View Full Version : DM Help Help me understand the pathfinder character sheet

2015-01-07, 12:57 PM
So, in an upcoming game I'm getting the chance to introduce a few new players to table top gaming. I'm most familiar with 3.5 so thats what I've decided to run, but with some tweaks. I do prefer how Pathfinder has combined certain skills into a singular skill so that now I don't have to hymm and haw over what a certain check should be (noticing a smell, or moving without being seen). To this end, I feel like I should use the pathfinder character sheet.

Couple questions about it though, what's CMB and CMD, nothing about them jumps out at me as having an equivalent in 3.5.

In addition, I want to make sure I know what skills were combined to make the pathfinder skills, so that I don't miss anything when people are filling out their character sheets
Jump, tumble and balance is Acrobatics

Hide and Move Silently is now Stealth

Listen Spot and Search is now Perception

What happened to Gather Information? I don't see any skill it would have been replaced or combined with. Maybe diplomacy but I'm not sure.

Thanks for any help and I apologize if this has been asked before.

2015-01-07, 01:03 PM
CMB/CMD are Combat Maneuver Bonus/Defense. CMB is a bonus you add to your d20 roll for things like trip, grapple, disarm, sunder, etc. CMD is a static number that is the target for someone trying to Disarm, sunder, grapple, trip, etc. you.

Gather Info is part of Diplomacy, while Forgery, Decipher Script, and Speaks Language are now Linguistics

2015-01-07, 01:08 PM
CMB/CMD are Combat Maneuver Bonus/Defense. CMB is a bonus you add to your d20 roll for things like trip, grapple, disarm, sunder, etc. CMD is a static number that is the target for someone trying to Disarm, sunder, grapple, trip, etc. you.

To elaborate on this, the opposed attack rolls of 3.5 were replaced with "roll attacker's CMB vs. defender's CMD" in Pathfinder. Think of CMB as your attack bonus when using maneuvers, and CMD as your AC when someone uses a maneuver against you.