View Full Version : dwellings and magic item crafting as class features

2015-01-08, 02:24 PM
Once upon a time, d&d players got dwellings with followers at high level. They could brew potions, craft magic items, etc; With d&d 3.x, the latter became feats. I is not 5e wise, but how can we emulate it in the current edition ?

A castle, a mage tower, etc. potions, staves, armors, etc.

2015-01-08, 02:46 PM
The Players can build a home in their downtime via The "Building a Stronghold" option presented in the DMG. Alternatively, they can be given regency over a fort or castle as a quest reward.

2015-01-08, 04:07 PM
What I don't understand is why PCs can only build strongholds (keeps, estates, manor, castles, and the like), but not useful things, like houses, or hidey-holes in the woods. Obviously, I can just make up costs for those things, but what if a new DM's PCs want to build their own houses even when they're at low levels? There are no guidelines for pricing.

2015-01-08, 04:22 PM
The issue is with players investing a lot of time, money and other resources in items with a limited usefulness to adventurers because the story arc is set... elsewhere. At high levels, it is more likely a DM set sessions in PC castles,mage towers, temples and players set traps, cast protection spells,etc to protect them. Npc have lair actions; there is no rules for PC lair actions...

A few peers posted classes with dwellings features and potion brewing as class features. I mentionned it is npc stuff, but it may be cool for a PC. The issue is that such features are quite dependant on DM will... I don't think we can say: at 13th level, you get; at 5th level you get; it shoud not take the place of combat, proficiencies or utility features. But low magic items availability trigger players need to craft item themselve, without being rich by doing it- they are adventurers, not crafters.

- I think craft such just be a profession to cover cost of living

- I think it may be cool to get dwelings and design them as "dungeons"...

Epic boon ? They are designed for 20th level characters...DMG introduced plot points, etc, but I don`t like this option- I think the DM should be able to have final word on it, and plot points look like an obligation.

Any thoughs ?