View Full Version : Adventures from Sigil, Doll Quests 1 (IC)

2015-01-08, 02:48 AM
You glance around the common room sometime around midnight, its been about an hour since any of these new companions you have encountered have stirred...all but that archer, however he and his dog don't seem to pay you much mind now that they have more or less accepted you, you should be able to mill about without much fuss if you wished. Examining the building the group is currently squatting in it had taken quite the beating during the battle, given the current condition you cant quite decide which was accommodations were worse, the orphanage, or tonight's, not having to sleep comes in handy at times, your unsure if you could comfortably sleep in a place like this anyway.

The Ranger is staring out the window, intently, ensuring no one is sneaking up on the building, once or twice an hour he makes a full patrol of every area he can currently access. You could probably easily slip away without him noticing, would save you some unneeded attention or questions from him, especially given your plans for the night...he might fight them a tad unsavory.

Essentially guys are all camping, I assume the party drug some surviving bunks to the main room to make watching easier with the damage. You can sneak out however you want, no one will really pay much attention, unless you do something to draw a lot of attention then I might have one of them do something.

Does your guy know Sigil at all, or does he know where he is going? If he is just looking for a demon or devil he could just go to the lower district and look for a bar that hosts such beings and see if any want to play nice, but im unsure how that will go with a mute doll, either way im down for whatever.

2015-01-09, 03:46 PM
The doll begins walking to one of the back rooms, without opening the door or breaking his stride, his eyes flare and an after image of himself walks through the steel barricade.

As his vision blinks out from the battle-worn building, in front of him is a human with short cropped hair and a scar over his nose. The man is working at a desk, scribbling notes as the doll flashes into existance on his work space. His eyes flare briefly and he stretches his arms out, the papers getting slightly scattered at his new form of entrance into the accomadations that he and Mikael had arranged for their meetings.

The doll brings his arms accross his chest, his left arm joint groaning, as he tilts his head inquisically at his humanoid counterpart.

2015-01-10, 02:38 AM
You leave the headquarters, and weave through the back streets of the hive to the small hovel Mikael has been using as home the past month or so, playing opossum whenever a stray citizen wanders by, it takes close to 2 hours to reach the ramshackle two room hut nestled in an even dirtier part of the district than your group currently resides, you find yourself wishing Mikael didn't insist in staying at such out of the way places, but you have never fully been able to understand the extend of Mikael's paranoia.

You glance through a crack in the wall and choose your detestation, appearing on Mikael's desk inches from his face, the man jolts back from his work in surprise a moment before regaining his composure, while moving back he covers his face momentarily, and you notice he has taken to wearing black gloves on both hands.

"Oh...its you, you had suprised me, did you unlock a new ability or is this a fancy trinket your showing off?"
Mikael asks with a raised eyebrow.

As you arm creaks, Mikael glances down at it.
"Are you ever planning to get that thing fixed? I imagine it would be mighty inconvenient."

Mikael motions to a stool near his desk, it seems almost made for you, in that it would allow you to comfortably sit at the desk opposite Mikael, a quill pen and stack of, now partially scattered parchment sit in front of the stool.
"Please have a seat, I suspect it to be a no as you don't eat or drink, but do you need anything to make yourself more comfortable?"

Mikael gets your anything you request, topping off his own tea cup, and waits for you have a seat before continues.
"Have you found any new information lately? I've been hearing some interesting rumors you may be interested in, about two separate groups in the Outlands that have apparently gained the ability to remove the souls from there fallen foes bodies, and bind them to there own, one a demon lord in a mining town in Baator, and the other a Primer shaman in Ysgard, which seems to give them quite significant boosts to there powers, I can't quite figure out how they are accomplishing such a feat, but it may be the boost we have been looking for. What do you think?"

2015-01-10, 03:39 PM
The doll stretches out his arm, it creaking a little in protest, as Mikael comments on it. It shakes it's head slowly at the offering of hospitality as he slowly walks over to the stool and picks up a small quill and some paper, promptly sitting down.

The doll scribbles onto the paper in fey, "I have found a group that has entered Sigil without a portal...they are looking to gain strength to take their home back...they seem promising"
It taps its quill a few times, "Demons of Baator...I found something in a library of one of us who learned the powers of the Demons of Baator, this may be a chance to begin contact."

The doll tilts it's head and pushes the paper over, then continues to write on another page, "where have you heard these rumors? You are sure no snooping eyes are about?"

The doll looks around the shack, and as it pushes the paper to Mikael.

