View Full Version : Your top three video game villans

2007-03-29, 06:16 PM
Mine are:
1- Ridley from the metroid series
2- Galeon from Lunar: Silver Star Story.
3- Nemisis from resident evil

Saithis Bladewing
2007-03-29, 06:21 PM
Kefka (Final Fantasy VI), Prince Arthas (WarCraft III) and Magus (Chrono Trigger) in no particular order.

Innis Cabal
2007-03-29, 06:24 PM
Morganna Mode Gone, Dr. Eggman, Bass(Megaman 7) no particular order

2007-03-29, 06:25 PM
Revolver Ocelot (I'm telling you, he is the Patriots).



Crazy Owl
2007-03-29, 06:28 PM
1. RAAM from Gears of War.

2. Knightmare from Soul Calibur. (He would probably be first but I feel he was slightly gimped in the third one compared to Siegfried.)

3. Kuja from FFIX

2007-03-29, 06:30 PM
Sooner or later the Sephiroth debate will start up.

Anyway, I'm going on pure enjoyment of them

Reno + Rude from FF7

Darth Malak - What ?

Colonel Renard from Mechcommander 2. Hammy acting but convincingly insane

2007-03-29, 06:44 PM
Kuja? For real? I mean...out of every video game ever made...you pick him? Really? Huh. Okay then.

I'd say Kefka (FF6), Wiegraf (FFT), and Thanatos (Secret of Mana).

Saint George
2007-03-29, 07:54 PM
I refuse to be limited to just three!

Best Evil Genius: Dr. Wily
Best Crazy AI: Sh..sh..sh... SHODAN
Best Crazy Overall: Kefka
Best Warrior: Sarevok
Best Use of Hair Spray: Sephiroth

2007-03-29, 08:03 PM
Fawful, from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
"One fell swoop is how I will finish this! I HAVE FURY!!!!!"

Next, I'd have to say... hmm... Yggdrassil, from Tales of Symphonia. Very effeminiate, yet very diabolical.

Finally... Alishar from Maple Story... Just take a look at him, and you'll see. >_<


A giant whale-ghost with nips? Wow... what a character concept. @_@

2007-03-29, 09:25 PM
I have to go with Sarevok.

He's just so awesome.

Samurai General
2007-03-29, 09:35 PM
"Cane is awsome, but he always comes back."
(50 years later)
C&C 294: Cane comes back!!!
Then they would have, like, Tom Cruise in his 90's...
" Nod shall strike yo....*Heart attack*"
*Ambulance* "Clear!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"

2007-03-29, 09:48 PM
Good good question.. so many great ones to choose from... but I'd have to go old school to say:

Mr. X (Kung Fu on NES).. He..was..always.. there! aRGH
Bowser! (any mario) Damn you evil turtle!
"The dog" that laughed at you on duck hunt... he was invincible to my knowledge ;)

2007-03-29, 10:07 PM
Who was the last boss on Streets of Rage ?

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-30, 01:41 AM
Kefka (FF6) Durandel (Marathon) and finally Walter Sullivan (Silent Hill 4). In the Sephiroth debate, Sephiroth is not really the villain of the game. Jenova is.

2007-03-30, 02:38 AM
But Sephiroth is still a villain, nonetheless

Anyway, my three are: Kefka (FFVI), Jon Irenicus (BG2), Vayne (FFXII) looks like he could turn out to be pretty cool, but I'll reserve judgement for now

Crazy Owl
2007-03-30, 05:10 AM
Kuja? For real? I mean...out of every video game ever made...you pick him? Really? Huh. Okay then.

I'd say Kefka (FF6), Wiegraf (FFT), and Thanatos (Secret of Mana).

9 was the first FF I completed so he was the first of the FF vilains I knew about properly and I have never bothered completing six or seven so I don't know much about the two famous ones apart from one having an oversized sword and the other being a clown which didn't seem very interesting.

As soon as I read villains I thought of Kuja but Nightmare beat him because he was the best looking character and my favourite to play as in SC2 and still in my top five favourites in 3, damn you Siegfried. And RAAM is just cool because he carries a freaking turret around. :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-30, 05:12 AM
The Transcendent One (Planescape: Torment)
Purple Tentacle (DOTT)
Sarevok (BG1)

With an honourable mention for Bob Page (Deus Ex): Bill Gates on Evil

The Evil Thing
2007-03-30, 05:21 AM
1. Kane - Best evil sneer ever
2. Irenicus - Cold, condescending psycho with game-breakingly destructive magic
3. Maximilian - Doesn't have much personality but does have a cool voice.

2007-03-30, 05:26 AM
Irenicus (BG2), Mother Brain (Metroid), Shadow (Zelda II)

Runner up: The evil meteor from Maniac Mansion

2007-03-30, 06:14 AM
Godeslas from Ogre Battle 64
All the villains in SMRPG
Dethevan from BoF II

2007-03-30, 06:17 AM
Irenicus: Great story into his fall, rather then just, "I'm evil and am messed up!! Kill me already!!"

Arthas: Nice story into his fall, and later on gets cool.

Kane: He's just so.... Kaney!

2007-03-30, 09:43 AM
Meh. I never liked Irenicus. Could never figure out what was going on in his head. We were shown that he was a pretty evil guy (in the intellectual villain vein) but there was never enough screen time to fully understand his motives or mindset.

Actually the only time he ever impressed me, or that I got a measure of him, was that end movie.

2007-03-30, 09:59 AM
1) FF6's Kefka. He is the ultimate villain. All hail the power of the psycho clown god!
2) Megaman's Dr. Willy. A human scientist against a robot. And he ALWAYS escapes (except for Megaman6. Plot device)
3) It would be either Mario's Bowser, or Zelda's Ganon (specially in his Ganondorf version) They are classic, and you can't go wrong with classic.

2007-03-30, 11:27 AM
I don't like to restrict myself.

The Master (Fallout): Very creepy, genocidal and surprisingly understandable.

The Transcendent One (Planescape: Torment): Extremely deep character that words can't do justice. One of the coolest voices I've ever heard.

Sarevok (Baldur's Gate): One of the toughest enemies I've faced. Nice characterization. The ABSOLUTE best villainous voice. Even Darth Vader sounds like a pansy when compared to him.

Frank Horrigan (Fallout 2): The only game villain who managed to get a "WHAT! YOU AGAIN! EF YOU!" from me by a cutscene. I was thoroughly pissed off with this guy when he slaughtered Vault 13's inhabitants.

Kerrigan (Starcraft): Although I haven't played SC, I know its plot. She's the best character in there.

Revolver Ocelot (MGS 2): Has a good, scratchy voice. Pretty cunning and vicious. A gunslinger. He also reminds me of The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

Darth Traya (SW: Kotor 2): Very deep, intriguing character. Head and shoulders above any SW villain I've seen.

Balrog (Cave Story): The most hillarious boss ever! A dumb, walking, flying toaster that shoots rockets!

King Bowser (any Mario game): He's determined. You gotta hand him that.

Desann (Jedi Outcast): Very good voice. Has a lightsaber. Besides you get to fight him near the beginning and get your ass handed to you, which is the most player-motivating trick in a game. (next best is running away from Sarevok in BG)

2007-03-30, 11:35 AM
Luca Blight

On another note, these are also the most evil ones I can think of.

2007-03-30, 12:52 PM
1-Dahaka from prince of persia
2-Valdis! from dungeon siege II SWEET SWORD!
3-Halo 2 Tartus

2007-03-30, 02:37 PM
1) Darth Traya, Knights of the Old Republic II. I hate her so MUCH! GARRRARRRGH!

2) Jingu, Yakuza. WHAT. A. BASTARD.

3) The greatest villain of them all is the incomparably evil


say what you want about anyone - the Emperor, Voldemort, Kefka, Sephiroth, Mister Burns, whoever. NONE of them made you pay a MORTGAGE!! G RRRARRARTGHGHRHRGH NOOOOOOO!


2007-03-30, 05:08 PM
The Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within just had an evil aura, when you were playing the game and it made the screen go all sepia when it was cacthing up to you. It was kinda creepy.

Dr. Eggman deserves a mention because he is so persistant. He always escaped at the last minute.

Hmmmm.... who else.... I think I'll mention Ultimetica from FF8 for her extremely complicated plan of time compression (which I still don't have a clue what that means) to rule the universe or something. Hey, it was one of the more original parts of FF8.

2007-03-30, 11:02 PM
Meh. I never liked Irenicus. Could never figure out what was going on in his head. We were shown that he was a pretty evil guy (in the intellectual villain vein) but there was never enough screen time to fully understand his motives or mindset.Really? I thought they made it pretty clear....

