View Full Version : Sources for adventures regarding rebellion.

2015-01-09, 05:58 AM
Hello Forum,

Quick background: In the last game I run my players didn't do too well. The bad guys won, now in a new game an evil empire has swept the nations aside and rules supreme.

My players want to have a go at ending this regime so I am wondering, are there any sources for adventures that facilitate/run a rebellion?

I have some idea's myself but it's not something I have ever given a great deal of thought to, so I am looking for some advice. Or even a few adventures to use as a basis for the campaign.


Raul Lećo
2015-01-09, 06:26 AM
Well, your players can have the Leadership feat that allow them to attract followers (can be people that want to rebelion too). They get lots os low level characters (135 lv1 and few lv6-) serving them and 1 strong cohort (2 levels behind the leader, cap at 17).

They can help a lot and build a nice army!

If you are not stick to the core books, the Epic Leadership feat allows them to have infinite followers...

2015-01-09, 11:55 AM
Cool idea, but to keep things simpler I was going to have them join a budding resistance movement and act as their hand. The resistance gaining power and followers based upon the party's actions. Some of my players won't be happy with running a rebellion and others would suggest that as leaders they shouldn't be on the front line.

2015-01-09, 12:00 PM
Even normal leadership, if you get a pet vampire as a cohort.

Raul Lećo
2015-01-09, 12:22 PM
Rebelion envolves lots of people in fight and politic games...

For the fights:
*Make use os AoE such as: Alchemists fire, Flaks of acid, Smoketick and thunderstone.
*Use AoE spells too.

Abou the politics:
*Get the flee expert of the team to go in cities and promote your ideas against the kings, incite rage and stuff. When the guys come to kill you by doing this, just run as fast as he can.
*Someone to disguise and pretend to be one enemy can easy infiltrate in the oposite base, spend few days studying them, do something to comunicate others, so they can conquer the area with no major problems.
*Work on charisma, diplomacy and get as many allies as they can.

2015-01-09, 12:28 PM
A good game to get rebellion ideas from is Suikoden 1 or 2, they're really informative.

If you don't want video games as sources, you could probably just find some stories about this.

The games themselves take about a total of 40 hours together to complete, even being a completionist, up to about 80 hours I suppose if you push it.

2015-01-09, 01:00 PM
The Module Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land as the adventures working in occupied territory.

If you didn't want to run it whole cloth then the main ideas, of intelligence gathering, cutting supply lines, identifying the source of the bad guys power and setting up the populace to follow a legitimate leader could serve as guidelines for what you want the party to accomplish in your setting.

Honest Tiefling
2015-01-09, 02:08 PM
Then don't make them be the leader. See, the leader got captured, so it is up to the party to bail them out. Other people of the rebellion are busy getting supplies and making a distraction to aid them. Perhaps people don't...Trust these PCs. Perhaps they want to re-establish a noble line, or put a minor noble onto the throne. Perhaps a religion is aiding them.

Perhaps the failure of the PCs to stop the evil is known to the populace and they are seen as the people who couldn't or didn't stop the empire. Whoever is the real power behind the rebellion is wise and smart enough to know that this is not the case, but that the PCs are too valuable not to use. They pull aside the PCs and tell them that look, some people have some strange ideas about them and it sucks. They're going to try their best to fix that, but they could really use the help and this isn't the time to quibble. They're really sorry, and they'll do whatever they can to make up for it if they would please just help.

That way, the PCs have an 'in' with the leadership, but are treated more as an elite force to get the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs done. They could do rescues as mentioned (Perhaps rescue the leader who then asks them for help, knowing that they owe these people so much and yet must still ask for help), get supplies or even sabotage. If they are a bit on the grey side, they could even try their hand at blackmail, assassination of collaborators, or taking hostages. If a religion is backing the rebellion, maybe even break up a ritual to desecrate a holy place.

2015-01-12, 11:04 AM
Wow, nice respones all.

@Raul Lećo - Good idea's, was thinking of those but I was looking for more specific source material, or even specific adventures from which to build.

@Gwachitallemall - I'll check those out, but of a gamer myself so won't mind playing through them.

@Zeb - Will deffo check out Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land, may be exactly what I am looking for.

@Honest Tiefling - They probably won't be the leaders of the rebellion simply by virtue of having someone to recieve quests from. Beyond that your ideas seem pretty sound. I'll give serious thought to vilifying the PCs but they enjoyed a certain degree of anonymity in the campaign.

Thanks again all!