View Full Version : Roleplaying Unique Magic Items

2014-12-30, 03:57 AM
I have begun creating magic items with back stories and unique effects to get into the heavier role-playing sense for DnD Next. I am going to post a few of mine and was hoping everyone else would share an interesting magic item that they have created while leading adventurers to their doom.


+1 Dancing Rapier

Appearing as an elegant silver rapier with a fluted handle Pizzaz seems to whistle and sing as it is swung and struck upon anything. However, this weapon holds a sinister past.

Over a century ago there was a great bard named Lamora who traveled with a party of friends performing famous plays and scenes in many distant cities. He came upon Waterdeep and met a young elf lass named Alice. When he attempted to charm her into the sheets he eventually found himself enamored by her and fell in love quickly.

After courting her for several weeks he found himself gazing at her in the moonlight one night as she lay beside him. He noticed that she was still wearing a tightly woven black leather ring upon her right pinky finger. Inspecting it further it looked as if it must be painful and was surprised it wasn't cutting off her circulation. Drawing a knife from the bed side table he nimbly cut it off to ease her.

As the leather snapped away, her body began to shrink and become darker, her ears stretched to a point. She was an elf! a drow! He sprung away from her, taking the knife in his hands ready to defend himself. She had lied to him this entire time, she must have wanted to take his life along with his heart!

Springing from the bed Alice was shocked. The man whom had shown her love was brandishing steel to meet with her blood. She quickly realized that her true form had been shown. She wanted to plead with him that she wasn't what her ancestors were, to tell him that she abandoned that existence in favor of peace.

Lamora began to run after her, but she was too quick. She had tried to reason with him, but his pig-headedness insisted that she was a vile being.

Heartbroken Alice stole into the night and hid away. She slowly became bitter that Lamora spurned her due to her race, and she decided to have him regret his actions.

As Lamora grew in fame and power he eventually was to play for the emperor in front of hundreds of people, and Alice exacted her revenge by stealing the prop rapier and sharpening it with a boundless obsession. As she shrieked the sharpening stone across the dull blade her hate and anger were infused into the blade, granting it properties unlike any other blade. A piece of her very soul fell into the blade from a tear of fury that fell from her face.

When Lamora played the final death scene of his play the rapier came alive and Pizzaz was born. Where the blade should have slipped into his armpit it dove into his chest, piercing his hear and completing its purpose. From there the blade would always hold the rage of a woman scorned by her only love.

___Whenever the "dancing" effect is activated roll a d20 on a roll of 1 the sword will attack the owner_____

Upon piercing the owners skin an inscription on the blade can be read in Undercommon. “My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break.”