View Full Version : Fate/rebirth

2015-01-02, 11:15 PM
Legends say that spells must always be spoken with the correct words, that mispeaking an incantation is to invite ruin.

Legends are full of it. You would know.

The Aria that precedes an act of Magecraft can be anything; it's a tool to convince the magus that the impossible thing he is about to do is possible. As cliche as it sounds, it really is the thought, or the belief, that counts.

Thus, a spell for summoning might be any sort of call.

A measured, traditional incantation...

"Come forth, guardian of the balance."

...a feverish chant, more sung than spoken and more shouted than sung...

"Champion! You have one more story left to tell!"

...the fearful cry of a young man in grave peril, addressing any who might hear...

"Someone! ANYONE! HELP!!"

...to the quiet, desperate prayer of a child...

"Please...send me a friend...please..."

All are Arias. All are spells. And, on this night, all of them work.

As the light from the light from the summoning fades, you see that you are in an austere room. The walls are uniform grey stone, polished to a shine and in a perfect cube. The only furnishings are the plain iron candlesticks with plain white candles burning in them, placed at the points of the summoning pentacle. The pentacle itself is in the center of the small room, with only a step or two between its edge and the walls. If this room could be used for any other purpose but summoning, you cannot see it.

What you can see is the girl in front of you:


Expressionless and uniformed, the girl can't be older than 16. She's breathing as if she's just finished some light exercise, and seems to be waiting for your part of the ritual.

As one whole leg and one peg touch ground again, sand crunches beneath them both; you have been summoned on a beach, under the stars. At the points of the massive pentacle drawn in the sand, bonfires burn, hot and bright. A look to the sky shows the North Star shining as bright as ever, directly in front of you; that would put the high grassy dunes to the west, and the ocean to the east.

On the ground in front of you, a young man stands, inside the circle but outside the star:


He's wearing a half-assed parody of a military dress uniform, and couldn't be more obviously Irish if he were wearing shamrock underpants. He's quivering in anticipation; the last part of the ritual is yours.

As you look once more on this world, it fails to impress; was a dingy alleyway the best welcome that could be extended?

The three red-eyed, hunched over fanged people with chunks ripped from their throats don't help. They look downright unwelcoming. Whatever happened to hospitality?

Whimpering behind you draws half an eye:


A spectacled young man, clearly with no idea of what's going on and scared out of his mind.

Been there. Best to deal with your hosts before completing the ritual.

As the room comes into focus, you see white, peeling paint on every too-close wall and and the too-low ceiling as well. There's a window in one corner, showing what might be a city lit up for the night; the lights in this room aren't on, and the lit electric lantern on the worn-out coffee table suggests they aren't going to be anytime soon. A couch, ratty and old, sits in the center of the room; on it sits a girl, no more than ten, brown eyes red from crying and wide from shock.

Her face and clothes are dirty, and there's a bruise on one of her cheeks. You feel your blood begin to heat.



2015-01-03, 01:55 AM
With as little drama as he left the world, Musashi Miyamoto returns to it. He simply appears in the middle of a dark alleyway, clad in a plain blue hakama and gi, the longer of the two curved swords that typically hangs at his side already in hand.

He spares only a moment to glance at the man, presumably his summoner, whimpering behind him before he returns his full attention to the three red-eyed things that are the apparent cause of the man's distress. Sensing no small amount of ill-will radiating from the trio, Musashi falls into a ready stance and says, calmly, "I will give you the count of five to explain your presence. Else I will cut you down where you stand."

2015-01-03, 02:48 AM
Caster's features remained expressionless as she surveyed her rather severe surroundings upon being materializing in the center of the cell-like summoning chamber. As her gaze shifted upwards to the girl before her, a faint smile crossed her face. Despite her small stature, she radiated a bearing and presence that was nearly overwhelming--something that went beyond the mere supernatural force emitted by beings such as Servants and seemed more akin to a tangible aura. Keeping her eyes locked on the magus before her, Caster spoke in a soft but confident voice that both commanded attention yet invited response.

"So, I take it you are to be my Master, yes?"

2015-01-03, 10:43 AM
He is reborn into the world in stillness; only the soft breeze brought forth by his summoning which softly stirred the a aetheric mist he'd been called through. The moment goes on for a time as the Servant shakes of an uneasy feeling, before performing his part.

"I ask you, are you..." begins solemnly before his voice falters as his new eyes take in the sight before him. The peeling paint, the tiny room, the girls poor visage, the condition of the furniture and the dozen little things that his experience and grail born knowledge picked up on; none of which spoke well of the place he'd been summon to. It had been a sight he'd fought so hard to banish from his home, and from wherever he had travel to. However at that moment he had more important matters to tend to than his mere outrage; there was a child in need.

The Crimson man's expression and stature softened as he looked at the frightened girl; a gentle presence replacing his noble countenance as he lowered himself on one knee before the girl. "Don't worry little one, I'm here to help," he began soothingly with an amiable smile as he met the child's gaze, "What's your name?"

2015-01-04, 03:42 PM
Three sets of red eyes refocus, from their erstwhile prey to the current threat. There's nothing in them. Nothing. No emotion, no life.

Until, that is, the closest of the three...Dead, that's the term, steps forward, stands up to his full and impressive height, and speaks.

From a throat too damaged to do so.

In a high, clear, female voice.

"My apologies, Servant. I knew not that magi capable of becoming Masters could Spring from such...mundane...ground, nor that the Heaven's Feel had begun so soon. Should you wish it, I will hunt other prey."

Unlike the face from which it emanates, the voice shows definite emotion, predominantly regret, with undertones of fear and resentment.

"That is correct. I am Ermentrude. Your class?"

The voice is slightly lower than one might expect from a girl of Ermentrude's small stature, and the words are clipped as if with shears. Clearly, your Master does not believe in wasting time.

The girl shies back, putting her head down.


She's still frightened and confused, that much is clear; it's only thanks to your expertise at being nonthreatening that she hasn't outright bolted.

2015-01-04, 08:00 PM
As she speaks her name Rider's knowledge flows through his awareness as the Servant seeks her out within his Register; hoping that knowledge of her most recent interactions with others might enlighten to him as to the girl's present state, how best to interact with her, and with any luck answer how he'd been summoned into her presence.

Using Virtue-Sin Register to gain knowledge of the details surrounding her recent positive and negative interactions with others.

2015-01-04, 08:31 PM
"Oh? I was under the impression that you should be able to perceive such things as my Master. But no matter, I suppose; I am of the Caster class."

She swept her gaze around the room critically and frowned slightly, evidently displeased with the state of her surroundings. Returning her attention towards her Master once more, Caster inclined her head ever so slightly towards the door.

"I find the austerity of this room somewhat offputting. Take me someplace more accommodating."

There was no threat or expectation behind the command, nor even a hint of consideration for her Master's reaction. Rather she issued the demand in the same manner that someone might say, 'The sky is blue.'--that is as a statement of undisputed fact, as if the possibility that she may not be obeyed had never even entered into her thoughts.

2015-01-04, 10:12 PM
Saber glances behind himself again, checking that his summoner is still there, before replying. "I seek no quarrel with you, Dead Apostles. But my will is not my own. If my Master commands it, you may go unharried, but if not..." He shrugs, and draws his second sword from its sheathe.

"That is a different matter entirely."

2015-01-05, 01:21 PM
Ahab appeared as if he'd just burst forth from hell itself. A certain madness sat behind his cold grey eyes, well aged within that blighted skull. The smell of blood and whale oil clung about him in the morning mist with just a tinge of brimstone, and as he stepped upon that seaside paradise the tide reared back as if the whole world abhorred the very idea of this hate granted flesh.

"Thou hast called, and whether by fate or desire I stand before thee." He rocked slightly towards his ivory peg as he stepped forward. "Art thou prepared for the chase?"

2015-01-06, 06:53 PM
A record of good deeds, little kindnesses for the most part, scrolls forth past your eyes: giving a quarter she had found by chance to a homeless busker, sneaking parts of her dinner to a local stray cat, listening to the complaints of an elderly neighbor to help alleviate his loneliness, and more. Young Virginia is certainly on the Nice List, but even one so young is not without sin. Mere minutes before marked the seventeenth time she wished death upon her mother. Virginia's charitable spirit hits a wall when it comes to the woman that gave birth to her; any attempt at kindness is met with screaming, and screaming back is met with violence. The only way to be safe is to be ignored. Any father, or any children her own age, are conspicuous through their absence.

All this flashes by, described by a sequence of individual events that form a pattern as clear as it is sad. Clearly, this is a child who needs help.

Ermentrude nods, the necessity of leaving the room as clear to her as it is to you. She turns her back to you, and grasps at an invisible handle on a door that isn't there until she begins to open it.

(In truth, it's merely a non-verbal pass code to transmute the Mystic Code door back into being. This much is obvious to the observant...provided the observant know how Magecraft is done.)

Outside the room is a expansive, windowless basement, of a similarly ascetic aesthetic; as you leave you see other, identical cubes arranged in neat rows, nine by nine. Ermentrude clearly has no intention of lingering, and indeed breathes easier every step she takes away from the summoning cube towards a central spiral staircase. Mind, that might just be a physical reaction to leaving a small, airtight room that contained open flames.

Prana efficient? Yes, very. Comfortable or safe? Only to those outside of it; a cursory inspection shows that the walls are three feet thick. Exactly.


Your Master is taking a long breath in-


-and out.

"You, sword guy! You're on my side, right!? That's what you said!"

He's calm enough to be coherent, if a bit squeaky and manic. You may have underestemated him.

"These zombie freaks were trying to kill me, and they're saying they're gonna kill other people instead!? This is bullshEAH!!"

His outrage is cut of by a shriek of terror, as the 'zombie freaks' hiss and leap forward.

Either they stopped caring about, or forgot, what you are. Either way, you should remind them...her. There's only one mind at work here, no matter how many bodies are present.

