View Full Version : Tips on building a cleric?

2014-12-28, 06:25 PM
I'm currently building a 9th-level cleric for a game. I'm running Aasimar with the level buy-off and have decided to go with Healing and Sun domains. I'm also leveling through Radiant Servant for maximum anti-undead power. So right now I'm just looking at feats and spell selection. Obviously Extra Turning for Radiant, but I've got 2 more feats to choose from. I was thinking about Divine Metamagic (Maximize) and Empower Turning. Spell selection I really have no clue since most of the spells on the cleric list seem to be very specific in their uses and not great for having generally memorized. Never really played a mid-level cleric before, but I don't want to just be a heal-bot. Also I'm running at low physical stats, so I'm not really gonna be a combat machine.

2014-12-28, 07:06 PM
you could instead go for DMM persisit and persist mass lesser vigor and a bunch of party wide buffs. this would fulfil the "buffer" role all day, you could then deliver a few timely spells as and when needed instead of buffing and healing during combat.

after that, you could take zen archery and use your buffs (which help you too) to do a feasible amount of damage in combat.

or you could take divine power and go from a weak and measly cleric to a full combatant in a single spell all day.

2014-12-28, 09:16 PM
DMM: Persist requires 3 feats total. Extend, persist, DMM:Persist. So you'll need a flaw or something to use that at start.

I don't think you'll need Empower Turning though, you're already able to dust undead with a glance.

Persisting the vigor line is good, but the DM may be unhappy with your choice. Persisting Divine Power is a great way to ignore your poor physical abilities. Heck, if you're going that route:
Take cloistered cleric(UA/srd), trade out the granted knowledge domain for knowledge devotion (complete champ), and persist Divine Power anyway. You'll get bonuses to attack/damage based on a skill roll, and your spell ignores the poor bab of cloistered cleric. IF you've got an incantatrix in the party with chain spell, have him use his cooperative metamagic effect to grant Divine Power to the entire party. (Should work, I don't remember the target restrictions of Chain Spell)

2014-12-29, 12:49 AM
Hmm, so you need to actually have the metamagic feat already to use it with DMM? That makes DMM significantly less useful to me. I've only got 3 feats to play with and one has to be Extra Turning. Probably don't actually need the Empower Turning with the high CHA my guy has, but Cloistered Cleric doesn't really fit with my character. He's being sent out specifically as a medic into the field and develops an extreme hatred of the undead in the meantime, hence going into Radiant Servant. Knowledge domain/devotion really isn't his thing. So I'm not really sure what I'd replace ET with that still fits the theme. Something related to the Undead, but I'm not really aware of all the feats out there.

2014-12-29, 07:00 AM
The DMM:P Cleric becomes quite powerful, depending on the style of play you want to have. If you aren't dead set on one of your domains, you could switch one to the Planning Domain, to get a Metamagic: Extend Spell for free, then take Persist Spell as your level 1 feat, Extra Turning for level 3, and Divine Metamagic: Persist Spell at 6. You have another feat left, actually, at level 9, so now that I type this out, I don't see how you only have 3 feats (including Extra Turning) to play with. By my math, you should have 4 feats total, so you can still just go Extra Turning at 1, Extend Spell at 3, Persist Spell at 6 and Divine Metamagic: Persist at 9 and be ready to rock.

2014-12-29, 07:27 AM
Cleric is T1, as in they can break the campaign anytime they want.

personally I only play clerics for these reasons:
1. To play a heavy-armored gish. So much easier with a cleric than a wizard prestige classed monstrosity.
2. Optimize necromancy.
Corpse crafter -> Augment summoning on undead. Instead of CON they get temporary hp
Deadly Chill -> 1d6 cold damage on all attacks
Necromantic Might -> +2 to attack and damage

So your skeletons will have +4 to attack and +7.5damage per attack.

Even if you just raise whatever that you encounter, they're gonna be amazing disposable beat sticks.
3. Thaumaturgist. Spam summon monster. It's an easy playstyle. That and planar cohorts are amazing. Succubi have at-will suggestion/charm monster, with high spell DCs too.

If you're looking for an easy cleric with no crazy shenanigans I highly recommend Thaumaturgist. Just throw summon monsters on your highest 2 spell levels, and rest on buffs or heals.

If you're looking for something more high op, say so.

2014-12-29, 09:40 PM
Derp, you're right, I do have 4 feats. Sad to see Extend and Persist basically be wasted, though. I'm not really looking for any kind of high optimization, and the Cleric/Radiant route is locked in stone. Absolutely will not be creating any undead. Looks like going with a Persisted Divine Power would be the best bet just to be able to melee effectively (with a little Righteous Might thrown in on top). Besides the Vigor line, what are some other good party-wide spells to Persist?

2014-12-30, 06:23 AM
this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7543)

but it includes non cleric spells,
elation is good
prayer is a good standard or recitation if you don't want the damage or skill bonuses
positive energy aura is pretty good
blessing of the righteous
righteous wrath of the faithful

all are on the list.