View Full Version : item protection against dispel

Monk of love
2015-01-08, 04:44 PM
Alright so a character of mine recently came into a flying magical ship however a dilemma soon arose I realized, what if someone uses dispel magic on it? Does anyone know of a way to protect against dispel magic? Money isn't anything in the game since through in game take overs, my characters earns roughly 600k gold a month.

On a side note, anyone have advice on how to spend said money other than protection?(I am a 8th level psion/thrallherd)

2015-01-08, 04:49 PM
The book Shining South has the spell suspension, which lifts 1,000 pounds per CL for days per CL. You can raise or lower the object on which suspension is cast as a move action. Cast suspension on as many objects as are necessary to lift the weight of the ship, and then place them in secured locations within the ship. This will make decreasing and increasing the altitude of the ship more difficult depending on how many castings of suspension you need to control, but they'll be virtually possible to dispel, because nothing will have line of effect to them. The point at which someone is able to dispel them is also the point at which they've also probably just taken over the ship.

2015-01-08, 05:18 PM
Make it an item familiar. You can't permanently dispel an intelligent magic item. Give it the ability to cast Overland Flight on itself (especially as a Supernatural Ability using Supernatural Transformation).

Or enhance part of it as a magic weapon, such as the prow, and add several iteration so the spellblade property, making it immune to Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Reaving Dispel, and so on.

2015-01-09, 07:03 AM
Give the ship the ability to mundanely glide. Dispel magic only dispels it's flight capacity for 1d4 rounds, which would be like shutting off a plane's engines for a few seconds. The plane can still glide for a while before needing the engines on again. Once the magic kicks back into gear, then everything's fine, unless they just keep casting it over and over.

2015-01-09, 11:01 AM
A flying ship sounds like an artifact to me, which would make it undispellable.

2015-01-09, 11:13 AM
A flying ship sounds like an artifact to me, which would make it undispellable.

Why would it be an artifact? You can make it using stronghold builder's guide rules pretty easily. And relative to the 600k a month that the OP mentioned he has access to, really cheaply. He should be able to afford to build a whole fleet of the things.

2015-01-09, 11:20 AM
Why would it be an artifact? You can make it using stronghold builder's guide rules pretty easily. And relative to the 600k a month that the OP mentioned he has access to, really cheaply. He should be able to afford to build a whole fleet of the things.

Because then it would be undispellable, duh :smalltongue:

2015-01-09, 11:22 AM
A flying ship sounds like an artifact to me, which would make it undispellable.

They're not. There's airships in FR and Eberron (Halruaan Skyship from Shining South and Airship from the Explorer's Handbook, respectively) and both have a CL of 15.

The rules are a bit different depending on which you get. The Halruaan Skyship doesn't have any special rules associated with it, so dispelling it would make it crash.
The description mentions that it uses several seperate magic items to fly though (control rods and several suspension plates, depending on size), so it would be reasonable to require seperate dispel checks for each.
Your DM might also use the vehicle rules (A&EG or Stormwrack) that divide a ship into sections that have to be attacked seperately though, and the same would apply to dispelling.

The Eberron Airship is made of Soarwood, so it's lighter than air even in an AMF. Suppressing the bound elemental only reduces its propulsion to 1 mile/hour

2015-01-09, 11:28 AM
If the flight comes from various magical components inside the ship, wouldn't the hull block line of effect?

Regardless, the OP never said his ship came from any of those sources, so I would simply ask the DM "make this version an artifact" and not worry about it.