The young man grins, the wicked grin of a child about to do mischief with a friend in tow.

"Aye Aye, Captain! Finn McCumail on deck! So, what class? Rider? Berserker? There's only one legend with a whalebone peg leg and a harpoon!"

His voice and name confirm your initial impression; Finn is Irish, enthusiastic, and possesses all the tact of a belaying pin. He doesn't seem scared of you, oddly enough, though he's figured out your identity in a heartbeat...not that that, as he pointed out, is at all difficult.

2015-01-06, 08:34 PM
In almost the same instant the Dead Apostles move, Saber leaps forward to meet them with a loud cry of "KIAI!". As soon as he comes within striking distance, his swords flash out twice at the leader of the Dead, aiming to cut diagonally across its body.

I dunno if I need to roll initiative for this as well, but here's the attack roll.

2015-01-06, 10:49 PM
"Virginia eh? Such a lovely name! It's an honor to meet you," Rider began cheerfully with a bright smile, as if the girl had just made his day, "Now I have a very important question to ask you Virginia," he continues softly as he cups his hands together, a soft blue light dimly forming in his cupped hands.

"I was called here from somewhere very far away, from a very special place in fact; so I could aid someone who asked for my help," he explained while a soft breeze emanated from his hands as part of the private luminous display, which would illuminate Virginia's once weeping face with with its faint glow; aetheric wisps and snowflakes in an endless dance within the red man's hands, slowly intertwining into a bud.

"So I need to ask, moments ago when you were alone; did you ask for someone to come to your side? A wish with all your heart? Did you pray for a little miracle?" he asked in hushed tones as the bud slowly seemed to come to life with his words, seeming to blossom before her very eyes into an elegant rose; an icy sapphire which shone with a soothing the inner light.

1 rank of Create object employed to make a harmless, mundane ice flower.

2015-01-08, 06:56 PM
Caster wordlessly followed behind, allowing herself to be led out of the barren room. She was quietly surprised at the equally-spartan nature of the rest of the basement, and from her disappointed expression evidently had expected something more. However, the expectation that whatever lie upstairs would prove more satisfying kept her from voicing complaint for the present. Instead she fixed an appraising look on her Master's back as she made her way towards the stairs, though not after first noting the structure of the atelier she had been summoned into.

Hmm, well this girl seems quite the pragmatist. Not many people would be willing to lock themselves in an airtight cell like that at least... She is rather quiet though...

By the time they had reached the base of the stairs Caster had decided to break the silence again, having judged her Master to be the taciturn type and thus not likely to volunteer information unless asked.

"This is quite the sanctuary you have down here Ermentrude. A bit too austere for my own tastes, but efficient. From the structure of the bounded fields and the precision of your ritual I can see you've clearly put a great deal of thought into your preparations. This is good; I'd much prefer having a Master of your mindset than I would being haphazardly summoned by someone who had no clue what they were doing."

2015-01-09, 10:39 AM
Lance cocked an eyebrow in response to the joviality. "As Starbuck is not here, thou must do. Congratulations Finn, thou art First Mate on this voyage. Art thou prepared for battle? Fix thy collar though. It is improper. And turn down those sleeves. Why dost thou wear such ostentatious adornments?" The Irishman's clothing was a shock to the Quaker's personal taste. In contrast Lancer wore a heavy mariners coat of black wool with a high collared button down shirt underneath. His clothes were simply made and completely unadorned. If it weren't for his wild eyes and ivory leg he might even be able to walk down the street without anyone giving it a second thought.

Lancer stepped out of the circle and began walking though. He needed to find the trail. There was an evil to kill.

2015-01-09, 05:03 PM
One arm and both legs land on one side, one arm and the head land on the other. Neither so much as twitches.

However, the instant it took you to cut the 'leader' down was enough time for the other two to get past you to your Master. One lunges at him while the other hangs back to stay out of the way. The young man shrieks in fear as fangs close around his throat-

-and shatter. Bone, teeth and blood scatter everywhere as the Dead's jaw and teeth explode, the rest of its body being flung to the ground from the force.

Everything pauses. From the look on your Master's face, he had no idea he could do that; confusion replaces fear, then the manic grin of the man who has given up trying to understand spreads on his face. Glasses askew and with his shirt (an oddly formal button-up, not part of any uniform) splattered in blood, he starts giggling, and makes a twitchy gesture with clear meaning to the remaining corpse: 'Bring it, I've stopped caring how nuts this is.'

Virginia gazes in wonder at the creation of the icy rose. She reaches out as if to touch it, then quickly brings her hand back to her side. Her head is up now, even if she isn't looking directly at you.

"...yes. I..I prayed for a friend."

She pauses for a second, then blurts out;

"You can make things come too?!"

Her hands clap over her mouth, still-red eyes widening in terror. Apparently, that was supposed to be secret.

Interesting that you would run into a hole in the Virtue-Sin Registry's abilities so soon; if a deed was neither good nor bad, or equal amounts of both, it isn't entered. Keeping a magical talent secret would fall under that umbrella...whether as the former or latter being up for debate.

Ermentrude shakes her head slightly.

"Not mine. I'm a student, with a generous teacher. We're going to meet her, now."

One floor up, and it's as if you've stepped into another world; the hallway full of rooms you come up to could not be more different the basement you left. Grey stone gives way to red velvet, green trimming and gold embroidery; a lack of furnishings is replaced by leather-seated benches every ten feet; where there was no one else down in the basement, here there are a wide variety of people, twenty at least, no two in anything like the same outfit.

As you reach the top of the stairs, all of them pause in their conversations as they stare at the two of you.

Once second.



A gleeful voice pipes up:

"She's done it! Trudy's done it!"

The hallway erupts into wild celebration: applause, cheering...is that confetti that one guy is conjuring? Yes, it is. Huh.

'Trudy,' for her part, just keeps walking; the only indication she even notices the revelry is a small smile. The impromptu party parts around her as she walks, in any case.

Finn laughs aloud, taking no offense; he makes the requested adjustments to his 'uniform', though he leaves his tie loose.

"It's all magi business, Captain; the frogging's a prana dispersal pattern, that's a shield against hostile Magecraft, the buttons are all pre-cast pocket fireballs, and the coat itself is a Mystic Code that can make me strong as an ox and fast as a horse in half a heartbeat. I can only do one thing fast, casting-wise, so it pays to be prepared.

As a side note...Captain, we're in Maine. Were you planning on walking to Japan? I don't doubt you could do it, but you'll need to carry me for some of it. Or, and this is just a suggestion, we could berth a bit and use my plane tickets in the morning after I've filled you in on the current climate. Your call."

All through his explanation and suggestion, that cheeky grin never falters.

2015-01-09, 09:08 PM
A confused expression crosses Caster's features at her Master's comment.

But if you had a teacher, and she knew about this ritual, then why are you the one performing the-

Her unspoken question is suddenly interrupted, however, by the pair's emergence in the hallway above and the unexpectedly joyous reception. But where Ermentrude appears largely unfazed by the gathering, Caster's reaction is one of immediate and obvious discomfort. Though she manages to keep her composure, it is pretty clear to anyone paying attention that she does not much appreciate either the suddenness of the whole affair or the number of people involved (or quite possibly both at once). Her eyes darting about defensively, Caster seems to contrive to compress her already diminutive frame into an even smaller space as she reduces the following space between herself and her Master further, hoping that this impromptu parade doesn't last much longer.

Reaching out across the mental link that connected the two of them, Caster spoke in a tone that could only be described as sulking.

"In the future, you will inform me beforehand when other people are going to show up. Understand?"

2015-01-09, 11:12 PM
Rider smiled sweetly as she stared at his sculpture with awe, his heart warming at the sight of the girl who for a few moments was able to forget her troubles. "My child, there's no need for that. I come answering your prayer, and so much more," he began soothingly as he held the rose in one hand before gently blowing on it; eliciting aetheric lights to be drift off as sparkling frost, and slowly revealing the healthy petals seemed to lay beneath it.

"You don't need to worry, I know my fair share of wonders as well," he adds genially as he offers the sapphire flower blossom to the girl, "So I would love to hear about your own blessings my dear,"

Applying the Continuous and Subtle modifiers to this instance of my power. In case your wondering yes, I will be using this to hand out toys and other such small gifts over time. n_n

2015-01-09, 11:48 PM
For a moment, just a moment, Saber is shocked into pausing his attack by his Masters power. Then long honed reflexes take over. He slips behind the last Dead and, with two quick blows, buries one of his swords up to its guard in the reanimated body and lops off its head with the other.

"I should apologize," Saber says, letting the recently re-deceased body fall. "I never encountered the Dead in life, but I should have realized their speed was sufficient to evade me while I struck."

He stoops to wipe the sword blades clean on whatever rags of clothing the three Dead were wearing, and then returns them to their sheathes. "But now that unpleasantness is out of the way, there are important rites to be fulfilled."

"I ask of you: Are you my Master?"

2015-01-14, 01:50 PM
...that is almost literally every situation. You will have to be more specific. Do you dislike crowds, being crowded, excessive noise, people in general? Help me help you here.

In her mindspeech, Ermentrude is much more talkative than she's been so far, and oceans more emotive; the lighthearted teasing has a core of genuine concern. It seems that she finds it easier to express herself without physical movement.

In any event, the celebration is passed through without further incident, and the both of you step into the room at the far end of the hall. It's an office...or a lounge...or something between the two; a large desk trimmed with sage green leather sits at the back of it, flanked by neatly arranged bookcases filled with identically bound tomes (most of which, interestingly enough, are titled in Japanese), but the front half of the room is lined with two old, comfortable-looking couches that don't match the rest of the decor, or each other, at all, and there's an alcove between the two on the left that houses a kitchenette. It's a room that doesn't know what to do with itself.

Sitting on the left couch, smiling knowingly and obviously expecting you, there is a woman. Ermentrude greets her with a bow.

"Hello, Professor Tohsaka."


"Ermentrude. You've done it. Good work."

