View Full Version : Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (now with 37% more skaven nightrunners) (IC)

2015-01-05, 11:50 AM
The world is a cruel, merciless place. People do terrible things to each other, for that is their nature.
But they all come together in fear of something much darker. The unspeakable things...

That lurk in the dark corners of our minds, and our lands.

The stories of evils older than time are countless, and often told to make people forget the horrors they face at the hands of each other.
Some of these stories are made up, mere products of fevered imagination.
Most are not.

This is one of those stories.

Chapter I
New horizons


As the caravan wound its way down the muddy road, it passed the remains of yet another village, Ransacked and half burned to the ground.
Even now, 104 years after the last Chaos incursion had ended, the land was littered with grim reminders of those dark times.
Rebuilding the Empire had taken time, and much had been lost that could never be recovered.
But, as most Imperials would say, that was a small price to pay to be safe from the dark forces of Chaos. Indeed, many thought that with this defeat, the forces of Chaos had been properly stopped in their tracks.
After all, had not Blessed Sigmar sent down his chosen, Valten, to defeat Archaon, the so-called Lord of the End times?
And with their highest champion sent running, surely Chaos would not bother the Empire again.
But, as time went on people forgot these dark times, despite the many changes it had brought. The Drakwald had grown and expanded, swallowing many villages into its fiend riddled depths. Reports of sightings of the monstrous ratmen long thought myth became more and more numerous with every passing. And it was said that the Araby, and other lands in the south had fallen afoul of some horrible plague, killing people in the thousands.
But despite this, life went on in relative peace, and the old stories became no more than that. Stories.
Sometimes told or read, but mostly tossed aside, to make room for new tales.
And some tales, start most innocently, on a rainy day, in the middle of a Caravan headed for Marienburg.

2015-01-05, 01:50 PM
Karl sat astride Luger the horse he'd been riding ever since he left Middenheim what seemed like an age ago. Hi shuddered rubbing the coarse stubble on his face and pulled his cap down lower on his greasy hair. He didn't like road, the woods or the fields. A man should live in a city, with walls and guards, and for a cunning fellow plenty of opportunities.

Signing on as a caravan guard had been a last ditch effort, a way to break the drearyu village inns he'd been staying in and Marienburg with all them pirates and docks should have brothels and inns a plenty. He turned to the road warden leading the caravan, Karl Jaeger. Know how long it is to the city?

2015-01-05, 02:23 PM
The ride is miserable, totally unsuited to doing any work.

... not that Wilfrieda actually had any materials to work with. She had been on the Caravan for a long time, her ignorance of the geography of the Empire keeping her from realizing just how far she was from her ideal destination. Life had become routine, which she didn't mind, but routine that was non-productive to her goals, which she did mind. She had done everything she could think of to keep her mind sharp and active on the trip. Reciting quotes from research papers, techniques and instructions he had learned, writing with a stick in the dirt to draw diagrams of ideas she was having. No tools, no paper, no workshops, it was driving her batty. The only consolation, that every day was a few more miles towards Nuln and the Academies, where she thought she was going.

Most of the Caravaneers ignored her and kept away from her. Rumors of her bearing a "Curse" were always in the back of her mind. Yes, it was a curse that only struck her bloodline, as locals of where she was picked up would know, but there was still that creeping knowledge in the back of their minds that at any time some unfortunate event could occur to her, and not wanting to be next to her when it happened just in case it wasn't something that didn't reach out and touch everyone nearby. For the most part, this suited her fine. It gave her quiet to rumble through her notes and practice in whatever ways she could find without being disturbed.

On this rainy day, the last scion of Bacher Bloodline sat on the back of a wagon. Her cloak, bearing the heraldry of her house on both the left breast and the back pulled tight around her to keep out the rain. Her head down to keep it from dripping off her hood and onto her face. As the cart rumbled down the muddy road she bucked and bounced with it, jarring little impacts that kept her mind from focusing on her future, trying to imagine her classes at the University. She glanced at one of the guardsmen outriders calling out. Close to the city? Is this miserable ride almost over?

2015-01-05, 03:58 PM
Staring idly to the sides of the road, Jarla wonders where the caravan was even headed. She didn't think to ask on her way out of town and the drivers never said either. Any city but the one she came from was a good destination to her though.

She had tried to sleep earlier, but the road was far too bumpy for that, at least in the back of the cart. The rain wasn't helping matters either. Cloak pulled snugly against the chill rain, she tries to settle in a little more comfortably. Hopefully the next town wasn't too far off. She hears one guard ask the other how far it was to the next city and gets a quick vision of a nice, warm bed at the end of the day. A bath wouldn't be bad either, whether or not it's been raining on and off for a few days.

Digging around in her pack for a moment, she grabs her waterskin, and the last of her rations, eating and drinking a bit to pass the time. Just get me out of this rain already, she thinks to herself.

Looking across the wagon, Jarla turns to the two others and asks "Either of you know where we're going? I thought I heard something about Alvarran a little while back, could be mistaken, though."

2015-01-05, 04:55 PM
Hunched in the back of the wagon, Merkel was scrawling in a small leather-bound notebook. To the casual reader it would be interpreted as unintelligible scribbling, however the initiated would be able to decipher words and simple phrases from the secret signs. A learned reader of the signs of the Ranger could determine that Merkel was noting down a list of the names of nearby settlements, marking each one with either a small cross, a small arrow linking one name to another, or a skull. Looking back through the notebook, one would find many crosses.

"Marienburg", he muttered without looking up. "We are heading toward Marienburg."

Raising his head he swept his gaze across the surrounding landscape, looking for signs of wildlife. This was supposed to be a good area for hunting and fresh meat had been in short supply recently.

Jon D
2015-01-05, 05:10 PM
Karl sat astride Luger the horse he'd been riding ever since he left Middenheim what seemed like an age ago. Hi shuddered rubbing the coarse stubble on his face and pulled his cap down lower on his greasy hair. He didn't like road, the woods or the fields. A man should live in a city, with walls and guards, and for a cunning fellow plenty of opportunities.

Signing on as a caravan guard had been a last ditch effort, a way to break the drearyu village inns he'd been staying in and Marienburg with all them pirates and docks should have brothels and inns a plenty. He turned to the road warden leading the caravan, Karl Jaeger. Know how long it is to the city?

"Jaeger, we've been riding together for days now, and have days left. You don't need to be telling me your name each time as if I'd be forgetting."

Heinz never looks at the man, lapsing into silence as he keeps his eyes on the treeline and on the path watching for the signs that call out danger, if one knew where to look. This was the third time he'd made this particular trip, and something always happen, nothing major mind, but something. It was unfortunate that the Roadwardens had fallen so far. The village might have once held a station where he could have resupplied, but no longer.

Turning part of his attention back to the new guard, "Days yet, but maybe more if the rain muddies the roads over much."