2015-01-10, 06:00 PM
Mikael takes the paper from you and reads it over, glancing back at you with a slight look of surprise on his face.
They entered without a portal? But how, from my research that should not be possible, did the Lady or any of the harmonium take any notice? if they are discovered your new friends risk getting themselves mazed for sure. I think you may be on to something my friend, but tread carefully, I would hate have your visits cease.

Mikael nods as he reads the comment about making contact the the devil.
Yes that was just what I was thinking, however we will have to be mindful they are still Devils, and such things are known for their cruel disposition, you will have to approach carefully or you may find yourself just as likely to be added to his collection of toys, as you are to receive useful aid from the Devil, however if you can make peaceable contact, and gain aid, you may be able to unlock the secrets of infusing your magic with the power of the fires of Baator.

Mikael takes the second sheet of paper, glances over it, then quickly glances around his home, you notice his eyes have a slight blue glow to them as he does this, after a moment his eyes snap back to normal, and he refocuses on you.
Rest assured my friend, no one is currently around, and you know me, I make sure I'm careful about who is around, ever since that unfortunate incident.
Mikael frowns slightly as he remembers his past experience, after a moment he continues.
I wont keep you in suspense, I am sure you are looking for details, on these rumor. The Devil Lord is supposed to be a Pit Fiend named Axeus, he runs a garrison and mining town on the side of a volcano just inside Baator, a town name Curask, as to where the information came from, it seems three of his men are in Sigil right now, I overheard them boasting to some demons at a bar in town, apparently they claim this new ability their master has acquired will allow them to put an end to the blood war once and for all...a foolish boast in my opinion, the blood war has been waging since before Sigil itself was even founded, as long as there are devils, and demons in existence I doubt the planes of Avernus will ever see peace. Unfortunately I have been unable to locate a suitable portal, or key to get you anywhere near Curask as of yet.

As for shaman in Ysgard, I'm afraid I have very little information on that one, it was actually a petitioner sent by one of the powers of that plane to Sigil to look for information on how the shaman suddenly acquired these new powers, perhaps if you sought out the Sensates or the petitioner himself you might be able to get more information...its just my two cents, but if I had to choose one of these two to meet with, i would be hesitant to to to Baator, at least if things at Ysgard went poorly, they would simply try to kill you but at least it would be a fair fight, if the situation went poorly in Baator, one could only hope for the sweet release of death to escape whatever torture the devils would think up.

After talking to a few of my sources, the thing that seems to have most people confused is that these two seemed to have just gained these abilities within the last month or so, these abilities seem unique to them, and the powers themselves, and there doesn't seem to be any correlation between the two.

Glowing blue eyes was See the Unseen, if your curious.

Also sorry, its a devil not a demon, which are similar enough I to often use them interchangeably, but if I want to use the blood war are all, then I need to remember devils and demons hate each other, so i need to remember these first dudes are devils not demons.

2015-01-15, 05:45 PM
As Mikael relays his information, the doll begins to write onto a piece of parchment.
Without a portal, indeed, I saw it with my own vision. So far neither of the powers have noticed their... The doll leaves the quill on the paper a moment, leaving a large blot of ink ... arrival, however, they have been stirring up some trouble with a few of the local Githyanki factions. We will also need to dispatch of them, they have seen me moving.

The porcelain around the doll's mouth seems to lightly tug at the edges as Mikael speaks. It scribbles onto the page, while listening to the rest.
You say they have men in town? Then you have found us our key, they must have a way back. Time for us to persuade them to let is know where the portal is. Where do we begin?

The doll passes the parchment over to Mikael as he starts his information about the Shaman, ignoring it completely as he stands, examining his arm joint as it pops a little. He reaches into a small pouch on his side, and pulls out a rod a third his size. It places the wand on the joint, the eyes flare in the doll's sockets. Moving it's arm back and forth, the joint no longer groans in protest before it tucks the wand back into it's storage. It looks at Mikael with tilted head, the flare in his eyes having not had subsided.

2015-01-15, 08:38 PM
Mikael reads your note, pausing at the local Githyanki faction part.
Local Githyanki factions? I had heard of a fire last night at the Fallen Dragons headquarters, but I had heard it was the Bound Harpies. Are you saying it was this new group you have me? They certainly seem to want to draw a lot of attention to themselves...seems like it will cause some issues with how you prefer to operate...how do you suppose we go about dispatching these people?

