View Full Version : The endless winter's heart

2015-01-12, 02:57 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?392405-The-endless-winter-s-heart&p=18645156)

Welcome to the IC thread!

One of the Factory Fortress Kings has hired your little band (as individuals, or a group) to head north into the icy reaches to discover why one of it's principle providers of ore, amongst other things, has ceased communicating with them.

All of you get 1 set of winter clothing.

It has been a long, rather difficult journey. Even with the ice having finally begun to thaw in recent years, and the expansion of the green belt.

The land to the north is less barren than once it was, even in living memory. But the snow has been constant, and the journey long and arduous with the constant snowfall.

The landscape is bleak, with signs of life seldom seen. Predatory animals thrive among the ruins of ancient cities and what remains of once great forests along your path. You have nearly made it to your destination, or so you believe, according to the scout that was sent with to guide you there, but his health appears to be failing. He has developed a rather horrible cough, and often spits out strangely colored mucus, sometimes tainted with blood.

You currently follow the remains of a road that shows signs of recent travel. Though they come and go, often becoming lost. As your guide appears to be becoming delirious from whatever strange illness overtakes him.

Roll Survival checks.

2015-01-12, 01:48 PM
The journey has been especially hard on urMru. The snow drifts make it difficult for his stout frame to move, and he has been forced to his wooden club as an improvised walking stick. His white cloak billows out over the warm clothing provided to him. The desolation around him, while not completely dead, makes him miss the forests of his druid brothers. The spiraling tattoos that cover his face are even more apparent with his skin pale from the cold.

While he has a basic sense of wilderness lore, this area is strange and new to urMru. Instead, he focuses his attention on the worsening condition of their guide. Once he sees the blood staining the scout's spittle, urMru cannot hold himself back any further. It was time to Act.

Reaching into a small pouch of herbs that he kept on his person, urMru raises his quiet voice to halt the scout. Approaching the man, urMru says in a quavering voice, "Stop for a moment, my lad. Perhaps I can put these herbs to good use. This is no place to be sick."

Survival: [roll0]
Heal: [roll1]

Blade Conduit
2015-01-12, 06:16 PM
Having climbed quite a number of mountains in his youth Lugh is not bothered by the cold and wind. He welcomes the challenge of the harsh weather and rejoices at his ability to thrive in this environment.

He watches the healer tend to the guide and begins to look around. His large white coat dances in the wind, as does his fiery red hair. He hopes that soon they will come upon a challenge that will test his strength and skill. He holds his glaive tightly in his hands and his mind races through the various moves he's been taught his birth. Looking at him, you could see he carries several such long handled weapons on his back.


2015-01-12, 08:13 PM
"Oh, Mumu, always the kind heart. We'd all be rotten by now were not for the Nu Mou."

Edd always had a hard time spelling urMru name, so he just calls him "Mumu" and is done with it.
His cigarette is still in his mouth, but the cold winds turn it into no more than a cold piece of rolled tobacco. A quite sad sight to see, a smoker not only unable to smoke, but also unable (or rather, unwanting) to aknowledge it.

He stops and take a look at his surroudings.
Survival [roll0]

When he notices the overly armed Lugh doing the same, he aproaches him and asks.
"S'up. You seems to be faring well here. I swear that, if the temperature lowers a single degree, my niples will pierce through my clothes. I just wonder what happened with the people here in the Icy Reaches, to drag my ass to this Bahamut-forsaken place."

2015-01-13, 06:38 PM
Doing what she can to keep her teeth from chattering as she brings up the rear, Rubi replies to Edd before Lugh has the chance. "You know, it's weird hearing that from a man." Shivering in the cold and rubbing her arms for warmth, she still smiles in amusement at him. "But I know what you mean. It's fre-eeezing out here."

Not one for paying much attention to her surroundings, Rubi doesn't seem particularly concerned with what's around them, but after spotting urMru moving to assist their guide Rubi moves to assist him. "What's wrong? Can I help?"

Aid Another Survival [roll0]
Aid Another Heal [roll1]

2015-01-14, 04:05 AM

Survival result: The scout requires shelter and warmth if he is to recover.

Heal check result: Good. Rolling Scouts Save. [roll0]

The remains of an ancient looking building made of some strange stone rests nearby. It appears to be safe enough, and should be able to keep the wind and snow out.

I am evil. Perception Checks.

2015-01-14, 04:02 PM
The Nu Mou shakes his head slightly at Edd's nickname, as usual. urMru always used the proper name for things, since he thought that calling it something else would corrupt it in some fashion. He has long recognized that others find his name difficult to say, however, so he keeps his silence.

Despite Rubi's bungling attempts to help him, urMru keeps quiet and is able to administer a good dosage of herbal medicine.

Turning back to the others, he says, "That will help him, but he needs warmth and shelter if he is to recover. There is a structure over there, but we must be cautious."

urMru slowly makes his way over to the structure, eyes and ruined ears peeled.

