View Full Version : Roleplaying So, Kobolds are Racist, right?

2015-01-04, 01:54 PM
I'm running a game and Kobolds are going to be a part of it, possibly interacted with instead of stabbed in the face. I've read through the Races of Dragon section on them and the hatred of Gnomes and just generally huge racial ego has led me to believe they're, in general, a racist lot. To that end: can anyone think of some unwelcome nicknames for Gnomes, or any of the vanilla races?
Also, apologies if this should not be asked, I'm wasn't quite sure if it was all right.

Extra Anchovies
2015-01-04, 01:58 PM
I think that Kobolds would really only be openly racist towards gnomes (what with Garl Glittergold being a massive jerk and all), and condescending towards anyone else because Kobolds are dragon-descended so that must make them better. They'd dislike non-Kobold sorcerers/dragon shamans/DFIs for "stealing" the magic of dragons.

2015-01-04, 02:04 PM
Exact unwelcome nicknames, can't say I do. But I'd play to some of the Gnome's unique qualities: a knack for illusions and love of practical jokes. Duplicitous and Deceptive both come to mind. I'd also work with the story of Garl collapsing Kurtulmak's mine; since it is rather foundational to the whole thing.

In general though, I don't so much get the impression that Kobolds think less of other races so much as they think really, really well of their own. There's mention that they have been known to sell minerals and resources they mine to other races and I believe RoD even states that they are competitive with the Dwarves in this field. Some tension is unavoidable there. Nobody likes elves. And Halflings and Kobolds only ever seem to interact when their allies fight each other. So mostly, just predjudiced against PHB races and very proud of their Draconic heritage. So again, I'd worry less about racial prejudice and focus more on racial pride.

2015-01-04, 02:18 PM
Burrowing mammal names might be good racist slang for Gnomes. Weasels might not be the best bet since IIRC Kobolds use them as mounts sometimes, but what about Moles, or Rats?

Extra Anchovies
2015-01-04, 02:23 PM
Burrowing mammal names might be good racist slang for Gnomes. Weasels might not be the best bet since IIRC Kobolds use them as mounts sometimes, but what about Moles, or Rats?

Even better, mole rats!

2015-01-04, 02:24 PM
I'd suggest something along the lines of "dirt monkeys", "tunnel rats" or maybe "gem weasels"? Something that combines a gnomish racial affinity and an unfavorable mammal reference.

2015-01-04, 02:37 PM
Grassheads could also work. Makes fun of their love of more verdant, less rock-filled mine settings, and implies their good moods are chemically induced.

2015-01-04, 03:18 PM
Well, thanks a lot guys. Most of the potential Kobold NPCs do have more of a bent towards racial egotism, but there's a few bitter ones that would use this stuff more, which is why I asked in the first place.

Grassheads could also work. Makes fun of their love of more verdant, less rock-filled mine settings, and implies their good moods are chemically induced.
What do you think that racial bonus to alchemy checks is for?

2015-01-04, 03:19 PM
Anything involving monkeys or apes could have some unfortunate real-world implications.

I kinda like the term 'gnosies', myself.
Alternatively, just call 'em 'gnome' in Draconic and say it's a curse word.

2015-01-04, 03:31 PM
You also might make mention of their most caricatured features, their beards and large noses. Both of those are parts that kobolds don't have, along with eyebrows and ears. Although thinking about making racist slurs based on those features, and the cultural traits of loving gems, this is getting uncomfortably close to antisemitism.

Honest Tiefling
2015-01-04, 03:44 PM
Weasels, if they act anything like ferrets, will probably try to steal things (but not usually shiny things). Weseals and rats however, are fairly intelligent little creatures.

But why not worms? Much like the hateful gnome, many worms are pink and squishy.

2015-01-04, 04:35 PM
Alternatively, just call 'em 'gnome' in Draconic and say it's a curse word.

That works. If they've got such a prejudice against gnomes, just have "gnome" be a rude word. Gnomes don't need their own slur - calling other people gnomes is the insult.

It's like how b*****d is the only word for what it means (without getting into noun phrases that get more convoluted the more you try to remove negative implications) but it's also a pretty rude one.

2015-01-04, 04:57 PM
If they really want to tick off a gnome, they should know to call them a Kender.

A Tad Insane
2015-01-04, 05:08 PM
dwarves: Walking beer barrels (or some variant of), fat gnomes, those mounds of facial hair that think they're good at mining
Orcs: Tusk for brains
Gnomes: Dead, the soon to be deceased, cadavorific
Haflings: Gnomes, lying human shaped rats

2015-01-04, 05:16 PM
Racist names for Gnomes:
Keebler Elves
Whistlewits (accompanied by a whistling noise)
Gemsnitchs (or maybe just Gemmies)

Extra Anchovies
2015-01-04, 05:54 PM
(or maybe just Gemmies)

Use this. This is a good one.

