View Full Version : Replacement for Church Inquisitor?

2014-12-25, 01:07 PM
In a game that will start in the near future I will take the seat of a player for once. I've picked a PRC at random for which I build a character arround.
The PRC I ended up with is Master of Shrouds. Which is totally fine (although it will remain a mystery why the PRC has Augment Summoning as a prerequisite despite the more fitting Corpsecrafter that appears in the same book).

Now, the game will start at level 1 (to my dismay) and I don't expect it to run that long. So I want to enter Master of Shrouds as fast as possible.

The prerequisites of Master of Shrouds are not to hard to get. To get the base Will save +5 taking a level in another class with good will saves would speed up the process.

Church Inquisitor would be perfect. The prerequisites are extremely easy to met. I with a Cloistered Cleric base I can qualifiy as early as level 4 without any investment. It advances spellcasting and even provides excess to an additional Domain which will allow me to convert at least two of the three Cloistered Cleric domains to feats.
It would be a neat progression: Cloistered Cleric at levels 1-3 / Church Inqusitor at level 4 / Master of Shrouds for all levels thereafter.

There are some reasons though why Church Inquisitor would be a bad fit for this character. The reasons don't matter in this discussion. My question is:
Is there any replacement for Church Inquisitor for this build?

The following conditions must be met:
- available at character level 4
- advancing divine spellcasting at first level
- good will saves

2014-12-25, 06:17 PM
In a game that will start in the near future I will take the seat of a player for once. I've picked a PRC at random for which I build a character arround.
The PRC I ended up with is Master of Shrouds. Which is totally fine (although it will remain a mystery why the PRC has Augment Summoning as a prerequisite despite the more fitting Corpsecrafter that appears in the same book).

...because it's a class that summons undead and has almost nothing to do with creating them?

Now, the game will start at level 1 (to my dismay) and I don't expect it to run that long. So I want to enter Master of Shrouds as fast as possible.

The prerequisites of Master of Shrouds are not to hard to get. To get the base Will save +5 taking a level in another class with good will saves would speed up the process.

Church Inquisitor would be perfect. The prerequisites are extremely easy to met. I with a Cloistered Cleric base I can qualifiy as early as level 4 without any investment. It advances spellcasting and even provides excess to an additional Domain which will allow me to convert at least two of the three Cloistered Cleric domains to feats.
It would be a neat progression: Cloistered Cleric at levels 1-3 / Church Inqusitor at level 4 / Master of Shrouds for all levels thereafter.

There are some reasons though why Church Inquisitor would be a bad fit for this character. The reasons don't matter in this discussion. My question is:
Is there any replacement for Church Inquisitor for this build?

The following conditions must be met:
- available at character level 4
- advancing divine spellcasting at first level
- good will saves

As far as I know, there aren't any other classes that give full divine spellcasting advancement that you can enter that early. For a low level campaign, your best bet is to lose a level of casting and enter as a Cleric 2/something else (maybe Dread Necromancer) 1. It sucks to have less casting, but at low level early access to shadows will be quite powerful, so you won't miss it so much.

2014-12-25, 06:25 PM
ruathar would only require 3rd level spells. that would take a small amount of early entry cheese, but you have a lot of choices there, so mainly it's a matter of fluff and principle.

2014-12-25, 07:32 PM
I have to agree with the dread necromancer approach, especially if you are not sure how long the game will last.

1. First of all, if you are neutral, you can get turn and rebuke undead this way. This is great for any divine feats you can take. Divine Metamagic is of course the most powerful of those.
2. You can heal your summons with your touch without spending any resources. If you take Tomb Tainted Soul, you can also heal yourself.

I realize that giving up more casting hurts, but shadows!