2015-01-05, 05:40 PM
Karl rolled his eyes taking a sip from a dented pewter hip flask, the wolf of Ulric on one side,the hammer of Sigmar the other "playing both sides" has been the joke from the smith. Karl shuddered at the taste of the cheap brandy, nasty rotgut stuff he'd picked up in the previous village. Curbing the horse he dropped back to the rough caravan peering under the fabric. A drink anyone? he offers roughly looking mainly at Jarla or Wilfreda.

2015-01-05, 06:14 PM
Marienburg... Marienburg... it didn't ring a bell to her. She shrugged, figured it was one of the little podunk villages on the way to Nuln. Or maybe on the other side of Nuln and Nuln was along the way. Something like that clearly. Had to be it.

She was rubbing some warmth into her chest when Karl rode up, offering a flask with the mark of Ulric on it. The same mark she wore on her family device after all. It was a sign she'd seen both praised and cursed growing up, for the fortunes it had brought he family in battle, and the ones seemingly abandoned to die ignominious deaths later. If she was a more religious sort she'd take it as a sign.

Instead she just nodded that she did want some, and held out her hand, taking a small drink to help warm her core against the cold rain, returning it to the man with a quiet, "Thank you sir," when she was done.

2015-01-05, 06:27 PM
"Marienburg. We are heading toward Marienburg."

"Marienburg, huh? Never thought I'd get that far from home." she says, half to herself. She happens to look up and wipe some of the rain off her forehead as one of the riders hangs back a bit.

A drink anyone?

A pleasant surprise, for sure. No sense in turning it down.

"I'll take one, since you offered. Thanks." Jarla perks up a bit at the mention of some alcohol, good or bad, it would help warm her against the chill of the rain. A quick drink told her it wasn't great, but it was appreciated all the same. "Not bad for a village brew, we've had worse on this trip." Passing the flask back to Karl, Jarla wonders idly what Marienburg was like.

2015-01-05, 07:25 PM
'S still a fair bit to Marienburg. We're no' even halfway there" the coachman of your wagon says.
He looks out over the village ruins, squinting to see further in the rain. "Dam' shame, it is. Heard about how this part of the land was real nice, once. Before all the narsty, o' course. Anyway, we've got four or five stops afore Marienburg. 'S gonna be at least..." He takes the reins in one hand, while counting on his fingers "five, mebbe six weeks afore Marienburg. 'S the last stop, after all. But din you all know tha' afore you joined up? bit weird to go wiv a caravan wivout knowing about stops and such."

2015-01-05, 07:54 PM
"Oh, you know how it is..." Wilfrieda said, "Can't expect to know all the little hamlets and roads in Sigmar's Empire. Well unless you were a Roadwarden or a Knight Lord or something I suppose... but that's not what I am." She rambled a bit, silenced by a hard bump in the road bouncing her about 8 inches into the air to slam down hard on the board once again.


"Long as I get where I'm going I don't mind where you all feel like heading to afterwards, I'm on a Mission from God... Ulric that is, not Sigmar."

2015-01-05, 08:16 PM
"Relax. Let your body follow the movement of the wagon. You'll still be sore in your rump, but it'll be less" The coachman says with a smile to Wilfrieda. He looks at her for a moment before continuing. On a mission from Ulric, eh? sounds fancy. So you're sum kinda preacher then? thought the were s'posed to be either bald, if they follow Sigmar, or hairy like a bear as part of their code."

2015-01-05, 08:26 PM
"Nothing quite like that," Wilfrieda answered the coachman as she tried to relax and slump her body to account for the bouncing of the wagon down the road. "Wilfrieda Bacher," she said, as if that would necessarily mean much to the man, "Serving the Gods by making sure his Righteous Ones got the gear to put the hurt on the heretics, green skins, and rat boys," she said with some cheer. "Well... will be... once I get there and get my shop up and running. We all feel the call of the Gods, just in different ways, right?"

2015-01-05, 08:32 PM
"True enough, I s'pose, but I reckon tha'...."

The coachmans words are cut short by a loud crash up near the front of the caravan, and the wagons are quickly slowed to a halt. "No what in Heldenhammers name is going on up there?" The coachman exclaims, while trying to get the horses calmed down from the sudden stop.
He turns to the group "Could you all go and see what the hubbub's about? They might need help up front"

2015-01-05, 08:39 PM
Wifrieda pointed to herself as if asking the driver if she seriously meant her. I mean, yes, she wore the crest of the God of Battle, but she didn't really consider herself a warrior. She wasn't hulked out like the bruisers who made up the local militia or the State Troops usually were. Still, she shrugged. Wouldn't do to piss off Ulric by cowering from something as simple as a loud noise.

Hopping off the back of the wagon, she pulled out her Hammer and her dagger, taking a moment to loosen up. It was a dangerous world out there in the Old World and she was under no illusions about that, her family history was filled with stories about attacks that started like this. Loose, limber, weapons in hand, she started heading out, circling around the wagon, sticking close to the cover of the caravan where she could, peering ahead into the rain to try to spot trouble before it actually spotted her.

Perception Test most likely called for, I don't normally roll spam but this is literally scouting so it's a no brainer...

Perception: [roll0] vs 33 Int, Trained.

2015-01-05, 08:42 PM
At the crash, Jarla nearly jumps out of her seat, having caught her quite of guard. She recovers after a moment, but her hand strays close to her mace for a few moments after. Hoping someone else would take the lead, she waits to start climbing off the wagon until then.I don't want to be the first down. Unless nobody steps forward, that is, then it's time to admonish the big, strong men for not helping little ol' me out.

I hope that was just a random tree falling, too many stories about Chaos cults and Beastmen in the woods when I was younger. Jarla, seeing Wilfreda jump down, joins her and readies herself for a fight, just in case.

2015-01-05, 08:51 PM
Karl looked up as the driver spoke before tipping his hat to the women. best see what this nonsense is about eh?. Turning pushed Luger into a slow trot up towards the head of the caravan. Shield bouncing on his back and axe hanging from his waist.

2015-01-05, 09:00 PM
As the group move up toward the front of the caravan, the cause of alarm is easy to see.
The foremost wagon is lying on its side, with a broken wheel. Beside it stands two men, one looking slightly confused at the whole thing, the other one looking a second away from exploding with anger. Their voices carry over to you in snippets as you close in.

"...no clue how it 'appened, herr Korbel. We wus' just going along, then all offa sudden, We're tipping over, like"Says the confused looking man, scratching his chin idly.

"I dont want damn excuses, you thrice-damned buffoon, I want results!" comes the answer, only slightly below a yell. "Now get this wagon up and fixed this instant. I will tolerate no more delays. And the repairs will come out of your pay, Günther!"

"Y-yes, Herr Korbel. Right away, her Korbel." The driver answers, looking thoroughly miserable.

