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View Full Version : PrC: Clonemaster

2007-03-30, 11:32 PM
Okay, to start this off, I haven't got a very good idea on this yet but hopefully this will work out somehow.
The Clonemaster is a powerful character who has trained to use magical power to create a goodly number of clones (I apologize in advance if some of this doesn't match 3.5 edition rules, I only have 3rd ed. PHB and DMG right now)

Spellcasting: Able to cast 5th level arcane spells
Able to cast Mirror Image

Good Save: Will, Base Attack Bonus: 1/2 (poor) Spellcasting increases as base class every 4 levels
The hardest is making him balanced, his clones useful, and still being able to summon a fair number of them...

Cloning: once per day per three levels, the clonemaster can summon a number of 1st level clones equal to 1 + 1 per 2 levels after 1st

Greater Clones: Each of your clones gains 1 level for every 2 of yours
All clones are exactly the same as the others, and have the summoners stats, race appearance and base class, however, their spells, skills and feats can be chosen differently if desired

Equipment: At first level, the clones wear normal travelers clothes and carry a basic quarterstaff as described in the Players Handbook, along with a spell component pouch with appropriate materials for their known spells.
At second level they gain Bracers of Armor +1 and a Quarterstaff +1; the bonus on the items increases to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level and +4 at 10th level.
At 5th level they gain a Ring of Wizardry I, which becomes a Ring of Wizardry II at 10th level

Does it look balanced to you? Didn't think so. Advice would be appreciated, flaming not so, and please don't say "give up, it's useless" or anything similar, simply put, D&D is to have fun, and being able to summon up a bunch of look-a-likes whenever you want would be pretty cool I think.:smallbiggrin:

2007-03-31, 02:27 AM
just a few questions:
Does the equipment disapear at the end of the duration?
What is their duration?
What happens if the clones go and sell their equip? free money?
Do the clones act of their own? or does the main have to dictate their actions?
if they are sorcerers, do they get new spells known?
how many levels is this Prc?
what levels does he get 'greater clones'?
do they need to stay in some proximity of the caster?
if the main is mind controlled, does the person controlling also control the others?

i'd suggest not allowing different spells/skills/feats because then they aren't really clones.

2007-03-31, 08:23 AM
The Equipment is effectively part of their bodies, and disappear with the clones. I suppose they might be separated, and sold with a high bluff skill, I dunno...
Their duration, about an hour per Clonemaster level
I haven't really decided whether or not they act on their own, act on mental orders like an astral construct or something else, I think its a pretty tough choice, as both could be fun to play.
I was thinking a sorcerer's clones can get different spells known instead of the ones the summoner has, though that might make it a bit over the top...
There are ten levels.
Greater Clones is the term I used for higher level ones. As I said above, every two Clonemaster levels you gain, your clones gain a level, as in, at level 2, your clones are level 2, at level 4, your clones are level 3, and so on, but all clones are EXACTLY the same as the others, even though they may be different from the summoner. They have the same skills, feats, spells, HP, and so on.
Yeah, they need to stay within a set distance from the caster, about one mile.
To the last question, It would depend on the form of control the summoner has on the clones. Which form would you prefer?
The Clone part is that they look and (even if not mentally controlled) act just alike, and also have the same race, stats and class as the original. Even if they're not really the same, they're pretty close

2007-03-31, 11:33 AM
By "Class: Wizard or Sorceror", what do you mean? You can only have levels in Wiz/Sorc? Or do you have to have at least one level in Wiz/Sorc?

2007-03-31, 01:29 PM
they shouldn't have different spells, if they did, they would have any lower level spell they wanted.

also you said he could do it x times per day. What happens if he does this 2,3,4 times in a row?

cast time to create the clones?

see the spell Simulacrum.

2007-03-31, 08:31 PM
Try not to make a certain class a requirement. It can raise questions like martyboy74's. You already made it wizard/sorcerer exclusive with the "Mirror Image" requirement.

2007-04-01, 09:39 AM
There, I've edited the requirements, see my first post.
As for the different spells thing, I was thinking that you have pretty much a separate character sheet for the clones, and you pick what they have when you level your character up, not that they change every time you summon them. Does that make sense?
Simulacrum takes a long time to cast, but where thats a spell any wizard or sorceror can pick up, this is an entire class dedicated to summoning clones.
Casting time would be either a free, standard or full-round action, as they are meant to be summoned up pretty much on the go.