View Full Version : Welcome to Starbase A (IC)

The Fissk
2015-01-12, 02:14 AM
you walk down the pier looking for the dock that matches your ticket. As you walk the docks slowly become more decrepit and until finally you reach your dock. Arriving there your first though must have been that there must have been some sort of mistake because the"ship" you were supposed to board looks like it was old when your grandparents were born. However a bored looking crewman grabs your ticket an dstamps it then points you to a ramp that leads into the ship. As you enter the ship you notice that the inside is hardly any better than the inside. When you enter the passengers cabin there is only one other person in the cabin.
roll = 16 + 10 (Perception [Trained]) = 26
The person is dressed in clothing that has seen its fair share of use and is sitting in such a way that it is very obvious that he does not want your company. You also notice that he is armed with a concealed weapon and wonder how he managed to get it past security.
Not long after you board the ship takes off. The ship somehow manages to not breakdown for the duration of your flight despite some particularly worrying rumbles and creaks. The ship makes short stops at the Moon, Mars, and Titan. At Titan a group of 5 mercenaries (as can only be assumed by the fact that they are armed to the teeth) board but completely ignore you and the other guy. After a grueling 15 hour flight (with no in-flight movie or pretzels *gasp*) you finally arrive at Starbase A.
once you disembark you notice that the landing dock at Starbase A was even more decrepit the one on Earth. From behind you one of the Mercenaries says"****in move ****head" then roughly shoulders past you followed by his 4 companions.
you are just beginning to right yourself when you here behind you in a voice like you would here in one of the old western movies "you don't belong here kid"

you are walking down a corridor in one of the more dangerous parts of Starbase A when a man motions at you from the shadows. You recognize this guy as one of the people who was with the guy you got the MAT from.

you arrive at Starbase A late and in a rush because there was an APPLE corvette that you could not shake for the longest time. When you pull up to your usual drop-off point you notice that your contact is their but he doesn't have any of his usual workers who unload your ship. This is odd but maybe they had to leave because you were running so late. As you go through your landing procedure,your contact stands awkwardly obviously wanting to speak to you about something.

2015-01-12, 07:57 PM
Brushing myself off, Ruthann catches up back at the mercenaries and grabs the first mercenary by the shirt. Ruthann stares deeply into his eyes and whispers, "Touch me again and I'll turn you into a f*cking Ken doll"

If he motions to attack me, I attempt to incapacitate him by kicking him in the groin (hand to hand combat).
>If that fails to incapacitate him, I will fight him until he surrenders.
>>If he overpowers me, I will surrender.

If he laughs and shrugs me off, I will let it go and watch as he and the other mercenaries leave.

2015-01-13, 10:07 PM
Sure, I'm Late but I'm not that late. How does he expect to this cargo unloaded alone. There better be a good explanation for this. I get out of my ship but unlike my usual docking procedure this time I leave the ship powered up and the engines running just in case. I keep close to my ship ready to depart again at a moments notice.

"Hey, Jack get over here," I call out to my contact. "Come on man, I'm not that late. Where are your boys?"

I wait for his response but I scan the cargo bay carefully. If I see anything out of place that indicates the job has gone bad I'm ready to get back in my ship at a moments notice.

2015-01-14, 12:48 AM
With a quick flourish of the sleeves of what could understandably be considered regal regalia, I approach the debt collector.

Hopefully he thinks it's a signal to another party, and it will dissuade any of the more hostile tactics that come into play in these sorts of things.

"How good to see you again." A forced grin spreads across my face as I await his answer, already reaching for my credits.

The Fissk
2015-01-15, 12:31 AM
Note i made a mistake with the first perception roll for Ruthann. the + Perception should have been 5 instead of 10. the result is unchanged.
Surrounding people begin to edge out of the way to form a circle around you and the 5 mercenaries. The mercenary begins to throw a punch at you.
Round 1
Ruthann - Roll = 6 + 10 Combat (Expert) = 16
Mercenary 1 - Roll = 19 + 5 Combat (trained) = 24
Difference = 16 - 24 = -8 = Incidental injury for Ruthann (left arm)Round 2
the remaining 4 mercenaries join the fight
Ruthann - Roll = 3 + 10 Combat (Expert) - 1 (incidental injury) - 20 (5 enemies) = -8
Mercenaries- Roll = 15 + 5 Combat (trained) = 20
Difference = -8 - 24 = -32 = Traumatic injury for Ruthann (unconscious)
The Mercenary throws a vicious right hook at Ruthann, still sore from the long flight he clumsily tries to dodge taking a glancing blow to his left arm. At this point the remaining 4 mercenaries join the fight. they surround Ruthann distracting him allowing the leader to get a decisive blow to his head knocking him out cold.

You wake up later in a strange room with a splitting headache (you have a injury to your head).

when you reach the guy he says "The boss wants his money Relic" he then looks to both sides "and times have been a little tough so we are adding 10% to the charge"
this 10% charge will take all the credits from your heist as well as some of your own credits. it wont break you, but it is a bit inconvenient.

