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View Full Version : Playing a Core Only Game Rate my Bard

Barbarian Horde
2015-01-06, 01:19 AM

2015-01-06, 01:28 AM
Well, in core it's mostly down to the list, probably followed by skills and then feats, cause bard feats aren't the best in core, and I'm not sure what your list looks like. Not entirely sure what's up with the whole x/day thing you've got going there either, given that bards are spontaneous casters. The spells you have listed are decent enough, though you'd do well to fit in some prestidigitation and detect magic at 0th's, grease and maybe charm person at 1st's, and glitterdust at 2nd's. As for skills, it's a bit scattered, and could use more UMD, but it seems decent enough. For feats, spell focus (enchantment) is rather mediocre, though I'm not sure what I'd use in its stead. Maybe improved initiative. In any case, from what I see, it's a perfectly reasonable bard which can do perfectly reasonable bard things.

Barbarian Horde
2015-01-06, 01:37 AM
Yeah I found that out. I had pulled feats from Complete Mage. I wish core did bards more justice.

2015-01-06, 01:55 AM
It's a solid level 5 Tier 3 character.

At level 5 you've chosen Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus in the Enchantment school for your feats. This helps your Sleep spell DC, but about this level you'll be outgrowing that spell when a bigger amount of enemies you face are immune. You don't have your full known spell list shown so I can't comment on the rest of your spell list except to say that you'll want to swap that Sleep spell out for something like Grease or Charm Person soon. You really should have done that at level 5. In terms of the feats themselves, they are in my opinion a waste on a Bard, who doesn't have the high level spell slots to really punch their weight in the save or suck department at mid to high level gameplay. For example, you get Dominate Person at level 10, whereas a Wizard gets it at level 9. They have the spell as a level 5 spell, whereas for you it's level 4. This means their spell save DC is automatically higher than yours, equal to one of those feats you took. Don't get me wrong, using your spells is great, but spending feats on them is probably a poor choice since you'll never be king of the hill here. I'd also strongly suggest picking up the Cure spell line, since sooner or later everyone needs healing and it's a good way to spend unused spells before you go to bed.

You've pumped up your social skillset which is good. You can act as the Face Man for the party in town. You have an odd spread of skills though, with one point spent here and there. For example, with Balance, if you want to put any ranks here you want exactly 5. This means you're no longer flat-footed when forced to perform a balance check. I would be investing a lot more points into Concentration and Use Magic Device. Concentration prevents you from failing Dimension Door if you're in a bind and need to escape something like a big nasty grapple. Use Magic Device as a class skill on a Charisma based casting class is obvious and should be maximized to full ranks. Your ranks in Speak Language are, in my opinion, throwing good ranks away, since spells like Tongues exist, can be Permanency'ed, and are even on your class list if you should decide you want to cast it yourself.

My inner DM is screaming bloody murder about your fudged encumbrance. Your only magical item so far is a Circlet of Persuasion. Try to get your hands on a Handy Haversack and then save for a Rod of Metamagic Extend, Lesser or a Cloak of Resistance.