View Full Version : First Elder Evil campaign, all finished up.

Iron Angel
2015-01-03, 03:07 PM
Some of you might have recognized my threads concerning the matter, and now that we finally finished at level 23, after killing atropus, I have to say it was a blast. Adding an elder evil to the world added so much spice to what was going on and I think if I ever DM I will consider doing something similar. Just remember though that if you do it you're in for the long haul, because players WILL want to kill the Elder Evil.

I laid the killing blow to the Aspect with a double-crit combat brute full attack for a whopping 500 or so damage. Thank you, Greater Truedeath Crystal. All in all, a fun campaign, and thank you guys for answering my many questions.

I leave you with this:

2015-01-03, 03:20 PM
That's true with a lot of characters, really :smallbiggrin:.

2015-01-03, 03:31 PM
I'm kind of curious how you went from Legion to the Iron Giant. Not a complaint. I wish to study at your feet, oh master.

Iron Angel
2015-01-03, 03:46 PM
The campaign ended up being "logical and straightforward extraplanar construct made by a long-lost civilization that got transported here by accident learns how to feel" story for my character.

Were were running standard D&D but I mentioned in passing that I liked warforged so the DM let me make one if I was able to fluff one in. So I did. I basically wrote a book to allow it to happen. You can read more here:

Basically my character forgot everything and was reduced to just basic survival instincts, which for a creature like him was just straightforward practicality and "shortest distance between to points is a straight line" mentality. As he traveled with the group, he gradually began remembering more and more and slowly became more relatable and developed emotional bonds. Through the entire campaign, my character had an undercurrent of loneliness and despair at not having a purpose any more. At the end of the campaign, all doubts about my purpose and existence had left, and my new purpose was to help and protect my friends and their home world, a thing I had lost forever. They became my purpose, and then I did 400 points of overkill damage to the Aspect of Atropus, and everyone lived happily ever after. Or, at least, we will assume they do after they clear out all the undead Atropus raised.

Here is a picture, since I can tell by your avatar you are also fond of Warforged:

2015-01-03, 03:53 PM
That is beautiful, and actually reminds me of my first warforged character. In that world, Warforged were the superweapon of the fantasy equivalent of Soviet Russia/Nazi Germany (my character was, OoC, nicknamed "Panzer"). He got damaged, and was going to be scrapped, so he walked into the ocean, over to the other side of the continent, and was working to regain his memory and abilities so he could go home. Over the campaign, he was going to develop morals due to exposure to the Good aligned party, and eventually, instead of going home to rejoin the army, he was going to want to go to lead a revolution.