The praise is calm but sincere, and Ermentrude's smile widens a fraction. The professor gestures for both of you to sit on he opposite couch, then turns her enigmatic smile on you.

"Servant Caster. You have questions, and you should feel free to ask them. I'll hold my own until you've been brought up to speed."

Virginia slowly reaches out for the rose, then quickly grabs it and holds it to her chest, as if afraid it will vanish as easily as it came.

She looks you in the eye for a second, her eyes shining.

"Th-thank you."

She spends a minute with the conjured rose, stroking the soft blue petals in fascination. She looks up again.

"If I think about it really hard, s-sometimes little invisible things...come to me. They do what I want them to, but they d-don't stay long. I don't know what they are, but I can always t-tell where they are, even though I can't see them, and I can tell a bit of what they can do. They d-do...small stuff. Move pebbles. Swirl water. Make lights shine a little b-brighter."

She pauses.

"You're not invisible. Did...did I call you away from something important?"

Stark terror is lurking on the edges of that last question.

"Yes! I have no idea what that means, but my best guess is yessss!"

He giggles. Oh dear.

"I'm in a dark alley with a samurai calling me master, my favorite shirt is covered in blood because zombie vampires and I'm apparently F___ING ACCELERATOR why did no one inform me of this how did my evening go to hell so fast I am going into shock I just know it heeeeeeeeeee-"

Another deep breath. They seem to help.

"-hooooooaaaaah. Okay, first we leave the alley, go to an incredibly seedy hotel near here, get cleaned up and then you tell me everything. Sound like a plan?"

The manic grin hasn't left his face, but he appears to be in control...mostly.

2015-01-15, 02:47 PM
"Very well, Master." Saber bows in agreement, and takes up a spot behind him. "May I ask if you have any security at the hotel room? Or will I be providing it for the night?"

2015-01-15, 03:14 PM
Lancer stopped midstride. "I uh... I suppose that would be preferable." Silently he disappeared into the air to follow Finn.

2015-01-15, 06:18 PM
"I'm not invisible, no; but I can make it so only you and a few like me, can see me," Rider explained before astralizing, so as to prove his point. Though at her question he finds his thoughts drifting to his final moments, a somber smile settling on him at the memory before responding.

"Don't you worry Virginia; I finished my buisiness, and left things in good hands a long, long time ago. So you need not fear that," he assured the young lass sweetly, even if his heart grew heavy at the thought of the coming conversation. "As it stands there are few things nearly as important to me, than you my dear,"

2015-01-15, 07:34 PM
We'll start at 'all of the above' and work from there...

Caster replied back petulantly to her Master's surprisingly verbose question. Though the novelty of the difference between Ermentrude's mental and verbal mannerisms did little to detract Caster's attention from the surrounding celebrations which made her feel as if she were being put on display like some sort of trophy.

After escaping the crowd and being introduced to her Master's teacher, Caster wordlessly moved towards the proffered couch with unhurried and elegant steps. However, the image of regality she projected was quickly and suddenly destroyed when she then proceeded to unceremoniously flop down on the cushions and into a sitting position. Shifting her weight slightly to get comfortable, she then tilted her head first one way then another, glancing around the room as she replied to the magus' question--an act that, when combined with her previous composure, served to only make her appear all the more childish.

"Yes, I rather do think I am owed an explanation. First I am called into what could only be described as an utterly banal summoning chamber, then subjected to endure that... crowd. And it turns out that my Master has her own teacher, which begs the question of why this presumably more experienced and learned teacher is not the one performing the ritual herself. But all of that can wait a moment. What I am far more interested in knowing right now is..."

Up to this point Caster had been speaking in a tone that, while completely calm, had contained a discernible tone of distraction, as if she were going through the motions of the conversation. As she turned an unflinching gaze on the woman sitting across from her, however, that tone changed, taking on an edge it had previous lacked and clearly conveying the girl's demand for a satisfactory answer.

"How exactly are you aware of my Servant class? Unless I am mistaken, only Masters and those appointed as moderators of the war have access to such information. Of course you could have been monitoring us, since as I understand things you are the one responsible for furbishing these facilities. But that in turn begs its own questions, such as why you would willfully spy on another. Ultimately, what I am asking is why I should even be trusting you in the first place."

2015-01-16, 10:25 AM
"I'll...just let you take care of that."

With that answer your Master (at some point, you should really get his name) proceeds out of the alley, stiff-legged and jerking like a puppet with an incompetent marionetteer.

When he said that the hotel was near, he was correct; less than a minute down the street lies the evening's base, flickering neon hiragana declaring it the Naisu Lodge. When he said that it was "incredibly seedy," he was also correct; the dirt, suspicious stains and vending machines filled with a number of questionable items suggest that even if the there were a receptionist, a samurai and a bloodstained college-age male wouldn't raise any eyebrows. As it is, the key dispenser is automatic; your Master swipes a credit card, muttering as he selects a time ("...four, five, six, seven, eight hours, that should be enough to wash the terror and sleaze off me...") and takes the key from the small metal cup it falls into. He looks at the number and heads to the stairs, clearly not trusting the "elevator."

When you reach the room, it's suprisingly clean: certainly more so than the lobby.

"I know the cleaning lady here; she regards it as a challenge," says your Master, flopping on the bed after throwing his bloody shirt on the ground.

He just lays there for a full minute, breathing deeply. When he sits up, he seems almost completely calm.

"First question: Who are you? Second question: What is going on? Third question: How deep in the s__t am I?"

"Heheh. No need to hide your face, Captain. Camp's just over the hill; the plane leaves at 0600 hours tomorrow."

A rude camp, with some kind of stew cooking over a fire and a simple canvas tent, is indeed just over the nearest dune. Finn checks the stew ("Needs another minute") and sits down, crossed legged.

"Right, Captain! Here's the basic outline; the Grail is buggered. Your wish is buggered. We're all buggered, unless we smash that poisoned chalice and grind the pieces to dust."

Still grinning.

"Any questions?"

"Oh. G-good."

The relief is nearly tangible. She tries to look you in the eye again, not quite managing it.

"What's your n-name?," she asks, still clinging to the blue rose like a teddy bear.

Tohsaka laughs, light and amused.

"All fair considerations. The short answer is, 'This is my floor and these are my students, so I monitor every square inch of this and the next one down to ensure their safety'. What if Ermentrude had summoned a madman? The Caster of the Fourth was a mass-murdering pederast, the Fifth a sadistic sociopath. Precautions were be taken. I am overjoyed that they were unnecessary.

As for why I am not your Master...I simply wasn't chosen. It's as simple as that. Of course, I would have been, being the only living member of one of the three founding families, had I not adopted young Ermentrude into the family as my little sister two weeks ago. It worked, didn't it imouto? And why did it work?"

Ermentrude turns an almost imperceptibly light shade of pink, but answers seriously.

"Because the Grail is corrupted, and hates you personally; it took the flimsiest loophole to keep you from being a Master again."

"Full marks, gold star."

Tohsaka gestures to you, waiting patiently.

2015-01-16, 11:34 AM
Lancer reappeared without any particular fanfare and followed Finn over the hill to camp. It was nice to stretch his legs. He chose to stand while Finn sat, and paced a bit as he listened. "Aye, the unhallowed grail is why I could even be summoned. My wish is not for some happy fairytale ending. No, my wish is to destroy the fates that put us here. White whale, holy grail. It matters not. I will see it destroyed. Be it left to me, there will be no pieces left to grind."

2015-01-16, 12:05 PM
Saber precedes his Master into the room, quickly looking for any further threats before the younger man enters. He waits patiently as his Master regains his composure, only speaking when he is asked. "My name is Musashi Miyamoto, of the Saber class. As for what is going on, you have summoned me, a Servant, denoting yourself as a Master in the Sixth Holy Grail War. There should be three red marks on your right hand, appearing to form a crest of some kind. It is possible that you had some kind of stigmata there for some time before this event occurred."

He glances up at his Master, almost, but not quite, concealing the look of slight disproval at his choice of words. "As for how much... trouble you are in, a Holy Grail War is normally, and I would like to stress that word, a fight to the death between seven Masters and their Servants to compete for the Holy Grail, what should have been an omnipotent magical wish granting device. Though I suspect that is not the case this time. And Master, may I ask what your name is?"

2015-01-17, 01:44 PM
Caster tilted her head quizzically.

"Hmm? 'Again'? Then you were a Master in a previous war..? Also, are you certain the Grail is corrupted? I have not sensed anything indicating that such is the case."

The green eyes calmly swiveled towards Tohsaka, studying the elder "sister". Caster's features were impassive as she stared silently for a number of seconds before giving a slight shrug, apparently satisfied.

"Well, in any case I am pleased to learn that there should be no need for conflict between us. But I must ask why you have gone to such elaborate lengths as to arrange all this."

2015-01-17, 03:57 PM
"I've had many names Virgina, though my True Name is a very old one; and it's a secret that I hope to share with you once I'm certain it's safe to tell you," he began, keeping his gentle smile all the way through, "However the title I've been given, by which you've called me here, is Rider; and we have many very important things to talk about for the future,"

2015-01-19, 01:24 PM
Finn blinks, eyes wide with surprise, then laughs again.

"Ha! Looks like you passed the intro course, Captain! Here's the advanced class; at least one, probably more, Servant-Master duo is in on this too. My Professor, one Lord Velvet, is getting as many as we can on board Operation: Bordeaux, and my adorable wee junior Ermentrude should have wrapped up her own summoning hours ago.

Now, you have a reason to want the Grail gone, but what of the rest of them, you may well ask? What would persuade a Servant to give up even the barest hope of a wish?"

The smug so-and-so is still grinning.

"Sosuke Hanzo," says your Master, absentmindedly introducing himself as he mulls over the new information. He rests his chin on his right hand; the Command Seal is indeed there, a triangle formed by three rings.

