View Full Version : Pathfinder Goblin Shaman (Mummy's Mask)

2014-12-28, 09:15 AM
This is my first time making a shaman. I've played a witch briefly before and I love hexes but I'm largely lost on divine spell casting. I couldn't find a hand book so I'm after some expert advice.

I know I want this character to be a goblin, full stop. The rest of the party and the GM has already agreed it won't be an issue so I won't change that. My intended design is to use spells as primarily blasting and control and then switch it up with hexes to debuff and save or suck on single targets.

The group is currently composed of a wild child brawler, a skald (half-elf refluffed as a saytr), and an archer fighter. With so much melee flying around I'd like to stay out of the mix as much as possible. Our options are limited to Paizo Pathfinder sources only.

I'll also be using the Trap Finder campaign trait to fill in as party device disabler. My wisdom combined with goblin traits and alertness from the familiar makes them easy to spot too.

I'm selecting Flame as my primary spirit for now and my first feat is either going to be Spell focus (Evocation) or Fire Tamer as a prerequisite to Flame Heart.

Any suggestions on feats, hexes, and spell selection would be greatly appreciated. I am aware that a goblin is not the best spell casting race and blasting is a suboptimal strategy, I don't really mind that.

If changing class would allow me to complete my goal much easier I'm open to that (this goblin was going to be an arcanist before the skald switched from his cleric character) but I'd prefer to stay on the divine side or at least have some support and healing options.

2014-12-30, 07:54 AM

It might be worth taking one level as a sorcerer (crossblooded, two bloodlines which improve damage) if you're going to get serious about blasting. If you will be doing battlefield control at least as often don't bother with this.

You can get a hex which lets you see thru fog (gaze of flames) and you can create fog/mist. This is your best defensive option where there's room for you to do so without impeding your allies. Fluff your fog as smoke if you want to go with the fire theme.

You can get one Witch hex. It will be Slumber. It may be worth getting Accursed Hex for this alone.

Fortune is nice to have, and remember you are a valid target for your own hexes.

The debuff hexes would be better if there was someone else in the party making the enemies make saves. Maybe grab Evil Eye at some point (not early on) because it's a debuff which has some effect regardless of the save and forget the rest.

When the time is right get Empower Spell and Dazing Spell, you might also take a trait which reduces the cost of applying metamagic to fireball spells.