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View Full Version : 3rd Ed Swordsage + Polearm + Trip + Eternal Blade = ?

2015-01-04, 01:01 PM
For a bit of worldbuilding I need a third (and last) level 20 Eternal Blade character. Like the other two, he/she'll be kind of a one-person army, though of course he/she'll suffer the usual indignities of not being a caster.

For this character I envisioned a very monk-y unarmored or light-armored polearm wielder specializing in battlefield control, though I'm not set on a particular weapon yet (longspear, glaive, halberd, whatever). Reach would be nice, and I plan to grab Snap Kick or some other way of making emergency short-range attacks. I was thinking a chassis of Monk 2 (with the PHB2 ACF and Carmendine Monk)/ Warblade 1/ Unarmed swordsage X/ Eternal Blade [not all 10 levels - this is acceptable], but this suffers from a fair bit of MAD since it needs Str, Dex, Con, Int and even Wis.

Eternal Blade levels are not required mechanically and, I realize, quite sub-optimal since I won't get the capstone, but they're a thematic requirement for the blade guide - however, I don't really need more than one level. Unfortunately, since I want to focus on Desert Flame, Setting Sun (and Stone Dragon), I have to stick with Swordsage (Warblade is just to qualify for Eternal Blade, though Martial Study feats would work too).

So as you can see it's all a bit messy and I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point aside from pulling ideas from the usual trip-tastic builds.