"Let me get this straight; magic is real, it can summon dead historical badasses, such as you, the man who literally wrote the book on sword fighting, and seven wizards do this every so often to fight to the death over the Holy Grail...which grants wishes. This is normal. This is the baseline assumption. And you suspect that something has deviated from this, again, usual state of affairs. Also, I am a wizard, and was unaware of this fact, and somehow have an incredibly useful automatic defense. Have I left anything out?"

"Aside from some incorrect terminology, no. That's a very good summary."

A beat. Where...?

Sosuke looks at you.

"You heard that too, right?"

"I would assume so. I was speaking quite clearly."

A red hood appears near the doorway and is lowered, revealing the rest of the man.


Sosuke looks blankly at the formerly invisible man.

"...you get lost on the way to a LARP, or what?"

Better question: why isn't the obvious Magus, armed with a sword and a cloaking spell good enough to completely fool you, not setting off your threat detecting instincts? Appearances aren't matching feelings at all....

"The previous War, of Archer. It was...educational.

Hm. I've seen the Grail and it's corruption with my own eyes, but I'm afraid I'm a bit short on proof. As Caster, I don't doubt that once you are closer, you will be able to tell for yourself.

As for my 'elaborate lengths,' most of the work has been done for me, by virtue of location. Where have my manners gone? Welcome to the Clock Tower, Sublevel C."

Virginia nods, but is interrupted by a crashing noise from another room, followed by a female voice shrieking in anger-and suddenly silencing.

Virginia cringes in fear, hiding behind...you, as footsteps approach. Within seconds, a man stands inthe doorway muttering to himself.


"I don't know, bloody awful woman, I can't stand America-"

He cuts off as he takes in the scene before him, frozen with shock.

One second.


A sigh, as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Always something-hello, there! I'm Waver Velvet, and this is ridiculous."

His attempt at cheer is patently false, but he doesn't seem dangerous. The Registry confirms it; he pings as Nice, and further use reveals a kind, if somewhat stern and manipulative, teacher...who is doing his best to gather a group of Servants that can destroy the sick parody that the Grail has become. Oh dear.

2015-01-19, 11:12 PM
When the new Magus reveals himself, Saber moves quickly to position himself between the newcomer and his Master. "I would ask you if you are the one that set the Dead on us earlier," he begins. "But based on the fact that you have yet to show any signs of aggression, despite obviously having very good cloaking spells at your disposal, it seems that would be a waste of all three of our time."

He rests a hand on his own, much less colorful, swords, and continues. "So I will settle for asking how you found us, and why you know so much about the Holy Grail War."

2015-01-22, 09:57 AM
"That I cannot claim to know. Nor do I care. I will travel this course with or without assistance." The captain stared off towards the ocean and the horizon, never meeting Finn's eyes. "I have hope that they will steel themselves and join us. For our quest is ordained, written out right up to the final meeting. Even if only to perish, to be destroyed upon reaching the Grail, we will reach it."

2015-01-23, 12:43 PM
"I see. This 'Clocktower' is a sort of school for magi then?"

A thoughtful expression momentarily crossed Caster's features as she considered this before her attention returned to the conversation at hand.

"Then at present I have no more questions. You may go ahead and ask your own if you desire to."

The tone bordered on dismissive as the diminutive Servant relaxed back into the couch slightly. Yet, despite the demeaning manner, there was no hint of actual ill-will or distaste in her words. In the end, it gave the impression of one who, whatever the reason, simply was not accustomed to speaking with another person as equals.

2015-01-23, 03:57 PM
Upon hearing the scream the Servant of the Mount immediately materialized, calling forth his staff to his side even as he took a defensive stance in front of Virginia; ready to face whatever threat had come into the girl's home. When the newly summoned Servant actually saw the man came in however veritable kaleidoscope of emotions played across his face; defiance gave way to surprise, then to relief crumbling into confusion, and making way for horror, which then ignited into the kind of outrage, and settling into the weary pained expression of one suffering from a emotional-whiplash induced migraine.

Gathering himself up the servant addressed the man, his stance relaxing somewhat at the lack of hostile intent, "Waver Velvet. I am aware of your intentions, and they are noble ones, but I must ask; what have you done to the girl's mother?"

2015-01-23, 11:41 PM
The strange Magus chuckles, spreading his hands in a gesture of peace.

"I found you by smell; that's how I sense magic, and I'm quite good at it. I can always tell a Servant; they smell like dangerous or impossible things.

As to my knowledge, I was a Master in the previous War. I was only slightly less ignorant than Hanzo-san, knowing only of the existence of Magecraft and nothing else; I had to learn very quickly to survive."

Sosuke pipes up, looking at the newcomer intently.

"If you don't want us dead, you want us alive. Why?"

"You're sharp; definitely adapting better than I did at first."

"I'm an employment agent. I'm used to things going wrong fast. Why?"

"Heh. We need every warm body if the Grail is to be destroyed."

"Well said, Captain! Now, the stew should be done."

Bowls and a spoons and a ladle are produced, and servings given. It's good stew; the fish flakes nicely, and the salt is just right.

"It's a body that makes it's own prana, by the way. New lease on life, if you're interested."

Tohsaka smiles.

"Here's a quiz, imouto: what can you tell me about your Servant?"

Ermentrude looks at her "sister," then at you.

"Royalty. Made, not born, but made young. Isolated for a long time, previous experience in magical combat before that but not after. Older than is apparent. Japanese."

"Caster. I believe the responsibility of grading that quiz falls on you. Now, how would you like a chance to live your own life in the modern world?"

"Hypnotized her. She thinks the wall is fascinating. How much do you know about me and what I'm doing?"

This question supersedes the obvious one; 'how does a little girl of no known magus lineage summon a Servant? And what do we do now?'

2015-01-24, 12:25 AM
The girl frowned, her mouth approximating the upper portion of a triangle as she crossed her arms in front of her.

"Hmph. Well you technically got the last part wrong. Yamatai predated Japan after all."

It was a hopelessly pedantic statement, an indulgence in petulance made by one whose pride was injured at being so effortlessly and thoroughly assessed. Not yet willing to entirely relinquish her sulking expression, Caster redirected her attention towards Tohsaka once again, warily eying the elder magus.

"And just what is that supposed to mean? A proposal like that seems quite at odds with the entire purpose of the War, don't you think? How are you in a position to even make that sort of offer?"

2015-01-24, 01:05 PM
"You are... planning to destroy the Grail?" Saber asks, not even bothering to hide the surprise in his tone. "What on Earth could have happened to it that would necessitate destroying the Holy Grail?"

He narrows his eyes suspiciously, and gazes more closely at the unknown Magus. "You said you survived the previous War. Does that mean you were the winner?"

2015-01-24, 03:50 PM
"I know that you're a good person at heart, that you mean Virginia and I no harm; that more has gone awry than merely my abnormal summoning, and I have greater things to protect Virginia from than cruel hearted Masters," Rider says glancing at his young ward as he astralizes his staff, "How can you be so certain that the Holy Grail has been tainted though? I may not know what has become of magecraft since my passing, but a wonder of that magnitude is not something so easily tampered with,"

"As for ourselves, I can say little more than it's a miracle I found my way to her; though I confess you came here quite swiftly, and I've had little time to speak to her," the man in red explains as he turns to Virginia with a gentle smile, placing a hand on her shoulder encouragingly.

"Sweet Virginia, I know Mr. Velvet has been rude barging into your home; but he means us no harm. He's a friend, and it seems he needs our help to stop something very bad from happening," he explains soothingly, "Would it be alright if he sits with us for a while, so the three of us can talk?"

2015-01-26, 01:00 PM
Lancer finally sat down when the stew was ready. It was better than he expected. Far better than the last meals he remembered. He ate in silence, and didn't reply until the bowl was empty. "What doth thou mean by that? I am no magician."

2015-02-04, 12:26 AM
Tohsaka smiles.

"I am the woman that's offering you-

-a body that doesn't need an outside source of energy stay on Earth; no need to hang around a magus, no disappearing when-

-The Grail is broken, and has been for a while; what we need to do is more like disposing of a biohazard than actual destruction. We're prepared to offer any Servant a new lease on life, and any Master-

-our full support, whether they want money, education, favors, anything; I'm sure I could arrange for an lorry full of sweets, should you want one. We might not be up to the level of the Holy Grail, but-

-we can still grant plenty of wishes with our own power, our own knowledge. Ermentrude, tell your servant what you're getting out of this."

"A chance to study the workings of Heroic Spirits-

-nothing but in good with Professor Tohsaka, fine bird that she is-

-a bunch of wiz-magi owing me a favor, and not being at ground zero when something holding enough energy to spontaneously reshape reality on a worldwide scale melts down like a faulty power plant-

-...Rider can stay? Y-you'll really help him stay?"

"...of course. I would do that for his sake, and will certainly do it for yours, Virginia. Sound-"





"...M-mister Velvet?"


"W-what's a 'lorry?"

"...ah! In America, you call them trucks."


2015-02-04, 11:50 AM
"That sounds like an amazing deal. A deal of a lifetime, in fact." Saber gazes down at his body and smirks. "Or perhaps two lifetimes, in my case."

He glances back at his Master, sighs, and drops his hands from his swords. "I can sense no ill intent from him, Master, and what he says sounds reasonable. More than reasonable, if all of it is true. But what is your wish?"

2015-02-04, 08:58 PM
"You're telling the truth," he states rather than asks, as he turns to Virginia; taking her excitement at the mere thought of him being able to stay, it broke his heart. No child should ever be that starved for love, though it seemed that even with the passing of millenia some things never changed. If nothing else, he hoped to have a chance to mend the girl's heart before his time was up.

