View Full Version : Amaranth Arena Infinity: Round Three

2015-01-01, 05:08 PM
Located somewhere in the multiverse is a circular arena, with shadowed figures watching intently. The area is windswept and dusty, sand covers the arena floor. Two combatants stand fifty feet apart, with fifty feet between each and the wall. A glowing kobold crouches upon a granite throne set into the stands, and cries out in a high voice "LET ROUND 3 BEGIN!"

This is Amaranth Arena. Round Three.

Amaranth Arena is run between Twelvetrees and Ookack333. Each creates a 30th level gestalt 3.5 character, and the two battle. Only 200,000gp is allowed for spending, and one round of arena prep time. In order to make things more interesting than the standard gestalt arena, save-or-die is banned, boosting saves to ridiculous levels is banned, as are a few other things such as white raven tactics. Our goal is to create the most insanely broken characters possible. We hope you find it entertaining.

2015-01-01, 05:17 PM
A portal opens in midair, and a being steps out.
He is nearly 7 and-a-half feet tall, with blue-gray mottled skin, and a bald head. His features are kind and understanding, and he wears naught but a simple pair of breeches. He looks oddly frail for someone so large, as if he might fall apart at any moment.

"I am Silican" he says aloud. "I am a servant of the Sovereign Host, and an Eater of Sin."

2015-01-01, 08:39 PM
Opposite him stands a short, grotesque figure, five feet tall at most, with squirming arms longer than his entire body. Huge bat wings protrude from his back, wafting gently in the air,keeping him aloft about a foot above the ground. His eyes glow red, and a dagger gleams at his side.

I am Virus. None may oppose me and live.

He smirks contentedly.

2015-01-01, 09:06 PM
Virus gives a feral smile and speaks a single word.

Innate Arcane Thesis Snowcast Sanctum Lord of the Uttercold Energy Substitution [Electricity] Born of Three Thunders Metamagic School Focus Energy Affinity Body Outside Body

Five duplicates spring into being around Virus. They give themselves power, then they too, speak the word (Moment of Clarity to give themselves Epic Toughness). More duplicates appear. The cycle continues, duplicates spawning duplicates, until the arena floor is filled. Then, duplicates begin to appear in the air, the wings flapping as they ascend. Soon, the entire arena is full of duplicates from the floor to 250 feet in the air.

A legion of 20,000 duplicates of Virus smile down at Silican.

If you can still see Virus, you would notice his hands twirling through the gestures of another spell.

Temporal stasis, which triggers an Antimagic field that excludes only Virus.

2015-01-01, 09:17 PM
Silican whips out a morningstar, throws his head to the sky, and bellows. His skin blazes with a golden light out to a distance of 20 feet, and you get the irrevocable feeling that attacking in his presence will lead to dire harm. His eyes glow green, and you see wisps of skin evaporating from him. He continues to scream, and bolts of energy flicker around him as the earth shakes.

The only spell (as far as you can tell) cast by Silican is "Spell Resistance":smallbiggrin:.For reference to what he looks like, go to about 1:45 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeXUgF2qEuk

Silican uses a free action to activate his holy radiance feat. He then activates the ability (from Cosmic Descryer) to draw off raw energy from the multiverse. He casts quickened spell resistance, using this in conjunction with the previous ability to deal 45005 points of damage to himself for a +9001 bonus to his caster level, giving him SR 9013. He then uses knight's challenge to remain alive, despite being at thousands of negative hit points.:smallcool:

2015-01-01, 09:19 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2015-01-01, 09:19 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2015-01-01, 09:50 PM
First, you are the center of a disjunction effect. Though you probably can't see Silican, you feel the ground erupt underneath the arena floor, and lava bursts toward the sky. All duplicates (and the original) must make DC 25 fortitude saves for half of 10 trillion fire damage, which ignores resistance and is halved by immunity. The arena floor is left as a blackened mass, the sand annihalated.

Silican burns 5 uses of turn undead to quicken a disjunction. Silican takes 55 trillion +50 (it doesn't really matter) points of fire damage because he uses his cosmic descryer ability to augment a Searing Erupt (2 turn uses), and takes 10 more points of damage so he automatically succeeds the fortitude save.

Roll for antimagic annihalation: d100

2015-01-01, 09:53 PM
[roll0] for antimagic again

2015-01-01, 09:55 PM
Virus remains unaffected within an Antimagic field. 12,000 duplicates vanish in a burst of fire, utterly consumed. The other 8000 are unaffected.

2015-01-01, 10:08 PM
20 Trillion duplicates appear, filling the entirety of the arena. 20 Trillion - 8000 small statuettes are dropped on Silican's head.

26 duplicates attempt to grapple.

48000 Hexblade Curses target him.

7977 Eldritch Blasts fly towards him.

Then, with one voice, the duplicates all boom.

I am countless beyond number and I will outlast you, scion of light.

64000 vanish, consumed by in a flash of light.

2015-01-01, 10:23 PM
Silicant grins. "Others fighting in my presence will not be tolerated." He screams and points a hand to the sky above the arena. An entire ocean of water materializes above, descending, as if in slow motion, toward the arena, carrying duplicates with it. "I will cleanse you. I am as infinite as the planes themselves. This is your punishment." His skin blazes with holy light.

He takes a large amount of damage in order to auto-save versus the curses. He ignores the grapple attempts, taking damage in order to auto-succeed on the concentration checks. He also takes a ridiculous amount of damage in order to create this water, which according to SRD weighs 60 lbs. per cubic foot. Knight's challenge is automatically used again.

2015-01-01, 10:29 PM
The duplicates infinite height above are fine.

The rest disappear as the water crashes down upon them.

Virus himself stands where he is, completely unharmed.

2015-01-01, 10:52 PM
Infinite duplicates appear in the dark water, constantly reappearing as they are crushed under its weight.

2015-01-01, 11:07 PM
Silican sighs. "I end this with regret." He punches the earth.


A chute 200 feet deep forms beneath virus as a dome of stone closes over his head, sealing off the water. Silican shapes the stone so that it flies upward, carrying away both water and duplicates and encasing him in stone.

Stone shape infinite area (damage). Uses knights challenge again.

2015-01-01, 11:09 PM
Virus survives, so the fight continues.

2015-01-01, 11:12 PM

The kobold in the stands waves a hand and the arena is reset.

Both Virus and Silican stand in their original positions, set back to their original states.

2015-01-01, 11:15 PM
Silican is a LG Goliath Cleric of the Sovereign Host, who has taken vow of poverty.

His combo works because you can take five points of damage through cosmic descryer in exchange for a +1 bonus on saves, skill checks, ability checks, or spell caster levels, with NO LIMIT. I just combined it with knight, so he could stay alive. I misplayed majorly by not buffing my caster level with disjunction, but I couldn't undo that by the time I'd realized it.

2015-01-01, 11:20 PM
Virus bows stiffly, seeming displeased.

You have my respect.

Virus was a Wizard 20/Ultimate Magus 10//Rogue 2/Hexblade 3/Favored Soul 17/Warlock 1/Wyrm Wizard 2/Void Disciple 4. Lawful Evil Human. He used Arcane Thesis metamagic to lower the cost of Body Outside Body and Greater Dispel Magic to allow his duplicates to use them innately. His Moment of Clarity ability from Disciple of the Void allowed his duplicates to gain hit points from Epic Toughness. He was encapsulated in Temporal Stasis inside an Antimagic field via Extraordinary Spell Aim and Contigency.