He was upset because the love of his life stripped away his elven immortality (and most of, if not all, of his soul for attempting to drain the Tree of Life at the behest of his power-hungry sister. His mindset was simple: he wanted revenge (and probably godhood) in return for having his capacity to love and feel taken away from him.

That said..

1. Irenicus - Evil, intelligent, and tragic all at once.
2. (Tied for first) The Transcendent One - Pure, undiluted awesome.
3. Kefka - Come on.. he's Kefka.

I sure do miss Black Isle Games. They produced the Trifecta of all RPG's, in my humble opinion.

2007-03-30, 11:56 PM
Kane (Command and Conquer)
Darth Malak (KotoR)
Sarevok (Baldurs Gate)

These are my personal favorites becuase they are the most memorable to me.
Honorable mentions include Nemesis (Resident Evil), SHODAN (System Shock), and Alma (Fear)

2007-03-31, 02:20 AM
Everyone else is just a villian.

2007-03-31, 06:53 AM
1. Kefka. No reason needed.
2. Revolver Ocelot. "There are no continues, my friend."
3. It's tough to pick a final entry for this list. I'm gonna go with Dark Side Revan, if only because you play as him. God, it's fun watching those arrogant Jedi get fried. Plus, he gets the girl. In a sexier outfit.

2007-03-31, 07:52 AM
Really? I thought they made it pretty clear....Well I knew what his motives were on paper, though IIRC you find out relatively late in the game, but I just couldn't empathise with him. Perhaps its just me but I found that despite knowing him from the start there was never enough time to get under his skin, so to speak.

The comparison with Sarevok, who is a much simpler villain, is obvious. Despite having even less screen time than Irenicus he still manages to come off as more menacing and, to my mind, interesting.

Incidentally for anyone who has played the ToB Ascension mod: The dialogue between Irenicus and Sarevok is unbelievably funny. It almost literally had me on the floor laughing.

2007-03-31, 05:49 PM
Colonel Renard from MC2...ah, how I loved to send Steel, Hacksaw and Flash, and all the rest in their seriously beefed up Zeuses and Highlanders, and the Blood Asps, to blast apart Steiner Hunchbacks and Bushwhackers as I moved in on the Steiner High Command...Alas poor Hammer, you did not live to see that day. =(

Then there's Kefka. Do I have to say it?

Finally? Star Captain Jeffer Roshak of Clan Jade Falcon, from MW4: Mercenaries. Only appeared in one mission. Only piloted a Loki. Only had a Vulture, Shadowcat, andanother Loki for assistance. But the message he sent me continues to buzz around in my head like a wasp on steroids: "This is Star Captain Jeffer Roshak of the Jade Falcon Clan. I will crush your worthless forces beneath my talons, and make you all my bondsmen."


2007-03-31, 05:57 PM
1.) Darth Traya, a woman possessed of the most terrible and noble goal that any Star Wars Villain has ever had, compressed into the most interesting dialogue video games has to offer and offering one of two examples of a view of the force which goes beyond petty black and white morality. In the end, she just wanted freedom, and an end to pointless conflict.

2.) Pyramid Head, it's just so freakin' creepy. The only monster in any horror game I've been truly scared of, and not just "jump scared" Fights with it are the high points of an excellent game.

3.) Liquid Snake, A sinister opposite to the protagonist, based on the stronger of the genes of their "father" the greatest soldier to ever live. A constitution that can shrug off a dozen Stinger missiles, a severe beating, a fall off an 8-10 story mecha, an extended period of automatic fire from a jeep mounted machinegun, a car crash, and then dying to Foxdie. His plan was also pretty awesome.

There were a lot I had to throw out to get just 3 villains, like Solidus Snake (Metal Gear Solid 2), Gregori Rasputin (Shadow Hearts 2), Lieutenant/Ambassador Kato (Shadow Hearts 2), Kefka (FF6), Magus (Chrono Trigger), Leopaldon (Guilty Gear Isuka), Lan Di (Shenmue), Charlie (the Getaway) Jinpachi Mishima (Tekken 5), and plenty of others.

I'd also like to throw in with the "You didn't learn enough about Irenicus until too late into the game" crowd. You escape from his dungeon with vague senses that he's a really bad guy, who is insanely powerful and not a little disturbed. Then he drops out of the scene for the next 25 hours of gameplay, then he drops back in to gloat, then leaves until you get all his character exposition going into the last series of dungeons.

2007-03-31, 06:05 PM
Really? I thought they made it pretty clear....

He was upset because the love of his life stripped away his elven immortality (and most of, if not all, of his soul for attempting to drain the Tree of Life at the behest of his power-hungry sister. His mindset was simple: he wanted revenge (and probably godhood) in return for having his capacity to love and feel taken away from him.

The only thing that I would have to say about that is that in the game they take about as long as you did to say all that. Doesn't exactly make for the most exciting villain all round.

As for me, I'd go with this pretty lot (in no particular order):

1) Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2. More or less just for the voice and the massive suit.

2) Kerghan from Arcanum. A villain with an "I want to kill everyone" attitude, but with an interesting reason for it. And a cool outfit.

3) Darth Traya from Knights Of The Old Republic II. Its rare for a villain to actually be a presence in the entire game, and to have such well-written lines. After the debacle that was Malak in the first game, this was definitely a welcome improvement.

2007-03-31, 07:38 PM
The makers of Master of Orion 3.

These villanous swine ruined an excellent franchise with an unplayable piece of human waste in a box. These are truely the most evil villans in gaming history.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-31, 07:48 PM
I think they mean Kane from Command and Conquer.

2007-03-31, 08:08 PM
I'm also going to have to agree with everyone who nominated Darth Traya. In a world where morality is pretty much black-and-white due to the dual nature of the Force, she managed to be evil with complex motivations beyond the usual "lust for power" that the Sith tend to get. She even had good intentions, and she managed to retain those throughout her life. Let's not forget that she's also one of the most active villains in a video game, not just appearing randomly to do evil things to you, but actually talking with you, training you, and advising you. Not only that, but some of her advice is actually good--who can forget that scene in which the beggar you give money to runs off only to get mugged? Sure, she's cynical, but she's also creepy because she's right. Additionally, she managed to get me to hate her more than any other villain when she turned Brianna against me. I really wish they hadn't rushed out the end of the game like they did (apparently they had planned a scene in which Brianna would attempt to kill Visas)...

Next up, Dark Samus, from Metroid Prime: Echoes. I really like the ambience of the Metroid games: Even the common tropes in Echoes are used to great effect (you know that collecting the three keys will lead to a nasty boss fight, and the bosses in Metroid Prime aren't pushovers like in Zelda). Dark Samus may not have much motivation beyond "collect Phazon, kill Samus," but that just puts it into the "monster" category. There is definately a sense of fear when you walk down a hallway filled with those weird blue Phazon particles and know that Dark Samus is at the end. Sure, you only actually fight it three times in the game, but they're good, enjoyable fights.

Third place goes to Sarah Kerrigan. I'm not much of a StarCraft fan, though I played the unexpanded game's campaign mode, so I can't do much of an in-depth analysis of her, but you've got to feel sorry for her on some level while still finding her scary.

2007-03-31, 09:25 PM
I think they mean Kane from Command and Conquer.

Ah. Then balls to everything I just said. Nevermind.

2007-03-31, 09:41 PM
1-Ganondorf. Why? I love zelda.
2-King Bulblin, from twilight princess, because fighting him is fighting hundreds of cavalry archers single-handedly. So cool.
3-Sephiroth, because I love his song.

Thexare Blademoon
2007-03-31, 09:51 PM
Obviously, spoilers ahead. Lunar/Lunar 2 mainly, but also a possible small FFT one.

Wiegraf Folles (FFT), for the "believable human" villain.
- Would go to Delita Hyral (FFT), but I'm not sure he can count as a villain...
Ghaleon (Lunar/Lunar 2), for the "redeemed villain."
Kefka (FFVI), for the "EEEEEEEEVIL" category
- Also see Darth Malak (KotOR).

2007-04-01, 06:34 AM
Wow, it looks like Darth Traya has quite a following! Who would have thought it?

2007-04-01, 07:05 AM
Wow, it looks like Darth Traya has quite a following! Who would have thought it?Anyone who values well written and intelligent dialogue in an antagonist :smallwink:

Traya would have made my top three but I'm waiting for the restoration project to reveal her true glory. I can't imagine how much of her dialogue was cut from the released game. Its the same for Darth Nihilus. Besides I already have enough Bioware/BI villains on my list.

2007-04-01, 06:20 PM
Kefka. Period.
Liquid Snake. Nothing says 'sadistic bastard' like someone who can manifest and take over through someone else's arm.
Kuja. What other villan gets powerful enough to destroy an entire Dimension?

2007-04-01, 06:45 PM
Infested Kerrigan, Arthas and The Transcendent One.