Marienburg is a wealthy trading city, and capital of the Wasteland, which was a western province of the Empire until its secession in 2429 IC. It is renowned for its flourishing sea trade and the flamboyant dress of its merchants.
Marienburg re-gained its independence though a massive transfer of gold into the imperial coffers during the reign of Emperor Dieter IV. All subsequent attempts to subdue Marienburg and bring it back within rule of the Empire have failed, and today Marienburg remains a fiercely independent city where the Count of Nordland, the nominal ruler of Marienburg, is forbidden to return under pain of death.
Marienburg has long been the largest and most prosperous trading city in the Old World. Many call it the City of Gold which alone conveys a good idea of the wealth of this sprawling cosmopolitan city. Nowhere else can be found the vast array of shops selling goods from as far away as the Elven kingdoms of Ulthuan in the west and distant Cathay in the east. The city’s craftsmen represent every skill known to man, and a few others beside, so that it is said in Marienburg there is no activity that cannot be quickly turned to profit.

This is more or less what you know. You might not know the exact dates and names that are mentioned, but the rest is pretty standard history

2015-01-05, 09:03 PM
On seeing this, Jarla relaxes a bit, not expecting a fight since it was just a broken wheel. Not to say it wouldn't be a pain to deal with, but at least it wasn't bandits, Beastmen, or a Chaos cult.

2015-01-05, 09:08 PM
Well... mystery solved. Wilfrieda wasn't a Wheelsmith, nor did she have repair tools to really help. Or the strength to be all that handy tipping the wagon back where it should be once the wheel was broken. She relaxed a bit and shook her head. She wondered how the wagon fell over like that. A cracked wheel should have dropped it on the axle, leaning towards where the wheel was damaged. Clean on the side though? Seemed weird.

"... seems weird, not his fault he says..." she frowned, looking closer as she kept walking towards the front wagon. Was the wheel that was damaged in the air or on the dirt? Shouldn't really be a perception check, should just be blatantly obvious. If it was the damaged wheel down, then something pulled it down. if it was up, something blew it up... a black powder explosive? Did the State Troops mine the road?

She looked down near where the Wagon turned over on the road, for the source of whatever pulled it down/blew it up.

Perception again to pick up a clue...
Perception: [roll0] vs 33 Int, Trained.

2015-01-05, 09:17 PM
For some reason, it felt like someone was staring at her, eyes boring into her right between her shoulder blades. She looks at the woods beside the trail again, then at the wrecked wagon, just to make sure- for paranoia's sake if nothing else.

Perception [roll0] v. 22 INT (trained)

Jon D
2015-01-05, 10:32 PM
Heinz heels his horse forward.

"Eyes out people! Watch the trees!"

Heinz doesn't bother checking his pistol, he's got it covered by the damp is everywhere, which means it might fail him if he needed it.

[roll0] against Perception of 36.

2015-01-06, 01:26 AM
Karl looked at the broken wheel then turned his horse and stepped a few more steps up the road away from the broken caravan. Eyes half watching the forest as he ignored the grumbling behind him.

[roll0] TN 13

Staring at the woods he grumbled inwardly. A few more weeks of this wooded filth and grimy village inns. I'd kill for a proper town.

2015-01-06, 07:43 AM
Merkel jumped down from the back of the cart he was in, staying close to cover in case of an ambush. As he made his way to the front of the caravan with the rest of the group he peered through the misty rain at the nearby treeline, something in the air didn't feel quite right.

[roll0] vs. 41 (31 Int + 10 from talent)

2015-01-06, 07:03 PM
As the group stands around the tipped wagon, some more aware of their surroundings than others, something unexpected happens.

Just as Heinz, Merkel and Jarla turns to watch the forest, they see a small figure moving around in there.
Because of this, they manage to move out of the way, just barely in time to avoid the arrow that whistles toward them, and hits the underside of the wagon.

The figure steps further out of the treeline, raising a shortbow over its head, and lets out a high pitched, shrieking stream of words in a foreign language. "NIK TARSHI FURO TAK TARNSH! KALASHIR'DURR TIESHH! TIESHH"

From the forest behind comes an answering chorus of similarly shrieks, and a small wave of stunty grey-green creatures, wearing tarnished black and brown clothes surge toward the caravan.

Jon D
2015-01-06, 07:16 PM
Wonderful, bleedin goblins!

Heinz draws his sword and readies his shield, this was going to be ugly.

[roll0] Initiative.
Is there a bonus for attacking while mounted against enemies on foot?

2015-01-06, 07:30 PM
Unclasping her mace from her belt, Jarla readies herself for the attacking goblins. She yells a quick warning to those that might not have noticed. "Sh!t, goblins!" Backing herself closer to the upturned wagon, she prepares for a fight.

2015-01-06, 07:43 PM
Readying his bow, Merkel nocks an arrows and aims in the direction of the screaming goblins.

2015-01-06, 07:49 PM
Wilfrieda quickly figured out her priorities as the arrow slammed into the wagon next to her. She turned and ran back towards the rest of the caravan, full out Run, spinning her hammer above her head to draw attention as she called out loudly, "GREENSKINS!" to the rest of the caravan so they could arm up and take cover from the ambush.

Using the Run Action to bust a move down the road toward the other wagons. Enemies have -20% BS to hit me, but +20% WS to hit me.
Shouting a warning which hopefully will help.
And exit stage left non-combat character against creatures bred for fighting...

2015-01-06, 07:50 PM
As they advance, the goblins spread out across the caravan, seeming sure of their superior numbers. one cluster veers directly towards our heroes, half carrying bows, the others wielding short, wicked looking swords.

Well, you all managed to roll above or equal to the goblins, so I'll make it easy. first its all of youze's turn, then its the gobbo's.

Our intrepid heroes are up. The nearest of the goblins are not within charge distance (unless you're on a horse), but they are within bow shot.

2015-01-06, 08:05 PM
Swinging his bow around, Merkel zeroes in on a bow carrying goblin.

You're mine now, he whispers under his breath as he looses his arrow.

Aim at goblin archers 1 (half-action) and make standard attack (half-action)
BS 49 vs. [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Bastid little green men! Merkel yells as his arrow flies wide of his mark by quite a distance.

2015-01-06, 08:21 PM
Not exactly being armed or armored enough for a good fight, Jarla keeps close behind Wilfreda. Strength in numbers would be to their advantage, as much as for the goblins. All her life, she had done her level best to stay out of fights and talk her way out of the messes she managed to get herself into. It would come down to a fight this time, but at least she wasn't alone like normal.

Running towards the wagon, -20 BS to hit me, +20 WS to hit me.

2015-01-06, 08:29 PM
Running, running, running, WARNING! And now with the foul greenskins rolling out and spreading out she turned on her heels, running, running, running... in this case back under the cover of the upturned wagon. Ulric may demand bravery in the face of the enemy, and Sigmar to Smite the Orcs... but they weren't in range yet and no god said that you had to give the greenskins free, unanswered shots at you.

Running back to the overturned wagon, using it as a shield between arrows/swords and herself for some hard cover. Running still gives that -20% to BS tests against me, +20% to WS tests against me.

Jon D
2015-01-06, 08:41 PM
Heinz kicks his horse into action, bearing down on a bow wielding goblin, hoping to kill or disable it before it gets a chance to fire.

