View Full Version : Pathfinder Developing a Reach Fighting Janitor (Opinions Requested)

2015-01-11, 02:58 AM
Before anyone suggests a class I'll say this right now, I'm building a Fighter.

Here's the feat build to lvl 13

Orc Fighter (Polearm Master)

01 - Power Attack, Combat Reflexes
02 - Weapon Focus (Ranseur)
03 - Toughness
04 - Weapon Specialization (Ranseur)
05 - Iron Will
06 - Stand Still
07 - Big Game Hunter
08 - Greater Weapon Focus (Ranseur)
09 - Dodge
10 - Mobility
11 - Pin Down
12 - Greater Weapon Specialization (Ranseur)
13 - Combat Patrol

The design focuses around Readied actions and AoOs with lots of damage, if you don't recognize a feat or two. I'm looking for opinions on the build, and how I should arm this fellow with armor and equipment.

Note 1 - I'm starting this character at lvl 6, as that's the party ECL. So my starting gold is 16000.

Note 2 - I'll be getting this as a staple The Handy Haversack Pack (https://78462f86-a-abd8972e-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/geekindustrialcomplex.com/www/downloads/files-page/handyhaversackpackv1.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7coDbxV_KF gAI54c8e30MfSrvRrvE0hwj3-DYpg_P9uSq5g1l4kJv6Qq1bAmDP7gzUct_3lBC1nH_fNCSbGSC LhKS3fxF3-bgTNGbizqkfDNFE8HrvwEdsQDhsH0hF3o4oXNk0Kcv5cDWCcHY jm-6uL0usPSEXatlP3JyjiVh2mROO1mjfo3yMQapy0X4ywtg5pY_o Qy4HR_q2_zR9UcOPJ9umB8pH_bu6WBZEawhLfdx1mWkDYZNd6S 1WxqN9qqLg3m023I&attredirects=1), so adjust the starting amount to 12565 gold.
(Switched out a light potion for a mod potion, so the cost would be 3435 not 3185)

2015-01-11, 05:41 AM
Weapon Focus/spec line ain't great. You'd be better off getting EWP (Fauchard) and Improved Critical (Or a Keen Fauchard)

But build looks decent.

2015-01-11, 06:11 AM
Weapon Focus/spec line ain't great. You'd be better off getting EWP (Fauchard) and Improved Critical (Or a Keen Fauchard)

But build looks decent.

My main goal is to shutdown anyone within reach and punish them for any decisions they make. So would I do better with my current build, or get the Fauchard and go with the Critical Focus chain, aiming for two criticals and critical mastery?

2015-01-11, 06:27 AM
Well, the Fauchard is, for your purpose, simply better than the ranseur. It has a better die and threat range, and they're both reach weapons.

And as for Punishing, I'd probably drop the WF line and pick up EWP (Fauchard) Improved Crit (Fauchard), Cornugon Smash and Intimidating prowess. Instead of being a tiny bit more accurate and damaging, you get to hand out crits and the shaken condition!

2015-01-11, 06:45 AM
First, unless you have a very poor Constitution, don't burn a feat on Toughness. You have a D10 hit dice and can always use you class bonus in hp. Should be more than enough.

The advantage of the fauchard is that in later levels opens up the critical route as a very solid option. Not only will allow you to do great amounts of damage but debuff the opponents as well. At the same time, it comes with the trip quality, so you can take your chances with that to.

You can ditch the specialization feats and add the trip route, is a nice complement for an AoO specialist.

Big Game Hunter is not bad, but if in need of a feat for some changes, I will pull out this. Circunstancial bonuses, as good as they may be, don't always pay off.

Combat patrol is not so good as it seens, because you employ your action in setting it, but it only last until your next turn, meaning, you will have to stay still and renew it if you want to keep it activated. Not only that, the required dodge and movility aren't really great feats, and with this build, you are getting the pay off on this investment on 13th level, where believe me, it won't be so relevant.

