View Full Version : FFXIII, not a PS3 Exclusive?

2007-03-30, 11:45 AM
Source: http://online.joystiq.com/2007/03/22/final-fantasy-xiii-exclusivity-in-discussion-says-sony-france/

Sony is losing franchises left and right, but if they lose FF, then they're losing even more than all the others combined.

Final Fantasy is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, game series in Japan. And if Sony loses Japan, then they're pretty much screwed (even moreso than now).

Personally I think Square will be backing out of Sony, I mean they're already putting Dragon Quest on the Wii and DS.

What do you all think?

2007-03-30, 01:53 PM
I've heard this as well. It wouldn't surprise me - with Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry already jumping ship, it seems like the logical thing to me.

2007-03-30, 04:56 PM
I've heard this as well. It wouldn't surprise me - with Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry already jumping ship, it seems like the logical thing to me.

When did you hear about MGS jumping ship? I thought that was still
a sony exclusive...

2007-03-30, 05:08 PM
If they lose FF, Sony is done.

Green Bean
2007-03-30, 05:11 PM
Man, I really hope FF becomes multi-platform. I really like FF, but I'm not shelling out for a PS3 for one game.

2007-03-30, 06:23 PM
I don't find that article too threatening. One it's Sony France that's the source and I didn't even know there was a Sony France before reading it. Two it says the exclusivity to PS3 is under discussion, which could mean they are considering releasing it on the PS2 as well, not that it's going to XBox or Wii. I truely hope it doesn't go to the Xbox at the very least.

2007-03-30, 07:41 PM
Final Fantasy is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, game series in Japan. And if Sony loses Japan, then they're pretty much screwed (even moreso than now).

Personally I think Square will be backing out of Sony, I mean they're already putting Dragon Quest on the Wii and DS.

What do you all think?

Well, actually, Final Fantasy is one of the biggest franchises in America. Japan is more about the Dragon Quest series. Japanese gamers have been migrating away from the traditional archetypes that've been staples for so many years, and toward gimmick games and puzzle games like the ones that populate the DS. Because of this, and the amazing odds against X-boxes succeeding in Japan, due to its image as a "foriegn" system, when the Japanese are very loyal to Japanese products, the loss of FF as an exclusive franchise won't seriously impact Sony's Japanese market. It may have an affect on the PS3's performance in the states, but not as much as you may imagine. If the PS3's back is broken, the loss of Final Fantasy exclusivity will be a straw, not a brick.

And this is a pretty big "if", a rumor started by a vague slip of the tongue about how there's a chance that the people in charge might change their minds and release FFXIII on multiple consoles. Not a lot of solid evidence that there's really a lot to talk about here.

2007-03-30, 07:49 PM
A lot of people are backing away from Sony lately it seems. Sony gained a lot of respect and exclusive titles during their reign with the Playstation, and many of the companys stayed with Sony during the era of the PS2 even though the system was graphically inferior, more fragile and prone to crashing, and harder to develop for then either the Xbox or the Gamecube.

Now that Sony has successfully managed to alienate much of their fan base with the PS3 game companies are starting to see that exclusitivity with Sony isn't the way to go if they want their game to be played. More people probally own a Wii or a 360 then will even own a PS3.

2007-03-30, 10:12 PM
Well, actually, Final Fantasy is one of the biggest franchises in America. Japan is more about the Dragon Quest series. Japanese gamers have been migrating away from the traditional archetypes that've been staples for so many years, and toward gimmick games and puzzle games like the ones that populate the DS. Because of this, and the amazing odds against X-boxes succeeding in Japan, due to its image as a "foriegn" system, when the Japanese are very loyal to Japanese products, the loss of FF as an exclusive franchise won't seriously impact Sony's Japanese market. It may have an affect on the PS3's performance in the states, but not as much as you may imagine. If the PS3's back is broken, the loss of Final Fantasy exclusivity will be a straw, not a brick.

And this is a pretty big "if", a rumor started by a vague slip of the tongue about how there's a chance that the people in charge might change their minds and release FFXIII on multiple consoles. Not a lot of solid evidence that there's really a lot to talk about here.
Well in that case the PS3 is already screwed because Dragon Quest is already moving, from what I can tell.