The Blizzard games are just extremely high quality, including the villains,explaining the first two. The Arthas cinematic at the end of the first human campaign shows that. And Kerrigan starts threatening you if you annoy her by clicking on her too much, that shows some good evil characteristics.

The Transcendent One is not only a great villain in his own right, and is not just a stereotypical evil, but I loved the fact that I can defeat him through dialog and intelligence, not just combat. How good can a villain be if all they can do is fight? Not very.

Kane and Sephiroth are notable villains too, but a bit over the top.(Like Kane coming back every game, and sephiroth with an attack that goes through each of the panets by name.)

2007-04-01, 06:50 PM
and sephiroth with an attack that goes through each of the panets by name.)

Um, what? I don't remember that. And I've played through FFVII about 10 times.

2007-04-01, 07:06 PM
3.) Liquid Snake, A sinister opposite to the protagonist, based on the stronger of the genes of their "father" the greatest soldier to ever live. A constitution that can shrug off a dozen Stinger missiles, a severe beating, a fall off an 8-10 story mecha, an extended period of automatic fire from a jeep mounted machinegun, a car crash, and then dying to Foxdie.

*During the final scene, the camera pulls back... and back... until it revealed that the MGS world is indeed a stage, and the players are sat around the table*
Liquid: *rolls* Woohoo!
DM: I don't believe it.
Snake: Crap! What's the DC for getting out from under this Jeep again?
Liquid: In your face! *to DM* I pick up my machine gun and stagger towards my helpless brother, growling his name in animal rage. *smirks*
DM: *consults table* Liquid? Fort save for Foxdie.
Liquid: Ha! *sends the die flying* the only this could fail is if I rolled a... DAMN IT!
Snake: ...Can I take 20 now?

Anyway, favourite villains:

Kuja from FFIX: Because underneath the posturing and poetry, he's quite complex. He also destroyed an entire world by himself and killed the party during the climactic final battle. Then some other stuff happened and he changed his mind, but not too many villain manage a TPK in the first place.

Vergil / Nelo Angelo from the Devil May Cry games: Vergil for the personality, Nelo for the fighting.

Ash from Galerians: 'Cause he's essentially a god and he plays Rion like a fiddle. Personality-wise he's an angsty skinny bishie-boi with a nasty case of MPD, but with better acting and characterisation the game could have been awesome. Gameplay would still be mediocre, but I wouldn't care.

That's Sephiroth's Supernova(?) attack, the one with the boiling sun. It looks impressive, but it's really just a powerful Demi effect.

Archonic Energy
2007-04-01, 07:11 PM
Kane. (you gotta love a man who doesn't die when he's supposed to!)
TTO. (i mean talking someone to death... w00t)
Sarah Kerigan. (queen bitch of the universe)

Woot Spitum
2007-04-01, 07:22 PM
I wouldn't put Kuja in my top three, but his outfit is definately a crime against humanity.

1.Kefka-No apologies, no excuses, no higher vision, no misguided moralizing, no revenge against the cruelty of humanity, just pure, unadulterated evil.

2.Sigma-I just hate him. No specific reasons.

3.Ganon-Because he just won't die!

2007-04-01, 09:22 PM
Colonel Renard from MC2...ah, how I loved to send Steel, Hacksaw and Flash, and all the rest in their seriously beefed up Zeuses and Highlanders, and the Blood Asps, to blast apart Steiner Hunchbacks and Bushwhackers as I moved in on the Steiner High Command...Alas poor Hammer, you did not live to see that day. =(

Finally? Star Captain Jeffer Roshak of Clan Jade Falcon, from MW4: Mercenaries. Only appeared in one mission. Only piloted a Loki. Only had a Vulture, Shadowcat, andanother Loki for assistance. But the message he sent me continues to buzz around in my head like a wasp on steroids: "This is Star Captain Jeffer Roshak of the Jade Falcon Clan. I will crush your worthless forces beneath my talons, and make you all my bondsmen."


This will probably mean absolutely nothing to anyone except me and blackout.

Ol' Jeffer did blow up most satisfyingly but he wasn't that great. He wasn't hard. One good line in the face of my 5 Hauptmans and 3 Glads does not a villain make. He's a Jade Falcon which automatically means all mouth and no trousers. The Steiner Captain and major from Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance however, they did get good lines and they were really tough fights too.

Let me guess though, the 5 Clan ERPPC Zeus of doom played its part in zapping Renard. I love that config (It might have been 4 CERPPC and 1 normal PPC though, it's been a while). Longshot was always my favourite pilot. Don't know why. Probably cos she was one of only 3 who you could have right through the game

2007-04-01, 10:54 PM
1. Sarevok (duh). Well Sarevok was some kind of "doombringer" or something. I figured it was just like the regular anti-paladin except less stereotypical. Its a shame they didn't give him anything really crazy in the game. If anything, the introduction movie sold me out. Plus I never expected to meet him in person at the start of the game! I wasn't well aquanted with rails and npcs at the time, so that influences my vote probably. But it did get me interested in Dnd.

2. Cortana (no, really!). You just know that the ultimate intelligent construct from Halo is going to go bad. Even if Bungie isn't smart enough to try and make it happen, she's going to turn badass and do something absolutely insane. All that hacking and the AI's struggling with not actually being human. Plus she's going to be all alone when the chief finally dies. It's totally set up.

3. Samir Duran. Some of the people who didn't play the campaigns might not know what he was doing toward the end of Starcraft: Brood War, but it was indeed startling. Plus you got the feeling that he was just the weak underling, and got startled (a few times!). And then you're not entirely certain if he's one of the bad guys or not, he's really not stereotypical at all. It goes deep, but I better not say anything else for people who want find out the fun way.

Kerrigan was interesting too, especially with some of the backstory online. But Duran, you get the gut feeling that he's wicked while you just end up feeling sorry for Kerrigan. That's interesting but it isn't so villanous when you're thinking that you should be trying to save them.

Villans that actually go insane are a little boring if you ask me. There's little room for speculation about how an ordinary human being could actually become something dark and nasty like that. It's the whole corruption process that's interesting.

2007-04-01, 11:24 PM
That's Sephiroth's Supernova(?) attack, the one with the boiling sun. It looks impressive, but it's really just a powerful Demi effect.

Ah, yes. I remember that one. I just don't remember him carving through planets, or some nonsense. Some people really should take that 10 seconds it would take to look over their typing to make sure that they are conveying complete thoughts.

2007-04-01, 11:29 PM
Sephiroth is my bishie!

Hang on, I'm a heterosexual male....

Well, I thought Kefka was cool, Darth Traya was a rather interesting villain, but when it all comes down to it, there's one villain that I have a personal and intimate relationship with: Ganon.

I just keep coming back to our final battle to dance the dance of death one last time. It's like a ritual, and I always have a grasp on what he'll do next. It's not that he's a kickass villain, or that he's particularly challenging, it's just that with the other villains, once (per game for those like Bowser) was enough, maybe twice when I was bored, but Ganondorf is always particularly satisfying to defeat.

He is part of a series that basically retells the oldest legend: the peasant hero with a sword trying to save the beautiful princess.

But then again, I'm a Zelda fanatic. BIG time.

2007-04-01, 11:40 PM
Ah, yes. I remember that one. I just don't remember him carving through planets, or some nonsense. Some people really should take that 10 seconds it would take to look over their typing to make sure that they are conveying complete thoughts.
Well he obliterates Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.

The first four with the Meteor itself, the last two by blowing up the sun.

It does about 97% damage if I remember correctly.

I remember finding out its demi effect after getting hit by it at 50 hp with one of my characters.

Still, to me he was a rather mediocre villain.

Kefka is much better, plus his ultimate attack brings you down to 1 hp.

Kuja. What other villan gets powerful enough to destroy an entire Dimension?
Kid Buu, not that he does.

2007-04-02, 04:21 PM
This will probably mean absolutely nothing to anyone except me and blackout.

Ol' Jeffer did blow up most satisfyingly but he wasn't that great. He wasn't hard. One good line in the face of my 5 Hauptmans and 3 Glads does not a villain make. He's a Jade Falcon which automatically means all mouth and no trousers. The Steiner Captain and major from Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance however, they did get good lines and they were really tough fights too.

Let me guess though, the 5 Clan ERPPC Zeus of doom played its part in zapping Renard. I love that config (It might have been 4 CERPPC and 1 normal PPC though, it's been a while). Longshot was always my favourite pilot. Don't know why. Probably cos she was one of only 3 who you could have right through the game

Actually, I was driving a Bushwacker when I fought him...and I won. And my backup? Consisted of nothing but medium and light 'mechs, cept for Hannible, who drove a retrofitted Argus. And both of my lances had absolutely no clan tech or clan mechs among them. All I.S, dude. And I still handed him and the other pilots in his star, which consisted of four(rather than five) 'Mechs, their respective asses on steaming, mangled, metal platters, made from their own totalled mechs.