Roll = 19
You notice that Jack is a more nervous than he is normally, however the room appears to be clear of anything out of the ordinary. Jack walks up to you and says "i could have carried the supplies here faster than you took {nervous laugh}. "anyways the guys are just gone for supper they should be back soon. why don't we head to the office" he then gestures at a room at the back of the dock and turns to go to it waiting for you to follow.

2015-01-15, 10:57 AM
Ruthann attempts to sit up with a groan, "That probably wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had."

I will check my injuries to see how bad they are and then scan the room for more information.

"They better have not taken my kidneys"

2015-01-15, 10:52 PM
"Even a cursory glance would suggest that the reason for hardship is simply because we are he..."

Perhaps I will not insult the er, monument where these fools seem so intent to place their standard.
Now how can I save my credits? What do I have to bargain with?
I can give them the location to the body of that hapless would-be apprentice.
Hopefully this goon will appreciate some knowledge.

"Nevertheless, I have the money for your boss. However, as times are just so, so tough for us all; I will counter offer a 10% finder's fee.
Do keep in mind that the fee is not only for services rendered in accruing this money, it may also entice me to reveal some select information."

2015-01-22, 02:44 PM
I place my hand gently on the mass acceleration pistol at my hip concealed by my coat.

"Why don't we wait on my ship? I have food and drink enough for both of us and this way I can get the shipment ready for unloading to save time."

I invite Jack on to my ship. Keeping a careful eye on him and my ships outer sensors while he is aboard.

The Fissk
2015-01-25, 02:15 AM
Checking your injuries your arm is slightly bruised. Not to mention that your head is absolutely killing you. You feel like you missed something, but your head is too fuzzy for you to figure out what it is.
The room around you is incredibly sparse made with steel walls and a single door. Checking the door reveals that it is locked. The only furnishings in this room are the bed you woke up in and a single chair. There is nothing for you to do but wait and hope someone lets you out before you starve to death.
After several hours the door opens admitting a man you immediately recognize from the ship to took to get here (not one of the mercenaries).
“you woke up. I wasn’t sure that was going to happen.” He says sitting himself down in the chair. You immediately notice that he is armed with a pistol and that he has several of the odd shaped scars that only come from being hit by a mass-driver.
Then holding out his hand he says “The name is Belarius”

Roll = 1 (Critical Failure)
Your pitiful attempt at deception causes the contact to fall over laughing. When he finally regains control of himself. He signals makes a not-so-discrete signal and a large man steps up from behind of you. The first man looks you in the eye, all signs of cheerfulness gone, and says. “I was going to be generous with you, but seeing as you are willing to lie to me to get out of paying your dues I think I will make it an extra 20% charge. It’s for my trouble you see.”
you do not have enough money to pay 20% extra.

13+ 3 (Command) + 2 (piloting) + 1 (smuggling) = 19
At that moment 3 armed men (2 pistols and a AR) burst out of the office. The man with the rifle shouts “put your hands in the air”

2015-01-25, 02:26 PM

Ruthann rolls the name around for a moment before speaking again.

"Belarius. I will have to thank you for allowing me to rest here. Once I am ruler of this god-forsaken place I will remember you. I am in need of resources, you must give me a way to acquire it."

Ruthann's eyes drift around the room until the gears in his head begin turning again and he remembers something.

"I see you are armed and that you have scars from battles. Do tell me something of your prowess in battle, I am in need of a General."

2015-01-25, 04:47 PM
I immediately draw my sidearm and taking little time to aim shoot at the man with the rifle. My intention is to cause him to have to take cover as he has a long range weapon. I then head into my ship close my ships cargo bay and immediately take off.

2015-01-30, 07:07 PM
"I am not familiar with this type of aggressive interest. Haha?.."

Hoping for a momentary lapse in concentration due to confusion (or pity), Relic moves to sweep debris under the feet of his aggressors with the MAT device.

With a hand near a small pistol holstered on his chest, Relic tries to dash away to find a dark corner to hide in.
I'd best ditch this old coat. It was so nice at one time, but now it's starting to get noticeably stained.
I'll miss this ol' colourful rag.
Hang on, shouldn't I be running?

