View Full Version : Dragons of the Chamber(IC)

2014-12-30, 05:56 AM
Prologue: The signs of things to come

For younger Dragons, the Tapestry is an exiting and refreshing sight. Unlike anywhere else in dragon society, age isnt the single main component that defines your social status, but your fresh ideas and visions of the prophecy do. Still, even there the three of you are at its best considered a curious distraction while you dont even reached adulthood yet.
Your benefactor that has opened the door for the three of you to join the Chamber is an old blue Dragon named Xeroraxaphan, a brilliant mind among the students of the prophecy, but he is most famous for as a teacher and having the right intuition on which young dragons are worth his attention. The fact that he chose the three of you to work for him has increased the interest of other dragons on you significantly. Up until now he has met you only individually, but this time you were called here to report together and are meeting for the first time in Xeroraxaphans lair. It is a located in a enourmous pyramid with several huge chambers and a couple of airial acess shafts large enough to fit any great wyrm dragon. The walls inside are covered in arcane symbols, most of which are part of the draconic prophecy in one way or another. You estimate it would take you decades to read every part of it here, nevermind actually understanding it.

The meeting place that he had his stone giant servants prepare is in one of the smaller chambers, which still is large enough to fit his huge size comfortably. He waits with his entrance until all of you have appeared and greets you friendly:
"Welcome my children. Even though we share no biological bond, that is how I have come to think of you and I hope you dont mind. I have gathered you here because I know it is time for you to go forth into the world and explore the Draconic Prophecy in all its glory. I have a specific quest in mind that I would like you to accomplish, but we shall not speak about this until tomorrow. Today, there is something I believe is more important I want you to do:
We dragons are solitary creatures by nature. It is hard for us to come together and work as a team or unit, but that is something you will need to embrace in the world out there. So I have set aside this evening for the sole purpose of the three of you getting to know and trust each other. I have organized something that should help with that."
Here a duo of stone giant servants enter the room, carrying a roasted, human sized frog for each of you. You know that these frogs are mildly poisonous for dragons, but in a way that relaxes and eases them. Eating one of them is somewhat similar to a human drinking alkohol. So what he asking the three of you to do is more or less getting drunk together as a bonding exercise.

"With that, I will take my leave now, as I also have other business to attend to. All of your questions will have to wait until tomorrow. Enjoy the evening and if you need anything, my servants will do their best."

Before you get much of a chance to respond, he murmurs arcane words and teleports out of here, leaving you alone with the 2 stone giants, who bow and also turn to leave.

2014-12-30, 06:59 PM
"Am I the only one who thinks this to be a little creepy?" Balein asks the other two, prodding a frog about as large as she was with a foreclaw. "Three ....physically immature... dragons, summoned to the chamber of an Elder, and given foods known to affect a dragon's mind?" Not to mention portion sizes that the silver and bronze dragonesses would struggle to eat.

After a further moment's reflection, she takes a couple of steps back from the food to examine the other two dragons instead. She didn't get to meet other breeds very often... Still, no sense in being shy. Uh... except, maybe, around the larger of the two strange Dragons. Something about that Red Dragon just looked.... like he didn't have much of a sense of humour. So she glanced in Theranyx's direction instead. A couple of quick sniffs ('Yup, that's a dragon!') later, she flashes the Bronze Dragon a quick smile. "I'm called Balein, what's your name?"

2014-12-31, 01:39 AM
The last of the three apprentices to arrive had been the largest, a red dragon draped in an equally large cloak fit for a human king. He strode proudly forward as though he owned the place, giving the other two only a slightly disdainful side-glance. The noble gleam of the metallic breeds had always made Hiwroth jealous, and upon finding a place to sit he had begun fiddling with the couatl ring on his front right claw. A tiny sneer crept onto his face; for now his brilliant scarlet scales outshone both of his contemporates'. It may not last, but for now he would enjoy it.

Even as large as Hiwroth may have been to a human, or to the two dragons alongside him, the Blue that entered shortly after him dwarfed them all. Naturally, Hiwroth's haughty demeanor faded and he gave proper respect to the stronger dragon. Like his previous mentor Batheer, Hiwroth had come to understand what it was Xeroraxaphan wanted to see and hear. The proper application of cordiality would bring him favor and, in due time, power. "Of course, Elder. It is an honor." He replied with hollow sincerity to the expression of paternal endearment. No doubt little more than flattery on Xeroraxaphan's part. Something to keep the sentimentalists happy - a purposeful (to his own inner monologue if nothing else) glance was given to the metallics.

