View Full Version : Proper writeups of Arch-devils and Demon Lords

Max Caysey
2014-12-30, 07:43 PM
After looking through Book of Vile Darkness, I realized that who ever wrote that book have not, by my opinion done a very good job describing these omnopotent creatures and plannar lords. Where would I be able to find good writeups of these guys and girls?

The Viscount
2014-12-30, 08:14 PM
Fiendish Codex I and II did much better jobs at the demon princes and the lords of the nine, respectively. I personally enjoyed them, even though there are changes from BoED.

2014-12-30, 08:19 PM
I hear Dicefreaks, back in the day, did them up.
I recall multiple people weeping at the beauty of Orcus.

Oop, yeaup, here we go