And no, I went in with an all light-mech force. During the first run, anyways. The light mechs had clan tech, though. I use unorthodox tactics, but I'm not an idiot.

2007-04-02, 04:58 PM
1. Mankar Camoran from Oblivion. Nothing particularly spectacular about the villain or his plot or his abilities, save that he's voiced by Terrance Stamp which places him high in the awesome book. I do the main quest in that game just to get Mankar monologuing at me. Damn I love that voice.

3. Lord Blackthorne from Ultima V. He began as a well-meaning noble trying to keep his nation from falling apart after the disappearance of its benevolant king. You meet him when he's a tyrant, oppressing folks and imposing his rule with an iron fist. Also, the first time I played the game, he managed to kill Shamino permanently (until Ultima VI came along.) Worse, I never did get to kill him. He instead opts for willing banishment, only to repear in some MMO or something. Never played past the RPG series, myself.

Q. The Demon Prince from Larn. He was invisible even to someone who just cast "See Invisibility". His hits drained multiple levels, making even melee with the Lance of Death against him perilous. It took multiple lighting bolts to kill him. He guarded the potion of Cure Dianthoritis that the hero's daught so desperately needed. Even today, I shake my fist at him in fury!

2007-04-02, 05:02 PM

2007-04-02, 06:09 PM
1. Kefka (Final Fantasy 6): Succeeding in plans, unlike so many other baddies. Also had countless amazing lines.

"Son of a submariner!"

2. Sarevok (Baldur's Gate): Complete badass. He was a Fighter, but clever and manipulative. Also, he's not "stupid evil", and has some depth to him - which is refreshing. Spoiler: Also neat how he could actually have an alignment change to Chaotic Good in the expansion to BG2...

3. Albert Wesker (Resident Evil): I love resident evil, and part of it is just because Wesker was so cool. Another smart villain, unafraid of manipulating people to accomplish his goals. Also, I like how powerful he becomes. Honestly, I don't want him to die...ever.

2007-04-02, 06:13 PM
Alright, time for me to be oddball.

Anybody here remember Freespace's Shivans? Those guys were my first dogfight villains, and man, I still remember the game's opening cutscene... I really need to get my hands on a copy of the expansion and its sequel.

I'm surprised nobody's given the Lich King any lovin' (don't take THAT one out of context). He may not get much on-screen time, but a quick perusal of the WCIII manual and he becomes very cool and a much easier character to connect with (just trying to survive, and has to screw over thousands of humans he doesn't care about anyway to do it).

The Sleeper from Gothic I. Even while taking a snooze, he almost single-handedly causes the collapse of a nation by screwing with the force bubble, and he had a cult-that-wasn't-actually-bad-but-really-really-high, which just made him even more awesome.

2007-04-02, 06:54 PM
3. Lord Blackthorne from Ultima V. He began as a well-meaning noble trying to keep his nation from falling apart after the disappearance of its benevolant king. You meet him when he's a tyrant, oppressing folks and imposing his rule with an iron fist. Also, the first time I played the game, he managed to kill Shamino permanently (until Ultima VI came along.) Worse, I never did get to kill him. He instead opts for willing banishment, only to repear in some MMO or something. Never played past the RPG series, myself.

UO was supposed to have a seperate story only related to the original series. Blackthorne was a rival of British at first, not an enemy.
Then they made an expansion and said "ALSO HE HAS AN ARMY OF DEMONS"

Anybody here remember Freespace's Shivans? Those guys were my first dogfight villains, and man, I still remember the game's opening cutscene... I really need to get my hands on a copy of the expansion and its sequel.I was thinking about them as well. While not possessing any individual characterization they are horribly fearsome and one of the most villanous species, particuarly because of their lack of any attempt at communicating, their flagrant disregard for life, and the fact that in both games [spoiler] you don't really beat them.

2007-04-02, 07:25 PM
Not only that, but their motivation as to why they were doing what they were doing... it seemed a very cool role for an entire race to choose to take.

Oh, and I gotta say, I've been talking Traya's philosophy for years about how jedi use the Force as a crutch. As far as I'm concerned, the Solos of SW are infinitely cooler than the Bastilas.

The Great Skenardo
2007-04-02, 07:30 PM
1. Demyx from Kingdom Hearts II

Gotta love a villain who says
"Hey, don't you think that's a little rude? Just shutting me down like that?" and has self-esteem issues

2. The Final Boss from Arcanum

in what other game can you persuade the final boss to let you kill him?

3. The Ancient Swordsman from Facet Fighter

This guy is really difficult, but there's just something awsome about a giant armored knight with a cartwheel covered in swords strapped to his back.

2007-04-02, 08:34 PM
The Transcendent One (Planescape: Torment): Extremely deep character that words can't do justice. One of the coolest voices I've ever heard.

Voiced by the same guy who did Megabyte in Reboot (if anyone around here remembers that show).

Desann (Jedi Outcast): Very good voice. Has a lightsaber. Besides you get to fight him near the beginning and get your ass handed to you, which is the most player-motivating trick in a game. (next best is running away from Sarevok in BG)

It was fun to spawn about 30 Luke Skywalkers during that initial fight, at which point Desann is, of course, invulnerable. Desann completely mops the floor with them.

The makers of Master of Orion 3.

I hear that.

But if I had to pick three... hmm....

3. Ghengis Khan of the Mongols, from Civilizations I-IV. Those darned "militaristic expansionist" AIs...

2. Nicole Horne, from Max Payne. Not because of any badassness she displayed during gameplay, but because of the levels to which she drove Max in the name of profit. Also because I have yet to find a more satisfying death scene.

1. The G-Man, from Half-Life and sequels. Because after 9 years, we still don't know his motivations. And his manner of speach is just downright creepy. I can't think of a more menacing villain from a computer game I've played.

Also, honorable mentions to Seravok & Irenicus of BG and BG2 for badassness, and 343 Guilty Spark of Halo for sheer annoyingness (along with the Halo level designers).

2007-04-02, 08:52 PM
3. Ghengis Khan of the Mongols, from Civilizations I-IV. Those darned "militaristic expansionist" AIs...
If we're counting AI leaders in Civ, than I have the number one most hateable villain in video game history:

Mahatma Gandhi, from Civs III and IV. Combining Fast Workers with the games' CPU assist (and his personal bonuses in Civ IV) make him a continent-dominating [I]machine/I], solely from increased output.

Also, he nuked the hell out of me at the end of my first fullt completed Civ III game.

2007-04-02, 08:58 PM
Lord Recluse from City of Heroes/Villains
Yuri from Command And Conquer Red Alert II
Zant (c'mon, he's frigging dark Macbeth!) from the new Zelda game.

2007-04-02, 09:53 PM
1. The G-Man, from Half-Life and sequels. Because after 9 years, we still don't know his motivations. And his manner of speach is just downright creepy. I can't think of a more menacing villain from a computer game I've played.

We also still don't know if he's actually a villain. Sure, some of the stuff he does is a pain in the ass, but he is always the catalyst, turning you into the right man in the wrong place every time. Plus, he helps Corporal Shephard escape Black Mesa a couple times.

Nice avatar, by the way. Although I much prefer Corran in his Rogue Squadron days.

2007-04-02, 10:09 PM
True, we don't know for certain that the G-man's a villain, I was mainly inferring that from the events at the beginning of Episode 1. But treating Gordon's escapades through Black Mesa as a job interview seemed pretty evil to me.

And thank you. It's not often that someone gets the reference. Actually, I chose Corran's alias over his name proper largely because it's more obscure. But as a character, I think I agree with you... it's been a while since I've read the books, but IIRC, he was bolder back then.

2007-04-02, 11:07 PM
I'll have to put Albedo from Xenosaga in this mix. I'm not sure on the sequel incarnations of him, as I didn't play them, but in the first one, he gave me a serious case of chilled spine. Pretty much invulnerable, and insane.

If we're going into the CoV universe, Recluse and his lieutenants are big nasty people, but there's a contact by the name of Westin Phipps that you can get in the level 40+ game. When I ran his missions, I felt like I needed a shower afterward to scrub off the icky feeling.

Then, there's Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid. He's not all that tough to beat, but he screws directly with you, the player.