As to the devils, yes I'm sure they have a way back, and must know the key if they travel to and fro, however none of my sources know where the portal is, the closest I know is the first time anyone had seen them in Sigil was somewhere in the southeastern lower ward, so it stands to reason the portal is there. I have yet to try putting anyone on trying to find it, as I don't want to draw undue attention from a bunch of devils.

Mikael scratches his chin for a moment, a few flecks of skin fall loose from his pale chin, which he regards with mild distaste before continuing speaking.
Where do we begin indeed...we need to find both a portal and learn the proper key...I suggest heading to the lower ward, there is a tavern named the spitted elf, the devils I had mentioned seem to have a room there, and like to hang out there when they aren't running around town. Be warned it is a devil bar, so expect there to be more than just the ones you are looking for, but the ones you are looking for are named Vex, and his two subordinates Toth, and Valtex. If I were you I would try to gather some information there, possibly ease drop, they seem rather chatty after all. Maybe you can get lucky and follow them to the portal itself and observe its action...but I wouldn't get my hopes up to much, you never know when they will decide to go home.

2015-01-20, 12:05 AM
The doll sits and begins to write again as Mikael continues to speak.
Yes they seem to be causing a bit of a ruckus, compared to the amount of attention they are seeking. I am monitoring, however they seem to understand my need for discretion. With regards to the Primer Shaman. Where might we find the petitioner himself, we may wish to reach out to this contact before we readily leap into The Hells.

The doll passes the parchment over to Mikael, and awaits his answer for the petitioner's location.
After the doll receives the information for the petitioner, it scribbles on a paper, and passes it to Mikael.
We leave at once

2015-01-21, 06:35 PM
If I know a petitioner from Ysgard, I am sure we will find the man at the arena, however it is awfully late, so I am unsure if he will be there or not...from what I have heard we this late, we are just as likely to encounter him training in the yard, as we are finding him drunk in a bar some place...perhaps we should visit some local bars while in that district.

Once Mikael recevies your second note, he nods, gets up, and retrieves a backpack from behind his desk, puts it on, and offers you a spot hanging out of the top.
I suspect you will still want to appear inanimate to most? You are more than welcome to travel on my back, or use your own means if your prefer. Which should we check first, the arena, or the local bars?
Mikael waits for your reply, and to decide how you will travel, before he leaves, locking his hut as he leaves.

At the arena
After about an hour walk you guys exit the hive district, entering a much cleaner section of town, Mikael explains the trip will be quicker with a Sedan Chair, so stops at the first open establishment, and hires 4 large men with a couch suspended between poles, after mounting the couch, the 4 men take off at a fast jog, carrying the two of you, some how they manage not to jostle you guys much as they run.

After about 30 minutes on the Sedan Chair, you arrive at the arena, even tho the hour is very late, you can hear the sounds of combat coming from inside the training hall, after heading inside, Mikael quickly locates a pit boss, and inquired about the location of the Ysgardian petitioner you are looking for. After a brief conversation the pit boss explains a man, know as Valkor, matching the description Mikael gave has been fighting here the last few days, but left for some merriment a few hours ago, and suggests you check the tavern known as the Flexed Bicep, explaining its popular with local gladiators.

At the Flexed Bicep
You find the tavern the pit boss had mentioned just a block away from the arena, as you approach the building you can hear people yelling, and the crashing of large objects, probably furniture, coming from inside the tavern. Your best guess, a bar fight is currently taking place...this could make gathering your information interesting to say the least...

As Mikael begins approaching the front door of the tavern two dwarves comes flying out of one of the windows flanking the main door, one slams into a support beam for a nearby building, and doesn't seem to move afterward, the other almost instantly retakes he feet, yells Don't ya be thinkin im done with your bloody arse yet! before charging back into the tavern through the front door.

2015-01-24, 03:16 AM
As Mikael walks up to the window the dwarves emerged abruptly from to investigate the interior of the Flexed Bicep, the doll looks up toward the ceiling of the building. The doll reaches a hand out to touch Mikael's shoulder, as his eyes flare to life, and they emerge in the rafters of the establishment.

The doll's eye-flare gains a light blue hue while it scans the crowd for Valkor from their advantageous field of vision, completely ignoring Mikael's surprised reaction to the sudden jaunt through space.

The doll presses it's hand against Mikael's back, and traces "Search" against him in the language of the Fey.

