View Full Version : Pathfinder Trog PC Racial characteristics

2015-01-07, 04:55 AM
So when someone in my group asked about racial limitations (Due to someone wanting to be an aquatic character that isn't a human with gills, a blue human with gills, or has 5 land speed ) for our upcoming game my DM said not only were there none that he would even allow anyone to use the race builder to convert a race without PC support into a PC race as long as:
A) The race is actually in Golarion according to official sources
B) The race points aren't more than 20
C) We have a pretty decent backstory for why our character is out adventuring and not trying to murder every one
D) accept the fact if we play something like a bugbear we will have to deal with hate from npcs

I had been planning on doing the Vermin packmaster thing i had previously asked about and I had never decided on a race but since my DM is being so great about race choice I get to carry out my dream of being a troglodyte.

I have A, C ,and D down but I am still trying to figure out exactly what the racial traits would be. This is what I have so far trying to convert from the bestiary through the race builder:

Modifiers -2 Dex, +4 Con, -2 Int : 2RP
Type Humanoid(Reptilian): 0RP
Medium Size: 0RP
Normal Speed: 0RP
Standard Languages: 0RP
Bite: 1RP
Claws: 2RP
Natural Armor: 2RP
Darkvision 60 feet + Light sensitivity: 0RP
Double Stench Aura: 8RP
Camouflage(Underground): 1RP
Cave Dweller: 1RP

Total: 17RP

This is what I've come up with and I was curious if this made sense. I based the modifiers off of the high and low stats of the Trog in the bestiary though from lore standpoint i don't quite see how Dexterity would be low in a race who typically throws javelins...and should i give em a weapon proficiency with javelins? Also would a +2 to handle animals checks make sense cause Trogs tend to train a bunch of cave animals from what I can tell. Honestly I don't care about optimizing this race for anything. I may even change my mind about being a Vermin Packmaster (despite being logical for a trog)and make him an alchemist for story reasons. And considering the campaign will be mostly in jungle, deserts and tropical islands and I want to play as a race that I am giving Light sensitivity to... I just want to make an accurate Trog Race writeup... I really like trogs...:smallamused: