View Full Version : DM Help Question: Alternate name for a greataxe

2015-01-02, 11:50 AM
I want to make a weapon that in most respects resembles a greataxe, but is neither a simple clone of a greataxe nor a replacement for the normal greataxe (which will still exist in my campaign). I'm stuck on what to call it.

The simplest solution would be if anyone knows another name for a greataxe. If you know of one, please let me know.

2015-01-02, 11:53 AM
Two-handed Axe

2015-01-02, 12:00 PM
Parashu is an Indian 2 handed battle axe. So, that could be one option.

2015-01-02, 12:07 PM
you could give it a name, like skull splitter, the parter of ways. etc. then who cares what weapon it really is.

Uncle Pine
2015-01-02, 12:10 PM
Great tomahawk, big axe, huge axe, lumberjack's knife.

2015-01-02, 12:12 PM
Great tomahawk, big axe, huge axe, lumberjack's knife.

titans izmel....

2015-01-02, 12:13 PM
Waraxe (there are Dwarven Waraxes and Battleaxes, but this is slightly different!). Dire axe. Slayer's axe. Heavy axe.

2015-01-02, 12:14 PM
Grab a culture, race, or nation-state from your setting(x) and name it the "X" -Axe. Add a feature to it if you want, but make it something pretty mundane like a funky handle that grants a +2 v disarm attempts. The second part is entirely unnecessary, it was just a bit of crunch for your campaign fluff.


2015-01-02, 12:18 PM
Oversized Hatchet

2015-01-02, 12:20 PM
If you want some real history weapons, you could use labrys (greek double-headed axe) but I don't remember if they were long enough to qualify. A bardiche is also somewhat resembling greataxe. I think they are usually classified as polearms but honestly, it is closer to a greataxe

2015-01-02, 12:27 PM
Orcish Bladed Club?

2015-01-02, 12:57 PM
Pretty Goodaxe
Ultråxe (thanks, Flickerdart!)
Murren Axe
Peelee's Ye Olde Axee

I'm helping!

2015-01-02, 01:04 PM

^all real axe variants

Honest Tiefling
2015-01-02, 01:06 PM
What does it do, how is it different, and is it from a culture modeled on a real world one or one that shamelessly takes names from one?

2015-01-02, 01:10 PM
you could give it a name, like skull splitter, the parter of ways. etc. then who cares what weapon it really is.Problem solver

More seriously lochaber axe

2015-01-02, 01:12 PM
Big Choppa
Exicutioner's axe
Mail splitter
or try good ol' translation tricks with the fish that helps everyone pass high school language classes :smalltongue:
ex: in Spanish Hacha, in German Grossaxt (big axe), in French Bardiche

I would have suggested looking at Arms and Equipment guide but they seemed to have not done anything for the great axe how odd...

2015-01-02, 01:17 PM
Real world, there was a two-handed, single bladed axe referred to as a Dane axe. I believe most real-world war axes only had a single blade, as a general note, though there were probably exceptions.

2015-01-02, 01:56 PM
Ultraxe (or Ultra axe, if you don't like the "a" pulling double duty)

What you want is a long a - ultråxe.

2015-01-02, 02:04 PM
What you want is a long a - ultråxe.

You, sir, are amazing.

Also, I've really kind of fallen in love with Pretty Goodaxe. Even the toned down Goodaxe is nice. I honestly vote for this.

2015-01-02, 04:51 PM
^all real axe variants

I'm sorry for being nitpicky but tabarzin and sagaris were closer to one-handed axes. I'd even say sagaris resembling a pick more, or a short bec de corbin (or pollaxe).
Never heard about panabas before but my google-fu tells me that it was 2-4 feet long, which is not close to greataxe too.

On topic, you could also use something like guandao (on second thought, it is closer to a glaive, disregard that), or even voulge

More seriously lochaber axe

Yea, I like that idea. Or a bill (which looks like a weirdly shaped halberd) for that matter.

2015-01-02, 06:34 PM
Pretty Goodaxe

this. totally dig it.

2015-01-02, 07:51 PM
If you want some real history weapons, you could use labrys (greek double-headed axe) but I don't remember if they were long enough to qualify. A bardiche is also somewhat resembling greataxe. I think they are usually classified as polearms but honestly, it is closer to a greataxe

I'd go with a bardiche being a polearm of sorts. That's certainly what they were here. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0136.html

You could go for the danish bearded axe, refluff as necessary. http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3300/e08a1/products/1664/images/1716/Antiqued_Bearded_Axe__18394.1405342159.1280.1280.j pg?c=2 Top hand often went under the head, where the blade would protect your fingers.

2015-01-02, 08:39 PM
I'd go with a bardiche being a polearm of sorts. That's certainly what they were here. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0136.html

You could go for the danish bearded axe, refluff as necessary. http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3300/e08a1/products/1664/images/1716/Antiqued_Bearded_Axe__18394.1405342159.1280.1280.j pg?c=2 Top hand often went under the head, where the blade would protect your fingers.

Longaxe in Complete Adventurer is really quite close to the mechanics of how i'd imagen Bearded axe to be

2015-01-02, 10:58 PM
Dire axe looks like the best fit for what I'm looking for. Thanks, everyone who made a helpful suggestion.

2015-01-02, 11:14 PM
Dire axe looks like the best fit for what I'm looking for. Thanks, everyone who made a helpful suggestion.

