View Full Version : Artemis Entreri's Weapon stats?

The Shadowdove
2014-12-29, 12:56 AM
Our group is supposed to somehow acquire a package to deliver to a Pasha in calimport.

It's going to be the weapon's of a certain assassin, who's been captured/imprisoned.

I guess the captor knew that there'd be a lot of worth in them from his old rivals.

I'd like to know...

What are the 5e stats of: Charon's Claw, and the Vampiric dagger that Artemis Entreri used on a Shade to obtain it's lifeforce and age slower?

Thanks a dozen!

I know both are certainly too high level for my players, as are the npc's associated with, the items... but it'd be an interesting way to get them into the calimport guild affiliations.

Being all R.A. Salvatore/forgotten realms fans, my crew will all appreciate it. too much probably.


The Shadowdove
2014-12-29, 09:53 PM
Kind of cool, but I messaged R.A. Salvatore yesterday to ask about the mysterious green flowing sword in his novel "streams of silver".

He replied today saying that it was simply a normal magical +x amount glowing sword given to him from his pasha.

That question has been lingering in the back of my mind for probably ten years. The way it was simply cast aside( or rather dropped off of a cliff) and never mentioned again really irritated me.

Now I have an answer

2014-12-29, 10:16 PM
Caron's claw:
Requires attunement. +3 Short sword or Scimitar (can't remember which), Crits on a 19-20, +2d6 weapon damage on a hit. Attuning without having the gauntlet attuned to you instantly kills.

Vampiric dagger:
Requires attunement. +1 dagger, +1d6 damage on a hit, heals for the bonus damage's amount, DC 15 con save for creatures that are damaged by this weapon or they take 1d6 untyped damage at the beginning of their round.

2014-12-29, 10:21 PM
Caron's claw:
Requires attunement. +3 Short sword or Scimitar (can't remember which), Crits on a 19-20, +2d6 weapon damage on a hit. Attuning without having the gauntlet attuned to you instantly kills.

Vampiric dagger:
Requires attunement. +1 dagger, +1d6 damage on a hit, heals for the bonus damage's amount, DC 15 con save for creatures that are damaged by this weapon or they take 1d6 untyped damage at the beginning of their round.

Caron's Claw was a longsword if memory serves.
And it wouldn't instantly kill. It would initiate a contest of wills, upon which it kills you if you lose. If you win, the gauntlet is no longer required.

2014-12-29, 10:47 PM
Caron's Claw was a longsword if memory serves.
And it wouldn't instantly kill. It would initiate a contest of wills, upon which it kills you if you lose. If you win, the gauntlet is no longer required.

Oh, it was? Hmmm... well, Artemis did start as a fighter canonically. That fits.

The contest of wills leaves it too close to 50/50. The gauntlet was considered required because of how difficult it was to control without the artifact, and Entrity needed it earlier on in his career... maybe a DC 19 int/ wis check?

2014-12-30, 04:40 AM
I recall Charon's Claw also having the ability to create walls of smoke, for handy concealment.

2014-12-30, 04:39 PM
I recall Charon's Claw also having the ability to create walls of smoke, for handy concealment.

Yep. Heavy obscurement, but the wielder of the blade could see through it.
And didn't it also have the ability to cool the wielder so as to block the wielder from darkvision, or was that his cloak/cape?

2014-12-30, 05:06 PM
I recall Charon's Claw also having the ability to create walls of smoke, for handy concealment.

Hmmm, that one I should add.

Yep. Heavy obscurement, but the wielder of the blade could see through it.
And didn't it also have the ability to cool the wielder so as to block the wielder from darkvision, or was that his cloak/cape?

The cloak was the one that blocked infravision and other blindsight/ blindsense effects that relied on heat. Now then, to fix Charon's Claw...

Charon's claw:
Requires attunement. +3 longsword, Crits on a 19-20, +2d6 weapon damage on a hit, 1/ short rest the wielder can use the blade to make smoke in a 10' radius around themselves, granting them 3/4 cover. The wielder may see through this smoke without any difficulty. Attuning Charon's claw without having the gauntlet attuned requires a DC 17 charisma saving throw or it immediately kills the wielder. On a success, the wielder does not need to make this charisma saving throw again if they attune Charon's claw at a later time.

