View Full Version : What Tablet would you D&D 3.x on IRL?

2015-01-12, 02:45 AM
I know nothing about tablets or their capabilities and have come into enough xmas money to finally buy one.

Looking to use it to DM D&D 3.x/PF in real life. It would need to display PDFs (not to worry I do own the books, could even post up some UPCs if needed), Google, and at least handle Roll20 all at once with ease.

The dream is to be able to display maps/stats on it without the eyestrain caused by cell-phone-sized screens and without the bulky awkwardness of carrying/turning a laptop.

What has worked for you folk? Thoughts or recommendations?

2015-01-12, 03:01 AM
Any Apple or Samsung would do. PDF readers and dice rollers are common fair. Most character sheets online work, too. I'm not sure how roll20 is coded, but it should be fine. I could test it tomorrow on an iPad.

I think the biggest annoyance when doing this is switching between tasks. I suggest using your smartphone or real dice for rolls and quick reference so you don't have to flip between apps.

2015-01-12, 03:13 AM
From my experience with using tablets for DnD and miniature war gaming, you will want three things:

1: the biggest screen you can afford. So you can see what you’re looking at. I’ve got a 10.5 inch tablet and it’s great; the 7.5 or whatever arn't so bad but the larger ones allow you to view more of the page, so less scrolling.

2: the ability to view multiple “windows” at once (like any standard OS). Typically with dnd you are flipping through multiple books at once, or referencing different pages in a single book. so you will want to have the ability to split screen between two sources simultaneously and multitask.

3: as much drive space as you can afford. DnD and other systems have a whole lot of books, and players tend to use large sections of their library at any given time. All that data starts adding up quickly, so the bigger your drive, the more books and other information you can store on it without having to fumble with external storage.

2015-01-12, 08:02 AM
My wife could probably hook something like that up to a flatscreen TV using some sort of mad science or combination Chromecast/Roku. (I swear, she's building Skynet in our basement...)

2015-01-12, 08:06 AM
I use a Kindle Fire to hold PDFs of most of my sourcebooks, as well as having them on an external harddrive and my laptop. I generally function off my laptop, let someone else use the kindle and have someone who brought a computer use the external hard drive, then there's the Google Drive account...

2015-01-12, 11:02 AM
My wife could probably hook something like that up to a flatscreen TV using some sort of mad science or combination Chromecast/Roku. (I swear, she's building Skynet in our basement...)

You can hookup HDMI to mirror a screen for a battle map. Some smarter tvs (which are awful) can stream stuff from a computer wirelessly.