I choose to believe that includes me. Any time!

2015-01-02, 11:26 PM
Does the reason why you're creating it give any inspiration? Usually that's a pretty big component.

2015-01-03, 02:42 PM
I'd go with a bardiche being a polearm of sorts. That's certainly what they were here. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0136.html


It was one of my hobbies for some time do I wasted some time to answer that question, even though it wasn't really needed :smallsigh:

Here's my reasoning: obviously, bardiche is a polearm. But you should remember that there's no greataxe as depicted in D&D in real life. Therefore, we should define what qualifies as greataxe for our purpose.
Its shaft should be shorter than that of a polearm while its blade should resemble an axe (obviously). Also it should be used for chopping rather than slicing or stabbing. And, just for the purpose of being cool, its blade should be quite big. That's the main criteria I used. Let's see what qualifies...

http://www.rusknife.com/uploads/post-295-0-73639700-1389869463.jpg http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/imagen/espadas-paulchen-hanwei/187hacha-polaca-bardiche/187hacha-polaca-bardiche.JPG

Seems quite close to what is required :smalltongue:

http://popgun.ru/files/g/79/orig/5122724.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1u9vZnhO08k/T4GtECV4MPI/AAAAAAAAAFg/4ztCDPN2OPc/s1600/images.jpeg

Chinise axe, actually it was quite heavy and I'd say it is the closest to the D&D greataxe, even though it is single-bladed

http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/66/Bronze_Ax_Messara_Crete.jpg http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/LX/BerlinF1704Hephaistos.jpg

Yes, there is real double-headed axe! Although it might have been mostly used as a ceremonial weapon, not for battle. Still awesome-looking, anyway :smallbiggrin:


Lochaber axe is on the right. Still not too close


Tabar and tabar zin are Persian words for "axe" and "saddle axe", as far as I understand, so you cannot really call it a greataxe. Surely, most of them were one-handed but some could qualify for our purpose, at least to some degree, like that one (http://antigaarabia.com/uploads/200-201.pdf)

2015-01-03, 04:37 PM
Halberds are polearms and they're not PolearmsTM or Reach weapons in-game.

Edit: Are greataxes actually required to be double-headed or is it just common that they're depicted as such? I'd have sworn Krusk's depictions have him with a single-headed greataxe fairly often. :smallconfused:

2015-01-03, 09:26 PM

It was one of my hobbies for some time do I wasted some time to answer that question, even though it wasn't really needed :smallsigh:

Here's my reasoning: obviously, bardiche is a polearm. But you should remember that there's no greataxe as depicted in D&D in real life. Therefore, we should define what qualifies as greataxe for our purpose.
Its shaft should be shorter than that of a polearm while its blade should resemble an axe (obviously). Also it should be used for chopping rather than slicing or stabbing. And, just for the purpose of being cool, its blade should be quite big. That's the main criteria I used. Let's see what qualifies...

http://www.rusknife.com/uploads/post-295-0-73639700-1389869463.jpg http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/imagen/espadas-paulchen-hanwei/187hacha-polaca-bardiche/187hacha-polaca-bardiche.JPG

Seems quite close to what is required :smalltongue:

http://popgun.ru/files/g/79/orig/5122724.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1u9vZnhO08k/T4GtECV4MPI/AAAAAAAAAFg/4ztCDPN2OPc/s1600/images.jpeg

Chinise axe, actually it was quite heavy and I'd say it is the closest to the D&D greataxe, even though it is single-bladed

http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/66/Bronze_Ax_Messara_Crete.jpg http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/LX/BerlinF1704Hephaistos.jpg

Yes, there is real double-headed axe! Although it might have been mostly used as a ceremonial weapon, not for battle. Still awesome-looking, anyway :smallbiggrin:


Lochaber axe is on the right. Still not too close


Tabar and tabar zin are Persian words for "axe" and "saddle axe", as far as I understand, so you cannot really call it a greataxe. Surely, most of them were one-handed but some could qualify for our purpose, at least to some degree, like that one (http://antigaarabia.com/uploads/200-201.pdf)

While I agree with you on your points, I personally think that teh shorter haft of a polearm (reach or not) drastically changes the motion used when fighting with it.
Also, if you've seen tourist photos, most of the Labys that show up in history books, are either 12 feet tall (and wide as a telphone pole), or about 8 inches.

Hiro Protagonest
2015-01-03, 09:36 PM
More seriously lochaber axe

Luchadore axe!

Tarlek Flamehai
2015-01-03, 10:22 PM
I would also say the lochaber axe is a nice choice, or maybe the gallowglass axe.

2015-01-03, 10:36 PM
Peelee totally beat me to the punch. I saw the title and immediately thought "Pretty Goodaxe". Drat it all.

2015-01-03, 10:44 PM
Spartha, Sparr axe, Pale-Axe, Spartha Axe are altenrate terms for what might be referred to as a gallowglass axe.

2015-01-04, 12:45 AM
Peelee totally beat me to the punch. I saw the title and immediately thought "Pretty Goodaxe". Drat it all.

I swear, the Pretty Goodaxe is going in my next game.

2015-01-04, 08:33 AM
Maybe, Broadaxe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadaxe)?

2015-01-04, 02:50 PM
Heh. Broad Axes and Bastard Swords. :smallamused: