View Full Version : Help With a Book-Restricted Mage-Hunter? (3.5)

2015-01-06, 01:50 AM
So, I'm currently making a level 6 mage-hunter, and I would really like to work off a Charisma-based chassis with Hexblade (save boost and Mettle seem very good defensively for fighting the low-op mages of the campaign). I'm only allowed to have a maximum of two base classes and two Prestige Classes over the course of the character's lifespan, so I'm trying to keep it simple for now, with Hexblade 5/Occult Slayer 1, to take advantage of Hexblade's bonus feat for Combat Casting, so I can cast Augment Familiar or somesuch even if I don't have an opportunity to do so prior to entering melee, plus I get a second Curse per day. Though Hexblade 4/Full-BAB 1/Occult Slayer 1 will also work well enough if the dip will be worth more.

The books I can pull from without needing case-by-case approval are the Core books and all of the Complete books except Champion. Everything else is case-by-case, so I'd prefer to avoid hinging the majority of the build off of things I'm not sure I'll be allowed to have, but feel free to recommend bits.

I think human would be a good race, as that gives me an extra feat and max-rank skill, and my options are rather limited in any case. 32 point-buy, regular WBL.

(Actually, based on my reading of the X stat to Y bonus thread, I'm not sure a Charisma-based melee combatant is feasible, but anyway...) Any help would be greatly appreciated!