View Full Version : Prisoners in a Strange Land [IC]

2014-12-22, 11:48 PM
Prisoners in a Strange Land (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389424-Prisoners-in-a-Strange-Land-IC&p=18567024#post18567024)
Prisoners in a Strange Land [OOC] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389423-Prisoners-in-a-Strange-Land-OOC&p=18567003#post18567003)

"Attention on deck! All hands report topside! Move!" screams the master at arms as he storms through the lower holds. You and the other twenty prisoners are shackled and led topside where the deckhands are preparing for docking. Far off into the horizon a coast line comes into view. The ocean water gradually blends into a deep jade standing in contrast to the island's dark brown with a single lone mountain piercing the sky. Tarin-tar. "Clay Bastion."

The ship docks at a small port within a walled community. A stone keep casts a long shadow over the village. A cadre of guards wait at the end of the pier. Standing behind them is a tall, bald man with earthen skin and piercing eyes wearing the crimson robes of an elite magi with a purple sash indicating a royal rank. He's flanked by two men standing over seven feet tall and fully dressed in obsidian armor.

"Welcome to Neuleif," the mage says, his voice like rolling thunder. "My name is Ajaffa Mordin-lii. I am [i]GOD here."

"You are the outcasts of society. Whatever your crimes may be, real or fictional, this island is where you'll begin anew. Those of you skilled in a trade will report to the keep for assignment. Those of you unskilled will be put to work elsewhere. You will earn pay for your work taxed at a rate of 10% of your total worth every month. Don't work? Don't eat.

I don't care what you do or how you live your life but you will contribute to the colony as a whole. If you ever cross me you will join my personal guard." Ajaffa motions to one of the figures flanking him. It raises its visor revealing a pool of swirling blackness within its metal helmet. Two red pinpoints of eyes scan the area.

Two guards move from prisoner to prisoner, pricking fingers and collecting blood in a vial.

"You are hereby attuned to this land. Do not leave the vicinity of the archipelago or one of my agents will track you down. They can be very irritable.

The following names step forward.

Shui, Jun
Vekash, Elandri
Ritson, Sylvan
Fireforge, Varlien

The rest are dismissed!"

Introduce yourself and choose a color. I reserve red.

2014-12-23, 12:19 AM
On command, a pair of feet smartly stepped forward. They belonged to a young woman of Human and Elven descent. One of her shackled hands twitched slightly as she came to rest: As if it had reflexively tried to salute. Even at a glance, the woman's military background was obvious. Her bearing and stance were unmistakably that of a soldier.

"Elandri Vekash, reporting as instructed."

2014-12-23, 12:29 AM
Taxes? Weren't we working for the government in the first place? The inner workings of the multiverse were apparent to Varlien, but the inner workings of government were not.

"Greetings. I am...uh.. Varlien Fireforge...uh...sir."

2014-12-23, 01:38 AM
Jun Shui nods and steps forward at the mention of his name.

"Typical government, taxing everyone, even their prisoners. Don't you have enough money?"

2014-12-23, 02:46 AM
At the call of his name Sylvan walked forewords. The Elf had a very pleasant smile plastered across his face, even though his eyes were bloodshot.

"So then, I assume the guys back home found the real culprit and you're here to announce my freedom, wonderful. I'd hope the next boat off this godforsaken place is more comfortable than the one I came here on". He spoke as if the other three names hadn't even been called.

I'm going to roll my special divination Portent whatever rolls now. If you want me to do them else were DM just tell me.

2014-12-23, 06:00 PM
Ajaffa doesn't look amused.

"I understand why you're hear. That kind of cheek doesn't win friends." With a hand he dismisses the guards and other prisoners then waits until the pier is clear.

"You're citizens of the independent nation of Kaido. Your allegiance is now to the New Kaido League. Just as you were subservient to your home nation so too will you be taxed here.

I called you aside because you four deserve better than sweeping stables. No, you four would best serve in the Expedition Division. This colony is barely five years old. Much is unknown about this archipelago let alone this very island. The NKL take favor on the Division. Members are the only ones legally allowed to wield weapons and armor within town walls. Why, I even hear the governor is willing to pardon friends of the state. Report to the keep for your equipment and assignments!

