View Full Version : So I got an amazon gift card...

2014-12-25, 10:30 PM
And cannot decide on what book to buy with it. Secrets of Sarlona is cool, but only has Tashlatora for non-Eberron goodies, secrets of Xen'drink has primordial giant has stuff I can use in general for giant themed campaigns, but what about some other cool books? I have nothing from FR (aside from the 3.0 handbook) so there could be a treasure trove there.

2014-12-25, 10:32 PM
And cannot decide on what book to buy with it. Secrets of Sarlona is cool, but only has Tashlatora for non-Eberron goodies, secrets of Xen'drink has primordial giant has stuff I can use in general for giant themed campaigns, but what about some other cool books? I have nothing from FR (aside from the 3.0 handbook) so there could be a treasure trove there.What books do you have, and what edition do you want? Manual of the Planes is good to actually read on its own, but I don't know if you have it or would want it.

2014-12-25, 10:34 PM
What books do you have, and what edition do you want? Manual of the Planes is good to actually read on its own, but I don't know if you have it or would want it.

I have A LOT of books. Every complete, all the environments, DMG II, PHB II. I got Dragons of Eberron and Dragon Magazine Compendium today.

2014-12-26, 12:04 AM
And cannot decide on what book to buy with it. Secrets of Sarlona is cool, but only has Tashlatora for non-Eberron goodies, secrets of Xen'drink has primordial giant has stuff I can use in general for giant themed campaigns, but what about some other cool books? I have nothing from FR (aside from the 3.0 handbook) so there could be a treasure trove there.

Magic of Incarnum and EPH are both books that I think everyone should have. Tome of Magic is good. Champions of Ruin and Heroes of Horror are both great in their darker themes and useful tidbits.

2014-12-26, 12:16 AM
Magic of Incarnum and EPH are both books that I think everyone should have. Tome of Magic is good. Champions of Ruin and Heroes of Horror are both great in their darker themes and useful tidbits.

I'll second this, though I'd swap Tome of Magic with Champions of Valor.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-26, 01:20 AM
Thirding MoI. It's hella confusing to try to make sense of the PDF, it would be a lot easier if I had a physical copy to flip through.

2014-12-26, 01:00 PM
Not kidding when I say I have a lot. Also have MoI, Planar Handbook, Manual of the Planes and more. I am mostly looking at setting books because those are pretty much the only ones I lack.

2014-12-26, 01:24 PM

Because Incantatrix, Hathran, Hammer of Moradin, and a few more fun niche classes.

Edit: From your two original options, I would certainly go with Xen'drink. Primordial Giant is golden, but there are also a bunch of fun feats like Elder Giant Magic and Echoing Spell.

2014-12-26, 01:49 PM
From FR i like Unapproachable East (Rashemi Elemental Summoning, Telflammar Shadowlord and Animate Dread Warrior are probably the highlights) and Shining South (Selective Spell and a whole lot of, afaik, unique spells that aren't reprinted anywhere else).

FR books in general tend towards really big (and imo good) fluff sections that can be used to flesh out your own campaign worlds, if you don't want to play FR for some reason.

From Eberron i'll second SoX, but i can also recommend the Eberron Campaign Setting unless you already have it. Not really much high-power stuff but a lot of solid options. Dragonmarked is useful in the same manner since a lot of the content can be used in custom campaigns no problem. Magic of Eberron also contains some pretty nice options but on the whole i'd buy other books first.

2014-12-26, 02:53 PM
If you can find a copy, Tome of Battle. It has a bad reputation, but all you really need to fix it is
1. Find limits you are comfortable with for Iron Heart Surge
2. Put a limit on White Raven Tactics

2014-12-26, 03:15 PM
If you can find a copy, Tome of Battle. It has a bad reputation, but all you really need to fix it is
1. Find limits you are comfortable with for Iron Heart Surge
2. Put a limit on White Raven Tactics

And, if you're okay with 3rd party, and you're willing to use/backport Pathfinder material, I'd say also get Path of War from Dreamscarred Press. They made a lot of improvements on the ToB systems.

(as an aside, one houserule I always used with ToB/PoW is that you can use strikes in your full attack routine, but only one strike per full attack.)

2014-12-26, 03:19 PM
Got ToB and ToM. I seriously only lack Campaign Setting Books.

2014-12-26, 06:09 PM
Got ToB and ToM. I seriously only lack Campaign Setting Books.
I'ma sucker for Eberron, so I would advise getting any of those books, really. Some of them are better than others, but I think you're on the right track with secrets of sarlona. Dragonmarked seems quite interesting, as does secrets of Xen'Drik. I think City of Stormreach is better than Sharn: City of Towers, except for the bit on Morgrave University, which is really good. Forge of War has a few interesting options for Paladins, but is not really that worth it. Others seem more story-based (like faiths of eberron or Five nations), but doubtless have some gems.

Dragonmarked will likely have the most usable content along with secrets of Sarlona and Secrets of Xen'drik. There are a lot of interesting little things, and the Dragonmark system can be used to great effect.

I don't really like FR, but the books do have some great stuff. Other people in this thread know more about than me, though.

2014-12-26, 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by ZamielVanWeber
I have nothing from FR (aside from the 3.0 handbook) so there could be a treasure trove there.

I have a number of FR books, and I'm especially partial to the Silver Marches, owing to nostalgia and an appreciation for the northern wilderness.

Underdark, Shining South and Unapproachable East are also fun. Underdark is fairly generic, but the other three titles go into a lot of detail about their respective regions, which is great if you're looking for campaign context.

2014-12-26, 08:42 PM
Ravenloft: Legacy of the Blood, if only for devices. Seriously, non-magical magic items are the bomb. (Sometimes literally.)

2014-12-26, 08:54 PM
Ravenloft: Legacy of the Blood, if only for devices. Seriously, non-magical magic items are the bomb. (Sometimes literally.)

Ravenloft is great so ill second that. Personally i would recommend the KoK Campaign guide, its still in print so it shouldnt be to pricey and i love it as a setting. Most of the problems people have with it are in the mechanics, so if you dont use the Players Guide to the Sovereign Lands, youll be fine. Even if you do, the mechanics are fairly easy to tweak (either up or down) so that they are workable. On the fluff side i love KoK because it screams "sandbox".

2014-12-27, 07:29 PM
I actually have the KoK 3.0 Player's Guide, Campaign Guide, and Dangerous Denizens. I think I'll go with Secrets of Xen'drik or Ravenloft. Thanks everyone!