View Full Version : Monk help?

2015-01-10, 12:47 AM
So i want to do a monk archtype build and was thinking of doing a monk 2 spirit lion totem barbarian (ferocity replacing rage) 1 psychic warrior 1 unarmed swordsage x. Any tips or suggestions?

2015-01-10, 02:17 AM
Well, off the top of my head, I would either go just Unarmed Swordsage Variant, or do a Monk/Psychic Warrior Tashalatora build. Tash is a feat from Secrets of Sarlona that let your monk and psychic warrior levels stack for unarmed strike damage, and is typically suggested to go monk 1/PsyWar 19.

For the barbarian, i would look into Fist of the Forest, and maybe Bear Warrior. FotF is from Complete Champion, BW is from Complete Warrior.

2015-01-10, 11:34 AM
Why the PsyWar dip in your build, maniacalmojo?

I agree with WeaselGuy - though Monk 2/PsyWar 18 isn't a bad alternative to Monk 1/ PsyWar 19.

I've had fun contemplating a Monk 2/ PsyWar 8/ Pyro 10, but I haven't taken it very far into theory-crafting beyond "It'd be cool to have a monk who punched with fire". It's pretty feat-intensive as compared to the classic Tash build, though.