"Sigmar take you, ya little green monster!"

I'm currently away from my books, so not clear on the bonuses for or against me making a charging attack from horse back. It's a warhorse, so it might get a trample attack or something.

[roll0] against basic WS of 35.
[roll1] dmg
[roll2] fury
[roll3] fury

2015-01-07, 01:19 AM
Karl looked at the oncoming creatures, wave of small pygmies impressing him with their number. Seeing the women run but feeling Luger twitching he dropped down from the saddle drawing his sword and slliding on his shield using the horses bulk as cover.Goblins eh? Look small and runty to me eh! Karl shouts loudly as he prepares for battle.

Half: dismount
Half: don shield
Quick draw: draw sword

2015-01-07, 03:26 PM
As merkel's arrow flies past his intended target, It impales another unfortunate goblin further back, sending it gurgling to the ground. Sadly, this does not deter any of the other goblins, if they even notice their fallen comrade.

Heinz charging towards the foremost goblin takes it completely by surprise, and leaves it wide open for the sword strike he hits it with. The blow does not kill the goblin, but knocks it to the ground. The staggered greenskin only manages to draw a knife and snarl at Heinz before its face is caved in and crushed to the ground by Lugers hooves.

The rampaging horse and rider has a profound effect on the goblins. They do not flee, or seem overly afraid, but they do move far around the horse to get to the caravan, all of them screeching what sounds like threats at the horse, but none willing to get close to it.
The remaining archer in the pair that Heinz attacked levels it's bow at a less dangerous looking target, the yelling Karl.

Two other goblins cackle loudly at the sight of Jarla and Wilfrieda running for cover, and each send an arrow towards them.
They also scream at the two nearest sword-wielding goblins, and points them toward the women. The two swordsmen smile as well, showing large rows of wickedly sharp teeth, and start running towards Wilfrieda and Jarla.

The two remaining sword-wielding goblins notice the lone Merkel sending arrows against the attackers, and start running towards him with high-pitched warcries.

attack roll: [roll0] vs. BS 30 (-20 because of target moving)
damage: [roll1]
Attack roll: [roll2] vs. BS 30 (-20 because of target moving)
damage: [roll3]
attack roll: [roll4] vs. BS 30
damage: [roll5]

The sword wielding goblins run toward their chosen targets, but cannot reach any of you this turn. This does however put them within charge distance on your turn.


2015-01-07, 03:41 PM
Wilfrieda took to the cover of the overturned wagon, seeing the arrow thump into it that was meant for her, and peeking around to see the Gobbo swordsmen coming for her. She held her position behind the cover of the wagon, hammer and dagger held up defensively as she took a few deep breaths, remembering her earlier lessons in warcraft.

"Sigmar protect me, Ulric guide my blows, Myrmidia give me the courage to win," she prayed fervently, for no victory came without the favor of the gods and only a fool would fight without them as she prepared for the Gobbos to come at her bro, readying her Hammer to send them packing.

Well, should be behind cover against the Archers, and now taking a Defensive Stance Half Action, -20% to WS tests to hit her, and the Aim half action, +10% to hit with her Hammer provided her next attack is smashing a gobbo with a hammer... probably as he comes to stab her in the face.

2015-01-07, 04:23 PM
This was a new experience, she hadn't ever been shot at before. Jarla decided very quickly that she disliked it very much. Sure, she'd stabbed a few people, been chased out of a couple places, but had not been shot at until now. Little time to digest that right now, though, with those other goblins running at her.

Readying her mace, she waited to receive the likely charge of the goblins. "I'm gonna brain that little gobbo good."

Defensive stance, -20 WS to hit me. Half action aim, +10 to hit with her mace, likely against the one that charges me- at least the one that's closest.

2015-01-07, 04:33 PM
Seeing the women in trouble Karl turns and darts towards the nearest goblin For Ulric! a cry he gives in battle but never anywhere else.

Reaching the small green skin he chops at its head...

Charge the goblin
[roll0] TN 42 +10 for charge
Dam [roll1]

Head shot!
- if its a crit +1 due to strike to injure

2015-01-07, 05:09 PM
Merkel knew intimately how much slash wounds to the flesh really really hurt, and using that knowledge he moves away from the rapidly approaching sword goblins toward Jarla and Wilfrieda, feeling company is probably safer given the current situation. Once he feels at a safe(r) distance he spins and at once has loaded and fired another arrow, almost too quick for the eye to see.

Ok so Merkel is going to move his full 10 yards towards the ladies, (a half action) reload (free action) then attack one of the sword goblins following him (half action)
Attack: BS 39 vs. [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
Ulrics fury: [roll2]
Ulrics fury: [roll3]

Jon D
2015-01-08, 08:52 PM
Seeing blade armed goblins closing in the wagon and those that were less than able to defend themselves, Heinz wheels his horse around and charges back into the fray.

[roll0] against a WS of 35 +10 for charging and +10 for higher ground.
[roll1] damage
[roll2] fury
[roll3] fury

2015-01-09, 03:58 PM
Seeing him whirl around and drawing an arrow, the goblins running towards Merkel throw themselves to the side, neatly avoiding the arrow, before continuing towards him.
One of them is knocked to the ground, however, when Heinz rushes by on his steed, and clips the goblin on the side of the head with his sword on the way. Bleeding but still alive, the goblin starts crawling to its feet.
Heinz ends his charge as he catches up to Merkel, and together they move towards the wagons.

As the goblin swordsmen reach the women's hiding place, one jumps around it, laughing madly, and swings at the Jarla with its rusty sword. The other one, ready to jump in beside its friend, never manages to make even a sound as Karl barrels into it, hewing of its head with a solid slice.

The two goblins archers look uncertain about what to do, but decide to send two more arrows towards Karl, who in his charge has ended up with his back turned toward them.

Attack: [roll0] vs. WS 35 (+20 to hit for all out attack, +10 for charge, -20 due to Jarlas defensive stance)
Damage: [roll1]
attack 1: [roll2] vs. BS 20 (+10 for aim, -20 due to Karl moving)
damage 1: [roll3]
attack 2: [roll4] vs. BS 20 (same modifiers)
damage 2: [roll5]

I have two things to tell you.
1: I've made a slight change in how I write up attacks. The number I've written on the attack rolls they have to beat is not their base BS/WS, but the number they have to beat after all modifiers are applied. Just so you know.
2: please make it clear exactly who you attack when you do so. We are goin with a "theater of the mind" approach to battle (since I am crap at making battlemaps, and think its too much work), which makes it all the more important for me to know where you want to go. For example, Heinz charging into the fray is fine, but is he charging the goblins going towards merkel, or the ones at the wagon, or the ones shooting at Karl? I had to choose who he attacked, which I can do, but I imagine you'll want to specify that yourselves. so a little reminder, be a bit more specific.

2015-01-09, 04:15 PM
Karl grinned kicking the small creature off the blade before raising his shield just long enough to catch the arrows on the heavy wooden shield. Ulric's white furred balls... he curses under his breath before he sees Jarla in trouble and barrels in to chop at the beast while it battles the woman. Feinting high he drives his blade into the creatures chest.

