will make a new line of adventure to you guys, and if you want to kick those goblins, the constructs must be destroyed, so you can start the company from 0 (no constructs and low wealth).

Tohsaka Rin
2014-12-22, 08:56 AM
Make a new character, their background is your current character groomed them to take over their place as an adventurer, and knows everything they learned from your character.

Turn your character over to the DM to be used as an NPC.

Step 3 ????


2014-12-22, 09:42 AM
And, yes, I know this is all really bad. I am asking for help because of that. I also know that there are some obvious fixes, but I want opinions.

It's actually not that bad, because:

1) You know you've gone too far.
2) You want to dial it back.

Just talk to your DM, mention the above, and the two of you can come up with a solution that fixes it with minimal fuss to the established storyline.

As is often mentioned in this forum, it's best to deal with out-of-character problems, out-of-character. Unbalanced character power is actually an out-of-character problem, since it's really about how much spotlight players get, or how difficult the job becomes for the DM. So just have a chat with your DM, and everything should work out.

2014-12-22, 01:44 PM
Make a new character, their background is your current character groomed them to take over their place as an adventurer, and knows everything they learned from your character.

Turn your character over to the DM to be used as an NPC.

Step 3 ????


That's not unreasonable. It sounds like the original character is in a place where most people would kick back and retire someplace tropical with locals who didn't take Charisma as a dump stat and run around in scanty outfits to prove it.

2014-12-23, 02:57 AM
Thank you very much guys! You've given me things to think about.

2014-12-23, 03:19 AM
That's not unreasonable. It sounds like the original character is in a place where most people would kick back and retire someplace tropical with locals who didn't take Charisma as a dump stat and run around in scanty outfits to prove it.

I actually laughed out loud at that, and now my office thinks I'm crazy or something... great mental image though!