View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with Pseudo Leadership feats

2014-12-30, 08:36 PM
I was hoping I could get some help finding all of them, assuming I haven't already.

I found Taldan Knight and Squire, and I was a wondering If there were any more to be had?

2014-12-30, 11:39 PM
Dynasty Founder and Vile Leadership.

2014-12-31, 02:09 AM
At low levels Squire (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/squire) and Torch Bearer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/torchbearer) also qualify; they eventually turn into Leadership.

2014-12-31, 09:31 AM

That helps. Designing a theory character for DM that managed to take all or most of the pseudo leadership feats, AND real Leadership. Because it was the only way he could have an actual party.

2014-12-31, 04:06 PM

That helps. Designing a theory character for DM that managed to take all or most of the pseudo leadership feats, AND real Leadership. Because it was the only way he could have an actual party.

:smallconfused: Interesting. Gonna be rather lonely at level 1, though, I think, unless I missed some way of gaining a valet.

What on earth happens at level 7 when both Squire and Torchbearer transform into Leadership, though?

I suppose a Hunter would start with an Animal Companion, since Eldritch Heritage for an Animal Companion would compete with Squire for your 3rd level feat. Granted, I suppose you could just take Eldritch Heritage at 7th level since Leadership won't go there or 9th and avoid the competition that way, though, Animal Companions are more useful earlier on than later on, IIRC.

Then again, I suppose going Summoner for the Eidolon and taking Eldritch Heritage at 3rd, Torchbearer at 5th, and then dipping into something to qualify for Taldan Knight and taking it at 9th level would sidestep any issues with Squire and Torchbearer both trying to turn into Leadership and give you 2 cohorts, an animal companion, and an Eidolon with 8 levels of Summoner progression.

Honest Tiefling
2014-12-31, 04:16 PM

Would this help? I also think this PC should be riding a horse or another impressive mount when he has a army of minions. Not sure if you mean Pathfinder-Only feats.

2014-12-31, 04:19 PM
Vile Leadership (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/vile-leadership) is of that nature, if you are mean.