2007-04-03, 12:14 AM
Kuja? For real? I mean...out of every video game ever made...you pick him? Really? Huh. Okay then.
any one who can wear those pants is seriously scary

My top three,

1. Officer Tenpenny C'mon Sam Jackson? No contest
2. one-eyed Snake from Sons of liberty (any one who shuts raiden up is ok in my book)
3. William Birkin (RE 2 if i spelt it right) "HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO F---ING KILL YOU!!!" -me killing him for the last time

Honorable mention for Nemisis

2007-04-03, 03:53 AM
Actually, I was driving a Bushwacker when I fought him...and I won. And my backup? Consisted of nothing but medium and light 'mechs, cept for Hannible, who drove a retrofitted Argus. And both of my lances had absolutely no clan tech or clan mechs among them. All I.S, dude. And I still handed him and the other pilots in his star, which consisted of four(rather than five) 'Mechs, their respective asses on steaming, mangled, metal platters, made from their own totalled mechs.

And no, I went in with an all light-mech force. During the first run, anyways. The light mechs had clan tech, though. I use unorthodox tactics, but I'm not an idiot.


Well the bushies a good mech, kinda like a miniature Cauldron Born in its way and the stock Loki is famed for having paper for armour. Basically, Roshaks choice of mech sucks which just makes him more of an idiot. Everyone knows that serious Clanners drive a Madcat. Good effort though on nailing him to the floor, I always do the Solaris missions first to get them out of the way which is why I had such an overpowered assault mech force for these missions. No Clan Tech though is interesting, you should have picked some up by then, even if it's just some lasers and streak SRMs. What config were you running ? 2 RAC 2's, Large X pulse and round it out with whatever else you like or put the rest into heatsinks is good and is all IS tech

Oh, do you know about the unofficial expansion pack for MW4 Mercs ? Twice as many mechs and a load of weapons.

2007-04-03, 05:42 AM
Then, there's Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid. He's not all that tough to beat, but he screws directly with you, the player.
Can't believe I forgot to give Mantis an honorable mention for "best use of technology by his programmers".

Plus, reading Last Days of FOXHOUND (http://gigaville.dreamhosters.com/) only increases my adoration of him and Ocelot. And decreases that of Liquid and Solidus.

2007-04-03, 12:23 PM
True, we don't know for certain that the G-man's a villain, I was mainly inferring that from the events at the beginning of Episode 1. But treating Gordon's escapades through Black Mesa as a job interview seemed pretty evil to me.
So he's a bit unhinged by our standards. The obscene amount of power he apparently has (enough to stop time and lock you away in pocket dimensions) would probably do that. Not saying he ISN'T a villain--or, at least, villainous--we just don't know yet.

And thank you. It's not often that someone gets the reference. Actually, I chose Corran's alias over his name proper largely because it's more obscure. But as a character, I think I agree with you... it's been a while since I've read the books, but IIRC, he was bolder back then.

The Lusankya incident alone...

And to jump in a bit on this MW4 discussion--I still have yet to find a more satisfying personal configuration than my tweaked-out, missile-less Catapult. Jump jets, armor, reasonable speed, 3 ER large las, and enough heat sinks to just hold down the trigger... Although making a Bushwhacker infighter worked pretty well, too--two Clan LBXes, a 20 and a 10, eat through armor nice and quickly. Yeah, yeah, I know the Catapult's IS--but after getting that setup fairly early on in Vengeance, it's just what I'm used to balancing.

2007-04-03, 02:13 PM
UO was supposed to have a seperate story only related to the original series. Blackthorne was a rival of British at first, not an enemy.
Then they made an expansion and said "ALSO HE HAS AN ARMY OF DEMONS"

Ah! When UO came out, I was using my best friend's computer at the time, and I doubted he'd allow me to play it. Then, I moved out and had no computer. Then, I had a crappy Lappy 486. By the time I had a decent system able to handle an MMO, Everquest was in full swing. It wasn't until recently that I'd done any MMO. So, my knowledge of UO is limited by what people in forums and IRCs tell me, and by what I read in online comics where I only get half the joke.

I never realized UO had a 'separate timeline' of some sort from the Ultima series. Interesting.

Well, Avatar Trilogy Lord Blackthorne remains my favorite. Great character, good villain. Well, evil villain.

2007-04-03, 02:31 PM
Well, I liked Jack of Blades from Fable. Whilst he wasn't a hard boss, he just reeked of 'evil villain' through and through. Also, I like his mask. (A mask! You're not an evil villain until you hide your true identity.)

I'm backing up the suggestion of Darth Traya/Kreia as well. She was simply great in that game. Her dialogue and actions truly brought meaning to 'confused morality'.

And, last but not least, Paxton Fettel (if he can be counted as a villain) in F.E.A.R. He's the only villain I sympathized with before blasting him. I had an 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' moment.

king korath
2007-04-03, 11:25 PM
KANE. you can't kill the messiah. Also extra creepy, he looks the same in Tiberian Wars as he did in the original.
DARTH TRAYA. Because she belittles you no matter what. Give the man money, she mocks your shortsightedness, or tell him to scram and she mocks your cruelty.
GANONDORF. Cause seeing him rip a sword out of his own chest to kill the person supposed to execute him is pure awesome.

2007-04-04, 08:39 AM

Well the bushies a good mech, kinda like a miniature Cauldron Born in its way and the stock Loki is famed for having paper for armour. Basically, Roshaks choice of mech sucks which just makes him more of an idiot. Everyone knows that serious Clanners drive a Madcat. Good effort though on nailing him to the floor, I always do the Solaris missions first to get them out of the way which is why I had such an overpowered assault mech force for these missions. No Clan Tech though is interesting, you should have picked some up by then, even if it's just some lasers and streak SRMs. What config were you running ? 2 RAC 2's, Large X pulse and round it out with whatever else you like or put the rest into heatsinks is good and is all IS tech

Oh, do you know about the unofficial expansion pack for MW4 Mercs ? Twice as many mechs and a load of weapons.

I got this thing about being a 'purist.' I just like being the underdog I guess. Sure, I refit the mechs with insane loadouts(had a lancemate drive an Uziel with a RAC-5 and a pair of medium lasers on it), but I never like to use clan tech if it can be avoided. Heck, I don't even like driving clan mechs. And no, I haven't. Sry. :(

2007-04-04, 10:11 AM
Voiced by the same guy who did Megabyte in Reboot (if anyone around here remembers that show).

Yeah. Tony Jay. Unfortunately he passed away a good while ago. Very talented actor.

Onto my choices:

The Elder God:
From Legacy of Kain. Incidentally, it was voiced by Tony Jay as well.
A very unusual, manipulative villain. It's been a long time since I played the LoK games, but I definitely found him very cool when I played the Soul Reaver games as well as Defiance.

Can't really come up with anyone else right now. Sorry. :P

2007-04-04, 11:22 AM
It has occurred to me that perhaps this thread should have a spoiler warning. I'd sure be mad if I read it before playing KotOR II, for example.

2007-04-04, 03:15 PM
Yeah, I'd probably murder some fools if I hadn't already had KOTOR 2 spoiled months ago.

2007-04-04, 03:35 PM
Spoiler: KOTOR 2 Blows.

2007-04-04, 03:41 PM


2007-04-04, 03:50 PM
ElfLad WINS the thread.

No, ElfLad wins the FORUM.

2007-04-04, 08:11 PM
Kefka (FF6) Durandel (Marathon) and finally Walter Sullivan (Silent Hill 4). In the Sephiroth debate, Sephiroth is not really the villain of the game. Jenova is.

I love Durandal as much as anyone who plays and loves the Marathon Trilogy, but I have a hard time seeing him as a true villain. Maybe an anti-hero, at least in the first Marathon game.

The Orange Zergling
2007-04-04, 08:56 PM
Kane (C&C), Kain (LoK), and Kerrigan (SC).

2007-04-05, 02:38 AM


Hahahaha! Best post in the thread. Winner.

2007-04-05, 11:45 AM
I can only agree with Sarevok (BG1) being the most memorable vilain, and Darth Traya (Kotor 2) being the most interesting vilain (in an universe whose rules made being grey gimped...).

The opening video of BG1 helped make Sarevok so cool IMO.

Blitzkrieg or Nuclear winter (Freedom Force) would be good contenders for the title of most caricatural vilain.

2007-04-05, 12:51 PM
It has occurred to me that perhaps this thread should have a spoiler warning. I'd sure be mad if I read it before playing KotOR II, for example.

Wouldn't have mattered until somebody said Traya's real name.