2015-01-14, 06:57 PM
"You know, it's weird hearing that from a man." [/COLOR]

"What? Men have nipples too. They're just not as appetizing as women's, but are equally harmed by this blasting cold."

The Nu Mou shakes his head slightly at Edd's nickname, as usual. urMru always used the proper name for things, since he thought that calling it something else would corrupt it in some fashion. He has long recognized that others find his name difficult to say, however, so he keeps his silence.

Despite Rubi's bungling attempts to help him, urMru keeps quiet and is able to administer a good dosage of herbal medicine.

Turning back to the others, he says, "That will help him, but he needs warmth and shelter if he is to recover. There is a structure over there, but we must be cautious."

urMru slowly makes his way over to the structure, eyes and ruined ears peeled.
Good thing urMru seems above mere childlike behaviours, Edd had some trouble cooperating in the past. Seeing Rubi's concern, he remarks: "Don't worry Rubi, there's nothing Mumu can't heal."

Diverting his attention from Rubi and urMru, his senses are now focused at the ruin-like building.
Perception [roll0]

2015-01-14, 08:59 PM
Rubi chuckles at Edd's response, smiling, "Oh I know, and agree, it's just weird hearing it."

She also nods at him when he mentions urMru's healing ability, "That's good to know, but still, I like to be helpful when I can." Grinning childishly, she innocently raises a hand to scratch her head, "Because I can't really help when I don't know what we're looking for!"

Perception...this is going to be bad [roll0]

2015-01-15, 12:04 AM
It isn't excessively difficult to notice the dead bodies that litter the interior of the structure. Even covered in snow as they are, though, given the lack of light within the interior, details are.

The Nu Mou however, is apparently the only one to actually notice them.

The remains of ancient furniture preserved by the sudden and unexpected drop in temperature have survived admirably. Barely recognizable lighting implements, desks and chairs litter the room amongst which are the bodies, scattered here or there. Slumped at their desks, or lying on the floor near them as though their deaths were sudden, and unnoticed. The clothing and equipment that they carry appears to vary only slightly, obviously some form of uniform from what can be told.

Tiny, seemingly purposeless ornamental shields adorn their chests and shoulders, made of metal or stitching.

The Nu Mou notices an odd noise coming from deeper inside of the facility.

(You found a police department, congratulations. I rolled to see what the building had been on my table of '1,000 random locations'.)

More perception checks! Everyone is good at those. :smalltongue:

Edd stands there, and scratches deep inside of his right nostril with his right index finger. It itches.

2015-01-15, 01:03 PM
urMru's steps grow slower and more cautious as they enter the destruction.

"There has been much death here. A shadow hangs over this place, and a strange sound lies ahead. Be on your guard."

Stopping for a moment, urMru smells the stench of death and extends his senses to find some clue as to what happened here.

2015-01-15, 01:55 PM
urMru's steps grow slower and more cautious as they enter the destruction.

"There has been much death here. A shadow hangs over this place, and a strange sound lies ahead. Be on your guard."

Stopping for a moment, urMru smells the stench of death and extends his senses to find some clue as to what happened here.

There is no stench. The bodies are frozen.

Rubi spots a little blinking button set into a rectangular console next to the door It is labeled oddly though "ᏝᓾᏩᏥᏖᏕ". She also notices all of the other details that UrMru already had... such as the noises from deeper inside.

UrMru thinks it sounds like someone complaining, and metallic clanking noises, ever been inside of a car repair garage? They exist, even in this world.

It is of course, not exactly bright outside, and the lack of illumination for the interior makes it dark. But sure, it suddenly grows darker outside, a shadow it seems, as it ends only a few feet from the door through which you entered.

A shout is suddenly heard, from off to your right through a set of double doors, in an entirely different direction from the sounds of an engineer working on something.

Also Fortitude Saves from everyone but UrMru. Because the DM is evil, and you roll against Exposure. Sure, I could do it myself, but I'm not going to, don't you know it's bad to stand still in the cold?

2015-01-15, 04:24 PM
urMru's steps grow slower and more cautious as they enter the destruction.

"There has been much death here. A shadow hangs over this place, and a strange sound lies ahead. Be on your guard."

Stopping for a moment, urMru smells the stench of death and extends his senses to find some clue as to what happened here.

There is no stench. The bodies are frozen.

The "stench of death" was actually a fart from Edd.

"Hey, Rubi. I heard that if we hug each other we will keep ourselves protected from cold. Maybe we should do exactly that, you know, just for survival and stuff. The other two seems to be faring quite fine."

Anyway, fort save:
edit: low bonuses, low rolls... I've been useless so far.

2015-01-15, 04:40 PM
Too curious to ignore it, the gria pushes the strange button, even as she asks, "Anyone know what this does?"

Rubi grins cheekily as she replies to Edd's obvious attempt at flirting and, not one to back down from anything, even something as benign as this, one ups him, "No, see, you do that to share body heat. We'd have to be naked for it to work, since all this armor would just get in the way and just make it all pointless. I think our friends might not approve."