Oh, and these are yours..." Ajaffa presents two cages to Sylcan and Varlien. A hawk and owl flit about restlessly in the tiny cages.

"Your respective spell books are at the keep. Your familiar's blood is on file as well so no funny business. Welcome to Neuleif, kingslayer. Serpent-tongue." Ajaffa gives a sarcastic bow and smirk to Sylcan and Varlien before marching away.

2014-12-23, 07:25 PM
An angry scowl passes over Varlien's face, then fades slowly as he bends down to let his familiar out of its cage. Smoothing its feathers, he places the hawk on his right shoulder.
"Well, I guess we'd better get going then.", he says as he starts walking towards the keep.

2014-12-23, 07:36 PM
Elandri waited until Ajaffa was definitely out of earshot before speaking.

"'Expedition Division'? More like 'Canary Division'. When a recruitment officer starts talking about the great favour they're doing you, you'd better keep your guard up."

Still, it wasn't as if she had any better options. At least this way, she'd be armed and armoured again. That'd be a great comfort. With measured steps, Elandri made her way to the keep.

2014-12-23, 09:13 PM
Sylvan lets out a long sigh as his smile fades. He grabs the cage he was handed and let out his feathered friend. "I guess we really are stuck here" Sylvan said to his owl, "Well, things could be worse. We could be stuck doing manual labor or something far more wretched. I'd shutter at the mere thought of doing such task".

Sylvan then turned his attention to the other three inmates standing beside him, giving each of them a good look over. He said something underneath his breath before remarking "Yes, we should be off. That keep sounds much more accommodating than this pier is".

2014-12-23, 09:19 PM
Jun nods.

"Lead the way, then. Maybe we'll find something interesting. Something that isn't oppressive."

2014-12-24, 03:34 AM
Everyone turns to stare at the new prisoners. Some are overt, casing steely glances to size up the new "meat." Others gaze from under their brow taking only a short glance as you walk passed. It's easy to tell who the veteran inmates are by how little interest they take in your presence.

The keep rests in the center of the colony. On your half is the prison quarters where the three-hundred-and-some inmates live and work. On the other side of a wooden wall is the citizen's district where free men and women go about their business. Imperial guards patrol the ramparts with heavy ballista. Whether they're meant to defend the walls from outside or within is anyone's guess.

It's noon by the time you reach the keep. A mess line has gathered near the inmate quarters where the cooks serve fish stew and hardtack. Inside the entrance hall is a simple wooden desk piled high with books and parchment. A halfling female, blue eyes with sandy blonde hair, is diligently marking a map crammed on the table.

"Hello! You must be the new recruits for the Division. Ajaffa already told me about you. I have your spellbooks here, please excuse me..."

The halfling leaps to the floor and removes two books she was sitting on.

"There, there. No damage done. Please don't curse me or whatever it is you wizardly lot do! My name is Sara. Just Sara please and thank you. I manage the books as you can see. Need something counted? No one counts higher than me!

Now for your equipment. I've got the explorer's pack. That's standard issue. You finger-waggling types have a spell component pouch. My assistant is preparing your maps... aaaaand I'm authorized to assign up to two simple weapons, leather armor, and shields if absolutely necessary!"

Sara looks ahead with an expectant grin as if bracing herself to take the verbal punishment coming her way.

2014-12-24, 05:23 AM
Elandri ignored the many looks that came her way. She instead took a keen interest in the layout and defences of her new home. Might as well start the learning process now. Sara, however, received a much warmer reception. For the first time since arriving, Elandri's stoic expression broke into a smile.

"Ah, a friendly face at last. Sorry Sara, I'm afraid I'm one of those people who uses spells and blades; So I'll take a component pouch, a dagger, some leather armour, and (if you can spare one) a shield."

She had a lot of sympathy for people like Sara: The under-appreciated, overworked ones who kept things running. So even though the equipment was well below Elandri's usual standard, she accepted it with gratitude. This woman didn't need yet another earful of complaints about things beyond her control.

2014-12-24, 11:15 AM
On the way to the keep, Varlien was silent as he pondered the upcoming .....exploration? Adventure? Whatever it turned out to be, it beat sitting at a crafting bench making crowbars all day. "Better to die having lived an exciting life...", as his mother used to say.