Merlin the Tuna
2007-04-05, 12:54 PM
Ooh, looks like I've got a few uncommon ones.
Algus Sadalfas of Final Fantasy Tactics takes my one spot with ease. Sure, he's not a major villain, but he just does the sniveling, pompous ass routine so well. I've killed him -- 15 times now, maybe -- and each time has made me smile. There's no one I enjoy busting down to size more.
Booster, from Super Mario RPG clocks in at number 2. Aside from getting snappy music, Booster scores some of the most memorable lines from a memorable game. He's also completely in synch with the feel of the game; it's always annoying to run into a comic-relief villain in a serious game, or play a not-quite-impressive enough game where the writers overreach their villains. SMRPG is lighthearted and goofy, Booster is lighthearted and goofy... it works out nicely.
The Moon, from Zelda: Majora's Mask slides in at an odd number 3. Now granted, the moon isn't exactly sentient, so I suppose that Majora's Mask would be more accurate, but when you looked up at the sky, it wasn't a heart-shaped mask that you saw, it was a giant rock with a "HEE HEE ME CRUSH PUNY PLANET" look on its face. MM as a game felt a lot more personal than most other Zeldas - the Anju/Kafei quest remains the best bit of Zelda around, as far as I'm concerned - and the visible presence of the moon and the ever-ticking clock is the driving force behind it. Just walking around Clock Town on the last evening is beautiful in terms of ambiance. The creepy music, guards standing at their posts gazing reverently at the sky... Perfect. That the game is about failing, over and over again is a delightful change, and it really makes the ultimate victory far sweeter than any "Find the sword, slay the Ganon" adventure.

2007-04-05, 04:55 PM
Booster, from Super Mario RPG clocks in at number 2. Aside from getting snappy music, Booster scores some of the most memorable lines from memorable game. He's also completely in synch with the feel of the game; it's always annoying to run into a comic-relief villain in a serious game, or play a not-quite-impressive enough game where the writers overreach their villains. SMRPG is lighthearted and goofy, Booster is lighthearted and goofy... it works out nicely.

"Eat cake... drink punch... sounds... complicated. We must have a rehersal! [...] Wait! This is the point when Mario will show up to ruin everything!"

I particularly liked his role in the Bundt Cake battle. Especially after I had to reload several times and expend a metric ton of pick-me-ups to get past it.

2007-04-06, 05:42 AM
Tingle - Legend of Zelda - because he is a rupee thieving gimp
Poo Monster/Bugga da Nut - conkers Bad Fur Day - can't decide whose better
Crimson Heads - resident evil - how may times do you insist on getting up. How many times must you die to stay dead.

I wanted to say the villain from Tales of Symphonia but after awhile hte story line is so complex you forget why you are killing him.

2007-04-06, 07:02 AM
1. Demyx from Kingdom Hearts II

Gotta love a villain who says
"Hey, don't you think that's a little rude? Just shutting me down like that?" and has self-esteem issues.

Yeah, I remember him, he was funny. Also, when you fight him in Hollow Bastion he proves to be one of the toughest Organisation XIII members. Kind of catches you off-guard.

"Oh man, did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one."

2007-04-06, 07:52 AM
1.Sephiroth (Because he is so Bleeping badass Its not even funny, and he killed Aeris. While no OTHER main Villian has ever Truly killed a Party member)

2.Kefka (Because he is just funny as ****)

3.Magus (A villian who BECOMES a party member? CrAzY!!!)

2007-04-06, 12:47 PM
Irenicus and Sarevok from the Baldur's Gate (PC) series. Sarevok was pretty scary in BG1 then in ToB he joins your party! Irenicus is just well written/acted. He actually kills the party (or at least takes them to hell when he dies)

For number three... hmm... i'd have to say... Dr. Doom in Marvel Ultimate Alliance, not so much because he's awesome in the game, but rather because he's Doom

2007-04-06, 11:17 PM
Darth Traya for runner-up... So freaking perceptive it's not funny.

In no order,

1. The first HK-50 from KOTOR 2. I actually felt sorry for him... He seemed to be the smartest one out of the HK-50s, yet was the easiest one to kill? What's up with that?

2. Mephisto, Lord of Hatred from Diablo 2. The ONLY video game moment I constantly remember, is in the Diablo 2 3rd act cienimatic when Mephisto unleashes Diablo. That was utterly terrifying. (Not as terrifying as Doom 3, but thats another story)

3. Jack of Blades from Fable, like others have said. (Alright, I lied with Mephisto. The only other video game moments that I remember are Jack's quotes.)

2007-04-06, 11:40 PM
Bob Page, from Deus Ex. Because an actual boss fight would just have spoiled that game.
Baal, from Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. "It seems your terms... are not acceptable."
Lady Aribeth de Tylmerande, from Neverwinter Nights.

2007-04-07, 01:51 AM
3. The Moon, from Zelda: Majora's Mask slides in at an odd number 3. Now granted, the moon isn't exactly sentient, so I suppose that Majora's Mask would be more accurate, but when you looked up at the sky, it wasn't a heart-shaped mask that you saw, it was a giant rock with a "HEE HEE ME CRUSH PUNY PLANET" look on its face. MM as a game felt a lot more personal than most other Zeldas - the Anju/Kafei quest remains the best bit of Zelda around, as far as I'm concerned - and the visible presence of the moon and the ever-ticking clock is the driving force behind it. Just walking around Clock Town on the last evening is beautiful in terms of ambiance. The creepy music, guards standing at their posts gazing reverently at the sky... Perfect. That the game is about failing, over and over again is a delightful change, and it really makes the ultimate victory far sweeter than any "Find the sword, slay the Ganon" adventure.

Congratulations. You've just perfectly articulated why Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game.

2007-04-07, 05:58 AM
Mine would be Kane, SHODAN and the Dopefish (startlingly effective for such a stupid creature)

2007-04-07, 06:36 AM
1.Sephiroth (Because he is so Bleeping badass Its not even funny, and he killed Aeris. While no OTHER main Villian has ever Truly killed a Party member)
Golbez/Zemus/Zeromus kills Tellah

Exdeath kills Galuf.

Main characters in FFT die all the time. Except Cid, who is just that awesome.

I believe both Ted(?) and Gremio are killed by Wendy, indirectly.

There are many others that I cannot think of right now
Also, Sephiroth likes his mom a tad too much to be badass, in my opinion.

Captain van der Decken
2007-04-07, 06:40 AM
Sarevok and Irenicus(he was a really evil bastard).

2007-04-07, 09:43 PM
Main characters in FFT die all the time. Except Cid, who is just that awesome.

Well, in FF6 / FF3 (you know, the awesome one), it's possible for Cid to die when you start out as Celes in the World of Ruin. But that doesn't really make much of a difference, story wise. And I'm not sure if he counts as a main character...you don't even play as him ever...


And I gotta hand it to the FFXII bunch, you really can't tell who the final boss is in the beginning.

I'm sure I would think of more if I tried hard enough, but...meh. Trying is for...uh...people who, uh, try.


2007-04-08, 12:40 AM
The bosses from BGI, BGII and Arcanum.

Yes they are the best bad guys, all of them were awesomely voiced.

Runner up video game villain is Metal Gear Solid 3, worst game I have played in a long time.

2007-04-08, 03:38 AM
This calls for a duel. Revolvers. At the canyon. High noon.

Alex Kidd
2007-04-08, 08:46 AM
1.Majora - Just cause it's really truly evil in a frightnening and unusual way. It pretty much turns all of Termina into a (I'm ripping off Kefka here) monument to hopelessness. It destroys all the joy and happiness in the world, throws you into a cycle of eternal defeat and condemns the world to firey oblivion. And it's completely and totally disturbingly insane.

2.The Space Pirates Metroid series: their whole damn organisation, including captive Metroids.'

3.The Wilderness or maybe you Pikmin 2: This game is surreal and incredible. On one hand there's the feeling of an entire world out to consume you and your pikmin alive, attacks on all side a fight for survival. On the other there's you, you come to this planet solely to harvest the treasure lying around and disturb all these animals, your pikmin beat them to death, swarming them under like ants, and then take them back to onions to have as food. It's a brutal battle of darwinism and capitalism where neither side is that good.

Runner ups are
Revolver Ocelot(MGS) and Officer Tenpenny(GTA SA) - No other villains have ever made me want to kill them as much out of pure story made hate(others have inspired more antagonism from broken gameplay and annoying personalities though). They're just such bastards.

The Moon Majora's Mask

Now granted, the moon isn't exactly sentient, so I suppose that Majora's Mask would be more accurate, but when you looked up at the sky, it wasn't a heart-shaped mask that you saw, it was a giant rock with a "HEE HEE ME CRUSH PUNY PLANET" look on its face. MM as a game felt a lot more personal than most other Zeldas - the Anju/Kafei quest remains the best bit of Zelda around, as far as I'm concerned - and the visible presence of the moon and the ever-ticking clock is the driving force behind it. Just walking around Clock Town on the last evening is beautiful in terms of ambiance. The creepy music, guards standing at their posts gazing reverently at the sky... Perfect. That the game is about failing, over and over again is a delightful change, and it really makes the ultimate victory far sweeter than any "Find the sword, slay the Ganon" adventure.[/LIST]

HELL YES. Totally agree.

