View Full Version : 3rd Ed Kill The King! [Counter-Challenge]

2015-01-10, 05:45 AM
Good day to you all. I am the Evil Baron of Nemesisville, and I have a proposal for those who dislike it when royalty lives.

As you may know, The King of Kingdomland (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?391116-protect-the-king-challenge) has recently rejected my proposal to defend him. I intend to show him what folly he made in that decision.

While he has acquired most of the local mages, I have faith that my far more devious and cunning friends can handle him. I want his head on a platter. I want his ashes scattered so far across the planes that even a God of Tedious Tasks will get bored of trying to gather them all. I want him to be obliterated, not just from this lifetime, but from all of them that ever may have existed.

Of course, failing that, I'll settle for him not being resurrected. Those pesky Clerics seem bound and determined to ruin everything fun about a good assassination.

There are, of course, rewards. Each and every one of you will have a custom item of my creation-a customized Ioun Stone of Mindblank, preventing you from being detected. And yes, this is the Painful RAW Mindblank, preventing people from spotting you with even Detect Alignment and True Seeing-and extends this protection into your past, protecting you from those who might attempt to Teleport Through Time to end your assassination attempt before it begins. (They might still kill you through old-fashioned research, but you can't blame me if you fail to cover your tracks well enough.) My pockets are deep, and I have millions of gold in various offshore accounts and businesses that can be diverted to assist in helping with this endeavor.

So who's with me? Who's up for a challenge?

There are three mandatory criteria to the challenge at hand.

The first is that the King must be correctly identified beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The second is that the King must be killed, and in some way that will prevent him from being resurrected.
The third is that it must overcome all defenses laid out by the other post as of January 10, 2014. That would be post #44. This is subject to change at a later date.

There is also secondary, non-mandatory criteria. Those who fail to meet it don't fail, per se-but there's something to be said for doing a job with the right amount of flair.

It's preferred that those who take the job are indeed similar to what was outlined in the Protect The King challenge-which means it's preferred that the assassins are indeed Assassins, Rogues, and others of a stealthy caliber. Beguilers count, but not as firmly as Rogues.
Wizards, Clerics, Druids, and other T1 classes lose style points for use. T2 classes do as well, but not nearly as harshly.
Infinite Wealth is assumed, but it's bad form to request too much for an assassination. Your payment for killing the King is 50,000 GP, in addition to keeping the Mindblank Ioun Stone. If you need more than that, you are penalized, but will still get the items requested. There are no limitations on robbing the King, however.
It is preferred that the assassination be carried out alone. If an army was wanted, it would've been requested.
The lower the level, the better-really rub it in the King's face that he got killed by some putz. That said, level 20 is still the limit.
Just like in the other thread-no weaseling into money. if you could sell off infinite walls of salt, why are you even here? No wishes, infinite magic items, or Candles of Invocation are possessed, nor anything else of their caliber.
Minimize the collateral damage. While you could, technically, overcome the challenge by bringing down the castle and killing everyone inside, we are not barbarians. It is preferred that damage be limited to the King, whatever pet Wizard he may have guarding him, and his guards. Every additional death is a minor penalty.

Currently empty. Be the first to murder a noble today!

As for why? Well, it's a much more thorough test on the King's part if he has something to test against. That, and I find the idea, at 3 in the morning, far too amusing to resist.

2015-01-10, 06:13 AM
An assassin steps out of the shadows of a pillar and slits the throat of the Evil Baron of Nemesisville. He grabs a scroll of Whispering Wind and activates it. "I have slayed the rival as I promised in post #2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?391116-protect-the-king-challenge). I will cut off his head so you may display it."

Really, you had to announce that you wanted to kill the king? You can do better than that!