Heck if I remember correctly DQ9 is gonna be on like, the DS.

In the end, people will be playing FFXIII on emulators a decade from now regardless. PC for the win.

That Lanky Bugger
2007-03-30, 11:02 PM
The holy trinity is Square-Enix, Capcom and Konami.

Square-Enix have announced that they're going to start giving Microsoft some love. Various sources aside from the announcement indicate they're going multiplatform including moves like making DQ9 a DS title (which guarantees it's exclusivity due to the platform), developing the White Engine to be multiplatform (this is only speculated) and picking up the Unreal 3 Engine (confirmed). While FF itself won't convince people to jump to XBox, FF series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's Lost Odyssee might just do it if they have the choice between just FF or having FF and LO.

Capcom have made no secret of their overtures to the XBox360. By announcing DMC4 as multiplatform they've pretty much stated they won't be picking sides, and they also hold Resident Evil and the newly minted Xbox-exclusive franchises Lost Planet and Dead Rising. My bet is that if exclusivity is ever brought to them as an either or option, they'll go with Xbox360 unless bags of cash change hands.

The huge one is Konami. Metal Gear Solid 4 itself will sell hundreds of thousands of consoles. It's going to be the killer app for which console gets it. While Konami have a history of loving the Playstation brand, I can't see them looking at the 4-million units they moved with MGS3 and then comparing that number favorably to the amount of PS3s which have been sold.

FFXIII is really the only one which is up in the air. If it doesn't go multiplatform, PS3 will dominate Japan utterly. If it does, Xbox360 will have a fighting chance. Not much of one, but a chance.

Innis Cabal
2007-03-30, 11:04 PM
yep, and it makes me happy since i wont be spening the money on the PS3

2007-03-30, 11:13 PM
Capcom and Konami will be more of the deciding factor in whether the Sony ship sinks or floats. Because the games that were initially decreed as exclusives to the PS3 are likely to be coming out quite some time before FF13, they will make or break the console. If both DMC4 and MGS4 are going to the X-box 360, then that means fewer PS3s sold. With so few systems sold that long after the console's initial launch, fewer developers will be willing to take a risk and make an exclusive game for what they will undoubtably view as a dying console.

As of now, there is next to no reason to purchase a PS3 when the game library of the 360 has alot of decent-good titles, where the PS3 has a only one exclusive game (currently) that anyone seems to want the system for.

FF13 may not even be close to a deciding factor. The game series has helped to sell the Playstation brand since FF7, but Square has ben showing more favor to Nintendo than ever, and has made several plans to make games for Microsoft's console.

As I said above, I still firmly beleive that losing DMC4 and MGS4 will decide the life or death of the Sony juggernaut that is the Playstation.

Innis Cabal
2007-03-30, 11:21 PM
i have heard that DMC4 is already on the 360

2007-03-31, 10:55 PM
I would love to have to have FF jump ship. The PS3 just costs to much if you ask me. Plus I still hate Sony for blatently ripping off the Wii. "Look are controller does stuff when you shake it to. Aint that awsome."


2007-03-31, 11:33 PM
I would love to have to have FF jump ship. The PS3 just costs to much if you ask me. Plus I still hate Sony for blatently ripping off the Wii. "Look are controller does stuff when you shake it to. Aint that awsome."

Logically, if the PS3 costs too much, then it is because the 360 is cheaper.

Then logically, if the Wii is cheaper than the 360, the 360 costs too much.

Also, try upgrading your 360, it's still not as good as the PS3 and costs exactly the same now.

It doesn't cost too much. People just use that as an excuse to hate it.

Edit: And who worry about cost? I've seen people spend over $1000 in a single MONTH on GAMES alone!! Just the games! You're gonna be spending more on games than you are on the console.

Ps. No, I don't like Sony, I for some reason am just ticked off when people say it's overpriced. I recently upgraded my comp for $800 or so.

Edit Edit: No, I don't like Microsoft or Nintendo either. My loyalty is entirely to the games I like.

2007-04-20, 03:44 PM
Sorry for the double post, but according to my friend this is now confirmed.