"Your offer is...generous; and had things been different I'd doubt your offer, but even if I don't know how it's clear you intend to make good on it somehow," Rider mused with a gentle smile, "While not needed, it is appreciated,"

"If there is an evil that would threaten the innocent, it is my duty to stop it; however... Virginia isn't suited for battle," he with a worried frown as he voices his concern, "She is untrained, and I haven't had a chance to witness her magics or test her resilience yet; her involvement in the war...it doesn't sit well with me, even if I'm glad to be by her side now,"

"I had hoped to teach her while we traveled to be registered, long enough to explain what is happening and for her to decide what she wanted to do before any of the masters knew of her; but with this... I worry for her," the servant of the mount explains as he smiles at his mistress, so much was happening so quickly; it didn't sit well with the Servant, but he would do what he could for now.

2015-02-05, 02:38 PM
"That is all well and good, Mister Finn, but I hold no illusions about my existence. I am a cautionary tale of the dangers of blind vengeance and raging against the heavens. Even should we succeed I have no desire to claim an existence. I have no right. I will seek the Grail and be consumed by it's destruction. Fate moves this body, works through me, engineers it's own destruction. I may seem to helm this ship, but I am the prow, rammed headlong at her whim." Lancer returned the bowl now that the soup was gone. "No, there is no need for it. When this work is done I will go, if I have not already."

2015-02-06, 12:52 AM
Caster sat a long while in silent deliberation, entirely motionless save for the occasional blinking of her eyes. Truthfully, she was less than pleased with this prospective offer. While certain heroic spirits may have consented to their summoning for a chance at true incarnation, a second life, such was not the wish Caster had sought from the Grail. However, if Tohsaka's words were to be believed, a miracle like that was already out of reach and unattainable. If her original goal had already been denied, what then should she seek to accomplish in its place? It was with pondering this previously unconsidered eventuality that the girl's mind was now wholly occupied.

After a short eternity, Caster let out a small sigh. Her gaze pivoted slightly to focus on the magus sitting across from her.

"To be honest, I did not consent to the summons with the intention of seeking something as fleeting as a new life. And I must also confess that, with my designs now thoroughly foiled, I find myself at a loss as to what I may accomplish."

She shrugged, the barest hint of a smile appearing at the edges of her mouth in the process.

"But I am not so ungrateful that I cannot appreciate this opportunity for its own worth either. I shall assist you in your endeavors; and then when I have determined a suitable 'wish', you shall repay me in kind. Yes, I think this an equitable exchange."

2015-02-08, 01:34 PM
Sosuke frowns, thoughtful.

"Right now, I want info and to not die. I'll get more ambitious after we cut the proverbial red wire. Incidentally, do you guys need an employment agent? Or a favor from, like, sixty percent of Japan's service industry? I know people who know people."

Shirou (he introduced himself partway through the explanation) shrugs.

"Do you know if the Nekohaten is hiring a cook? I had a delightful afterschool job there."

"Give me five minutes...after an hour in the shower. I've got this dried bloodstain right on the back of my neck that is just torture."

Shirou winces in sympathy.

"Been there. Go, clean yourself up; I need to call my boss anyway."

Finn's grin...fades a bit. The somber acceptance seems to dampen his spirit.

"Well. That's your choice to make, Captain. More stew? The leaders of this operation are all former Masters; they let me know that a Servant can really pack it in. The pot's real big."

Virginia smiles, still uncertain but less so.

Waver purses his lips.

"It's a hard thing to say...but true nonetheless; the safest place for a Master is near their Servant. I've seen one War up close and gotten detailed reports of another; separating is a bad idea. Of course, we'll be working in a team, so we could probably spare someone to guard her...oh! We've forgotten to ask the most important question!"

Waver bends down on one knee to look Virginia in the eye. She shies, but is still listening.

"Virginia. By summoning Rider, you've gotten involved in something very dangerous. There are people that will want to hurt you, simply for being a part of this. Do you understand?"

A shaky nod.

"Good. Knowing this, are you willing to help?"

A pause.
"...this...this is really b-bad, isn't it? You...you n-need Rider, don't you?"

...Virginia looks Waver in the eye.

"I'll help."

Waver relaxes a fraction.

"Good show. Now, I'm a teacher, and a very good one by all accounts. I suspect you'd like to know more about your own gifts, so that's on the schedule. I trust you have no objection?

The last question is addressed to both of you.

Tohsaka nods, in unison with Ermentrude.

"That's fine. Of course, anything you do is your own responsibility."

The phrase has the well-worn air of a proverb.

"Now, Level XCIX has a target range, if you want to get to know each other's abilities a bit before the morning flight to Japan."

2015-02-08, 07:50 PM
Saber walks over to the bed and sits in silence until Sosuke has left the room and water can be heard pouring from the shower. "You said you were a Master in a previous war, yes?" he asks suddenly. "Which class did you summon? And how was it discovered the Grail was corrupt?"

2015-02-09, 06:01 PM
Rider looked on with mixed feelings at the exchange, but he knew this was perhaps the best offer Virginia could receive. Waver Velvet was a good man, one that had endured a great many trials and grown from a spoiled boy to the noble soul before him; if nothing else Virginia's future after the war was brighter than it had been before.

The Servant of the Mount nodded to his young mistress in encouragement and approval of her decision, before addressing Waver Velvet, "Your offer is far more than I could have hoped for; I have no objection to this, thank you Waver Velvet," he uttered smilingly with genuine gratitude at the man.

2015-02-10, 01:46 PM
"It was not meant to be an offense. Your offer is a grand one. I am just a creature of purpose. Living beyond it would be torment." The captain graciously accepted another bowl of stew. "The stew is very good. I was never a big eater, but this body... the appetite is supernatural." In short time Lancer had worked through several more bowls of stew. "Thou art a better cook than any previous first mate I have had."

2015-02-10, 02:24 PM
"Target range? You're suggesting that I put my Noble Phantasm on display, like some sort of show for entertainment?"

Caster suddenly turned her head petulantly to one side, at the same time crossing her arms haughtily in front of herself and making a disapproving 'hmph' sound. A few seconds passed as she maintained this obstinate stance before she furtively opened a single eye and glanced in Ermentrude's direction.

"Well... if my Master thinks it necessary, I'll consent to such an exercise. Though I would much prefer she simply had faith in my capabilities."

Her tone remained sullen as she continued, though by this point it almost sounded as if she were making excuses.

"Besides, my Noble Phantasm isn't one well-suited to such a purpose anyway."

2015-02-16, 11:33 AM
Fuyuki City has a long, complex history, both magic and mundane.

Only the bits with the Grail are at all relevant to the current situation.

Thank God. The rest of it is so boring.

The flight to Japan was comfortable enough; Operation Bordeaux has a big enough budget to spring for business class tickets. On the way, several things were explained;

-the remaining three Servants (Archer, Berserker and Assassin) have been summoned. By who, no one connected to this knows, although one was most definitely summoned by an Einzbern, Finn being an adopted Matou in rather the same way as Ermentrude being an adopted Tohsaka.

-The Grail itself will probably defend itself. How is another mystery.

-the operation is so named because...well. What happens to a chalice after a particularly fine wine is served from it?

All of you find yourselves sitting around a table what is to be the initial forward HQ; the home of Emiya Shirou, former Master of Saber, current Enforcer-Captain, protégée and (probably, if their exchanges so far are any indication) lover of Tohsaka Rin.

He's making lunch. Tohsaka is helping. It's a fairly involved process, and it's permeating the traditional Japanese home with a number of very appetizing smells.

You've just sat down. Introduce yourselves, says Waver Velvet, as he makes a conspicuous lack of attempt to hide his drooling at the scent of lunch-in-the-making. Get to know the people you'll be working with.

2015-02-17, 12:57 AM
Saber offers a short bow in greeting to the other Servants and Masters gathered in the Emiya household, his interest especially taken by the short girl that appears to also be of Japanese descent. "I am... he begins, with a glance over his shoulder at his Master. "Miyamoto Musashi, though I would be surprised if that meant anything to any you. Summoned in the Saber class, and sworn to Sosuke Hanzo for this War."

"Though I am not sure this rightly could be called a War, with only three possible enemy servants," he adds, almost as an afterthought. "And since we are trying to destroy the Grail, not claim it for our own."

2015-02-17, 10:12 PM
The Man in Red eyes the gathering, dismayed that so many youths would be drawn to this war, but proud that each had the courage to lend their aid of their own free will despite the forces they faced nonetheless. It warmed his heart to know there were still such heroism in the heart of man in this day and age; almost as much as the succulent scent emanating from the kitchen tickled his nose, and wet his mouth. He may be a spirit and no longer need to eat; but as a man and adept of the culinary arts he was more than eager meet their host's feast.

"Well met Musashi, but do not belittle yourself so my friend!" Rider chuckles good naturally at Saber's display of humility, "You are a Heroic Spirit, and are in the company of your peers; your achievements are your own regardless of how fickle fame may be. After all, few can claim to have had their teachings endure for so long and spread so far as your own have," he comments approvingly, taking advantage of his newly revealed grail born knowledge.

"Though I must disagree with you on one thing my friend; though there may be 3 three standard seats remaining, it by no way means that a war does not await us," Rider comments seriously, "Even if we're fortunate enough to face 3 of our number, their skills and Phantasms could easily turn any of them into a far greater threat; and that is not excluding whatever defenses the tainted grail has prepared, or what hand it may have had in selecting any of the remaining servants should a catalyst not been used. I myself am rather fortunate in this regard," he adds before shaking his head slightly, and smiling once more, "Ah... but I am being rude,"

"Greetings and Salutations to you all my friends; I am Nikolaos, Bishop of Myra; and have the honor of having been summoned by dear Virginia to this war under the mantle of Rider. It is an honor and pleasure to meet you all, and I pray for God's blessing upon you all in the coming battles," Rider greeted gregariously to those gathered, a wide happy grin meeting them all.


2015-02-17, 11:44 PM
Caster's mood had been steadily improving since the departure from London. Though the plane ride had been somewhat unpleasant due to the close confines (even the relative luxury and privacy of business class was rather uncomfortable for the reclusive queen), merely being free of the confines of the Clocktower's ateliers and bounded fields had done much to reestablish her connection with the natural spirits of the world. And the closer she drew to her old homeland, the stronger this link to the kami became, until it had finally reached the point where she felt confident that she could effortlessly commune with them once more; in short, she was enjoying a moment of quiet satisfaction in her capabilities.

