View Full Version : i need some ideas

2014-12-31, 04:19 PM
I have a session this Saturday and I need some ideas for interesting items. Right now in my campaign its pretty free on where they can visit next but it seems like they are going to visit this city of craftsman and artificers. The city itself is surrounded by water and it is governed by 3 powerful artificers. Most never see them and rather interact with 4 lesser npcs who have their own craft. What I need is interesting low tech items (no lasers or flamethrowers) for them to find. For example I found a 3rd party item called a lantern shield which has a bullseye lantern, clips for a page (map/scroll), and spikes. I need items like that or items thatcombine crafting with a bit of magic . I am open to homebrew so long as it is balanced. As a last note the party's average level is 6. And the system is pathfinder ( I am willing to convert 3.5 and 3rd edition items if you know any from those systems that apply.)

Honest Tiefling
2014-12-31, 04:33 PM
To buy yourself some time, ask yourself, does this city of wonders make the really good stuff available to the masses? Perhaps to see the good stuff, one must get access to the fancy quarters. The rest of the people might be poorer workers who do the drudgery of crafting (Stoking the fires, hauling stuff, etc). Only those with coin get to see what is for sale.

As for items, all of the guards have really nice crossbows, just say masterwork crossbows, nothing fancy stat-wise. But they have a lot of them and a lot of really high walls with cover in case anyone gets ideas. Add in a lot of drawbridges, fancy bridges, tall buildings, and other feats of engineering. Heck, depending on the time period, sewers, concrete, basic water mills and clocks might get the point across.

As for loot...How much are you letting them have, what classes are they and how are they getting it?

2014-12-31, 04:33 PM
Check out Legacy of Blood from Ravenloft, the Mordenheim section has a bunch of gadgets that are really cool and non magical.

2014-12-31, 05:36 PM
The party consists of a Paladin, a Rogue, a Cavalier, a Gunslinger, and a Monk. There is also a Ninja but he will not be able to make that session. They currently have no magic gear or unique items except for a cursed ocarina. I didnot plan for them to get items thrust into their arms upon entering but I had several questlines (they can only pick one) and I hoped by the end of the session to reward them with either a magic or low tech item.

Honest Tiefling
2014-12-31, 05:44 PM
What are the questlines? That might determine the reward.

2014-12-31, 05:49 PM
The way the city works is a government based around 3 leaders who have appointed 4 governers. The governors interact with the people and deal with the rulers. The quests would be a series of tasks based on which they choose to work with eventually being able to contact the rulers and do a special quest for them.

Honest Tiefling
2014-12-31, 05:58 PM
Okay. So let's think, what are some items a governor would not mind a mercenary to have? Would more mundane survival gear be alright, or do you want more combative items? And which Pathfinder books are you using?

I can see the survival gear being useful and not too dangerous to hand out. Heatstones, Everburning Torches? The rogue might appreciate something along the lines of a really good set of Thieve's Tools, if not a Thieve's ring. Perhaps one ruler wants something a little...Shady...Handled for them.

I don't know if alchemical items count, but they are one-use only. Handy, but not overpowering.

2014-12-31, 06:00 PM
Those sound pretty good. What book is a theives ring in? I have never heard of those.

Honest Tiefling
2014-12-31, 06:05 PM
This should help. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/tools-kits#TOC-Thieves-Ring.)

So...How do you feel about guns, by the way? That one seems pretty simple, of a masterwork or really nice gun or something.

2014-12-31, 06:07 PM
I have no real problem with the guns but the gunalinger just got a musket in our last session. He waited a while for it so I think itd be better to wait rather than keep upgrading the guns every session.

2014-12-31, 06:11 PM
I'm really looking for unique items. I wanna step away from giving out the +# gear and rather give sonething like the feathertokens or the sheild I mentioned above.

2015-01-01, 07:59 AM
Some Random ideas that may or may not be applicable (Only played 3.5 so far I'm Afraid)
Gnomish Crossbow Sights (150 gold) from 3.0, basically sniper sights, letting you ignore 2 range increments before applying penalties, so say a heavy crossbow can fire 360feet with no range penalties.

Crafting related, maybe change the Hammersphere from MIC slightly, letting it conjure a smaller hammer that lasts for longer to aid in crafting, whiel still being sort of useful in combat situations.

2015-01-01, 09:40 PM
Check out Legacy of Blood from Ravenloft, the Mordenheim section has a bunch of gadgets that are really cool and non magical.

Not to mention a feat that makes nonmagical magic items.