View Full Version : pathfinder: Rooms, Buildings, and Teams (math)

2015-01-07, 09:40 PM
Ok, was thinking about this and re-reading the book, and probably overthinking it, but...

If you do your checks for each building/yourself separately, as opposed to lumping them all together, the way the book suggests, don't you get more capital?

I.e., Shadia spends 1 day teaching a master class at the bardic collegium, and takes 10 on her check (+26 perform), she would receive 3.6gp.

Then she checks in on her theater/salon, which has a gp modifier of +29. Again she takes 10, for 3.9gp.

That's a total of 7.5gp.

If we added the modifiers together, and then took 10, it will only have been 6.5gp

You effectively loose 1 whatever for each check you don't take.

Or am I reading this wrong?