View Full Version : About magical traps

2014-12-30, 03:40 AM
So just got the dmg and saw you use arcana prof to find and disarm magical traps, now my question is should one use a passive arcana score just like with perception and investigation for when players are not actively searching for magical traps?

Spacehamster to infinity and beyond!

2014-12-30, 07:52 AM
Nobody that knows? Guess should just discuss with our gaming group on how to do the spotting of magical traps then. :)

2014-12-30, 08:24 AM
I would say you still rely on perception to find out things.
With perception you spot/see/notice something suspicious. Then you roll investigation or arcana to figure out what it is. Finally you roll sleigh of hand, investigation to disarm it or you just avoid the trigger, or break it, or stuck it, or trigger it with the 10 ft pole from a safe distance...

2014-12-30, 09:53 AM
I would say you still rely on perception to find out things.
With perception you spot/see/notice something suspicious. Then you roll investigation or arcana to figure out what it is. Finally you roll sleigh of hand, investigation to disarm it or you just avoid the trigger, or break it, or stuck it, or trigger it with the 10 ft pole from a safe distance...

Pretty sure it said that you use arcana to disarm magical traps, away from the DMG atm tho so can't check. :)