View Full Version : reccomendation for Undermountain

2015-01-02, 06:30 AM
There are several Undermountain products out there spanning several editions.

I am looking for one with the most complete or largest maps along with encounters.

2015-01-02, 08:09 AM
I'm unaware of any compendium but would suggest the Ruins of Undermount 1 & 2, 2e boxed sets. I rather liked the second one myself.

2015-01-02, 01:43 PM
Thanks I'll try and find them.

2015-01-04, 12:07 AM
My favorite is the original Undermountain boxed set. The maps look pretty empty if your used to seeing sets with everything filled in. There are sites that have filled many of them in if you don't want to tailor it for yourself. Just the original boxed set has years worth of expansion for your players enjoyment (or horror). I dont care for the latter products as much as the first. The second boxed set was OK, the supplement such as the source book Skullport was pretty good as were The Lost Level and Maddgoths Castle. Stardock was horrible and is considered to not exist by those that love Undermountain. When they updated Undermountain to 3.5 with Return to Undermountain, it was pretty well ruined by the writers. One of the maps in that product was even stolen from another adventure called Axe of the Dwarvish Lords. The 4th ed. Undermountain was ruined as bad as the 3.5.

2015-01-04, 09:33 AM
Thanks for the headsup. As for the original boxed set: you wouldn't happen to have the exact name would you?

My favorite is the original Undermountain boxed set. The maps look pretty empty if your used to seeing sets with everything filled in. There are sites that have filled many of them in if you don't want to tailor it for yourself. Just the original boxed set has years worth of expansion for your players enjoyment (or horror). I dont care for the latter products as much as the first. The second boxed set was OK, the supplement such as the source book Skullport was pretty good as were The Lost Level and Maddgoths Castle. Stardock was horrible and is considered to not exist by those that love Undermountain. When they updated Undermountain to 3.5 with Return to Undermountain, it was pretty well ruined by the writers. One of the maps in that product was even stolen from another adventure called Axe of the Dwarvish Lords. The 4th ed. Undermountain was ruined as bad as the 3.5.

2015-01-04, 09:53 AM
Thanks for the headsup. As for the original boxed set: you wouldn't happen to have the exact name would you?

"The Ruins of Undermountain" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ruins_of_Undermountain)

There's also a sequel (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/The_Ruins_of_Undermountain_II:_The_Deep_Levels)

2015-01-04, 10:02 AM
Goodstuff. Thank you.

"The Ruins of Undermountain" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ruins_of_Undermountain)

There's also a sequel (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/The_Ruins_of_Undermountain_II:_The_Deep_Levels)

2015-01-04, 01:21 PM
"The Ruins of Undermountain" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ruins_of_Undermountain)

There's also a sequel (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/The_Ruins_of_Undermountain_II:_The_Deep_Levels)

Also these
I wont link Stardock as it does not exist in my mind, it is so horrible.
But there is this http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Skullport_%28sourcebook%29
I have many room descriptions that I found online as well. I can e-mail them to you if you want them.

2015-01-05, 04:18 AM
Thanks for the links. If you have the time to message me here the room description stuff that would be greatly appreciated.

Also these
I wont link Stardock as it does not exist in my mind, it is so horrible.
But there is this http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Skullport_%28sourcebook%29
I have many room descriptions that I found online as well. I can e-mail them to you if you want them.

2015-01-05, 03:38 PM
Also these
I wont link Stardock as it does not exist in my mind, it is so horrible.
But there is this http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Skullport_%28sourcebook%29
I have many room descriptions that I found online as well. I can e-mail them to you if you want them.

Actually i would also be interested in the room description stuff also. I'm running a waterdeep campaign. under mountain is bound to happen sooner or later. :D

2015-01-05, 09:46 PM
I would be happy to e-mail them. They are in PDF format and have maps as well so they would be difficult to post or message. Message me you e-mail and I will send them out. there are 34 files total.

2015-01-05, 11:41 PM
Oh cool, I found the web site that I got the room descriptions from. Here is a link!

2015-01-09, 12:35 PM
Dragon magazine #s 167, 172, 176, 227 and 239 have Undermountain related stuff as well.

2015-02-03, 06:44 AM
Dragon magazine #s 167, 172, 176, 227 and 239 have Undermountain related stuff as well.

Ack. Haven't kept up with this thread. Thanks for the link and the email offer. I will pm you my addy.