At the keep, he seemed to be in a less contemplative mood. "Thanks. I'll take the explorer's pack, some leather armor, a shield, a component pouch....and a quarterstaff for good measure, I guess" he told Sara, before opening his spellbook and quickly scanning it to make sure everything was intact.

"Also, would it be possible to throw in a few days' worth of hardtack? The stuff is barely edible but it beats starving out in a field somewhere."

2014-12-24, 04:04 PM
Sylvan merely ignored the other prisoners who were looking at the group, merely noting to the rest of the group that "one shouldn't associate with the savages", as he made his way to the keep.

Once at the keep Sylvan's mood seemed to pick up a bit. He was anxious to get his spellbook back, and once Sara handed it to him Sylvan turned his full attention to flipping through the book, looking for any new blemishes or winkles. He payed very little mind to Sara or anyone else after that point, simple saying that "I'll need the component pouch and a dagger" when he heard something about equipment, nose still firmly planted in his book.

2014-12-25, 02:50 AM
Jun follows a fair ways behind the group, breathing deeply.

It's been quite some time since I left the hustle and bustle of the city and truly explored nature. Despite the circumstances it's...quite refreshing."

2014-12-30, 03:21 PM
Sara exhales slightly almost like a brief sigh of relief. She snaps at a group of lounging prisoners who leave and return with armfuls of equipment. "Everything you requested is there. And no worries Varlien, there's a tenday's worth of rations packed away in your explorer's kits. Give me a bit to get your maps ready...

A half-orc clad in solid black plate armor swings open the keep doors from the citizen's side of the keep. He marches to the desk with a steady march indicating a militaristic gait. His face is heavily scarred with a single tusk jutting from his powerful jaw.

"I'm Jubal the Expedition Master. You are offcially team Foxtrot. Complete assignments and we'll get along."

The half-orc hands Jun Shui a slip of parchment listing jobs.

* Investigate disappearance of Expedition Team Bravo
* Investigate disappearances in coffee plantation
* Chart the coastline of Tarin-to

"I recommend investigating Bravo team. If they're dead, their equipment will be assigned to you. Questions?

2014-12-30, 04:08 PM
Elandri stood to attention when the Orc entered, and gave him a smart salute. Anyone wearing plate armour in this place was likely important. She wanted to make a good first impression with the local hierarchy.

"Two questions, sir: What were Team Bravo sent to investigate? And who exactly is disappearing from the plantation?"

She didn't bother asking about the third job. The first two were clearly more urgent. Elandri also ignored Jubal's 'offer' of claiming the equipment from deceased soldiers. Talk about bad taste. Were such attitudes the norm here? Did rescue teams hope to find their comrades dead, so that there'd be more gear to go around? Well, forget that. Elandri for one hoped that Team Bravo were alive and well.

2015-01-01, 05:30 PM
"Assigned?" Well, that was morbid. Varlien kept silent after the half-orc's speech, preferring to express his interest by a slight tilt of the head.

2015-01-01, 07:45 PM
Jun reads over the paper given to him.

"Bravo squad? Where did they go missing? Any clues to help us on our way?"

2015-01-03, 01:59 PM
"Bravo's last report stated they were tracking something. A group of a dozen or more. The tracks were large and indicated a four-legged creature with webbed toes. The tracks were spaced in a neat pattern indicative of a traditional hunting party.

Six colonists have been reported missing in two weeks. They worked the coffee plantations on the outskirts of the jungle up north. There was no sign of struggle. Bravo team's investigation never crossed the path of the plantations."

2015-01-04, 03:23 PM
Elandri looked back at her new team-mates.

"I'm inclined to accept the first mission. Is that okay with everyone else?"

Trying to boss around these strangers probably wouldn't end well. Better to win their trust by treating them as equals.

2015-01-04, 10:38 PM
"That's fine by me. Let's be off, then.", Varlien says as he starts walking towards the door, forgetting completely about the other two party members.

2015-01-04, 11:42 PM
Jun shifts unevenly.

"I'm more inclined to help the colonists. No signs of a struggle? Something's definitely fishy in that scenario."

2015-01-05, 08:34 PM
Sylcan, who had been most quite during mission discussion, turned to Jun when he brought up wanting to help out the other colonists.

