View Full Version : How to Make Doctor Who

2015-01-02, 01:49 PM
How would one go about making The Doctor? Bard is the first thing that comes to mind for the Knowledge boost and charming manner, but he can also Mindrape(Dona Noble) and Reincarnate which are not bard spells. They could be added to a custom time lord race, but I would prefer to keep it RAW legal if possible. Any ideas?

For the TARDIS we can have a nested Hole of Hiding(cheapest option but a normal Genesis plane would work too) with a blue box shaped continuously active Portal built as a stronghold on the material plane with a use activated Portal In Time built around it. Give it the Plane Shift and Flying Wondrous Architecture and you have a rough approximation of the TARDIS.

2015-01-02, 02:04 PM
Factotum with item familiar (sonic screwdriver)?

2015-01-02, 02:07 PM
The TARDIS is pretty much just a Magnificent Mansion with the portal attached to a flying box. For everything else, honestly, it's all just wish spam.

If you're doing Moffat's Doctor sub-Epic you're doing him wrong, and I wouldn't balk at a Divine Rank or two.

2015-01-02, 03:22 PM
If you're doing Moffat's Doctor sub-Epic you're doing him wrong, and I wouldn't balk at a Divine Rank or two.
This. The Doctor (Moffat's version, I guess; I haven't seen any pre-Moffat Doctor Who) single-handedly outclasses pretty much everything and everyone in his universe. Bard levels are a good start for his people skills, but I think it'll ultimately come to a primary spellcasting class.

2015-01-02, 03:25 PM
He has a ton of different psionic powers too, that he almost never uses. Is there a psionic factotum?

2015-01-02, 03:25 PM
For the constant resurrecting, maybe try several Clones which are then Flesh To Stone-Shape Stone-Stone to Flesh'ed into new shapes? Would explain the doctor's virtual immortality, as well as his continuously shifting appearances.

I am not too familiar with Doctor Who though, so please tell me if this doesn't fit.

2015-01-02, 03:33 PM
For the constant resurrecting, maybe try several Clones which are then Flesh To Stone-Shape Stone-Stone to Flesh'ed into new shapes? Would explain the doctor's virtual immortality, as well as his continuously shifting appearances.

I am not too familiar with Doctor Who though, so please tell me if this doesn't fit.

More like reincarnate that changes faces, tastes, and alters personality instead of race.

2015-01-02, 03:40 PM
The reincarnation stuff is actually really easy to pull off - Last Breath (there's a note about changing the table for different races, so make a Time Lord table with only Time Lord results) bolted on with Craft Contingent Spell twelve times, with each contingency being "I died N+1 times since the creation of the Contingency."

2015-01-02, 04:05 PM
Before you go down this thought exercise, you should clearly list the powers and abilities you want to emulate in your 3.5e Doctor. Remember, he exists in the 'real world' where most people are level 1-3 with the pinnacle capping around level 5-6.

Powers of The Doctor (Moffet):
Reincarnation (12 times)
Immune to lethal radiation (or can control it in his body)
Speak (virtually) all languages (including baby and dinosaur)
Psychic (telepathy?)
- imprint his memories onto others
- Erase memories of people
- Craft amazing tech out of junk
Expert in all sciences (computer, medical, physics, etc)
Competent (somewhat) in sword fighting

I am sure I am missing stuff - but I have never seen him do anything equivalent to 3rd level spells.

Doctors Equipment:
Sonic Screwdriver
- Destroy Matter
- Create matter
- Open virtually any lock
- Scans vitals
- works through psionic / thought.

- Sentient
- Travels through time and space
- Exists in multiple time simultaneously
- Virtually infinite space inside

I am sure there is more...:smallamused:

2015-01-02, 04:10 PM
I am sure I am missing stuff - but I have never seen him do anything equivalent to 3rd level spells.

Modify Memory is a 4th level spell.

2015-01-02, 05:20 PM
Modify Memory is a 4th level spell.

Unfortunately, the Doctor changed months, perhaps years worth of memory - not five minutes. This spell is not nearly powerful enough. But other fourth or third level spell (or spell - like abilities) are beyond the power of the doctor.

This is the inherent problem trying to fit a character from a story into a game system.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a 3.5e Doctor - I am a big fan of both. :smallamused:

My general contention is that he generally uses very mundane abilities/equipment (sans the screwdriver) to get the job done.