Charge goblin fighting Jarla
[roll0] TN 42+10 charge +10 outnumber = 62 - body I think
- fate reroll if needed [roll1] not needed

Damage [roll2]
If a crit then +1 on crit effect

2015-01-09, 04:18 PM
"In the name of Sigmar, begone!" Wilfrieda called out, seeing Jarla under attack, hoping that Big Boss Sigs would notice her in this moment, perhaps guide her hammer against his hated Greenskin Foes, a non-warrior doing her part to end a scourge upon Empire and Dorf, giving it her all. The Hammer coming around in a heavy arc, putting all her power into the strike to try to demolish this Goblin now before he causes any more strife in the world.

Taking an All Out Attack against the Goblin attacking Jarla. Yes, I changed my mind due to circumstances.
Attack Roll: [roll0] vs a WS of 31, +10 for Outnumbered 2 to 1 in Melee (Jarla and Wilfrieda vs 1 Gobbo), +10 for the previous turn's Aim Action, +20 for the All Out Attack, total Target Number of 71.
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Ulric's Fury Confirmation if Needed: [roll2] vs the same 71 from Above.
Ulric's Fury Damage: [roll3]
Exploding d10s as possibly needed: [roll4]
Cannot Dodge Blow/Parry until my next turn because I All Out Attacked.

2015-01-09, 04:30 PM
Jarla prepares to take the head off the goblin charging her. She swings the entirety of her petite frame into it and visualizes it's head sailing off into the trees.

All-out Attack against the goblin charging me (+20), plus aimed previous round (+10), plus outnumbered 2 to 1 (+10) plus BS 34
[roll0] v. 74
Damage [roll1]
Fury Confirmation [roll2] v.74
Fury Damage [roll3]
Fury Damage [roll4]

2015-01-09, 05:12 PM
"My thanks Roadwarden!" Merkel yelled, trying to make himself heard over the din of battle. "Might you fend off these pesky buggers while I skewer those shooty ones over there?"

As he spoke, Merkel gesticulated wildly, first at the goblins chasing him and then at the goblins shooting arrows at the party. Before waiting for an answer, stops to aim and fire at a bow wielding goblin.

Reload bow (free action), aim (half action), standard attack bow goblin (half action)

Attack: BS 49 vs.[roll0]
damage: [roll1]
Ulrics fury: [roll2]
Ulrics fury: [roll3]

Jon D
2015-01-09, 07:24 PM
Heinz gives Merkel a grisly salute with his bloodied sword before swinging his horse in a tight circle that would make a circuit rider proud. He sees Karl dealing with the goblins closest to the women, and his previous target staggering to it's feet and makes his choice.

Two gobs, one already wounded, so Heinz tries for a hat trick. He directs his horse to gallop over the wounded goblin, attemoting to paste it into the mud, while Heinz leans far to the side to slash the other with his sword.

I didn't roll for my mount last time, oh well. But if my reading is correct, this should work, if not I only make the sword attack and we can ignore what my horse does.

[roll0] vs WS of 35 +20 for high ground and charging.
[roll1] dmg
[roll2] fury
[roll3] fury

Horse rolls [roll4] vs WS of 30 +20 for prone target and charging. Or +10 if it's just a charge, not sure if gobbo is actually standing.
[roll5] dmg

2015-01-12, 10:34 AM
The goblin attacking Jarla manages a gurgling shriek before it is pierced through the chest from behind by Karl. As it breathes out in a rattling whine, the goblin is hit on the side of the head by Wilfrieda's hammer, caving in its skull at the temple. For good measure, although the goblin is clearly dead, Jarla then chop's at its neck. Her strike cuts clean through, sending its head flying a good 15 ft away from the wagon. It lands in-between a pair of goblins nearby who were moving in to attack Karl. As they look down at the mangled head, and then up at the humans standing around the body, they simply stare for a second, before turning around and running as fast as their legs can carry them, screaming all the way.

As Heinz pushes his horse into another charge, It tramples the wounded goblin into the mud as it tries to rise, smashing it into a bloody clump of formless meat. The other goblin is sent sprawling by Heinz' sword slashing across it's chest. It quickly gets back on its feet, setting of in the direction it came from.

Along the caravan, more and more of the goblins turn to flee as the battle gradually turns in the defenders' favor. The unexpectedly tough defense of the group, coupled with a surprising number of caravaneers pulling out blunderbusses and handguns, gave much more of a fight than the goblins were prepared for.

As the disorganised horde run back towards the safety of the forest, however, they are stopped in their tracks as a deep, coarse howl sounds from the trees.
Out of the treeline another greenskin strides, but all resemblance to the goblins ends at the skin color.
This beast is easily 2-3 feet taller than a grown man, and twice as broad as a blacksmith. Its arms and upper body ripples with muscles, oversized compared with its short, tree trunk-like legs, giving it an ape-like posture.
As its small red eyes glares evilly across the goblins, it bares its teeth, wicked sharp things dominated by the two tusk sticking out of its lower jaw, each the size of daggers. The beast is clad in furs and animal bones, and its face and bare chest is covered in blue warpaint.
It lifts a crude wooden staff in one hand, and a huge cleaver, more a sharpened hunk of metal with a handle than anything else, above its head, and opens its mouth wide enough to almost unhinge its jaw.
"Gork 'n Mork wantz humies ta eat!" It howls, stomping the ground with on leg while pumping its weapons into the air.
"Theyz wantz ya gitz ta fight! FIGHT!! FIIIIIIGHT!!"
As it yells, the beast's eyes start glowing red and a reddish mist exudes from it, spreading and enveloping the Goblins.
The goblins, shaking in fear a second ago, start turning back towards the caravan, and their eyes glow with the same evil red light.
"Now go and get the humies! We fight! We kill! We stomp 'em 'til theyz dead!!.

With frothing mouths and reckless abandon, the goblins charge, followed closely by the larger greenskin, spurring them on with hits and howls.

It is now our intrepid heroes' turn.
take it away.

2015-01-12, 03:27 PM
Well now... that is a big one...

Wilfrieda thought, peeking out from behind the overturned wagon at the sound of all that bellowing going on in bad cockney. The Goblins, once routed were finding courage in the fact that she (and Karl and Jarla) had only killed one of them in a fairly gruesome manner, and the Orc was going to kill them all for whatever backwards leadership that they claimed to follow in that bellow.

Swallowing hard, she started to loudly bang on the side of the wagon with her hammer, the hammer splattered in Gobbo Blood, Brains, and Skull chunks, beating out a steady beat as she stood fast there, reminding them of the futility and DOOM of facing her hammer, beating out a steady beat to show courage when she felt doubt with that large bruiser coming in. Holding fast, putting up a front, and reminding the Goblins that while the Orc might hit one or two of them, they were all going to die to that hammer if they pressed on, and ready to prove that to the first one who thought he had the courage, or that he should be more afraid of the Orc than her.