And then of course someone had to spoil her mood.

At Rider's use of the word 'peers' the diminutive girl audibly scoffed; though she refrained from further comment at the time, the frown which immediately spread across her face disrupting its otherwise cute features made it obvious that she was displeased with what the man had said. When the saint had finished his introduction, however, and she was sure that he did not intend to speak further, she at last turned to face him.

"You disrespect my person, as well as your own, Saint Nikolaos, to call this man a peer. Mine is an ancient legacy exceeding one-thousand eight-hundred years, and your own only slightly less; yet you would place us upon the same level as one who lived not even half a millennia ago? This petty and small-minded individual, whose total legend is devoted to his obsession with the sword, lacking in all other purpose? To so carelessly say such a thing is nothing short of insult."

Her voice was calm and quiet, yet each word was viciously edged in an imperious tone as her emerald glare bored into Saber. As she spoke, however, her gaze shifted until it had settled where Lancer was seated.

"And do not mistake that I only direct such disappointment towards Saber, either. As far removed from ancient as his legacy is, it is still more than that of this Lancer. This one's legend is so young that his presence as a heroic spirit can hardly be felt at all."

2015-02-18, 12:12 AM
"And who are you, to judge other Heroic Spirit's so?" Saber asks, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

2015-02-18, 06:37 PM
The emerald gaze, suffused with pride, pivoted back once more towards Saber. Caster sat in silence for a moment before the faintest hint of a derisive smile manifested.

"Hmph. I see no reason that should obligate me to answer that. My very bearing and presence are more than sufficient to inform as to my right to make such judgments."

Her tone was vain and imperious--the words of a high and lofty sovereign looking down disdainfully upon the squalid masses as she spoke.

"But as I am a benevolent ruler, I shall deign to educate you. Listen well. I am Himiko, Queen of ancient Yamatai and high priestess of the gods. It was I who unified the people and brought an end to ceaseless war, and it was I who established the kami as the lords of this land. And that is why in the future, you will show the respect that is my due."

2015-02-18, 07:00 PM
"That is all very well and good," Saber replies, his voice cool. "But your empire has long since been broken, and you have passed from fact to myth to uncertainty. Your kami were replaced by mortal men, or, I suppose, several mortal men," he amends, with a nod to Rider.

"Further, you have demonstrated no qualities that would earn a warrior respect, so I shall treat you with only the respect that my code requires of me."

Saber turns to Ermentrude and offers a short bow. "I apologize if I gave offense to you with my speech."

2015-02-18, 08:31 PM
Ahab stood silently. This was a mess. Too many captains on this ship, in his opinion at least. He cleared his throat.

"If ye have satisfied your egos, we have work to do." He glared at each of them in turn as a father might at misbehaving children. Once he was satisfied the bickering was finished he introduced himself as much as one could call it that. "Lancer will be name enough for the enterprise ahead of us. I care not who ye might have been once upon a time, so stow it for now. This is too grave a matter to have us bickering like children. Ye can decide who's is biggest when we have finished our work."

2015-02-19, 06:49 AM
"Hear, hear,", agrees Sosuke, looking moderately annoyed. "Will the only hopes for humanity please not be passive aggressive at each other before we save the world? What does it matter? You all got fired from your last jobs when you, yaknow, died, so tax brackets and accumulated vacation time don't really matter. Saber, don't be a jerk to your artillery-and yes, no matter how polite you were about it, that was still calculated to dismiss and anger Himiko-dono, so you were still being a jerk."

Sosuke turns to Himiko, with the same "boss who caught you slacking off" expression. Finn seems to be caught between goggling and trying not to laugh, while everyone else is varied degrees of confused.

"I have no authority over you, Himiko-dono, but you don't really have any over any of us either. Asserting authority you don't have via insult and posturing is a sign of insecurity and weakness. Not that I am in any way suggesting an empress like yourself has any weakness worth speaking of, or any insecurities at all; I am acting in an advisory capacity to prevent you from further embarrassing your august self. Other things to avoid include insulting the person whose tactical role is to stand between the monsters and you. Not that someone as honorable as Saber would abandon his duty under any circumstances; it's just generally a bad policy."

Sosuke nods. "That settles that," his expression says. Ermentrude gives Caster a tiny nod, and the mental message:

He has to know you could turn him into a greasy smear on the ceiling. He's brave. Or stupid. Either way, he's right about being mean to your teammates. Please don't. I understand that you're uncomfortable, but the world is at stake here.

Finn chuckles. "I like this guy! So," he says, turning to Rider, "you're Saint Nick. That's kinda awesome."

Throughout all this, Virginia has been frowning in childish concentration, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed. At Finn's statement, her eyes open wide, not in surprise, but certainly in joy.

"Greetings, assembled humans!," Virginia proudly proclaims. "My name is Land of the Virgin! What do you call yourselves?"

Silence reigns. Rider realizes; since when did Virginia speak Japanese? Caster notices; since when can actual little girls conjure even an incompetent spirit of language? In minutes? Without any noticeable Aria?

While Ermentrude looks confused, Waver facepalms and Finn laughs his ass off, Sosuke puts it best;

"What. That defused the tension, but what."

2015-02-22, 07:30 PM
Sabers bows to Sosuke, mutters, "My apologies, Master.", and returns to his previous posture with his head bowed and his arms crossed.

2015-02-22, 08:01 PM
Rider gives Finn a grateful nod though before he can reply, the man in read cracks up slightly at the sudden turn of events; his mirth fueled by both Virginia's slip of the tongue, and the sight of the master's speaking up. It would not due for their master's to be cowed by them, and that mettle would serve them all well. To be certain he was worried of the friction between his comrades; no doubt Lancer and Caster would not work well together if left alone, but at least it seemed he was well liked (if not at least considered adequate) by his peers. Had the master's been to fearful to speak their minds he would have feared for the strength of their alliance; but thankfully, such was not the case.

With great bemusement the Servant the Mount turned to his mistress, "A valiant effort to be sure my child, but last I check you were not a nation. Unless you intended to call yourself Land of Virgin of course," he teased playfuly with an amiable smile before turning to his fellow guests, assuming the display was the work of some subtler magecraft as he sincerely doubted the woman that had been raising her would have even attempted to teach her another language.

"Though she lacks formal training; Virginia holds great promise in the spiritual arts, it is perhaps one of the reasons why I'm able to keep you company despite her youth," he says genially with some pride in Virginia, the girl had a ways to go; yet her potential was unquestionable. In many ways it now seem fortuitous that they'd been brought to this gathering...though such thoughts were best saved for another time.

2015-02-25, 07:12 PM
Caster's expression became increasingly wroth as first Saber, then Lancer, responded with an attitude that in her eyes constituted nothing short of complete dismissal. Consequently, by the time Sosuke finally spoke up and interposed himself between the arguing parties, Caster's anger was already quickly reaching its peak intensity. This in turn spoke volumes as to the man's ability as an arbiter, considering his words managed to have the effect of mollifying the prideful queen to a small degree, rather than provoking her further.

Even still, her ego had been bruised, and her mood quite irreparably fouled for the time being. Rather than actually acknowledging Sosuke's arguments, she merely frowned and crossed her arms in front of her stubbornly in a childish display of defiance towards those present. Saber in particular was the subject of an especially spiteful glare as Caster continued to sulk at her end of the table.

Hmph. As if I need his help or protection.

It is only when Virginia finally speaks (albeit awkwardly) that Caster's demeanor seems to improve at all, though even then it's more a case of going from downright sullen to irritably annoyed. Turning to face the girl who to appearances was nearly the same age as herself, Caster spoke in a calmer voice that lacked the ire of her previous words, yet still carried with it a slightly accusatory tone.

"And what exactly are you? Language is an abstract concept, one without any base in the physical world. Consequently to evoke a spirit of communication as you have just now done, to say nothing of the speed and your lack of proper incantation in doing so, should be nothing short of impossible for a human of your aptitude."

2015-03-04, 06:40 PM
The young girl shrinks into herself a little after being informed of her mistake, and even more after Caster asks her questions. She mumbles a reply, with simple concepts that translate better than names.

"I... I don't really know...I just do it...."

Waver, previously content to observe and seeming quite amused, interjects.

"Virginia is a very talented young lady; her gift for summoning spirits and elementals is the best natural gift at anything I've seen since Shirou's affinity for swords. With a bit of tutoring, she could really be a first rate magus."

Virginia blushes slightly, and sits up higher-higher still when Finn chimes in, having stopped laughing abruptly when he saw how uncomfortable the poor girl was.

"That's high praise, that is! I'm barely third rate; the last first rate in Lord Velvet's esteemed estimation was dear old Trudy here!," he blusters, patting said grey-haired junior on the head.

Her expression doesn't shift one iota, but she leans slightly into the pat. From what little you've all seen of them together, Finn seems to regard her as an adorable younger sister, to which Ermentrude has no objections.

"Three years younger than me and already so far ahead in her studies! Lord Velvet, are you sure you and the Tower don't just favor cute girls?," Finn asks, affecting an aggrieved aspect.

Waver snorts. "Hardly. Need I remind you that there are things within your reach that will forever be out of Ermentrude's? The top shelf, for one."

That draws chuckles from most, and even a (very) small smile from Ermentrude; it's very true that Finn is over a foot taller than the slight girl, she being unusually short and he unusually tall.

"So...," Sosuke begins as the chuckle dies, "how old are all of you anyway?"

"Nineteen last week, and you can do the math for Trudy!"

"I'll be twelve on the 25th."

"...I'm 20. I really should not be the only...Master here old enough to drink...So! Your birthday is on Christmas, Virginia-chan?"

