View Full Version : Dm lfg 3.5 frcs

2015-01-07, 02:33 AM
I apologize if this is not the right thread to post this at, if someone could direct me to the right link I would be humbly obliged...meantime I will post:


I am Kelsfar, a.k.a. Spellfizzle and am looking to start a new campaign that I will be hosting as DM. Below I will break it down into two sections finished with my introduction, creds, campaign information etc.. and everything else information wise needed to join and play, so if you are local or within the U.S. and are interested in a online campaign then read on as I will go into further details below.

-Online Group:
Sessions Will be held online every Saturday during afternoon or night hours (Shooting for 5pm-11pm but subject to alter dependent on the group majority to work out best). It will be up to the majority to set a exact time slot in which we will play.
You must be a U.S. resident in order to play, I am partially ok with Canadian players so long as your able to make session times. This is nothing against Euro's or other countries but the play time is crucial for everyone showing up and having a good head on there shoulders. My last online campaign took part with mostly Euro players and it was difficult for them to stay up so late and would tend to fall asleep towards the end of each session or dropping before it was over, regardless of what was going on and I was just rolling out of bed into a 6-8 hour session.
So Online campaign I am looking for folks that can meet up every Saturday during afternoon to night hours, I am pretty flexible over most time slot's for Saturday sessions. I will provide everything needed to play online if I recruit 4-8 players including the tools needed to play online all FREE and yes using Maptools and/or perhaps Rolld20! I have a Teamspeak account as well that will be used for mic talk.

-Now about me:
I have been DMing D&D for about 22 years and have DM'd and played many different settings of D&D such as Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Planescape and other various games like Pathfinder and Shadow Run. I am a 35 year old male that resides in Virginia and love D&D, playing and DMing. I also have had the pleasure of being a developer on persistent worlds in video games like Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, I last left off with a Neverwinter Nights 2 PW known as Sea of Dragons seaofdragons.com ,there I was the developer as well as the lead world developer that took place in the Forgotten Realms setting. I am HUGE Forgotten Realms Fan and I base most of my campaigns within the setting, I tend to use Ravenloft, Greyhawk and Dragonlance to be pulled into the overall scheme of things through time travel, portals, or other phenomena to add richer flavor to my campaigns. I am also a big fan of 1st-through-3.5 edition D&D. Sorry but I will not use 4th ed. or 5th ed. rule set or lore in any of my campaigns including the one I am recruiting for.

As mentioned before I was a DEV for a persistent world which to your favor I create also the tiles and maps in which you play on from scratch and to my own design adding rich looking tiles that add ALOT of flavor to the grid and less description of rooms/areas/ and surroundings since its visually for the most part....there.

-What will the campaign be based off of you ask: ???
Well we will use the 3.5 edition D&D rule set and the campaign will be based in the Forgotten Realms setting prior to the Time of Troubles (ToT) using basically 2nd edition lore but with 3.5 rule set. The starting location will be based once again on the majority of the group and what region everyone favors to start at and I will design the campaign to evolve from that region within Faerun. You do not need to be a veteran to play, and I encourage even first time players of D&D to join, my only requirements are that you are of the age of 18 years old, willing to dedicate yourself to the session each Saturday as much as possible (I will have house rules set to allow for folks to miss a couple sessions due to life being sucky that they cannot attend, which will grant full xp even though you were not able to make it, after 3 sessions you will lose any xp gained from that session missed and every session after that you miss going forward).

I am a story teller of all things, I like to suck everyone into the game through my weaving of plots, schemes, adventures, and other various things that draw you into your PC. As a DM I like to personally encourage each PC to develop his own personality, goals and agendas and I build the campaign around all the players with a main goal in the horizon, the main goal will be clouded with many small and off coarse goals. My style of DMing is all about the players and developing there characters, from start to finish. The world is for you to carve out!

Sadly in this day of age it is hard to trust anyone on the internet or even in your own city, and therefore I am going to provide my email to gather all interested folks. I will after being contacted by you send you to my Skype to talk and get to better know you and to make sure you are right for joining the group. I will do this with everyone interested in joining, at the end all that I approve to join will meet officially on Skype for group chat to get to know each other before going any further. This will allow everyone to feel comfortable and get to know the others before deciding to commit to the campaign as well as discuss developing the party and all the fine details.

Any questions please feel free to contact me at my email, I check it daily and will get back to you asap about any questions or concerns!
I am looking forward to gathering a good group of players, not exactly experienced players but just fun, easy going folks looking to play some D&D and have a blast!

*Note* If your idea of playing D&D is "Power gaming", "Min/Maxing", "Tweeking/Twinking" or any other form of building a character that is overpowered just to spite the rules or abuse the system then please DO NOT reply to this thread or contact me! Looking for realistic folks that wish to enjoy the game without abusers of class combo's and prestige classes that mix into being beyond over powered! I will allow majority of 3.5 edition Splat books into play but certain Races, Classes and PRC's (prestige classes) may be subject to approval

Contact me at [email protected]


2015-01-07, 02:59 AM
Hi Kelsfar, welcome!

You should move this one over to the Finding Players (Recruitment) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?51-Finding-Players-(Recruitment)) forum if you're looking to recruit some players for your campaign. As per the forum description:

Look for players for chatroom, play-by-post, or even real-life games here. Threads will expire after 3 months, so be sure to move important information to your OOC thread.

2015-01-07, 02:59 AM
Theres a forum for player/group recruitment under the Play-By-Post heading, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?51-Finding-Players-(Recruitment)).

Its not just for PbP games on the forum though as it describes itself as:

Look for players for chatroom, play-by-post, or even real-life games here. Threads will expire after 3 months, so be sure to move important information to your OOC thread.

Edit: Bah swordsaged, and with almost exactly the same post as well.

2015-01-07, 03:55 AM
If I may, I got a question: why do people play PbP here? Not being mean or anything (really) but there are other forums (which I probably am not allowed to mention, am I?) That allow for things like a
1) subsection for your game (where you can make however many yhreads for the game)
2) Secret text
3) DM priveledges (that allow for multiple DMs who all see secret DM threads)
3) Secret threads

And so on. This forum is great for discussing the game, but it just seems to not be built for PbP. So why do people play here?

2015-01-07, 06:49 AM
Beyond the above statements regarding thread location, I might actually be interested in playing in your campaign. I'm currently stationed in Kuwait, which is at GMT +3:00 (so if it's 5pm on the East Coast of the USA, it's 1am for me). I normally play Diablo with a friend of mine after work on Saturdays until about 11pm, so that gives me time for a little nap before playing with you.

If this works for you, shoot me a message and I'll give you my personal email for better contact, and we can discuss my playstyle and preferred race/class combinations.