Kefka- Duh

Dracula Castelvania - He just keeps coming back!

2007-04-09, 12:49 AM
1. Lloyd from Legend of dragoon he killed a party member and does not have any mother issues i can remember he is a better version of sephiroth.:smallamused:

2. Fou-lu from Breath of fire IV ... ummm he is you and you can control him at parts of the story but he is still the enemy.

3. Kratos from Tales of Symphonia the evil angel father of the main character nuff said.

as a side point i dont get the point of a clown/jester for a enemy I am not really that afraid of clowns.:smallconfused:

2007-04-09, 07:52 AM
Well, in FF6 / FF3 (you know, the awesome one), it's possible for Cid to die when you start out as Celes in the World of Ruin. But that doesn't really make much of a difference, story wise. And I'm not sure if he counts as a main character...you don't even play as him ever...


And I gotta hand it to the FFXII bunch, you really can't tell who the final boss is in the beginning.

I'm sure I would think of more if I tried hard enough, but...meh. Trying is for...uh...people who, uh, try.


I suppose I should have clarified. I meant Cidolfus Orlandu, also known as Thunder God Cid.

2007-04-09, 03:43 PM
It seems like kefka is definately going to win the oscar for best villain, if anyone would bother to count the votes. Makes me kinda curious about him though, his name keeps popping up in the Sephirote vs Link thread aswell. Why does everyone think he's so evil anyhow?

2007-04-09, 05:26 PM
Ooh ooh ooh!

Speaking of MGS... Psycho Mantis. He's just so... Schnuffig.


2007-04-09, 07:52 PM
It seems like kefka is definately going to win the oscar for best villain, if anyone would bother to count the votes. Makes me kinda curious about him though, his name keeps popping up in the Sephirote vs Link thread aswell. Why does everyone think he's so evil anyhow?
He's heartless. Figuratively, and later on maybe physically too.

He wil kill anyone who gets in his way, he kills the entire Kingdom of Doma, including his own men who were prisoner.

All he craves is destruction. Also, he has awesome quotes.

Uwee, hee, hee! Good! Burn up everything!

Why do you think Oppose rhymes with Dispose?

These recon jobs are the pits! ...AHEM! There's SAND on my boots! (Followed by Soldiers cleaning his boots)

Welcome to my barbeque!

Hee, hee! Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!

I don't care for the appearance of this pitiful little hamlet... So burn it!!

Run! Run! Or you'll be well done!

Why do people rebuild things they know are going to be destroyed? Why do people cling to life when they know they can't live forever? Think how meaningless each of your lives is!

Why do you build, knowing destruction is inevitable? Why do you yearn to live, knowing all things must die?

This is sickening... You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! (Best. Quote. Ever)

I will destroy everything... I will create a monument to non-existence! (Said Monument is part of the Final Bossfight)

Hee, hee, hee! But what fun is destruction if no 'precious' lives are lost?

Life... dreams... hope... Where'd they come from? And where are they headed...? These things... I am going to destroy!

2007-04-10, 03:00 PM
I stay away from console RPGs, so I'm unfamiliar with this Kefka. But he sounds a bit chaotic stupid from this description.

Anyway, I just remembered another bastard: Chaos Sorcerer Sindri from Dawn of War. He was one manipulative SOB.

And Archbishop Lazarus deserves an honorable mention. He literally had a harem down there.

2007-04-10, 04:04 PM
Lady Aribeth de Tylmerande, from Neverwinter Nights.

Whoa, someone actually liked Aribeth? That's a new one for me.

2007-04-10, 04:12 PM
Virgil from Devil May Cry 3
maybe Kerrigan, shes pretty freaky. I dunno, gotta think about it.

2007-04-10, 04:33 PM
I stay away from console RPGs, so I'm unfamiliar with this Kefka. But he sounds a bit chaotic stupid from this description.
No, I wouldn't say he's stupid. He's just completely lost touch with reality. Thing is, he succeeds at taking over the world. With comparatively little effort. This was either an ingenious plan, or...

Kefka: I move up between the Statues.
DM: Okay. The emperor continues his monologue to your paralyzed enemies--
Kefka: I cast Flare on him.
DM: ...you what?
Kefka: You heard me. I cast Flare on the Emperor.
DM: Okay...Gestahl is lightly singed. He turns around. "Traitor!" He destroys you with an uber-spell of do--
Kefka: Antimagic field.
DM: ...what?
Kefka: You said that there was an antimagic field between the statues. He can't hit me.
DM: ...$%#&
Kefka: Now I shove the Statues out of alignment!
DM: ...goddammit. *tears up his notes.* Okay, you destroy the world and gain 20,000,000,000 XP. Want to keep playing?
Kefka: Sure!
DM: Oh, you're going to pay for this...
Yeah, Chaotic Stupid. But successful chaotic stupid.

Merlin the Tuna
2007-04-10, 08:42 PM
Kefka always struck me as a silent movie villain, only with clown makeup instead of a large mustache (for twirling!) and a cane + top hat. Just evil and stupid for the sake of being evil and stupid.

Alex Kidd
2007-04-11, 01:54 AM
And he's just so good at it.

2007-04-12, 12:07 AM
I don't think I mentioned Ultros, who was perhaps the best recurring antagonist ever.

2007-04-12, 11:05 AM

"Let's see if Maria can shrug THIS off!"

-Ultros, before attempting to shove a 5 ton weight off the rafters in an opera house, in his effort to get revenge against the main characters.

2007-04-12, 01:01 PM
Don't tease the octopus, kids!

Looking back, I'm surprised that he and Kefka didn't have some sort of connection. They act essentially the same, Ultros is just less fixated on stabbing and burning. And he does not take over the world.

2007-04-12, 01:52 PM
No, but...he does become a receptionist!

2007-04-12, 02:00 PM
Ganondorf - Legend of Zelda, Wind Waker
Non-Kid Friendly version of Giovanni - Various Pokemon Games
Arthas/Lich King - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

I like them all for different reasons, though none of them are that difficult to beat as villains.

2007-04-12, 02:00 PM
1.Majora - Just cause it's really truly evil in a frightnening and unusual way. It pretty much turns all of Termina into a (I'm ripping off Kefka here) monument to hopelessness. It destroys all the joy and happiness in the world, throws you into a cycle of eternal defeat and condemns the world to firey oblivion. And it's completely and totally disturbingly insane.

I cannot agree more with that. Majora- along with the mystery and mischievousness of The Skull Kid- created a very scary figure when I played in when I was younger. I was actually scared of the title screen (where Majora's Mask looms into the screen)! That may seem a little excessive, but he was truly that scary to me.

2007-04-13, 12:28 PM
Kefka (ff6) for sheer villainy and awesome.

Darth Treya (and her previous form, KotoR 2) for having some of the most awesome lines and best ever voice acting as well as being a challenging boss compared to the relatively easy game.

The Oracle (Fahrenheit / indigo prophecy) for fighting you in the most awesome fight scene in any modern setting. ever. Cinder block storm!

2007-04-13, 08:29 PM
1st place: LeChuck from MI
2nd place: Jon Irenicus from BG2
3rd place: Fou-Lu from Breath of Fire IV

2007-04-16, 09:26 AM
1. Gravemind. He speaks in iambic pentameter.
2. Gaia. If my Evil-dar is working right, I'm pretty sure she's responsible for everything that happened to Kratos.
3. The Sisters of Fate. They had no intention of giving ANYONE any slack even IF they reached them. And yet they still strung people along.

2007-04-16, 09:35 PM
I am now compelled to investigate this Gravemind villain...

2007-04-16, 10:46 PM
Kefka (FF6), Dr. Cid (FF12), and Garland (FF1). Heh, Garland is a freaking wimp. I can beat him with 4 level one black mages without spells.

2007-04-17, 08:52 AM
I am now compelled to investigate this Gravemind villain...
He's in Halo 2.

2007-04-17, 10:36 AM
...aand there goes that impulse.

Lacking an Xbox or 360, and having fought far too many twitch-jumping Halo (or former Halo) players online, I think I'll pass--even if the campaign is well written and / or otherwise good, it's not worth shelling out the money to get a 'Box AND the game.

2007-04-17, 08:29 PM

Hop around the rest of the story page if you like. Halo fans are EXTREMELY THOROUGH in their work. I mean seriously. They're like the Macgyvers of fanboys.

2007-04-17, 11:12 PM
1. Kerrigan, Queen Bitch of the universe.
I really don't care about second or third

2007-04-18, 12:29 AM

Hop around the rest of the story page if you like. Halo fans are EXTREMELY THOROUGH in their work. I mean seriously. They're like the Macgyvers of fanboys.

Clearly you have never encountered a fan of Marathon.

2007-04-18, 12:49 AM
Clearly you have never encountered a fan of Marathon.