Of course using flee the scene to teleport them both into the rafters, as well as See the Unseen to look for any unwanted watchers while they search for the petitioner

2015-01-24, 03:55 AM
You appear in the rafters of the Flexed Bicep, glancing down you notice the bar seems to be in complete chaos, a massive thirty or so person bar fight seems to have broken out, with a massive bald man that seems to be the center of it, it tough to tell from this angle, but as far as you can tell he seems human, only he seems to be more that seven feet tall, and based on the size of his muscles must weigh at least 300 pounds, this must be the petitioner you are looking for. He is surrounded but at least ten different humanoid races, which all seem to be brawling.

The dwarf you saw charge in earlier has charged across the floor, leaping off another dwarf to land a hit square on Valkor's chin, which seems to hardly effect the titian of a man, who simply grabs the dwarf and throws him across the room, the dwarf bashing into a pair of half orcs that were trading blows in the corner.

Mikael mutters something just loud enough for you to hear.
Well it doesn't seem any of them are going to be noticing us for some time at this rate...but that large one is the only one we need to speak with...should we try and wait out this fight in hopes of getting him alone after, or do you have a better idea?

2015-01-24, 04:57 AM
You scrawl wait on Mikael's back, and he motions over to a dark corner which will give you better cover, which you promptly teleport into and wait out the fight, which takes nearly an hour to cool down, surprisingly enough no one seems exceptionally injured, but no one seemed to have any weapons on them, you attribute most of this to the 2 armed creatures at the door, and the chest they are guarding, this place must confiscate weapons of those who enter...bar fights must be a regular thing here...

After the fight Valkor heads to a table, which luckily enough seems to be the one you and Mikael are currently perched over, unlucky for you however, he seems to have brought 3 barmaids with him, and a private keg of some sort of ale, you assume, which he begins downing drinks out of, while boasting of his many victories to the barmaids.

Mikael quietly mutters.
At least its just him, and some wenches now...we could try getting arid of them, or simply ignore them and try speaking with this man. Your call.

2015-01-25, 06:06 AM
The doll writes quickly on Mikael's back.
As Mikael begins to sit, the Doll's eyes flare, as it pulls them through space into a chair across the table from Valkor. Mikael leans back gently in the chair, straightening his back as he hunches over on his arms, rested upon his knees, hood drawn over his head as to keep his face hidden, however keeping the petitioner in his sight.

"Greetings, Petitioner. Would you be so kind as to offer us some time, I hear you have been looking into some...interesting...ideas regarding a certain shaman?"

Mikael raises a brow slightly, his head tilting toward the barmaids dismissively.

2015-01-25, 05:39 PM
Mikael attempts to dodge an incoming object [roll0]

2015-01-25, 05:48 PM
You and Mikael appear in the chair opposite Valkor, the sudden appearance startales the four reavlers, the women let out a quick yelp and clutch as Valkor for protection, meanwhile Valkor instinctively tosses the mug he was currently downing directly at Mikael, who barley dodges in time, the mug shattering against the divider wall behind you.

Valkor stares at the two of you through bleary drunken eyes, after blinking a few times it becomes apparant yto him the two of you are no threat, and driunkly slurs something.
SSorry MR. Youss suprissed me....*Hic-up* what do ya want?
Valkor reaches for his now none existent mug, then seems to stare confusingly at his hand and the empty spot, before looking back at you two.
Did yous take my mug? It wasss right here and now it gone...
He then looks over at one of the barmaids.
HEY! me and my new friend need mugs, hows are we suppossed to drink with out one!
Valkor then looks back to you two, blinking a few times as he tries to focus
Just what do you need anyway?

Mikael addresses Valkor.
Yes...sorry for the surprise Petitioner. My greetings to you, Would you be so kind as to offer us some time, I hear you have been looking into some...interesting...ideas regarding a certain shaman?

Valkor looks back and forth between Mikael and the doll sticking out of his bag.
Usss? I may be drunk....but are you blarmy? That's a doll on yours back, not a person....right?

The Barmaid returns with a mug for both Valkor an Mikael, Valkor quickly fills and downs one before continuing.
SSShaaammans....yesss I know some PANSIES ALL OF THEMS....except this one, he knows how to get things done...but thatss why I here...hes not a wuss like the rest, and I haves to know why...Do you know?

Valkors eyes then move down to the empty mugs, as sign of contempt appears on his face a moment.
The mugs are empty! here have a drink.
Valkor then fulls both mugs, spilling a healthy amount on the table, before sliding one across to Mikael, hoisting his won for a toast.

2015-01-29, 11:43 PM
Mikael takes the drink, and bringing it to his lips he fakes taking a drink. After bringing the mug back to the table, he shakes his head, looking back up toward the petitioner.