Adopting a Defensive Stance as a Half Action, and Aiming with my Hammer as a Half Action.
Defensive Stance gives a -20% to Melee Attacks against me. Aiming gives a +10% to hit provided my next action (Next turn) is a Hammer Strike.
If you feel the display is something I should roll for, let me know. It's mostly just fluffery and psychology and if you want to disregard it having any potential effect I won't be butthurt about it. :smallwink:

2015-01-12, 04:10 PM
Karl looked at the forest ridge and saw the massive orc with wreathes of sorcerery around it. "By the two testicled comet. Magic... Get back women, midst the wagons lest he unleash something nasty."

Suiting actions to words he ducks back amidst the wagon wheels waiting patiently for goblins or the orc.

Move to cover of a wagon wheel
Take defensive stance

2015-01-12, 05:18 PM
Sigmar, that thing's big.

Drawing her dagger out of her boot, Jarla wants to be ready since it looks like they'll charge again. Especially since that big bastard showed up to ruin their day. Now holding mace and dagger, Jarla figured she was ready to pound another gobbo head if they ran around the wagon again.

Quietly awed by Wilfreda's pretty good attempt to intimidate the small horde that showed up, she couldn't help but stand there for a few seconds. Jarla honestly didn't know what to do, she couldn't honestly say she had ever heard of anyone standing up to and ork like that except for in stories. She steps out from cover and just does her best to look tough.

Ready Dagger- half action
Defensive Stance- half action -20 WS to hit me

2015-01-12, 05:54 PM
Amazingly, Wilfrieda's display of sheer guts seem to have some effect on the goblins. Even addled by rage as they are, they hesitate a bit as they close in, as if their instincts are battling with the magical rage. After a moment, they turn to attack other parts of the caravan, conveniently avoiding the wagon where the Wilfrieda, Jarla and Karl are standing.
Wilfrieda's action's does not go completely unnoticed, however. The large Ork, noticing the goblins avoiding the tipped wagon, turns its gaze on Wilfrieda and Jarla.
With a loud growl, it bares its tusks in a hateful sneer, and starts walking towards the women. It walks unerringly, killing and trampling more than a few hapless goblins who do not get out of its way fast enough.
Its gaze never leaves the two women.

2015-01-13, 04:12 PM
Karl looks at the beast, a thought of That's a big beast. Big as a fullgrown gor. I wonder if it goes for the woman I can get it in the back... Thinking that he shakes his head. Some last vestige of honour making him move forward to stand firm, shield outstretched beside Wilfreda and Jarla. "You had to attract its attention eh.." he snarls at the Wilfreda banging on the side of the wagon. readying his blade he takes a deep breath,

Move back to the women
Enter defensive stance

Jon D
2015-01-14, 06:29 PM
"Karl, we've going to have to take it together! Circle and strike, don't give it time to set itself!"

Heinz doesn't give Karl time to respond before dashing off. Orks are bad, Orks that can use magic were an entirely diffrent level of horrible. But if they could kill it, the goblins would break.

Hopefully circling with two horsemen would confuse the monster long enough to give them a chance to land a definitive blow, before it tore them apart.

[roll0] vs a WS of 35 +10 for charging and +10 for High Ground.
[roll1] dmg
[roll2] fury
[roll3] fury

Jon D
2015-01-14, 06:30 PM
Spending a Fate point to reroll that attack.


2015-01-17, 09:02 AM
Surveying the battlefield, Merkel felt a knot of uneasiness growing in the pit of his stomach. Not only was the party vastly outnumbered by goblins but the newly arrived orc seemed to have some control over the magical arts, not a good combination. Added to this was the worst streak of bad luck Merkel had seen in years.

Three arrows and only one goblin? He thought as he drew a fourth arrow from his quiver. Not good enough.

Merkel was sure that killing this orc brute would break the already wavering goblin horde, and with that in mind he nocked an arrow in his bow while muttering an old prayer his father had taught him,
"Great Taal, God of Nature and all Wild Places,
let this arrow fly straight and true,
take this creature's spirit swift and fast,
to its final resting place."

reload, aim and fire
[roll0] vs BS 49
[roll1] damage
[roll2] fury
[roll3] fury

2015-01-18, 03:27 PM
As Heinz' blow bounces harmlessly of the Ork's shoulder, Merkels arrow pierces the biceps on its other arm. The Ork makes no sound as the arrow hits, but stops in its tracks, looking first at the horseman who struck it, and then at the arrow sticking out of its arm. With a look most akin to disbelief at these puny humies hitting it, the ork starts shaking with rage, its face contorting into a mask of fury. It lifts its choppa over its head, and lets out an earth shattering roar. The goblins around are immediately snapped out of their rage, and start fleeing from the ork in blind panic.
Still roaring, the ork's eyes glow red once more, and the red haze envelops its weapon. It brings the choppa down on the turned-over wagon, and the splinters with a sound akin to a thundercrack. The sheer force of the blow, mingled with the ork's maddened howling, becomes a crescendo that somehow hits everyone around it with almost physical force. A deeply buried sense surfaces in everyone, goblin and human alike, An instinct older than rational thought. RUN.

Everyone within earshot (thats all of you), please roll a willpower roll to avoid being panicked and trying to get as far away from the ork as possible. If you fail, you spend the next round fleeing blindly, or if you can't, cowering. after that, you can act normally again.

2015-01-18, 04:09 PM
Wilfrieda seems close to holding the line. Close. She weathered the wagon exploding, shielding her body from the worst of the shivers, staying in her spot. But that didn't last for long as the cry hit her and the mystical creeps worked down her spine. What was she doing? She was an artist, not a fighter! She felt her boots twisting in the mud, her body reacting on primal instincts as she started running back down the road, towards the other wagons at full speed, hitting her face, slipping a bit in the mud of the road, arms swinging wildly as she was fleeing full speed, just responding to the instincts of Cover and Numbers, seeking out the protection of the rest of the caravan.

Failed the Willpower Test. Running towards the rest of the caravan. Run makes enemies have a -20% BS to hit me, +20% WS to hit me.

2015-01-18, 04:55 PM
Jarla stood her ground when the big ol' Ork started wailing. She even surprised herself sometimes. Then she noticed some of the others start to run and a larger upwelling of panic hit her. Seeing her companions start to run for the other wagon and the several people near it, she decides that caution is the better part of valor and joins Wilfreda in flight.

Yep, cover and numbers is the way to go. totally not fighting the big beastie on my own.

Run! move towards the other wagon, trying to keep pace with the others.

2015-01-18, 05:18 PM
Hearing the howl of the waaagh Karl feels the roar in every fibre of his being. Seeing the beast coming towards them he climbed up into the wagon pulling the tarp over him plunging him into pitch darkness and hopefully safety!

Jon D
2015-01-18, 05:32 PM
The bellowed roar of the greenskin chilled Hienz to the bone. He kicked his heels to his horse, which needed no encouragement to get both of them as far away from the green monster as possible.