So, if you only want to do decent damage, keep the specilization feats and go for criticals, again, Fauchard is the winner here. If you want to be more polivalent, ditch the specilization feats and big game hunter, and get the trip feats. Remember that the trip maneuver can be made instead of a melee attack, so you can AoO with trip, and since your archetype gives bonus to that and the Fauchard has the trip quality, you are piling bonuses to your CMB to get it done most of the times. Even more, once you have greater trip, you can strike the foe as he falls, and once again when he tries to get up.

The drawback of this of course, is that many enemies can't be tripped, but even so, is a very solid option most of the times.

2015-01-11, 07:46 AM
Big Game Hunter was recommended by someone who's played through the campaign I'm in.

I didn't find any bonuses towards tripping in the Polearm Master Archetype, except Sweeping Fend which just lets me treat any polearm I'm wielding as if it had trip.

But, if I'm thinking of this correctly, I change out the Ranseur with a Fauchard, toss in EWP, and ditch dodge, mobility, and combat patrol.

Weap Foc and Weap Spec help with attack and damage, which I could really appreciate, and I was taking Toughness because I'm planning on adding in the Orc favored class option, which adds +2 to my con for the purpose of determining when I die from negative hit points.

Oh! And my stats are as follows, Str 22, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5.

2015-01-11, 09:22 AM
How about I replace Toughness with Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Fauchard) then go from there with WF and WS for that boost on attacks and damage.

Also Rolero, the trip feat chain requires I have combat expertise and Int 13, I've got an Int of 5.

2015-01-11, 09:33 AM
I didn't find any bonuses towards tripping in the Polearm Master Archetype, except Sweeping Fend which just lets me treat any polearm I'm wielding as if it had trip.

When you use a weapon with a maneuver quality, trip in this case, you can aply all your attack bonuses you have with that weapon to your CMB. This means your weapon focus, polearm training and Steadfast Pike features aplies to that roll, plus magical bonuses and buffs you may get.

So lets say you are 10th level you have the trip feats, and have an AoO chance, you have: 10 BAB +6 Str +2 wpn focus +2 polearm trn +2 SteadF pike +4 Greater trip = 26 CMB without counting magic weapon, equipement and buff bonuses. It's a really huge chance to success. You can even expendit further with Felling smash (which adds your Dex to trip CMB) and Tripping stike, which allows you a free trip when you criticaly strike (and with a Fauchard this should happen often)

Oh! And my stats are as follows, Str 22, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5.

Wow... Int and Cha 5... What's your character name, Hodor? ^^

2015-01-11, 09:38 AM
Wow... Int and Cha 5... What's your character name, Hodor? ^^

No it's Dungeonkeeper Billy, also a 5 int equates to a 75 IQ. Simple-minded, not special. Also, can't do the trip feats because of that 5 int.

Feint's End
2015-01-11, 10:26 AM
No it's Dungeonkeeper Billy, also a 5 int equates to a 75 IQ. Simple-minded, not special. Also, can't do the trip feats because of that 5 int.

Intelligence 5 is much dumber than that. The scaling of int with IQ is not accurate.

2015-01-11, 10:32 AM
Intelligence 5 is much dumber than that. The scaling of int with IQ is not accurate.

He's a Janitor, that's his occupation. How would you guys arrange his stats, 25 point buy, to fit that desired mental capacity. Or should I make him human so he's not borderline retarded.

2015-01-11, 06:50 PM
Okay, so I've changed the race to Human to allow for a bonus feat which covers my exotic weapon proficiency for the Fauchard. I honestly wish that some of these Archetypes, or atleast the weapon training mentioned that you're granted proficiency with all qualifying weapons in the group.

So if I'm trading out my Weapon Focus, what should I trade for it?

2015-01-11, 08:05 PM
Could I use Martial Versatility on Exotic Weapon Proficiency?

2015-01-12, 03:47 AM
Furious Focus might be nice on a reach build so you don't take too much of a penalty on AOOs.

Are you trying to make the Toxic Avenger? If so I salute you.