While I may not know at this time, friend, I plan to find out. Would you know where I may find this shaman of Ysgard?

2015-01-30, 03:30 AM
The petitioner sways back and forth in his seat, eyeing the two of you with bleary eyes.
Why Ysgard of course! Now who he is, and where he came from, that's the million jink question my friend!
The Petitioner seems to mutter on some more under his breath as he brings his drink to his mouth.
Just where did that primer come from anyway...

He then slams his mug down on the table, a look of excitement on his face.
I know, mayhaps you can help...but what good would a scrawny primer like you be anyway, jest get yerself killed...

as an ooc fyi, to get the location of a portal to ysgard, or the key, you will most likely have to prove yourself superior to the him in some way that will garner his respect, things like a duel, drinking contest, or if you can think of something else it may work, of course you may think of something I haven't and convince him to give you the info without having to do that, we will see, just telling you so you can start thinking of ideas

2015-02-03, 11:12 PM
Mikael grins slightly,
"Don't you worry about me, friend, I don't see me dieing anytime soon, if it would put your mind at ease, how about a bit of a friendly competition. A bout of strength and finess, if you will."
Mikael points to the ceiling.
"We will both begind at the same time, the first one to reach the top of the roof, will be the winner. If we so win, we shall travel to Ysgard, and look into this Shaman, with your information, of course, and if you win..."
Mikael smiles, as he motions to the Petitioner's keg
"Drinks are on us"

2015-02-12, 01:42 AM
The petitioner slams his mug on the table cracking it slightly, a massive grin covers the mans face.
Competition? Your on!
He glances at the part of ceiling Mikael had mentioned and back to Mikael.
But jumping and climbing? Are yous one of those acrobatic sorts? No matter I'm clearly stronger than you little man, better get ready to buy some booze.

You and the petitioner head to the front door, where he spends close to five minutes drunkenly stretching, insisting to Mikael that if he doesn't do the same hes gonna pull something trying to jump all the way up there...Mikael insist he will be fine. and casually sits at a table and waits for the petitioner to ready himself.

After the petitioner finishes preparing you both line up at the entrance, to the bar, and once the bouncer gives the word, the petitioner takes off at a dead sprint, jumping off a chair, then a table, and finally grabbing a rafter, still 15 feet from the goal, as he begins pulling himself up Mikael takes two steps forward, and you teleport the both of you into the rafters arriving directly at the goal, Mikael simply sits on a rafter and waits for the petitioner to catch up, once he does he gives Mikael a thoroughly confused look, and asks just how he managed to get up here so fast, and when he past him, after a few moments of him trying to puzzle it out, he climbs back down, and walks back to his table, his shoulders slumped, and head heal low, clearly hes bummed that he lost what he thought would be such an easy competition.

Once you all arrive back at the table, the petitioner looks up at Mikael.
Well I lost...and I gave my word, your sure you want to find a portal to Ysgard? You may have bested me, but competitions in my homeland will be much more dangerous, if you still insist tho.
His voice lowers to a whisper.
First the keys, the portal you are taking has been dubbed three-food...because you need three foods to enter, you will need a piece of fruit, a vegetable, and about a pound of raw meat, it doesn't matter the type of either three, you should be able to find those at any market in town. You will have to take the three foods you will have to travel to the Lady's Ward, once you find the courts you have to travel three blocks north, and two west. There you should find a street full of bars, head to the second alley, just after the roaring lion. Now you will have to keep your eyes open, as you go down the alley, you will find a part of the wall that has slightly discolored bricks set in the shape of an arch, you will have to mash the three foods you have onto the wall, and smear it in the rough shape of a tree, once you finish, and if you did it right the portal should be open or about a minute, and you simply have to walk into the wall, you should continue right through the portal and arrive in Ysgard, But be warned, the three-food portal exits in a forest in the beast wilds, a sort of hunting ground for most the stray creatures on the first layer of Ysgard, it will be very dangerous, you will probably need some allies. Once you arrive, you will have to head southwest, once you exit the forest you should notice a rather large fort build on a hill, go there and tell them Bragnor sent you, if you can pass their tests, and prove trustworthy they will help you find the shaman you are seeking.
His voice returns to normal.
Now then, if that's all, I'm going back to drinking, and forgetting about this embarrassing loss, good day to you sir, and I wish you the best should you decide to travel to Ysgard.
He then looks toward the bar, and bellows.
Barmaid! I need another!

Ill let you add in any dialogue you want from Mikael, like if Mikael has a response to the petitioner wondering how you beat him or not.