I am not getting paid enough for this.

2015-01-19, 05:15 AM
Shaken to his very core by the terrifying orc, Merkel turns on his heel and sprints in the opposite direction, desperate to put some more distance between them.

2015-01-21, 10:39 AM
As everything and everyone around it starts to flee, the Ork once more sets its gaze on the running women. It starts moving after them, first in a slow jog, then a run, and finally charging towards them much faster than its short stubby legs looks capable of.
Roaring its fury to the heavens, the ork quickly gains on the women, and lashes out at Jarla with its Choppa.

Attack: [roll0] vs. WP 45 (35 base +10 from charge)
damage: [roll1]

As the choppa comes down, it connects with Jarlas right arm just under the shoulder. The force of the blow smashes her aside, flinging her 15 feet along the ground like a rag doll. As she rolls away, the ork focuses on her, walking slowly towards her, her blood dripping from the crude weapon.

Jarlas arm is completely numb from the blow, and unusable for 1 round. Aside from that, the pain coursing through her whole body is devastating. Please roll a Willpower test to stay conscious. If you fail, Jarla is to groggy to do anything besides moan in pain for the next 2 rounds.

2015-01-21, 01:23 PM
Karl freezes on the wagon bed, spinning around angry at the assault on his mind. His blood up he sees the beast bear down on Jarla almost hacking her arm off at shoulfdr. Leaping down from the wagon he charges the monster sword swinging low yo hamstring the creature

Charge [roll0] TN 52 dam [roll1]
Edit: hit to left leg for 13
+1 crit effect if relevant

2015-01-21, 01:42 PM
The fear subsided, replaced by almost a cold, animalistic rationality as the spell of the Orc faded and reality hit. The couldn't outrun the creature apparently, as it caught up to Jarla right next to her, the more rational woman having run the same direction as Wilfrieda did in fear, and it was striking hard enough to splatter someone in a single swing of its crude looking weapon. Her mind went back to her lessons, and her body responded naturally driven by muscle memory and fear. Her dagger was held up in a high guard position, her hammer lashing out in a short, quick blow designed to keep her guard high and hopefully get some damage through.

Using the Guarded Attack Full Round Action. Attacks at -10% Weapon Skill, but +10% to Parry.

Attack Roll: [roll0] vs 31 WS, +20 for being 3 to 1'd (Jarla, Karl, and Wilfrieda), -10 for the Guarded Attack Action. Final Mark: 41.
Damage Roll, if needed: [roll1]
Ulric Fury Confirmation: [roll2] vs the 41 if needed.
Ulric's Fury Dice as Needed: [roll3]

2015-01-21, 05:36 PM
Merkel gasped as he watched Jarla smashed aside by the orc.

Damn, that looks painful.

Determined to take down this orc before more harm could come to his companions, Merkel raised his bow and fired again at the orc, hoping that this shot would have more effect than his last.

aim (+10 BS), standard attack
[roll0] vs BS 49
[roll1] damage
[roll2] fury
[roll3] fury

2015-01-21, 07:36 PM
She saw the big bastard running at her. She saw the big bastard swing his weapon. She tried to put her mace and dagger up to take some of the blow, it didn't work. Even throwing in what bit of an artful dodge that she could didn't help.

The next thing Jarla remembered, she was awake, lying on the ground. She must have passed out when he connected. Not able to feel her arm after cursory examination, it wasn't going to be good when she could feel it in a few moments. Getting hit should hurt, when it didn't hurt it was either truly minor or quite bad. Jarla knew this was bad.

Trying to speak failed miserably and only came out as a pained gasp. Looking down, she noticed her mace must have fallen when her arm had gotten hit, all she had now was her dagger. Levering herself up with her good arm as best she could, she stumbles off, hopefully to the outskirts of the fight where she couldn't get hit again.

Move away from the ork, find cover, hide behind/in it.
Healing is priority #2 right now, living long enough to get healed is #1

Run (if possible) away from the ork closer to other friendlies. I don't want to be in his attack range again any time soon.

2015-01-27, 08:56 PM
As the ork is just about to hound Jarla once more, the others come to her aid.
Karl's low swing catches the greenskin in the heel, piercing the tendon and forcing it down on one knee with a howl of pain.
Wilfrieda's hammer then catches it on the side of the head, sending the beast reeling with a ringing blow.
With a hateful glare, the ork shakes its head before turning to Karl, whose sword is still stuck in its leg.
The ork opens its great maw, and inhales deeply while lifting its wicked blade over its head.
The orks roar is cut short, as Merkels arrow pierces its throat.
With an almost human-like expression of confusion, the ork slowly topples backwards, staring idly at the steady stream of blood pouring out of its throat.
As it hits the ground, the greenskin's body shakes in uncontrollable spasms for a few seconds, before falling completely still, as the last ragged breath leaves it.

As if on cue, the frenzied spell on the goblins fade away, and without sparing more than a glance for the dead ork, they turn tail and start fleeing wildly.

A ragged cheer goes up from the defenders of the caravan, as they realise that the battle is over.

2015-01-27, 09:40 PM
Hand pressed tight to her arm, Jarla is near going unconscious from pain and blood loss. She was fairly sure it was nearly to the bone, if it hadn't nicked it.

Stumbling forward, Jarla manages to catch herself as she falls to her knees by the other wagon. Tearing a strip from her shirt she does her best to tie it around her wound in case she passes out soon.

She promised herself to find a temple of Sigmar when she could and donate a bit for making it through this.

2015-01-27, 10:14 PM
Wilfrieda stood defiant over the downed Ork, and stared out at the fleeing Goblins, doing the Fistpump of Victory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg5yjADXPNg) humming to herself the ancient hymn of victory over the foul greenskin.

She walked over when she was done to the side of the road, wiping Goblin and Ork chunks off her hammer in the rain slicked grass until it was shiny and clean. Or at least, only covered in bits of rain water and grass instead of foul greenskin blood and skin. Once that was done, battle over, she hung up her hammer and dagger back where they belonged on her belt.

"... well that was entirely too much excitement... nice to know the gods are still with me however," Wilfrieda said. She wasn't hungry for combat like her ancestors and the rest of her family. Her purpose was off the front lines and doing her part there, with her mind and her skills. Still, the enemies of the Empire weren't always so considerate.

"Everyone okay? ... Anyone here a priest?" she shouted out across the caravan, seeing the poor condition of Jarla, worse off than she had realized in the heat of battle.

2015-01-28, 02:02 AM
Karl nods to the others before stabbing the orc again. "Can't be too careful eh? That was a savage attack, I was not a fan. If no one is hurt too bad... the words tail as he sees Jarla's arm. "Get her on a wagon and we can get moving. I'd rather have stone walls around me tonight and a beer in hand. Best try to make it to a coach inn."

He helps Jarla onto a wagon before tracking down Luger and mounting up.

2015-01-28, 06:56 AM
With a quick gasp of pain as she is helped off the ground and onto the wagon, she manages to say "thanks, Karl" before she vomits from shock setting in. Finding somewhere to rest up and heal was important. "I won't turn down a drink when we get there either, long as im still conscious."