And truthfully, he only removed the memories of an 'afflicted' human - on of his companions absorbed the energy from the regeneration resulting in her being 'turned into' a pseudo time lord. This was killing the character until the Doctor removed himself from her memories. So I don't know if he can do that with any creature or only other 'time lords'.

Personally, I think he is like a mid level factotum (INT to X abilities with a ton of skill points) with a race that has several spell/psion-like powers.

2015-01-02, 06:50 PM
Now I wonder how Wolf-Rose would be? At will disintegrate with CL infinity for start?

Oh, and lets not forged how he wired himself into the psychic link I think it was, back when he was captured by the Master.
AND his regeneration isnt just simplr reincarnation. As demonstrated by River Song who after reincarnating was able to take numerous bullets, healing instantly, and then knock out about 5 people using a wave of regenerative energy.

2015-01-02, 07:02 PM
As demonstrated by River Song who after reincarnating was able to take numerous bullets, healing instantly, and then knock out about 5 people using a wave of regenerative energy.
We have absolutely no confirmation that the Doctor is capable of this. River isn't a proper Time Lord.

2015-01-02, 07:39 PM
Well, he did regrow a hand during regeneration.

2015-01-02, 08:19 PM
I would have to say a (Gestalt Factotum||)Psionic Artificer
While most of the Doctor's abilities could be emulated through tech. The rest can be duplicated by Factotum.
Especially his "A-ha" moments, his mind reading (Detect Thoughts SLA), etc.

With a box
2015-01-02, 08:26 PM
there is a roleplay game published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment. (http://www.cubicle7.co.uk/our-games/doctor-who-aitas/)
wiki link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who:_Adventures_in_Time_and_Space)
it would be helpful if we look in it.. can we find that in fan forum of this?

Extra Anchovies
2015-01-03, 02:02 PM
Pre-revival Doctor (at least the Tom Baker portrayal) is a mid-level Factotum with a wand of Knock. He's not nearly as much of an overinflated "badass" as he is in the revival series, and the show is a lot better for it.

2015-01-03, 02:32 PM
What about making some variation of being Soul-Locked for his regenerations? It's from page 47 of Heroes of Horror, and a bit like a template without actually being one. Alternatively, some form of the Wedded to History feat from Dragon 354 might work (though none of those histories quite seem appropriate if we're trying to avoid homebrewing.)

Honestly, if I were going to make d20 stats for the Doctor, I'd probably start with a different system, like Adventure!. The three Gadget background feats would be just about perfect to represent his Sonic Screwdriver and TARDIS (I'd probably use the Psychic Paper as his lowest level gadget so that he could qualify for the latter two feats) and the way he talks his way out of everything and just sort of "knows" things would fit really nicely for a combination Scholar/Explorer/Scoundrel/Aristocrat set of levels.

-EDIT: And considering some other things, he'd probably qualify for the Mastermind prestige class, too, if we count him as someone who's done a "truly wicked deed" to hit the special prerequisite. I don't know if you can actually call him that, but the Doctor certainly *believes* he's crossed the line before.

2015-01-03, 11:43 PM
I always considered the best class would be artificer. But the Gestalt Factotum // Psionic Arty is even better. Note that the Doctor don't use overpowerful thing every minute or so, but rely on wits and cunning a lot more than on power.

The Time Lords is probably an homebrew race with the outsider type. Regeneration should be a racial ability, along with some psionic power and some special understanding of time and space.

Powers of The Doctor (Moffet):
Reincarnation (12 times)
Immune to lethal radiation (or can control it in his body)
Speak (virtually) all languages (including baby and dinosaur)

And Horse too.

Doctors Equipment:

Add the psychic paper.

- Sentient
- Travels through time and space
- Exists in multiple time simultaneously
- Virtually infinite space inside

And grant the ability to speak any language to the Companions too.

Unfortunately, the Doctor changed months, perhaps years worth of memory - not five minutes. This spell is not nearly powerful enough. But other fourth or third level spell (or spell - like abilities) are beyond the power of the doctor.

And truthfully, he only removed the memories of an 'afflicted' human - on of his companions absorbed the energy from the regeneration resulting in her being 'turned into' a pseudo time lord. This was killing the character until the Doctor removed himself from her memories. So I don't know if he can do that with any creature or only other 'time lords'.

I don't remember, did he use a device for that?

2015-01-04, 12:11 AM
I don't remember, did he use a device for that?

If i remember correctly its never shown. I think it shows him knocking her unconscious, but not how/how long it takes him to erase stuff.