Oh yeah. No string of terminal text is left un-overanalyzed!

2007-04-18, 07:24 AM
Kefka (FF6), Dr. Cid (FF12), and Garland (FF1). Heh, Garland is a freaking wimp. I can beat him with 4 level one black mages without spells.
Of course you do realize

Garland is also the Final Boss, who can beat the crap outta four level 40s, if you're unlucky

2007-04-18, 09:51 AM
Clearly you have never encountered a fan of Marathon.

Not personally, but I have heard tales. But that's the reason for the crazy fanboys, most of them migrated from Marathon-land, yelling about some sort of holocaust.

2007-04-19, 02:04 AM
Lord Recluse from City of Heroes/Villains

How can you mention Lord Recluse without mentionning Nemesis, the Prussian Prince of Automatons?
I mean, we're talking about a fantastically clever and manipulative villain who plays the heroes and other villains like a fiddle, has his soldiers virtually worshipping him, and considers the biggest threat to his reign to be his alternate universe doubles.
Plus, in a world full of sci-fi tech, he does everything in steampunk.
Nemesis rocks.

Also in those games, I believe Westin Phipps has been mentionned *shivers*. Now THAT guy was EVIL. Makes-you-hesitate-to-do-his-missions evil. Heck, when he gave me a timed mission, I failed it on purpose, for ethical reasons - and my character was supposed to be a villain!

2007-04-19, 10:09 AM
Luca Blight. No question.

"It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed humans by the thousands!!!! Look at me!!!! I am sublime!!!!!! I am the true face of evil!!!!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-04-21, 11:42 PM
For me,

Third place goes to...Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda). You've got to admire his tenacity!

Second Place goes to...The three Prime Evils (Diablo II). That troublesome triumverate were pretty sneaky, not to mention terrifying. I was honestly frightened before I took on each.

Finally, First place goes to Master Li (Jade Empire). He wasn't called the Glorious Strategist for nothing. He's patient, cunning and plans for everything, to say nothing of his ability to decieve.

2007-04-22, 08:57 PM
Kefka (as if the sig doesn't tell all)
Any person from Mission Impossible for the NES

2007-04-22, 10:14 PM
Let's see... Haven't played many console games, or a lot of the recent games... I found the villains in KoToR kind of forgettable (in particular I found it irritating how UN interesting [spoiler] was once [he/she/it] turned to the dark side).

3 - The Butcher, Diablo. Yeah, once you've worked out that he can't open doors, he's easy to kill. But the first time you run into him? Unforgettable.
2 - Illidan, from the Warcraft series. How can anyone possibly think Arthas is remotely as cool?
1 - the Ko'dath, from Star Control 2/The Urquan Masters (http://sc2.sourceforge.net/downloads.php) (Now available as freeware! Yay!). Pure ruthlessness, and for a good reason.

2007-04-22, 10:22 PM
3 - The Butcher, Diablo.
Butcher: Ahh, fresh meat! *owns player, who is like level 3 or 4 if this is his first time in level 2*

Yeah he's pretty unforgetable.

Leoric and his horde of Undead are rather unforgetable as well...

2007-04-23, 01:31 AM
Lazarus is the single most memorable badguy in the entire series. He has a harem down there you know.

EDIT: Hey I've become a dwarf. Do I have to develop a Scottish accent now?

2007-04-23, 04:42 AM
EDIT: Hey I've become a dwarf. Do I have to develop a Scottish accent now?I hope that facial hair won't be a problem?

2007-04-23, 07:09 AM
3 saevok of Bg and BG2

2007-04-23, 08:48 AM
Sephiroth, could you take this thing from your sig? It's an Iron Avatarist award, which you haven't won - Ink did.

2007-04-24, 11:55 AM
err i found it on google also you are spamming you are mean tto pm me
anyway my new list is sephiroth
kefka then my 3rd best village is ........................oda nobunaga

2007-04-24, 12:33 PM
Kefka (FFVI), Jon Irenicus (Baldur's Gate II), and Prince Arthas (Warcraft 3)

2007-05-27, 08:36 PM
1. Kuja - Intelligent, interesting, great design, quotes and just overall the best FF villain. He was adistic but sane and had plot development.

"Time to die, everyone!"

2. Kain - THe antagonist of at least th eSoul Reaver game he's a badass antihero. He's got one of the best voice-actors ever plus he used to be your plyable character. Now he rules over an entire empire ov ampires.

"We are gods; dark gods. And it is our duty...to thin teh herd."

3. Voyager - The Darth Testament of Xenosaga. He is a remorseless killer which isn't original but the mantle "no man, woman, child or fetus is safe from him" always made me like him. He had a cool enough look and role in the game.

"I never thought I'd get to enjoy this experience again. I'm grateful to you, Jan Sauer."

He says that name in such a sweet way.

2007-05-28, 06:15 AM
Favourite villains, in no particular order:

-The Transcendent One from Planesscape Torment

-Sarevok, Baldurs Gate

and least, but not least:

The remnants of the american government, from Fallout 2
(Although Frank Horrigan is the main boss fight, he's not the main villain as such, he's just their goon)

And to those who though that they could read a 5 page long thread about favourite game villains without spoilers: Suckers! :smalltongue:

2007-05-28, 07:24 AM

In no particular order...

Admiral Sir Geoffrey Tolwyn, Bt. from the Wing commander Series, specifically Wing Commander 4: the price of freedom. Malcom McDowel's portrayal of a corrupted admiral gone over the edge was beautiful.

Kane - Command and Conquer...only a villian if you play GDI, The charasmatic leader of the Nod brotherhood always made an awesoem bad man character.

Kefka - Who can overlook an insane clown trying to destroy the world to gain more power for no other reason than because he can...

Malifacent - Kingdom hearts...in this game, she is one evil bitch...the others are kinda hacks, but she is just a right nasty peice of work.

Duke Malagigi
2007-05-28, 03:06 PM
I've decided to limit myself to just three. I'm also going to give what I think would be suitable alignments and corresponding Outer Planes for each of them. Be fore warned, some of this post makes references to Dicefreaks rules and concepts.
1. Kefka. (FF6) As an evil god of Nihilism, Magic and Destruction, Kefka Palazzo truly lived up to the alignment of Chaotic Evil. He would make an appropriate damned soul in the Abyss. I wouldn't be surprised if he made Demon Lord or even Demon Prince. Now old Orcus and Demogorgon are going to have some new company from the third Demonic Clown Prince.
2. Ganondorf. (All Zelda games) Bandit kings turned dark-wizards have been done before but that doesn't mean you can't be good at it. Ganondorf, just like Koschei the Deathless, is good at that trick. Unfortunately for the Dark Lord of Hyrule, he keeps getting his backside handed to him by some pointy-eared peasant with a holy sword. If Lawful Evil Ganon should swear himself to another thief king, named Mammon as either a Toll Warden or Duke. He'd make decent Nether Heritor if Neutral Evil.
3. Zemus/Zeromus. (FF4) As a being of hatred and bigotry for sake of the group, Zeromus would have to be Lawful Evil. Thematically he'd make the most in either Avernus or Malmadoni.

2007-05-28, 03:37 PM
I just love them psychopaths.

1) Kefka Palazzo - I'm only halfway in the game, and already I want to strangle that creep with my bare hands.
"I've got SAND on my BOOTS!".

2) Psycho Mantis (MGS) - not the most terrifying of villains, but very cool.
"You've been playing Super Mario Sunshine..."

3) Dnyarri (Star Control 2) - Tell me you didn't get a sudden chill when talking to him. *ZAP*
"Flowers are pretty, and they smell nice."

2007-05-28, 09:39 PM
In no particular order...

1). Yami from Okami: A being of utter evil and destruction. The ruler of all that is horrible in the world. God of Technology (I think it's said something like that)... Who also happens to be a seal fetus inside a giant mecha-orb.

2). Kerrigan: It's been a while since I played Starcraft, but I enjoyed Kerrigan's character. I loved how she refers to herself as the Queen Bitch of the Universe and hopefully Starcraft II would tell more about her. My favorite moment is when she had Zeratul kill Raszagal, with the best line from a Protoss I've heard ("Damn you, Kerrigan for making me do this"). It's just fun to see a Protoss curse.

3). Zant: I like how at first he's a Dark Lord-type figure who then later reveals himself to be a Childish maniac. It's pretty fun in my opinion.

2007-05-28, 10:00 PM
Sephiroth- I Dunno hes kinda cool.But he also sucks because he killed Aeris and she was one of my best characters.:smallmad:

Ganondorf- I always liked his laugh,(even if it was creepy) and he has a cool castle.

Maester Seymour Guado- He was really strong and his magic kicked ass too. But he was kinda a dork.