The smell of approaching food brought a new glint to the red dragon's eyes, and Hiwroth's mask of formality cracked as his fangs were bared. Tiny rivulets of drool crept between his sharp rows of teeth. He registered on some level what Xeroraxaphan wanted here, but cared little. Something about dropping formality and getting to know each other. The buzz and tingling sensation these frogs provided was enough to get his attention. As a consequence of Hiwroth's eagerness, the stone giant servant was forced to draw his hand away quickly as Hiwroth began devouring the amphibian immediately. Scorched to perfection, just how the Red liked it.

Once Xeroraxaphan had left, Hiwroth casually extended a claw across the gap between his own 'drink' and the Silver's. She didn't want it, and her tongue sounded loose enough already, so he was happy to accept it in her stead. "More for me," he growled, scraps of food falling from his mouth as he spoke. The frog soon found itself impaled and dragged into range of Hiwroth's ravenous jaws. This one as not so burnt, and so he exercised his breath weapon to fix that - a quick gout of flame left it sufficiently blackened for his palate. Without delay he lunged forward, ripping off one of its legs and crunching at it. Sitting back on his haunches while chewing the leg, he now took the time to look closer at his apparent future companions. None had yet spoken to him, and so he did not bother initiating a conversation yet. That could wait until he'd eaten his fill. Or until the intoxication hit him like a bag of dwarven mauls. Whichever came first.

2015-01-11, 07:47 AM
"And.... she just ignores me." True, Dragons tended to be more patient than other races, but even for them, just ignoring a greeting was considered rude. Luckily, since this wasn't Balein's home, it wasn't considered 'slit you apart from throat to tail' rude, because honestly... looking around, she probably wouldn't win that kind of fight here.

So... one silent dragon ignoring all around her, one dragon she didn't really want to talk to. But he'd just started eating her giant frog, so even if she wanted to get drunk to make this easier, that wasn't an option. He... didn't look to be the food sharing type. Besides, at the speed she was making up her mind there'd be nothing left by the time she managed to reclaim some of it, if she ever managed the feat.

So, what to do. She decided maybe a little... performance... was in order. She knew a couple of draconic chants (that couldn't be performed completely in any sort of reasonable time), and dancing in the body of a dragon just looked weird. Instead, she settled on singing.


She'd chosen an Elven song (because most dragons tended to prefer the sound of those to songs in Common). The song itself was a humorous drinking song, about two long-term enemies who are trapped in old dwarf-tunnels, and eventually reconcile over their mutual hatred of all the Dwarven Ale they find. As she began to sing, she backed a little away from the other two - mainly so she could keep them both easily in sight as she sang. She had reactions to gauge, after all.

...Well, the elves found it humorous, anyway... Performing it to any Dwarves that could understand the words was basically just asking for an axe in the snout...

2015-01-11, 12:28 PM
Hiwroth's feast was eventually interrupted by loud singing in elven. It was a language he was familiar with, thanks to Batheer's lessons and Xeroraxaphan's expansion on those lessons (Batheer had not taught him any elven slang, which featured heavily in this lighthearted drinking song). Looking up from his meal he turned his attention to the Silver Dragon's performance, chewing his previous mouthful while listening. It was amusing to hear something so vulgar and irreverent in the flowery language of the elves. Arching his brow in a bemused expression, Hiwroth tapped a claw on the stone floor to the beat of the song.

That bag of dwarven mauls had struck now, and Hiwroth was starting to move from buzzed into the territory of true drunkenness. In his altered state of mind the ridiculousness was getting to him and a deep, rumbling drunken giggle escaped his throat. Pressing his talons against the ground the red dragon lifted himself back up from his previous position lying on the ground. At his full height he struck an imposing figure looming over Balein. In elven he stated boldly, ""Well, but you can't do!" The words were so slurred together from the intoxication that the normally flowing and smooth elven language blended one word into the other, making it hard to determine what he was actually trying to say.

And then, tapping on the floor again with his claws, Hiwroth began to drunkenly... tap dance to the tune of the song.

Perform: Dance [roll0]