2015-01-04, 06:06 PM
Naked Rats. Walking Worms. Borrowers. Delusionists.

Nosies > Nozzies > Snots

2015-01-04, 07:10 PM
In general? What about warmblood or softskin?

For gnomes... Tricksters? Badger-kissers? Egg-smashers?

2015-01-04, 11:06 PM
The insult "milk drinker" actually makes a lot more sense coming from Kobolds than it does coming from every other Nord in Skyrim, so, there's that, I guess.

2015-01-04, 11:08 PM
Kobolds aren't racist. They are accurate appraisers of the value of gnomes. It's just that the other races are polite about it.

Hiro Quester
2015-01-05, 12:16 AM
One kobold character I played with used "gNome" as though to their character it functioned as "the N word". Channeled his best (worst) caricature Southern Klan member attitude.

Uttered "gNome" with utter contempt. Refused to ever learn a gnome's name. They all look alike. Called the gnome NPC "boy" in a clearly derogatory way, etc.

Extra Anchovies
2015-01-05, 01:18 AM
Kobolds aren't racist. They are accurate appraisers of the value of gnomes. It's just that the other races are polite about it.

Sick burn! I'll have to admit I agree :smallamused:

2015-01-05, 10:17 AM
Greenfoot could be a slang term for someone who cares more about nature than society. Or something.

2015-01-05, 12:20 PM
"Low-quality toymakers, marred gemstones, derivative knockoffs. A Kobold engineer will outshine them any day. When's the last time you heard of a Kobold invention turning on its creator?"

2015-01-05, 12:40 PM
They'd dislike non-Kobold sorcerers/dragon shamans/DFIs for "stealing" the magic of dragons.
Are you sure? One would think having a thing they like in common can bring people closer.

2015-01-05, 12:53 PM
So first, Garl committed murder against their deity (well attempted it against him and succeeded on the following part) when he was still mortal and several of his friends out of jealousy of the accomplishments of the Kobolds compared to the Gnomes at the time.

I suppose you could call them knife ears. Heard it in a campaign once.

2015-01-05, 01:47 PM
Kobolds aren't racist. They are accurate appraisers of the value of gnomes. It's just that the other races are polite about it.

Gnomes are so worthless I forget they exist. I'll remember a half-dozen kinds of obscure goblinoid or fiend I'll likely never actually use in a game, but gnomes? The short guys in the PHB who aren't halflings? Ha!

2015-01-05, 02:08 PM
Everyone in D&D is racist. Fun fact: AD&D First Edition had a handy little chart that told you exactly how racist you were to other races.
Ain't that lovely?

2015-01-05, 03:06 PM
DDO actually did a bunch of quests with kobold NPCs and they had a bunch of funny comments.
At work right now so I can't find the original files or check to see if these (http://soundboards.cubicleninja.com/) work (hopefully they do :S).

Mst of them pertin to quests where you had to protect Kobold miners while they gathered magical crystals.

2015-01-05, 03:31 PM
Big nosed, drug-addled, weasel kissing, bug-hugging, plant loving, softskinned lawn ornaments!

Will that do?

2015-01-05, 03:36 PM
Big nosed, drug-addled, weasel kissing, bug-hugging, plant loving, softskinned lawn ornaments!

Will that do?

Oh boy! I laughed so hard that I have tears in my eyes! The "Will that do?" just made it all the funnier as the first part is easily percieved as you shouting with your face red etc and the last is this calm and innocent question.

2015-01-05, 03:47 PM
Big nosed, drug-addled, weasel kissing, bug-hugging, plant loving, softskinned lawn ornaments!

Will that do?
You forgot fakes with no substance!

2015-01-05, 04:27 PM
Are you sure? One would think having a thing they like in common can bring people closer.

They're also extreme xenophobes.

Milo v3
2015-01-05, 05:16 PM
They're also extreme xenophobes.

You'd be xenophobic as well when every other race hunts you down for XP :smalleek:

2015-01-05, 07:17 PM
You'd be xenophobic as well when every other race hunts you down for XP :smalleek:

You say that almost as if they were sentient beings with feelings and worth beyond the XP they provide when killed.

Milo v3
2015-01-05, 07:38 PM
Just a note, dwarves and gnomes are much more racist than kobolds. 90% of dwarves and gnomes get military training specifically to kill kobolds and goblins and such, even if your a farmer or doctor.

Honest Tiefling
2015-01-05, 08:28 PM
I like the idea of calling them weasel-kissing. Kobolds are worried what the gnomes might do to their precious mounts.

2015-01-06, 09:56 AM
I like the idea of calling them weasel-kissing. Kobolds are worried what the gnomes might do to their precious mounts.

I'd say a gnome would call them that, most likely.