2015-01-10, 06:25 AM
There's a polite cough from behind the assassin, as the initial Baron (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18607447&postcount=6) collapses into a pile of slush. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/simulacrum.htm)

"A little premature for the victory lap, don't you think? Hard to take the head from a snowman. Also, that's coming out of your payment for the bounty. I don't think the King ever offered to even pay you, come to think of it. Bit rude to murder a man for no reason."

2015-01-10, 07:53 AM
Hey, that's not fair! You didn't mention the Evil Baron of Nemesisville was allowed to use defenses. (Though you used the ones you came up with yourself, so it was to be expected.)

On a sidenote, you are using the same nuh-uh tactics Seppo87 used in post #3. I think it's kinda childish to add extra rules to a challenge after you've already lost.

2015-01-10, 07:57 AM
Hi there. I'm your closest friendly Tibbit Warlock. Friendly is a misnomer, by the way, but I'm friendly to you, and that's what's important. Depending on the time frame in which you need the king killed, I'm definitely your go to guy. Nobody expects a cat to be the source of your demise.

So here's the plan. I insert myself into the castle, using my classic cat charm. I convince everyone involved that I am nothing more than a friendly fluffy kitty (bluff as a class skill helps). After maybe a week of kitty cuteness, I've insinuated myself so far into the scenery, I'm practically the King's Favorite Feline. Now, all I have to do is wait for him to fall asleep, invoke Word of Changing on him to turn him into a lizard, rabbit, or other such innocuous creature, drop him into a bag of holding, then throw that into a chest of holding. Preferably from a safe distance away. I prefer my payment in the form of small, nonsequential coins.

CE Tibbit Bard 1/Soulborn 2/Warlock 17

ace rooster
2015-01-10, 01:27 PM
Hi there. I'm your closest friendly Tibbit Warlock. Friendly is a misnomer, by the way, but I'm friendly to you, and that's what's important. Depending on the time frame in which you need the king killed, I'm definitely your go to guy. Nobody expects a cat to be the source of your demise.

So here's the plan. I insert myself into the castle, using my classic cat charm. I convince everyone involved that I am nothing more than a friendly fluffy kitty (bluff as a class skill helps). After maybe a week of kitty cuteness, I've insinuated myself so far into the scenery, I'm practically the King's Favorite Feline. Now, all I have to do is wait for him to fall asleep, invoke Word of Changing on him to turn him into a lizard, rabbit, or other such innocuous creature, drop him into a bag of holding, then throw that into a chest of holding. Preferably from a safe distance away. I prefer my payment in the form of small, nonsequential coins.

CE Tibbit Bard 1/Soulborn 2/Warlock 17

In this world, the cat turning out to be the source of you demise is not at all far fetched, which is why stray animals are killed with extreme prejudice (or at least relocated). Any cat, rat, bat or any other at is at worst a polymorphed assassin, and at best an easy stealth opening for a necromancer to sneak in through magic jar. Coupled with the fact that mindsight will show you as far too intelligent, and is not a divination, this kind of attempt is not hard to defeat. It also relys on there being open doors to actually get in in the first place, which is a massive booboo on the part of the defenders.

For my preposal let me introduce my associate, the operative. He is a pixie vampire. Continuous greater invisibility and gaseous form makes getting access to any area not hematically sealed a breeze (forgive the pun). He is armed with a poisoned thinian light pick, and a ring of spell storing. When he gets within range of the target he waits until the target is asleep if possible. He then uses the antimagic field in the ring (to prevent contingent spells from functioning), and performs a coup de gras.

He is not foolproof, with mindsight being a particular issue still, and access still not being guarenteed. Additionally a necromancer in a magic jar can continuously watch for approaching souls, which is very tricky to avoid

Edit: I have it, what we need is a remote control construct. The invisibile-gaseous form approach is still how I would get in, and an antimagic field thinian attack is still how I would do the final attack, but by keeping your mind and soul out of the area we can avoid detection by mindsight and soul sight.

Extra Anchovies
2015-01-10, 02:38 PM
Sphere of Annihilation -> Well of Many Worlds