"...Jun, is it? I understand your want to help out the other colonists but I think Bravo team is a little more of a pressing concern. If the members of that team are still out there saving them is a better use of our time than saving some random colonist; they simply have more useful skills than some plantation workers. Besides, if they are all dead then the extra gear would be nice".

2015-01-05, 10:35 PM
"Perhaps, but the civilians are not forcing us to work on a prison colony."

After a moment, Jun sighs.

"Fine, let's go after the other soldiers, I guess."

2015-01-06, 09:48 AM
Sara hands out maps of the immediate area. The colony camp is well documented depicting Neuleif and the terrain in remarkable detail. The terrain is tropical in the immediate area with fertile plains meeting light jungle and sharp plateaus. Jubal marks where Bravo last explored, a low valley that cuts through the jungle. "Remnants of volcanic activity." Sara says. "The ol' mountain is cold now but we've found rich obsidian deposits across this side of the island. It's part of why this place is so important to the empires, you get me?"

2015-01-07, 06:28 AM
Elandri studied the map with a frown. The terrain didn't look particularly friendly.

"Obsidian, hmm? Then perhaps someone else is after it too."

She turned to leave. However, the feel of her cheap shoes scraping the floor reminded her of something: She was still clad in the sorry excuse for rags that her government had so generously provided. She turned to face the friendly Halfling again.

"Sara, one more thing: Would it be possible to get a change of clothes?"

2015-01-08, 12:50 PM
Hm...bandits maybe? Although if they have the resources to sail out here and ship the obsidian back, they'd probably have a large operation. Maybe they're a splinter group of convicts instead?

Varlien will wait for everyone, then head out to the last known point of Bravo team.

2015-01-08, 03:26 PM
"Maybe some of the actual convicts decided to rebel."

2015-01-09, 02:35 AM
"I don't think this was the work if bandits or rebels," Sylcan said, turning his attention to the two theorists of the group, "Bravo team's disappearance is probably the work of whatever they were tracking. Which is bad, seeing as how I know little about tropical quadruped with webbed feet, and I doubt you 3 know anything about them either".

Sylcan then turned his attention to Sara when Elandri remarked on clothing. "Yes I would be nice if we could get some decent clothing. Wearing such un-cultured rags like these just fells wrong".

2015-01-13, 05:43 PM
Jubal responds to the change of clothes. "Your quarters are on the second floor of the keep. You have assigned bunks and lockers with fresh clothing and toiletries. Anything else comes from your personal funds."

Regarding the possibility of bandits or deserters: "There have been deserters. They're as good as dead beyond colony territory. They certainly wouldn't have the manpower or equipment to pose a threat."

Jubal turns to Elandri. "Sergeant Verkash! I've studied your profile. I'm assigning you team leader. You will answer for the success and failure of your team." Jubal clicks his heels to attention and addresses everyone. A prisoner scrubbing the floor and a stable hand rise to attention. "Your government tossed you like garbage. Your life holds no value in their eyes. Defy them by living. Curse them by succeeding. Dismissed!" Jubal leaves. Sara pounds her fist into the table like a drum. For the first time since you stepped foot on this island the dreary air has given way to some small measure of hope and pride.

As the person with the highest survival and perception in the group, you're the de facto party leader. To cut down on the indecision that sometimes happens in RPGs, you are the final decider of "party" actions

2015-01-13, 11:15 PM
"Yes sir!"

Elandri saluted with gusto. Things were finally starting to feel right. She had a rank, a weapon, and a team again. Once Jubal had left, Elandri turned to face her new comrades.

"You hear that, fellow newcomers? For my sins, I've been lumbered with babysitting duty. So for the sake of our collective sanity, let's try to get along. I don't want to see any 'aloof loner' types in this team. In the field, we watch each other's backs. And if you get any ideas to the contrary, remember this: Right now you need all the friends you can get."

The speech was delivered in a matter-of-fact 'this is how it is' tone. She wanted these people to see that working together was in everyone's best interest. Gods knew they weren't going to respect her as a leader yet: But they at least needed to respect the team.

"Okay, let's go and change out of these rags. Meet back here in twenty minutes."

