View Full Version : Character sheet App for wildshape summoning druid for ipad or windows phone

2014-12-31, 05:00 AM
The last couple of days I have been searching the web for good d&d 3.5 apps for ipad (And windows phone)
I have found a good character sheet in dnd sheet for ipad, but it does not have wild shape and polymorph options.

Does anybody know of a character sheet app that lets you change your ability scores, attacks, etc to a predefined value?
The perfect character sheet should include your own pre defined settings. (Wild shape to bear, type in bear statistics that you define yourself and save this. Next time I wildshape I just use my saved bear and the character sheet updates itself automatically, or I cast rightigious might and with a push of a button character shet updates itself)
Like the dnd sheet I would like to just press attack with claw and the app rolls to hit and damage.

Anybody know of a good character sheet app for druid (or anybody polymorphing or wild shaping?)

Next question. Anybody know of an app for summon monster and summon natures ally? I would like an app that lets me get a monster from summon nature/ monster x, lets me see the stats, lets me roll for attack and keeps track of hit points.
I tried summoner app, but that is for pathfinder, and it constantly froze on my ipad.

2014-12-31, 10:23 AM
I've looked for the same thing myself but never was able to find one. Best recomendation, notecards for summons with the appropriate stats on them. I've tried putting together a druid character sheet in excel with different tabs for different animal forms, all linked back to the original character sheet on the main tab, and after figuring out the proper formulas, I just lost interest in the project, as it required quite a bit of work to enter in the animal forms.

2014-12-31, 07:02 PM
Yes, what I do now is a word table with all the stats that I print out and fill inn the variables manually. It is very efficient at game nights but require much work out of game nights.

What I fear is that there are no such apps avalible. wizards of the coast is not know for their overly friendliness towards people making something great. It would have been awsome if they actually took a step into the present and made a bunch of programs to make life easy for the rpg community, and encouraged people to make something for the game. Easy to use programs and apps could make the game much more user friendly without sacrificing complexity in the rules. They could have had a much larger fan base who was willing to use more money on their products.