View Full Version : DM Help Need help choosing 3.5 modules

2014-12-25, 03:09 AM
I'm setting up a campaign for my friends that I'll be DMing and I'm trying to choose some good modules. The overarching plot I'm running with is that there's a breach in Ravenloft, where the campaign will be starting. This breach is causing large portions of other realms to be absorbed into the Dread Realms, and something is stopping the Dark Powers from sealing the rift. At the start of the plot, the effects are still minor enough that most people haven't noticed it. However they're worsening by the day so the Dark Powers are manipulating adventurers into a group to find the source of the problem, and either fix it, or make it so the Dark Powers can temporarily sever the Dread Realms from the other demiplanes until a more permanent solution is found.

I'm planning on starting the party at ECL 3 and having them travel to one of the domains and start on the Sons of Gruumsh module as a hint that things aren't quite right, notably orcs and gods having a direct presence inside the Dread Realms. The events that unfold will eventually lead the PCs to Cavitius which has reemerged and provide another clue that somehow his escape from the Dread Realms is the focus for the problem, thought not it's sole cause. Cue the PCs being allowed to travel to the different realms to find the root and destroy it, using Cavitius as their hub.

What I need are some good modules i can use, preferably ones I can run in parallel so that the players have a choice as to what they want to pursue while going about their business. I'm thinking that the root cause I want to use is Azalin Rex trying to replicate Vecna's success and it's triggering an all out war between the God's in the other Realms and it's causing such a severe influx of divine power that the Dark Powers are unable to stop it, and keeping it contained is keeping them distracted from Azalin's motives. Meanwhile any number of plots are coming to a head as numerous powers are attempting to gather more power, defend what they already have, etc. and it's tearing the realms apart.

Current Module Flow

Party begins at level 3, random encounters on the way to yet to be determined Domain should put them close to level 4.

Module 1: Sons of Gruumsh. (provides first clue that things aren't right. Orcs are present, people still have contact with their God's)
Drop hints to visit Strahd or Azalin as older forces who might have clues
Module 2: The Speaker in Dreams (Abominations not found in Ravenloft. Hopefully increases party curiosity)
Get party to newly reformed Cavitus
Module 3+4: Where Madness Dwells, Red Hand of Doom. (First realm visited will be Greyhawk. Have messenger arrive to tell PCs about problem in a dread realm and ask for help. Sidequest will cause RHoD to advance depending on how long it takes.)
Module 5: Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (Possibly overlap in parts with RHoD to guide players towards Faerun)
Module 6: Deep Horizons.

Need a good Module for Ebberon, and could use other modules to run concurrently within the current flow so the players have choices.

2014-12-25, 10:52 AM
Speaker in Dreams is a nice city adventure against an illithid and an alienist cult.

2014-12-25, 11:16 AM
Deep Horizons is a 13th? level module that takes place in the underdark and involves the Desmodu. Giant bat people are appearing in Ravenloft? Ok thats weird even for the Dread Realms.

2014-12-25, 02:36 PM
Deep Horizons is a 13th? level module that takes place in the underdark and involves the Desmodu. Giant bat people are appearing in Ravenloft? Ok thats weird even for the Dread Realms.

Throw in mutations from D20 Future. Because why not.

2014-12-25, 03:49 PM
I had some success with Where Madness Dwells (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/28495/Where-Madness-Dwells?it=1) in the last campaign I ran. ECL 7, good mix of roleplaying, exploration, and combat. Careful of that final boss, it's a doozy.

2014-12-27, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a better look when I get home. Is d20 modern fully compatible with 3.5?

2014-12-27, 05:46 PM
More or less. There's some differences in skills and there are some feats d20 Modern has but D&D doesn't, but they're the same game system.

2014-12-27, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a better look when I get home. Is d20 modern fully compatible with 3.5?

The mutations should be fully portable though, as are most of the monsters. Just remember that D20 modern is like 3.25, its not quite 3.0 buts its not 3.5, other than that fully portable.

2014-12-27, 10:01 PM
The mutations should be fully portable though, as are most of the monsters. Just remember that D20 modern is like 3.25, its not quite 3.0 buts its not 3.5, other than that fully portable.

Also, with mutations, you should change what causes them for use in 3.5. For example, in my campaigns, a powerful epic curse caused an entire nation to mutate as a side effect.

2014-12-31, 11:29 PM
Still looking for modules.