2014-12-30, 05:20 PM
Oh, it was? Hmmm... well, Artemis did start as a fighter canonically. That fits.

The contest of wills leaves it too close to 50/50. The gauntlet was considered required because of how difficult it was to control without the artifact, and Entrity needed it earlier on in his career... maybe a DC 19 int/ wis check?

He did not need it earlier in his career shortly after gaining the weapon he test himself against it and won the battle of wills. I believe it was like the day after he got it. He said he wouldn't wield if he could not master the weapon.

to the OP, at what point has Artemis been captured beacuse Charon's Claw was destoried by Artemis, Drizzit, and Daliha.

Also the Blade was of Nartheisan origin and they actually captured him "with the help of the Drow" and kept the weapon and the Dagger was given to a Drow in disquize who was one of the 5 Lucksan Pirates Captain's. So that might help with some story ideas, if you wanted them.

2015-01-01, 02:29 PM
Caron's claw:
Requires attunement. +3 Short sword or Scimitar (can't remember which), Crits on a 19-20, +2d6 weapon damage on a hit. Attuning without having the gauntlet attuned to you instantly kills.

Where are you getting the +2d6 weapon damage from? That's way too powerful for 5e, especially for a non artifact. +3 damage per hit is more than enough.

2015-01-01, 09:31 PM
Where are you getting the +2d6 weapon damage from? That's way too powerful for 5e, especially for a non artifact. +3 damage per hit is more than enough.

Nah thats on par with some of the legendary weapons and Charons Claw would be a legendary weapon.

2015-01-01, 10:43 PM
Where are you getting the +2d6 weapon damage from? That's way too powerful for 5e, especially for a non artifact. +3 damage per hit is more than enough.

As Envyus said, it is a legendary weapon. Check out the Moon Blade and other sentient weapons in the DMG to see other legendary-type weapons that are (easily arguably) more powerful than most artifact weapons. As well, I'm basing it on the whole "Damages the soul" thing Charon's Claw had going for it (I'm pretty sure it was touted as a perma-kill weapon in the novels), which is why I added it at all.

2015-01-01, 11:24 PM
Plus just +3 damage per hit makes it no better then a +3 weapon. Which is considered to be very rare. Coupled with the Claws downsides making it just a +3 would be undervaluing it. Gnomes lastest stats for it are near perfect I think. (My only change would be that it should be an actual charisma contest between the Sword and the weilder.)

2015-01-02, 12:55 AM
Going to try and build on the dagger a bit. I think 1d6 is fine and would specify that it should be necrotic damage. Since he's literally stealing life force, necrotic makes the most sense to me. And of course he's healed for the same amount.

I remember the dagger also causing some degree of paralysis. During the mercenaries series, he fought a barbarian/fighter who wielded axes, and was almost overwhelmed. He ran away and manged to jump on the man's back as the other pursued him through a doorway. Once he struck with the dagger and started sapping energy, the man was unable to pull away or try to fight him off. There was also a scene in a different novel where he pricked a thief's finger with the blade and, as soon as he started to draw life, the cutpurse was unable to fight back.

In addition to that, we know the dagger doesn't require attunement because Artemis has used it to heal others. Cawti and Regis have also both used it to heal themselves during the Legacy series. And we know the dagger can absorb physical properties of the victim, since Artemis gained an increased lifespan and grayed skin by fully draining a shade. The dagger also doesn't seem to do any more physical damage than a typical magical weapon, so I would give it the following:

+1 dagger, 1d4
On hit: deals 1d6 necrotic damage and the wielder is healed for the amount dealt. Target must make a DC 16 constitution check or be stunned for one round.
Special: Any target killed in this way transfers its life force to the wielder. There is a chance for the wielder to gain an increased lifespan or other special features of the victim. There is also a chance for the wielder's skin color and other physical features to alter slightly. For instance, killing a troll might, at the DM's discretion, transfer some regenerative properties to the wielder, and the wielder's skin might take on a green tint.

