View Full Version : 3rd Ed I am hunting...

Grizzled Gryphon
2014-12-30, 06:48 PM
It has been forever and a day, it seems, since I owned my 3.5 books. I am trying to recall an alternate class feature (at least, I think it was called that...) for the Druid, wherein you lose the animal companion and wild shape, and you gain a "beast form" (I think this is the name of the feature...).

Basically, you could take on your beast form as much as you wanted, for as long as you wanted. You gained specific abilities (instead of the ones whatever animal you became had when using Wild Shape). You gained the ability at first level, so you could be a wolf (at least in appearance; it could look like most any animal, I think) all day long, or every other hour if you wanted, from day one of your adventuring career. If I recall correctly, though, most everyone hated the ability as Natural Spell (the feat) didn't work with it, so you couldn't cast while in beast form (?). Anyone know where this ability can be found? Thanks!!

2014-12-30, 06:50 PM
Player's Handbook 2, Shapeshift variant

2014-12-30, 10:46 PM
Player's Handbook 2, Shapeshift variant

AFB, is it any good?

2014-12-30, 10:56 PM
AFB, is it any good?

You trade out Animal Companion and Wild Shape for something that doesn't work with Natural Spell. From an optimization standpoint it's like shooting a testicle.

From a flavor standpoint, I love it, because it's unlimited use. It's more similar to PF Wildshape in how it works, but it is still one of my favorite ACFs.

Grizzled Gryphon
2015-01-01, 07:22 PM
I am going to work up an Archetype for the Druid for Pathfinder with this idea. My only real wonder is should I omit the "doesn't work with natural spell" bit? Instead, I might just add in that the druid can talk in whatever shape he takes.