View Full Version : Pathfinder 3rd-Party Classes

Milo v3
2014-12-31, 07:29 PM
Aside from dreamscarred press classes, what 3rd party classes are in the tier 3-4 range?

2014-12-31, 07:45 PM
The Battlelord from Amora Games (see my sig) is a Tier 3 martial with good skills, great buffing, and some unique tricks.

The Death Mage, Mosaic Mage, Time Thief, and Time Warden from Rogue Genius Games are all in the Tier 3-4 range.

The Kahuna from Alluria Publishing is Tier 3 pushing Tier 2.

The Occultist from Radiance House is Tier 3.

The Runesmith from Little Red Goblin Games is Tier 3 (Tier 1 spell list but limited casting mechanic).

The Swordmaster from Dreadfox Games is a Tier 3 martial who uses a cool combat mechanic.