View Full Version : Belkar has a level in barbarian, right? [Spoiler]

Bork The Fallen
2007-03-30, 12:59 PM
When is :belkar: going to RAGE??

considering how bloodthisty he is already...

... :smalleek: ...


2007-03-30, 01:11 PM
When the MoJ is gone.

Bork The Fallen
2007-03-30, 01:18 PM
When the MoJ is gone.

oops! Forgot that...

it's just that I can't wait for it to happen:smallbiggrin:

2007-03-30, 03:48 PM
I think rage just isn't very dramatic and visible in the OotSverse. Hulk imitations with purple shorts notwithstanding. I think Belkar raged, for example, against the Hag that turned V into a lizard.

Innis Cabal
2007-03-30, 03:51 PM
probably...though knowing belkar he is probably raging now...

2007-03-30, 03:54 PM
I think rage just isn't very dramatic and visible in the OotSverse. Hulk imitations with purple shorts notwithstanding. I think Belkar raged, for example, against the Hag that turned V into a lizard.

didnt he even cry out something like "Halfling rage jump attack" or something?

Almost. It was "Halfling rage jumping attack" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0176.html)

Bork The Fallen
2007-03-30, 09:44 PM
well, I dunno...

after seeing Thog raging I almost pointed at the screen "that's a raging barbarian".

I just want to see Belkar's fury while piling corpses in a bloody massacre :tongue:

2007-03-31, 05:04 AM
There is a way around the MoJ. Belkar has to fall off the wall and the MoJ's activating condition "must not hurt anyone within the walls of any city" will be ineffective. then we may see belkar piling the corpses of hobgobins

2007-03-31, 05:10 AM
There is a way around the MoJ. Belkar has to fall off the wall and the MoJ's activating condition "must not hurt anyone within the walls of any city" will be ineffective. then we may see belkar piling the corpses of hobgobins

Belkar just diving into the hobgoblins outside is just what i am waiting for all the time.
Even though the "Duck. Duck. Duck. GOOSE! *shlurk!* Duck." part was fun, it would be more fun if he went for a double-dagger-down-the-wall-cliffhanger-halfling-rage-attack move.

2007-03-31, 08:07 AM
Halfling falling down the wall, decapitating as he descends, would be so highly amusing if it weren't for the fact that he'd probably hit the ground quite hard. Unless, of course, he lands on a squad of hobgoblins and breaks one of their necks in the process...

:belkar: Look at me! I'm Robespierre! (massive quantities of slashing ensues)

Aramil Liadon
2007-03-31, 08:35 AM
Say, could Belkar not make a wall of dead hobgoblins that would protect the ranger-criminal while he snipes the incoming clerics? That would be an awesome thing to see.
Hinjo: Go establish a walled camp outside the city!
V: *wall of iron* *wall of force*
Belkar: Wall of Goblins! *shlurk* *shlurk*

2007-03-31, 12:04 PM
What would be the hardness and hp of a wall of goblins?

Aramil Liadon
2007-03-31, 03:49 PM
Hardness- 0, unless they had DR to start with.
HP- 0. They're all dead, right?

You see it, but it's not there! It's all in your mind! DUN DUN DUN!!!!

The Extinguisher
2007-03-31, 06:33 PM
He's probably raging right now. It's just not going to show it.

It's probably very hard to show it.

2007-03-31, 07:39 PM
He's probably raging right now. It's just not going to show it.

It's probably very hard to show it.

You could have his eyes turn red or some such thing.

2007-03-31, 07:47 PM
Raging would be a terrible idea. He wouldn't be able to distinguish the enemies he's not supposed to kill from the ones he can.

2007-03-31, 07:52 PM
In game terms, I also don't believe he's raging, because his rage would only last so long, and once it's finished, he's be fatigued. So he'd be more intelligent to save his rage for fighting more enemies than he is right now.

Sage in the Playground
2007-03-31, 07:59 PM
In game terms, I also don't believe he's raging, because his rage would only last so long, and once it's finished, he's be fatigued. So he'd be more intelligent to save his rage for fighting more enemies than he is right now.

Belkar? Intelligent? Remeber when he tried to make Miko fall? By DYING?

2007-03-31, 08:43 PM
Belkar? Intelligent? Remeber when he tried to make Miko fall? By DYING?

You also need to remember that he had planned on having Durkon cast raise dead after Miko struck him down. He just didn't think it far enough head to see if Durkon had the diamonds needed.