2015-03-07, 01:31 PM
Caster sat in silence as she passively took in Virginia's attempt at an explanation. As the focus transitions away from the poor girl and on to other matters, however, the diminutive queen's deliberative expression remained.

Master, that girl... we will need to arrange a time to speak with her in private. She... well at the very least she should be made aware of what she is...

Considering her previous attitude and tone of voice (or thought), Caster's present mood as she reached out across the mental link to communicate with Ermentrude was surprisingly gentle. It would still be difficult to say that her words were full of concern or care, but at least they lacked the usual harsh and prideful edge they normally carried.

2015-03-09, 10:58 AM
Saber lifts his head at his Master's final statement, and asks, his voice curious, "You are twenty? And you were not aware you were a Magus? You never manifested abilities before now?"

2015-03-09, 03:11 PM
"Aye, my dear Virginia is a present from on high alright," Rider comments, both in response Sosuke and in agreement with Waver's appraisal of his mistress, unable to conceal his contentment at how well received she seemed to be by the other masters. "Might even be why I'm here; who better than I to guard a Christmas gift," he quipped with an amused grin. It amazed him really, to know that some part of his legacy had survived for so long; that his ideals had been accepted by so many in some shape, even if for some it was only once a year.

In truth, he'd felt uneased when the nature of his distortion came to light; a holiday born to celebrate all that was right in the world, and he through some twist of fate had become one of its central patrons. In fact in this land many considered his legacy to be the center piece of the festivities that had evolved from that simple yearly feast from so long ago. The saint felt unworthy of such an honor, yet he was never one to balk the responsibilities given to him; and he only hoped to prove himself worthy of them for however long he had left.

"Though I am curious Waver, you say our host is skilled with swords? Is he by chance some manner of thaumaturge, or does his skill lay in using them as foci?" he inquired, wondering if perhaps the nature of the Red Head's magecraft was some descendant of his own rather ancient style of thaumaturgy.

2015-03-10, 09:56 PM
As Virginia perks up from her Servant's praise, Ermentrude gives the mental equivalent of a nod; her physical head remains quite stationary.

Planning on it. Professor Velvet never hesitates to give referrals when his students need an expert.

Sosuke sighs at Saber's query. "That's right. Not like I had any sort of frame of reference; there are no pamphlets being handed out like, 'Ten Signs You Might Have a Spontaneously-Developing Magical Ability,' or 'The Magic's In You: A Guide to Your Random Superpowers.' I'm still trying to find my feet, honestly."

"Well," Waver muses, hand on chin, "it's entirely possible you're just a mutant: one hyper-specialized natural talent. Still, those are usually linked to a specific body part, the eyes or hands most commonly...later, later. And no, Shirou doesn't use swords as foci...much."

Smirk. The jerk. Thankfully, Finn ruins it by chiming in.

"I saw him fight once, I did! He conjures swords, a lot of them! Magic ones too, all sorts. A crying shame the only things I could get him to teach me were dodging and cooking...not that the both of those aren't fine things to know, mind; I'm just a greedy so-and-so."

On that note, Tohsaka and Shirou come in, bearing platters of food that looks and smells heavenly. A heartfelt grace of whatever kind the individual prefers later, and lunch is on.

Two bites in, Sosuke has this to say:

"I can get you that chef position at Nekohaten. I can get you a chef position on the moon."

2015-03-12, 12:14 AM
Saber inclines his head and mutters, "I humbly receive," before beginning to eat. Less than a minute later, his plates are empty and he's reaching for more. "I do not know of this Nekohaten, but if many chefs in this time are near as good as you, I'm glad to be living in it."

2015-03-16, 03:31 PM
Despite having cooled from its earlier wrathful state, Caster's mood was still not exactly in an amicable state. Then again, given the temperament she had displayed thus far, it was possible that she was never in a very good mood to begin with. When the food comes out she gives a small sigh, almost as if she's disappointed with the presentation of the fare. One bite in, however, and her expression of disapproval reluctantly begins to soften. After the second bite, she pauses.

"Well... at least the meal is... adequate."

The dissatisfaction in her voice is clearly forced, and readily suggests that the speaker is unwilling to admit to the food's quality. Further undermining her attempts at protestation is the fact that when Caster resumes eating, it is at a speed ever-so-slightly faster than her regal dignity should allow.

2015-03-22, 08:05 PM
Emiya's smile, as he waves off the complements, is positively beatific, while Tohsaka's remains as enigmatic as ever. An astute observer may note that both Finn and Ermentrude seem to find Tohsaka of equal interest to the food, and the food is of considerable and positive interest.

For a solid two minutes, there is only eating. After everyone has sampled what they wish, the planning begins, as it should, from the beginning.

"Our goals are threefold; find the Grail, disable the Grail, prevent casualties. The resources with which we may reach that goal are all either sitting around this table or soon to be; we are expecting one more, as she called ahead to let us know she would be detained. We are operating with no support from the Tower, small mercies, and should we fail, we will die."

Waver's smile is thin...no, no, "thin" isn't quite the right word; "sharp" fits better.

"So, we had better jolly well not fail. We've all got a good idea of who we are, but I've found that a Servant can always surprise you. A go-round the table for a basic idea of what we can all do wouldn't go amiss. Keep a trump in reserve if you feel you have to; what I really need to know is what you need to be at your best. Rider, if you would start us off?, " Waver prompts the Servant to his left.

2015-03-24, 09:50 PM
"Pfft, damn fine is what it is! I dare say it's almost as good as what the missus used to make," Rider adds approvingly in good humor, bemused enough by Caster's attempts to conceal her own satisfaction that the pang of longing would hopefully go unnoticed; before returning to delectable meal before him until his turn to speak arises once more.

"Aye. I'm a fairly skilled thaumaturge for my time, and I'm no stranger to war; especially when it comes to battling unnatural creatures such as demons and Dead Apostles. Alas being summoned as Rider has limited much of my craft to my bare specialties; and my own distortion has been bitter sweet. My material transmutation is as strong as ever, so I can provide fortifications with little issue I can still call the winds to do my bidding, even so much as changing the weather and localized storms that may obscure our work; but I've lost many of my more specialized ranged spells," he admits with a sigh before perking up, "Moreover, it seems my black key has become intertwined with my staff; but that seems to have been a blessing. They should be more than enough to wreak havoc on even Heroic Spirits now should I get close to them,"

"My contract with my steed Amerigo still holds well; and my children are eager to lend aid where they can, perhaps a bit too much," he adds with a frustrated smile, "Moreover, while I'm no Caster; I'm still quite the brewer and artificer, so with my children's help I can aid Caster in providing mystic codes or potions we may need,"

"Ideally I should begin conflicts mounted upon Amerigo and provide support to the primary attackers; while harrying our foes through obstacles, storms and curses. Perhaps even creating physical and perceptual barriers when needed. That said I do have one request," he commented as his expression turned grave, "I know not what capabilities the rest of you may have, but one of the few of my mysteries which has remained unchanged has been my healing arts. Should any of you be injured, crippled or cursed; I can make you hale. Should you're bodies be burnt to naught more than ash by our foes, by the grace of God I can make you whole again. I can mend all but death without much trouble; but doing the latter in public may risk my identity and attract more attention than we may like."

"Moreover as I am not a Caster, there is now a limit to how long I may wait before invoking my sorcery; so I must know. If one of us falls in battle should I prioritize retreat, however short or long it may be, so that I may enact my rite in privacy; or should I risk waiting until the battle has ended properly to do so?" he inquired somberly as he past his gaze over those gathered.

2015-03-28, 12:13 AM
After a few moments of no one answering, Saber speaks up. "I would say prioritize your own exit. It would not do to have you struck down in the middle of the rite, especially if it is true resurrection."

"As for my own capabilities," he says, "I have much more mundane talents, though likely no less exception in their own way. First and foremost, I am a swordsman. I find an enemy to fight, and then strike him down with as great of speed as I can. My swords are not made of light or holy energy. I have no familiars to summon nor spells to cast. I have two well-made blades, and my own skill with them, which by the end of my life could likely be numbered amongst the best in the world."

"And, I suppose I also have a few benefits from a deal that I believed I had been most cheated on," he adds, running a finger down the five bands on his right hand.

2015-04-02, 05:52 PM
Caster remained silent for a time until another break in the conversation presented itself. Whether her lack of comment up until that point had been due to disinterest in what the others had to say was difficult to discern, but her unhurried demeanor at least made it clear that she felt no particular need to rush forward in revealing her own capabilities. Eventually she turned to face Rider, and at the same time took a small breath to signal she was ready to speak.

"Firstly, I must correct your earlier assumption, Rider. If you are expecting me to craft items of a mystic nature, you will find yourself disappointed. My abilities are not well-suited towards such things, and I would not sully my reputation with subpar artifice. That point aside-"

The diminutive girl turned to face the room in general as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I am one who communes with the spirits and gods of the land as readily and effortlessly as you would talk to another person sitting at this table. Whether they be an aspect of nature or a crystallization of concept, I have the right to command and invoke them. What is not granted to me is the power of creation, nor the power to substantially alter the form of that which already exists. To put it in terms more familiar to you western mages, my talents lie within the realm of evocation, not conjuration.

My Noble Phantasm reflects this, in that it enables me to call forth the essence of the divine beings of myth to my aid. The precise capabilities and limitations of this Noble Phantasm I will not disclose here; but whether we require an army, a champion, or a decisive final strike, I assure you that it shall prove sufficient."

Caster's eyes closed as she idly tapped a finger against her elbow in apparent deliberation. A moment later, she reopened them and tilted her head slightly in Waver's direction.

"You asked what we would require in order to properly fulfill our roles. I will need a map detailing the leylines surrounding this city, as well as information on any points of strategic import. What I lack in the Item Construction skill is more than made up for by my rank in Territory Creation. Thus the site upon which I shall establish my "Grand Shrine" represents a critical tactical decision, which is best addressed sooner rather than later. It would not be an exaggeration to say that, if the conditions are properly satisfied, the region marked as my domain would become an unassailable fortress."