2015-01-14, 08:00 AM
Jun nods sincerely and goes upstairs to change his clothes. He had to admit, they were much more comfortable that the crappy rags he had been forced to wear on the trip over, but that wasn't saying much. He looked out the window, admiring the landscape. Perhaps he had been called here for a reason. Maybe the gods had a plan for his companions that necessitated the use of his skills. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

Sighing, Jun stretched and tested a few simple martial arts techniques in his new clothes before heading downstairs. The pants were a little tight, but he'd make do.

2015-01-14, 11:26 PM
"Understood, Elandri. Uh...might it be good to introduce ourselves and say what we're good at and what-not? "

After Elandri responds, he'll go upstairs, change clothes, and make sure there are no unwanted creatures hiding out in his familiar's feathers.

2015-01-15, 12:44 AM
"Indeed it would. First thing we'll do when everyone's back."

Elandri soon returned, in much more presentable condition. Her clothes were fresh, her hair was straight, and her face had made at least a passing acquaintance with some soap. She sought out an unused area, in which their little group could talk without interruptions.

"Okay, let's get to the introductions. I'm Elandri Vekash: Former soldier of the Shen Dynasty. I got sent here for disobeying an order that would have got my whole squad pointlessly killed. I'm a skilled martial fighter, a veteran survivalist, and (thanks to the Elf in me) the latest in a long line of arcane casters. In my off-hours I like listening to music, sparring, and playing 'Mastery'. My favourite colour is blue."

2015-01-15, 02:12 AM
"Got it cap" Sylcan commented as he headed to his quarters to freshen up.

When he came back down Sylcan seemed more gathered. His clothes looked much better then the rags he was just wearing, he looked clean (as clean as one can get on this island), his hair was combed down and his familiar's feathers were cleaned. Most notably Sylcan seemed like he was more collected then before, as if he had finally gotten a grasp on the situation.

"I'm sure you've all heard of me but in case you haven't, I am Sylcan Ritson, personal seer of the Shen Dynasty's formal emperor. I say former because he recently got assassinated and I got labeled traitor for not foreseeing it. I am a skilled mage who specializes in divination magic; if you need to know where something is or what the weather is going to be like for the next two days just ask. I also like to trout my superior intellect, so don't be afraid to ask if you want to know something". Just as he seemed finished Sylcan quickly added "Also I am, or was, a noble of sorts. I know that doesn't mean much on this island but I just wanted to note that".

2015-01-17, 02:52 PM
Elandri hears the town bells strike noon. There's a shuffling through the keep as the watch changes. Bravo's last position was six miles outside town, at least a two hour walk give or take for rough terrain. If she's to get in and out before dusk now's the time to move.

2015-01-17, 03:38 PM
{OOC: I'll just assume that the other two members introduced themselves off-camera. Maybe they can post their introductions retroactively later.}

Once everyone was prepared, the team would depart. Elandri set a brisk pace as she walked through the settlement. On the way to the gates, she kept an eye out for noteworthy buildings and features. This town was, after all, her new home. She might as well get to know it sooner rather than later.

2015-01-18, 08:07 PM
Jun follows Elandri closely, admiring the scenery.

"At least we get some fresh air and exercise."

2015-01-21, 04:57 PM
"Well.....my name is Varlien Fireforge...I guess you probably already know that....uh...I'm here because I was accidentally hired by some unsavoury characters and got associated with them...uh....that's about it. I'm also a mage, but I mainly focus on defensive(abjuration) magic. That's all there really is to say about me... "

Varlien will follow Elandri, keeping an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary.

perception if needed: [roll=1d20+4]

2015-01-22, 11:33 AM
The town of Neuleif is more of a walled fortress than a mercantile village. People in ragged clothing go about their business in the streets while armed patrols eye you suspiciously. A surprising number of half-orcs live within the town with a smattering of tieflings. All of them likely outcasts from wherever they call home.

It's a three mile journey from the walled town to the plantations. Banana and coffee farms dot the landscape with dozens of workers littering the fields. A dwarf wheeling a cart of rum nods as he passes.

Beyond the plantation lies an expanse of tropical forest. The terrain is rough going. Large roots wind their way through the muddy floor. Twisting hills cut off footpaths and swift rivers make advancing difficult. Sparse showers make climbing difficult and any tracks left behind were surely washed away by now.