The Fissk
2015-01-30, 09:03 PM
Belarius laughs at you then says “That tongue of yours is going to get you killed one day. Look, I have got a job for you, if you have the balls to take it. I warn you this isn’t going to be a safe squishy job like back on Earth, there is a very real chance that you could die. You in?”
assuming you take the job you have reached the “meet up point” so I will not have any more content for you until the rest of the party meets up with you. Sorry.

run roll = 2 + 1 (running away) + 1 (stealth) = 4 I am sorry but apparently my d20 hates you
You try to run away but the large man immediately catches you. This is all you remember before waking up to a sudden splash of water on your face. you look up to see a tallish man in clothes that have seen some wear. You recognize the man but you are not sure from where.
The man looks at you and said. “this is not how I imagined I would find you”
your injures (as far as you can tell in your almost dead state) seem be limited to just bruises and scuffs, although your one eye is swollen to the point that you can now longer open it.

roll=18 + 1 [Small arms] = 19
Your shot hits the man with the AR injuring, but not killing, him and sends his to comrades scrambling for cover. This gives you an opening to enter your ship and begin the takeoff process. Thankfully, you left the ship running and within 15 seconds you are pulling out of the dock. However before you can get clear of the dock a civilian ship, retrofitted with some basic armor and a laser cannon, blocks your escape.
in open space your ship would easily tear through this ship (you get an inherent +10 to all your rolls because of this) however you are trapped in the dock which limits your maneuverability (you lose your piloting skill and have a -10 to your rolls while you are in the dock). You could try to break past your opponent and make for open space (where you would almost definitely win a fight) but you risk taking damage on the way out. You could also try destroying your opponent from inside the dock but that also has its risks. (Note at this point your ship is basically invincible to the small arms fire from the 3 commandos so you can ignore them).

EDIT: I didn't like how the tenses worked in Relics section. i made some minor changes to the english. the intent is unchanged

2015-01-30, 11:59 PM
"So... any women on this hunk of junk rock? When I am supreme leader, I will have need of concubines."

2015-02-01, 03:34 PM
Knowing maneuverability is my greatest asset I plan to break past the vessel blocking me and into open space. I fire a burst of missile fire to the left side of the ship blocking me in such a way that the ship could dodge the fire if it moves to the right. I then maximize my ships thrusters and push through the gap created.

If no gap is made I will attempt to force my way through regardless. Once I hit open space I will make to lose the ship in the vast depths of space.

2015-02-02, 01:55 PM
"This wasn't up there on ways I wanted to be found either"

Relic strains the remaining eye to gather information on the location and anything present.

The Fissk
2015-02-04, 12:01 AM
Looking around you realize that this is the same decrepit corridor that you began in, and given the reputation of this area it is a miracle that someone didn’t shank you while you were knocked out. People pass by at a reasonable rate but it is unlikely any would help you if you got in trouble. You do not have to check your pockets to know that you have been robbed of anything that could be construed as valuable. Quite frankly it is a miracle you have any clothes on at all (although your coat was taken). Looking back to the man you realize that he is the infamous Belarius (I have PM’d you some details on who Belarius is, read at your leisure).
Belarius then says to you “I had been informed that you are proficient in the use of MATs. Although I am not sure how given that you do not have one.”

Roll=11 + 5 (Combat piloting) + 3 (Space Combat)
The missile fire, most missing your opponent, however a few get glancing blows off his armor knocking him to the right and inflicting minor damage. You take the opportunity and blast through the gap created. Just as you break into open space you receive a call. The display on your HUD declares it to be Phil (Jacks direct superior). A glance at your monitors shows that your opponent is following you.

2015-02-04, 11:27 PM
Opening the communication channel to Phil I say, "You have five seconds to explain whatever the hell is going on Phil!"

I listen to the man's explanation prepared to cut the connection at any time to stop my position being tracked via comm signal. I maneuver my craft through any debris or other obstacles I can find aiming to shake my tail. At the same time I spin up my FTL drive ready to take off as soon as my tail is lost.

2015-02-22, 06:18 PM
"I am proficient in a number of things, despite what you may have heard, seen or directly experienced."
"Things like being on time, or responding in a timely manner when called upon. Yes sir, I have excellent interpersonal skills."

Recovering from the initial shock of being star struck, I address the initial question.

"As for my MAT skills? Unparalleled. You won't find a better manipulator of matter in the entire section!"

The Fissk
2015-02-24, 12:07 AM
Belarius - Well we shall test your timeliness then. Meet me tomorrow at 3 pm in Section A, Gamora Wing, Room 35D42.
And with that Belarius starts walking down the hallway.
unless there is something you want to do in the intervening hours I will resume your story once I have Delphi caught up

Phil – Look we didn’t find out they got to Jack until it was far too late. Now it is super important to the bosses that the cargo you are carrying finds its way into their hands and not into the hands of some drug-ridden loser. So the deal is I need you to land in Section B, Hangar 14. Now I know it is a public hangar and not what you are used to but don’t worry we got it handled. Plus by landing there that guy you got following you will either quit the chase or risk getting shot down by the hangar authorities.
A quick check of your sensors shows that you could make it to the hangar, but it would be cutting it close. On the other hand continuing on your current trajectory is a bit more likely succeed.
Phil – Also before I forget, the bosses told me that they would double your pay once you get the shipment in.

2015-02-25, 05:41 PM
"Alright Phil, you will get your shipment. Delphi out."

I make a quick maneuver and land in the specified dock attempting to come in with as much distance between me and the perusing ship as possible.