View Full Version : Pathfinder Being a low level illusionist in Pathfinder

2015-01-02, 03:22 PM
I'm going to be playing in a Pathfinder campaign (which I am totally new to). Originally I was going to play a Summoner, but there are going to be people who have never played the 3es or Pathfinder, so I decided against it to avoid accidentally shunting them off to the side and outdoing them at what they do.

I've always preferred casters to non-casters, we've got a fighter, a cleric, a rogue, and one of the other players is going for the classic "throw damage at them until they stop moving" kind of sorcerer. I don't want to try the Alchemist because tbh it sounds a bit dull. I was thinking of going for the god wizard, but that kinda does too good a job earning it's name. I'll be able to help them punch above their weight-class a bit, but anything that can get rid of me would be a near instant TPK.

So, I was thinking, as an Illusionist/Diviner I could probably still be a force multiplier and help the party without it being a case of "You killed them because I let you kill them. You are nothing to me you lowly maggots! This is trivial for a being of my awesome greatness! The only reason you hold any purpose is because I am holding back!" like wizards (or sorcerers or druids or clerics or casters of pretty much any form) often are. (Tends to be less than fun).

It doesn't hurt that beguiler was always my favorite 3.5 class either.

Our campaign will start at the glorious level of 3 and continue on until...whenever it happens to stop.

So, my questions are:

1. What are the main differences between illusion in pathfinder and illusion in 3.5?
2. Ignoring bards, is the Wizard the best class for what I want to do?
3. Just how viable would an illusionist/diviner wizard be in a low level low-op game?

Honest Tiefling
2015-01-02, 03:29 PM
Illusions depend on your DM to a great degree. I wouldn't be surprised if Divination also had the same problem.

Seems like you like the idea of a god-wizard. There's enough tricks to keep you out of the line of fire, and you could do quite a bit more then simply help them out 'a bit' if done well. They'll also love you loads for it. This type would also help out newcomers bunches as they might not be as prepared as a veteran.

If all else fails, let someone ride your Eidolon/summons?

2015-01-02, 04:09 PM
***So, my questions are:

1. What are the main differences between illusion in pathfinder and illusion in 3.5?
2. Ignoring bards, is the Wizard the best class for what I want to do?
3. Just how viable would an illusionist/diviner wizard be in a low level low-op game?

1) They're pretty similar.
2) Arcanist isn't bad either, though you're trading the fast spell level progression for more flexibility. I believe that Sorcerers with the Dreamspun or Shadow Bloodlines could make solid Diviner/Illusionist characters.
3) Probably very. You're less likely to run into creatures immune to your illusions and Will is generally a terrible save for monsters through the first half of the game or so.

2015-01-03, 12:17 AM
Note that Pathfinder also has level 1 invisibility (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/vanish) which is going to make illusionists much stronger at low levels than they were in 3.5.