2015-01-02, 01:56 AM
Just adding to this thread to link an older thread regarding this topic.


the last post contains the link to the stats for his weapons.

I haven't spent the time to update them for 5E.

2016-03-13, 01:23 AM
...the wielder can use the blade to make smoke in a 10' radius around themselves, granting them 3/4 cover. The wielder may see through this smoke without any difficulty.
The sword did not create smoke but a wall of ash that the wielder could not see through himself. Creating a cloud of smoke in a 10' radius with the ability to see through it is a lot more powerful than what it actually did. He simply swung the blade and commanded it to create a wall of ash in the same arc as swung to hide his movements from opponents.

2021-12-27, 07:39 PM
Our group is supposed to somehow acquire a package to deliver to a Pasha in calimport.

It's going to be the weapon's of a certain assassin, who's been captured/imprisoned.

I guess the captor knew that there'd be a lot of worth in them from his old rivals.

I'd like to know...

What are the 5e stats of: Charon's Claw, and the Vampiric dagger that Artemis Entreri used on a Shade to obtain it's lifeforce and age slower?

Thanks a dozen!

I know both are certainly too high level for my players, as are the npc's associated with, the items... but it'd be an interesting way to get them into the calimport guild affiliations.

Being all R.A. Salvatore/forgotten realms fans, my crew will all appreciate it. too much probably.


This is what I used for both

Claws metal shines red like a ruby

While wearing a special magical Gauntlet No saves are Required to Attune to claw or against the swords hunger as the gauntlet stops all mental intrusions from Claw.

To attune to Claw you must succeed a DC 17 wisdom save or have your soul devoured by the sword causing your body to burn from the inside Turning you to ash.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the following additional properties.

Devour Soul
Whenever you use it to reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the sword slays the creature and devours its soul, unless it is a construct or an undead. A creature whose soul has been devoured by Claw can be restored to life only by a wish spell.

When it devours a soul, Gains the vorpal sword property :When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit., you have advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. The property lasts until you sheath the sword or stop battel for one minute

If you are reduced to 0 hit points, claw devours your soul and can only be restored to life only by a wish spell.

Soul Hunter
While you hold the weapon, you are aware of the presence of any who ever attuned to claw with in one mile .

If one of these creatures are with in 30 claw can cast Dominate Monster DC 20. and Geas DC 20 as a reaction

Claw can cast the Ash wall cantrip as a reaction

1 Reaction
Self 5 ft (5 ft )
V, S
Instantaneous 1 Hour
Control (...)
You create a 5 foot by 1 -foot-wall of ash centered on the slash of your sword , its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Claw is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 19. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.

The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically threw suggestions of ones own thoughts .

Claw is accustomed to being obeyed and will try and manipulate the wielder threw their darkest fears and desires .

The sword’s purpose is to consume souls. It doesn’t care whose souls it eats, including the wielder’s.

Claw hunger for souls must be regularly fed. If the sword goes Four days or more without consuming a soul, a conflict between it and its wielder occurs at the next sunset

The sword tries to dominate its wielder. DC 17 WIS save . If failed the wielder will try and kill any humanoid closest with Claw .

You may repeat the save at the start of each of your turns

Proficiency with a greatsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Dagger of life drain

he danger is beautify crafted with a magnificent emerald mounted in the hilt The emerald glows as it attunes

The dagger has two Charges

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

You can use your Reaction to use one charge after a succeeded attack roll to cause the blade to steal the life force of the victim . That creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 2d12 necrotic damage . Half of the damage on a save .

Necrotic Damage dealt will transfer to the wielder as temporary hit points .

If the wielder rolls a Critical Hit all the damage dealt will transfer to the wielder as heath with a 10% chance to gain another attribute.

example : Your skin color could change to closer match the victims or you could grow ears of an elf.

all dependent on DM discretion

Proficiency with a dagger allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

2021-12-27, 08:01 PM
The Mod on the Silver Mountain: Won't slip through the cracks again.