2015-01-29, 02:22 PM
Stalking over to the recently deceased orc, Merkel yanked the arrow from its throat and checked it for cracks or chips before sliding it back into his quiver.

"Big bastard aren't ye," he muttered as he surveyed the orc up close. "I think you owe us a little souvenir."

Merkel reached gingerly into the orcs cavernous mouth and attempted to extract one of the gigantic teef inhabiting it. As he was struggling with the tooth, Merkel heard talk of beer and called over to the others. "Beer? I could go for beer!"

2015-01-29, 06:19 PM
Wilfrieda went over to the Wagon were Jarla was propped up, sitting next to her as they had been before the whole thing went to Gobbos. She gave her a little pat on the knee, channeling her own father though she hardly realized it, and chimed in, "Aye, that's all ya need, a good drink and a warm bed and you'll be right as rain in the morn'." Where her father, and thus her when she quoted him like that picked up the accent, she had no clue.

She would have offered to tip the wagon back upright and get the thing moving, but the Orc had helpfully obliterated the wagon as an obstacle after all, so she didn't foresee much more for her to do. Let the outriders like Karl do their outridery things and make sure no more Gobbos pop up again. And lets get out of here before they decide that perhaps we might be too tired to continue fighting them as effectively.

2015-01-29, 09:32 PM
Nodding to Wilfreda after hearing what she had to say, Jarla hoped she was right about feeling better in the morning. She figured it would be as sore as all hell as long as she still had feeling there.

She would have helped with cleanup and preparations for the rest of the journey, but given her condition, she figured to take it easy for a little while. Not that there was much choice to it. Trying to make the best of it, she covered herself against the drizzle and tried to get a little bit of rest.

2015-02-06, 02:31 PM
With as much haste as possible, the members of the caravan get ready for travel once more. The fallen caravaneers are laid on a wagon, to be buried in a more suitable location. The corpses of the greenskins are unceremoniously dumped at the roadside, left for the carrion birds.

About an hour later the caravan is once more on the road, although at a significantly slower pace, due to the injuries that many has sustained. The leaders of the caravan estimate that they will be delayed by a week, at least.
Despite the many wounds and ruined wares, morale is high amongst the people, and they are especially happy with our heroes, who stepped up and quite possibly saved them all by taking down the orc.
Many compliments are given, and you are well cared for by the grateful merchants, securing both medicinal care, rations and travel on a wagon of your own.
The rest of the trip should be a pleasant one, provided nothing else happens....

We'll be going lightly over the next few weeks of travel, which pass by without any major events. Nothing of note happens, unless you guys take the initiative to do something. This is down time, which you can spend working, plying your trade, or perhaps making some contacts among the other merchants in the caravan. Its really up to you guys.
So please, write up what your characters try to do, and I will respond in kind.

2015-02-06, 06:31 PM
Jarla spent the time on the road caring for her wound and chatting with those around her, trying to get to know them a little bit. She was grateful for them for helping to save her arm from infection, so responded in kind with what help she could. She spoke little of her history, just largely of what she wanted to find on down the road "Somewhere that doesn't just try to chase you out of town, a little coin wouldn't hurt either. Maybe even a steady job, I've heard those are nice."

If and when they were able to stop somewhere, she made sure to buy a drink for a few of them in particular, it was the least she felt she could do after they saved her ass from the Ork. Still sore and trying to heal, she just waits to see the next stop on their journey.

2015-02-09, 05:10 PM
Not content to spend the whole journey cooped up in the back of a wagon, Merkel made frequent scouting trips of the general area, his focus on hunting game. He supposed that the meat would be useful along the way, and the cured hides could be sold in whatever settlement they rolled through next.

roll Outdoor Survival [roll0] vs. 31

2015-02-11, 02:15 PM
Karl basks in the attention enjoying the food and drinks from the grateful merchants. Riding along the most generous wagons to provide better protection. As he rides he whittles a fang from the orc into a rough wolfish shape with his knife.
He also keeps a close eye on his fellow guards to see how they are faring though he doesn't dare follow Merkel into the woods!

2015-02-16, 12:18 PM
after a few days of slow going, it soon becomes clear that the wounded won't heal up properly while on the road, and it is decided that the caravan will stop for a while in the next village.
Soon the caravan comes upon the village, a fairly big and well-fortified place with palisades and a moat built around it.
As they approach the gate, they are hailed by guards on top of the palisade who, after some negotiations with the leader of the caravan, allows them inside.

After the caravan has entered the village, our heroes are approached by the caravan leader, Herr korbel, a short stocky man with narrow distrustful eyes.
Well, since you're the ones who saved my caravan 'n all, I thought you'd like to know that we'll be staying here for at least a week, before we can continue on at full speed." He looks profoundly dissatisfied with this, clearly not happy about the delay. "And since you blokes din' plan on being delayed this much, I can understand if you'd like to continue on your own. BUT!" He exclaims, raising one finger to put emphasis on his words "I'd like it iffen you stayed with the caravan as proper guards, like. I'll pay you, of course." He lets out an annoyed huff. Clearly not a man who is happy to part with money. "Anyway, think it over. You'll have a week here in the village afore you'll need to make a decision."
With that said, her turns and walks back toward the wagons, yelling orders left and right, stopping only to smack a driver atop the head for some mistake.

2015-02-16, 02:21 PM
"May as well take it easy for a little bit then. I could use something to eat too, maybe even try to find a drink. Anyone up for a walk through the village with me?" Jarla was going to mull over the offer from Herr Korbel over food and drink if it could be found. At least guard work was steady, if a bit dangerous. She was fairly sure she would accept, it would at least get her somewhere else, away from what used to be her home.

2015-02-17, 03:43 PM
Karl nods thanks to the caravan master. "Aye, I'll think on it.but tonight will be a hot bath a hot meal and a flagon or three of ale." Nodding his thanks he caught up with Jarla, "So Jarla, fancy a drink or three?"

Looking about for a pub he seeks the nearest one that looked a bit rough.

2015-02-17, 06:07 PM
"Aye, a drink sounds like a fine idea. One of the few things that wont make my arm ache. I'll buy this time if you buy next time." as Jarla says this, she rubs her arm, still sore from that fight weeks ago. Now with two scars, one pink and fresh, the other beginning to turn pale and white, she starts thinking about some of the things that got her here.

If we hadn't been poor, I wouldn't have learned to steal, my bother wouldn't have had to poach. He wouldn't have gotten caught and hung, I wouldnt have accidentally killed that guy and run off.

I hope nothing happened to my sis after I left.

I can't believe it would ever get this bad. I don't even know what part of the Empire i'm in anymore. I feel so lost.

She tried to maintain a happy facade though, the rest of them didn't need to know about all it took to get here. As far as Jarla was concerned, she was the last one in her family anyway, since her sister was ok when she skipped town. She thanked the Gods for getting her this far all the same.