Looks like it's a good thing I waited, now I won't have to buy a PS3.

Da Beast
2007-04-20, 04:28 PM
Logically, if the PS3 costs too much, then it is because the 360 is cheaper.

Then logically, if the Wii is cheaper than the 360, the 360 costs too much.

Also, try upgrading your 360, it's still not as good as the PS3 and costs exactly the same now.

It doesn't cost too much. People just use that as an excuse to hate it.

Edit: And who worry about cost? I've seen people spend over $1000 in a single MONTH on GAMES alone!! Just the games! You're gonna be spending more on games than you are on the console.

Fallacy of Hasty Generalization. 600$ is indeed too expensive for many people, especially considering the gamming is largely a hobby. If I had to pay 600$ for something I could probably manage, but for a gamming system? An initial investment of 660$ (system and one game) is a bit much. Also, it's not just that the PS3 costs 200$ more than 360 but that it doesn't justify its increased price tag. For an extra 200$ you get a system with no good exclusives and a HD player most people don't even have a good enough TV to make use of.

2007-04-20, 04:55 PM
Edit: And who worry about cost? I've seen people spend over $1000 in a single MONTH on GAMES alone!! Just the games! You're gonna be spending more on games than you are on the console.People have too much money these days.

2007-04-20, 06:57 PM
Fallacy of Hasty Generalization. 600$ is indeed too expensive for many people, especially considering the gamming is largely a hobby. If I had to pay 600$ for something I could probably manage, but for a gamming system? An initial investment of 660$ (system and one game) is a bit much. Also, it's not just that the PS3 costs 200$ more than 360 but that it doesn't justify its increased price tag. For an extra 200$ you get a system with no good exclusives and a HD player most people don't even have a good enough TV to make use of.
The point is, if it didn't lose its exclusives (Which it did so I no longer use this arguement) it would be worth it.

However that's no longer void. I'm 99% sure MGS is jumping ship too.

2007-04-20, 07:46 PM
I am going to be so happy if it comes out on the Wii. FF started on Nintendo, and it should return to Nintendo.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-20, 07:48 PM
its been comfirmed for a while..i was surprised this was a new thread

2007-04-20, 08:29 PM
If they lose FF, Sony is done.

Naw. Sony makes money selling things other than the Playstation, much like Microsoft. Their console could be a complete and utter flop (not out of the question at this point in time), and they could still make a PS4 if they could convince the Sony higher-ups to pour money into the venture.

My personal opinion, I think the PS3's just a glorified and underperforming computer, of which I already own one thankyouverymuch. The 360 to a lesser extent, but at least Microsoft knows a couple things about computers.

2007-04-24, 05:32 AM
I still adore my PS2, but I'm not tied to Sony, or Nintendo really for that matter. I don't even consider forking out for a console until I've read reviews of its games. Sure, I love the Final Fantasy series, but FF13 is still just one game. One game for hundreds of pounds. Even if its absolutely stunning, there will have to be a lot of further incentive for me to ever consider purchasing a PS3.

If it comes out on Wii then all the better, but it's never going to come out on PC...and that's my focus...

2007-04-24, 07:13 AM
Naw. Sony makes money selling things other than the Playstation, much like Microsoft.

Yes, I'm sure selling TV's and stereos is a much larger and lucrative business than the video games industry.

EDIT: On second thought, at this point, for Sony, it is xD

2007-04-24, 11:29 AM
If it comes out on Wii then all the better, but it's never going to come out on PC...and that's my focus...

I wouldn't be so sure of that. Final Fantasy 7 and 8 did. The "main" FF13 won't be on the Wii, its hardware can't handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw a spinoff onto it, though.

2007-04-24, 12:55 PM
I have a question. I heard that one of the FFXIII games is still an exclusive for PS3. Which one is it, the one with the girl or the one with the sword summoning dude.

2007-04-24, 04:24 PM
I have a question. I heard that one of the FFXIII games is still an exclusive for PS3. Which one is it, the one with the girl or the one with the sword summoning dude.
It'd probably be Versus XIII, the one with the cool Blue Haired Dude in it, not the one with Lightning.