Sage in the Playground
2007-03-31, 09:00 PM
You also need to remember that he had planned on having Durkon cast raise dead after Miko struck him down. He just didn't think it far enough head to see if Durkon had the diamonds needed.

Thats why its not intelligent.

"I'll crash this plane with all my enemies on it and jump to safety with my parachute, suckas!"

"Thats a pig."

"Oh, sugardoodles."

2007-03-31, 11:44 PM
Thats why its not intelligent.

"I'll crash this plane with all my enemies on it and jump to safety with my parachute, suckas!"

"Thats a pig."

"Oh, sugardoodles."

Not necessarily. To me that's more a lack of Wisdom than Inteligence.

2007-04-01, 03:51 AM
He can only Rage once per day and only for a short period after which he will be exhausted. He's got to hold onto it until he can expect downtime after it ends to recover. At the beginning of a 2 hour long encounter is not the time to Rage.

Aramil Liadon
2007-04-01, 11:45 AM
He can only Rage once per day and only for a short period after which he will be exhausted. He's got to hold onto it until he can expect downtime after it ends to recover. At the beginning of a 2 hour long encounter is not the time to Rage.

QFT, man. Definitely true, along with the MoJ mumbo-jumbo

2007-04-01, 06:26 PM
how could we tell the difference?

Bork The Fallen
2007-04-01, 10:40 PM
QFT = ?

yeah, now isn't a good idea but when the fight is reduced to the OOtS+Paladins Vs Xykon, Redcloak & MitD it would be nice.

red eyes... salivating... screaming...

would be SO nice

another thing: The barbarian can choose his targets and even choose not to attack his nemesis for example. but if belkar turned into a Frenzied Berserker that would be a problem to consider...

2007-04-01, 11:51 PM
QFT = ?

QFT = "Quoted For Truth". Meaning that he agreed with the idea so much that he felt the need to restate it.

Personally I prefer "Can I get an amen?", but that's just me :smalltongue:

Sage in the Playground
2007-04-02, 03:45 PM
how could we tell the difference?

His pants turn purple.

2007-04-02, 04:02 PM
i think purple would suit belkar. and it goes nice with his cloak.

2007-04-02, 04:04 PM
I think rage just isn't very dramatic and visible in the OotSverse. Hulk imitations with purple shorts notwithstanding. I think Belkar raged, for example, against the Hag that turned V into a lizard.

no that was just the ring of jumping +20

2007-04-02, 07:35 PM
no that was just the ring of jumping +20

Although, he might have raged, given that he called it the "Halfling Rage Jumping Attack," which would be fine.

Also, raging wouldn't be such a terrible idea near the start of combat, unless he can only do it once a day. I assumed Belkar took at least 2 or 3 levels of Barbarian, because it seems like he'd enjoy that. :belkar:

I secretly think he just took it so that he could run as fast as the rest of the party.

2007-04-02, 08:03 PM
I secretly think he just took it so that he could run as fast as the rest of the party.

To my understanding barbarians don't get any movement bonuses for taking lvls of barbarian. Though, Belkar might just have taken barbarian for the d12 hitdice:smallamused:

2007-04-02, 09:28 PM
To my understanding barbarians don't get any movement bonuses for taking lvls of barbarian.

Fast Movement. +10' (2 squares) when wearing medium armour or less and with less than a heavy load. Gained at level 1.

2007-04-02, 10:41 PM
Raging would be a terrible idea. He wouldn't be able to distinguish the enemies he's not supposed to kill from the ones he can.

Belkar is a Barbarian, not a Frenzied Berserker. Well, mechanically that is.

2007-04-09, 06:52 PM
Imho I think :belkar: doesn't need to go into a prestige class to qualify for being called a frenzied berserker, i am sure he is born with the gift of "frenzied berserking" :biggrin:

2007-04-09, 08:53 PM
Thog's rage isn't an acurate reprosentation of Belkar's rage. Thog is a dumb barbarian. Belkar is an incarnation of homocidal, psycotic rage in halfling form. I see his rage as Belkar hyperventalating, begining to foam at the mouth as his eyes burn red, he rases his daggers and screams "YOU ALL WILL DIE!!!!!!! He then launches himself into a swath of destruction that leaves a mountain of corpses behind him and a hoard of panicking enemies in front of him as the tornado of daggers obliterates the enemy army. Not mechanicly acurate, but damn it, it's COOL!!

PS, this was my first post!

2007-04-09, 09:05 PM
That would be CRRRRAAAAAZZZZYYYYY!!!!!!!!!11!!!1 :furious: +:belkar: = DOOOM!!!!