Two hours into the forest and Elandri halts at a marker. Buried into the earth is a stick with a tin cup planted on it. Five feet away is a sprung pit trap; a hole big enough for one's foot with wooden spikes planted into the mud. Wet blood cakes the spikes.

A plume of smoke rises from the forest canopy to the north.

2015-01-22, 10:38 PM
Elandri's feet settled into a steady rhythm as they left the town behind. The first few miles were easy going. She was free to get a good look at the local scenery (such as it was); And chat with any team-mates who felt like talking. All too soon, though, nature stopped mollycoddling them. Elandri found herself threading carefully through treacherous footing, sporadic inclines, and obstacles which seemed to go out of their way to cut her off. The weather was no treat either. Her new clothes were soon 'broken in' by regular barrages of rain and mud. Typical. Still, it was nothing she (and hopefully the others) couldn't handle. For seasoned professionals like them, this was just a minor inconvenience.

Until, that is, she spotted the pit trap. Now that was a cause for concern. Once Elandri had checked for further surprises (pits, tripwires, nets in the air above, etc), she knelt to pick up the tin mug. Clues could sometimes be found in the most mundane things. After a cursory examination, she stood up again.

"The blood on those spikes is wet; Its owner can't have gotten far. But let's not make the same mistake they did. We'll go slow enough to watch our steps. And if anyone's got any trapfinding tricks up their sleeve, now's the time to impress everyone."

2015-01-25, 12:42 PM
Jun shakes his head.

"Who would do this? Those things could cause horrible injury...especially if the victim isn't wearing armour."

Examining the trap a bit closer, Jun comes to a realization.

"Where are they taking those they capture?"

2015-01-26, 08:32 PM
Varlien's curiosity seems to have been piqued at the sight of the spikes, as he starts talking very quickly. "Hm...this is interesting. This actually supports the theory of the perpetrators being convicts and/or people native to this land -- anyone with the resources would probably have used some sort of metal spikes. Sure, they do rust, but they're far more effective. That means the people who are doing this might be trying to simply gain resources to survive by waylaying random travellers, instead of attempting to protect territory. Or...maybe those conclusions are a stretch. They could be trying to save money, since they might only have a limited supply of metal. Or maybe...uh..." Varlien clears his throat awkwardly. "Sorry about that, I get a bit excited sometimes..."

He'll follow everyone, keeping an eye out for anything nasty.
perception: [roll0]

2015-01-29, 07:54 PM
Sylcan was having a rough time of things. He had barely ever gong through his own woods back home, and now he was moving thick bush with uneven terrain. He fell into the mud at least twice, got countless branches smacked back into his face and swatted so many bugs away that he could swore they were all gathering around him deliberately.

He managed to calm down a bit when Elandri found the pit trap. He didn't pay much attention to the site, merely looking off to the sounding horizon; specifically the smoke plume off to the north.

"Well, whatever or whoever it is," He said, starting once Varlien finished, "I would wager a guess that they are making that smoke plume. Whatever we are dealing with is smart enough to make traps, so we best be on our lookout. Just like Elandri said, slow and steady".

I'll also start randomly rolling perception. Partly because of IC stuff but mostly because I have a better perception stat than Isyndel. :smallcool:

2015-01-30, 09:02 AM
To give an indication of bearings, the path the party traveled came from the south. The plume of smoke rises from the north-east.

As the others inspect the pit trap, a chill runs down Varlien's neck. At first he thinks it's a gust of wind but the swaying of the trees rolls in sequence like the rippling of water when a rock is tossed in. Something is making a beeline towards the party. Something big.

2015-01-30, 03:14 PM
Jun continues looking around the area, looking for clues as to what may have happened here.


2015-02-02, 09:14 AM
Jun doesn't detect the subtle ripples in the trees but that's beyond her concern now as the sound of trees cracking echoes across the hill. Something big is coming fast and it's picking up speed.

2015-02-02, 10:04 AM
Elandri's head snapped up. That noise was definitely not a good one. It took only a moment to decide on the obvious course of action.

"To the side! Now!"

Trying to outrun something so fast would be futile. Their best option was to move perpendicular to the incoming...whatever...and let it pass them. Elandri took her best guess as to the sound's source, and took off at a 90-degree angle from it.