2015-04-04, 10:07 AM
Lancer was attentive, but remained distant from the conversation until it was apparent that they were waiting on him to say something. "I am a hunter and a leader of men. In life I had a singular obsession, but now it is replaced by this wicked grail. My obsession gives me strength and drives me to persevere no matter the hardships we may encounter. I will be driven on to the grail."

"My noble phantasm is the harpoon I've always used on the hunt. It has struck down many beasts and tasted the blood of the leviathan. And once it has taken hold it will never let go. What should we expect to be fighting? Already we have a more significant fellowship here than I had expected."

2015-04-04, 10:33 AM
Waver rubs his chin thoughtfully.

"If a Servant is dead or dying, I'd focus healing on them; living humans don't disappear shortly after they die. Hard to resurrect something that isn't there. As for the Shrine...well. One area leaps immediately to mind; defensible, major convergence of leylines, already a bit holy...we'll take a field trip once Arturia arrives, see if it's suitable before we start looking at other options."

Emiya and Tohsaka look...uncomfortable. The sort of expression that says, "I'd like to object, but I know that you're right."

Out loud, Emiya says,"If we leave just as she get here, she'll miss lunch. I'm not prepared to deal with that."

"Nor I. We space out a bit more exposition while she eats."

That's a "no arguments" tone if there ever was one. Waver is about to respond when-


A sudden, sharp noise pierces the thoughtful atmosphere, like a small building collapsing. A hair before that, Emiya was halfway to the door with a pair of large curved swords in his hands. It seems you'll be finding out what you're fighting sooner rather than later....

2015-04-04, 01:23 PM
Caster's gaze spun to face the direction of the sound. While unlike their host she remained seated and to all appearances was entirely composed, the narrowing of her eyes betrayed the gravity of the situation.

If it is an enemy Servant surely they must have already realized the four of us are in alliance. Furthermore, that we are composed of the two most capable classes in melee combat and two of the most capable in firepower. Attacking such a force alone would be considered suicidal. Under such an assumption... it would most likely have to be Berserker. That or a number of the outsider Masters have formed an alliance of their own. In any event, they would have to be supremely confident, or supremely foolish to make a move like that at this time.

Closing her eyes, the girl cast her senses outward, seeking the source of this intrusion. At the same time she called, invoking the spirits of the surrounding land and sky in order to obtain a clearer picture of what had transpired.

Initiative Roll: [roll0]

Through Speaker of the Spirits Caster has divine and magic awareness out to a range of 100 feet before penalties. She'll be making a perception check to locate any foreign sources of those types (including any local spirits) within the immediate vicinity.
Perception: [roll1]

She'll also be using Speaker of the Spirits to contact whatever local kami/natural entities she finds and direct them to observe the source of the intrusion and inform her of what is taking place.

2015-04-04, 10:08 PM
Without hesitating, Saber throws himself across the room to where his swords had been leaning next to the door, and then through the door just behind Shirou. "Master, stay put." he calls behind him. "The magi here should be able to protect you if anything gets past us."

Saber flows to a halt outside door as he pauses to draw his twin swords, and then resumes his run. But why did I not sense this?

Initiative: [roll0] (+16 from Improved Initiative IV, +5 from Agility)

2015-04-06, 12:27 PM
Lancer stood firm, and looked toward the source of the noise. An iron harpoon appeared in his hand. "I had hoped that we might take the battle to them, but this will do." Despite the abruptness of the interruption Lancer's scowl remained unchanged. So far Lancer had shown but one emotion and that was some mix of contempt and simmering fury.

Initiative: [roll0]

I guess I'll probably start combat with some intimidation rolls when we get to that.

2015-04-07, 05:22 PM
As the thunderous crash fell resounded across the field, the man in red studied those gathered even before leaping to his feet; quietly glad that none in their number had betrayed them so soon, as he turned to address his mistress. "Virginia stay close to Mister Velvet; if anything tries to hurt you or the others, tell your friends to stop them and stay safe alright?" Nikolaos explained with a thin smile as golden mist sprang forth at his side forming his staff within his waiting hands. Come what may, he'd be damned before whoever was out there touched a hair on Virginia's head.

Initiative: [roll0]

2015-04-08, 08:12 AM
Tohsaka is moving too, out the back, muttering the initial incantations of some spell. Waver takes a vial from his coat pocket and uncorks it; an impossible amount of liquid metal pours out, arranging itself into a ring around himself, Virginia, who looks a bit confused but not at all frightened, and Sosuke, who's gritting his teeth.

For their part, Finn is hot on Tohsaka's heels, Ermentrude on his. It seems most of the human magi with any real combat talent are checking to see if that noise was a distraction.

If it is, the real assault is not a magical one; the only magic Caster senses is coming from known sources and the direction of the crash. There are a baker's dozen of foreign magical sources clustered around an area about 150 feet from the house, eleven of barely enough strength to be any sort of threat, one that's fluctuating wildly and one that dwarfs them all.

Those that physically reach the site of the crash find a strange sight; the ruins of a work shed are supporting a pitched battle between a group of scaly hominids and...air? There's definitely something there, opening wounds on dark grey lizard flesh and striking them hard enough to send them flying, but nothing can be seen.

2015-04-09, 07:46 PM
With a loud cry, Saber throws himself across the yard and into the melee, slashing out with both swords at the nearest scaly creature.

Moving to close with the nearest enemy, and then attacking
Damage Rank: 29(10 Strike+4 STR+15 base)+Bonus from multiattack

2015-04-10, 05:07 AM
I'll be rolling toughness when I spot it.


...sunuva-first enemy roll and it's a 20!? Doesn't bode well...that was an Impossible Save, with Multiattack, so he still takes a slight wound....


Will: [ROLL]1d20+4



Only blind luck saves the reptile man; an unstable bit of shed-rubble made him (her? It? There's no clear indication) stumble just so. The blades scrape across the scales on his shoulders, too high to draw more than the barest trickle of blood but clearly going through the scales as if they were butter.

His red, slit-pupiled eyes flick to both sides of his human-shaped head. They widen. Whatever he is, his kind are not fearless; you see the thought of how he was saved only by a random quirk of fate pass across his scaly face, stiffening muscles in terror.

2015-04-11, 12:48 PM
Caster sighed; why did everyone feel the need to go rushing at at once. Surely sending just the knight-class Servants would have been sufficient for investigation. There shouldn't have been any reason for more than half their forces to charge into what could very well have been a trap. It was, however, a small consolation that her Master at least would likely be safe with the others. Tilting her head in slight curiosity at Waver's preparations for battle, the Servant rises to her feet at a completely unhurried pace and turns towards the magus.

"Seeing as how the others have already departed, I suppose I shall take my leave to observe. I trust that your defense there is sufficient to stave off any attempts at ambush while we are away."

It was a statement rather than a question. That or Caster wasn't particularly concerned about their welfare in the first place; given the cold demeanor she projected, such could have very well been the case. Having spoken, the Servant's form began to dissolve into a golden light that quickly dissipated from sight. Once in her astral form, Caster then proceeded to relocate her presence to the roof of the house, where she remained unseen as she watched the skirmish unfold.

Well I know what that is Waver is using, but let's see if Caster has any idea of its characteristics.

Just to state it clearly, Caster is using Astralization and then heading for the roof.

She'll also continue to monitor the area for any sources of magic or divine influence.

And if she's able to see the fight against the invisible entity from her new observation point, and if applicable, she'll try to discern what type of magic would create such an effect.

2015-04-17, 10:15 AM
Rider entered the court yard without fanfare, taking the measure of the forces gathered before raising his staff and striking the ground once; bellowing forth a mighty arctic gale which swept across the field in an attempt to lift the invaders into the air and violently crash into each other.

-Northern Wind: Area Cone, Move Object 10; Will Save. Enemies that fail will be in my Telekinetic Grip, and promptly bumped into each other.

-Also, using Detect Naughty on the gathered invaders. I may not be able to read their history without a Name, but I can hopefully glean their general alignment.

--Since have their names, Rider is keeping an eye on Rin and the other's via his registry; if something happens to them he will act on the knowledge.

2015-04-27, 12:52 PM
Will saves: [roll0]

Nemo: [roll11]
Shirou: [roll12]

Toughness (results contingent on hitting)

EDIT: That's...one successful will save and two successful toughness saves.

The counter attack is harsh and quick. Lancer's harpoon lodges itself into a lizardman's belly, Shirou's white sword hacks into another's chest (his black sword merely grazing another), and an arctic hurricane buffets them all to the point of utter distraction.

Except the one Saber injured and terrified. He manages to keep his feet, scratch a squiggly line on his scaled cheek, hiss out a few frightened, unintelligible maybe-words and vanish in a puff of sulfurous smoke. Apparently, he's done. And magic.

Waver's defense is living mercury; metal given a constructed animus and guided by will and "programming." Impressive enough that you're certain he didn't make it and he has some outside help in controlling it; Waver himself is fourth-rate magus if there ever was one.

The lizardman's disappearing act was just that; an act. He didn't teleport, he turned invisible and ran, already beyond the range of your senses by the time you've puzzled it out.

The invisible being is the center of the fluctuating power; it's entirely possible that your senses are just partially blocked by the same effect that is concealing it. The effect itself is extremely clever wind manipulation; you honestly don't think you could replicate that precise effect on air's transparency.

The most powerful signature of all...has no visual sign. At all. This worries you, a bit.

Finn (Nice), Ermentrude (Nice), and Rin (Nice but barely so) are currently exercising Prudence; they're checking the front of the house for anyone circling around.

The lizard men ping as various shades of Naughty.

2015-05-03, 03:18 PM
Saber, unwilling to attack an enemy while they are unable to defend themselves, settles into a ready stance and prepares to attack as soon as the lizardmen right themselves.

Readying an action to attack the closest enemy to me once they leave the telekinesis effect.