Fort save [roll0]

2015-01-15, 04:45 PM
Moving to both investigate the new noise, and to distance himself from the youngsters' ill-timed teasing, urMru heads to the right double doors and opens them a crack, trying to see who could be living in such a place.

2015-01-16, 01:07 AM
A loud series of clacks are heard as the lights in the room turn on, putting a strain on the disused power systems.

Through the double doors is a hallway with yet more doors lining either side. At the end of the hall is a gate of some sort. The noise appears to be coming from that direction.

All members of the group are now easily able to make out the bodies, furniture and desktop appliances. All dusted in a light covering of snow.

There are four distinct exits from the room, as well as two pair of metallic double doors on one side, with two buttons set in a panel next to them.

Something metal falls to the floor deeper inside of the facility, in a direction other than the one UrMru is heading in. Though a shout is heard by all from the direction UrMru is heading in.

2015-01-17, 07:23 PM
A series of howls is heard from outside of the building. Not too far away.

The doors are open as you found them.

2015-01-17, 07:31 PM
One of urMru's flaws is indecisiveness in the face of multiple decisions. He can't decide whether to investigate the shouts or the machinery, and the youngsters are still teasing each other.

What he can decide, however, is that the howls he is hearing are a bad sign. Turning to the others, he says, "Get those doors closed! Least you desire to be dinner!"

2015-01-17, 07:33 PM
Drawing her sword and shield from her back at the sound of the howls, Rubi moves over to the doors. When urMru orders them closed, however, she looks perplexed. "What? Why? Let's just fight whatever it is!"

2015-01-17, 07:38 PM
urMru's normally gentle voice turns stern at her statement. To prove his point, he speaks in Draconic, "We have enough mystery without more trouble! Let there be no pointless death!"

2015-01-17, 07:42 PM
Replying in the same tongue, "Well they aren't going to just go away. If we leave it alone they might set an ambush. I'd rather have a fair fight than walk into a pack of...whatever!"

2015-01-17, 07:57 PM
"Fine, I'll close it. Although I think someone adept at figthing enemies toe to toe should do it.
By the way, someone check the mr. 'I'm immune to cold, yada yada' here, I think he froze."

He draws his rifle and starts moving towards the open door to close it. (really, 2 melee fighters in the team)

2015-01-17, 10:52 PM
Lugh steps up to assist in the effort to close the doors.

The appear to be frozen in place at the bottom. He begins attacking the ice.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The howling is getting closer.

Lugh will not be making any decisions on his own. Without input from his player, or the group he is useless, nearly.

2015-01-19, 01:55 PM
Seeing that the doors are being halted by ice, urMru hustles forward and bashes at the ice with his club.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-19, 02:05 PM
Sighing as Lugh and urMru flail wildly at the ice in order to get the door closed, Rubi shakes her head. "Fine, if we're going to try and run from whatever's out there get out of the way, I'll clear the ice."

Dropping her shield she grips her knight sword in both hands and launches herself at the ice with her full force, intending to shatter it with one strike.

Charge [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-01-19, 03:49 PM
The howling is CLOSER! It also appears to be changing in pitch and form, perhaps due to distance and echo distortions disappearing?

It is becoming deeper, and more rumbly.

(Higher frequencies travel farther and more easily through solid mediums, such as snowfall.)

Some of the ice is broken free from the door!

Some of the door is broken free from the door!

A small black thing with some strange symbol is knocked from the door. It looks almost like a number!

2015-01-19, 04:24 PM
Some of the door is broken free from the door!

A small black thing with some strange symbol is knocked from the door. It looks almost like a number!

"Well... sh1t..."

Edd looks sad, but also scared.

Perception check to notice the black thing (+0 bonus...).

Then again, as I said in OOC. He get his rifle, load it, and find some cover from the incoming "something".

2015-01-20, 12:38 AM
Lugh pokes at the ice again.


'Kupo!' is heard from the direction of the metallic noises. followed by what sounds like a tray falling to the floor, and something metal dancing on it's rim as it attempts to lay down. (A rather distinct sound.) Followed by more words, all spoken with a single set of syllables: ku-po.

Edd recognizes that the voice is cursing in Moogle. Probably at someone judging by the wording and the tone.

It quiets suddenly as a metal screech is heard, then the sounds stop all together a moment.

In the direction the other voice came from the yelling gets louder, then peters out.

The sound from outside has ceased altogether, hopefully it isn't as bad a sign as it probably is. But then, in a world where almost everything is frozen, covered in ash, or in the process of being destroyed in the ongoing warfare... it wouldn't take much for a thing to be 'good'.

2015-01-20, 10:03 PM
The simultaneous nature of the yelling and the howling unnerves urMru. He hustles to the door where the yelling has died, pushing it open and continuing down wherever it goes.

Someone might need his help.

2015-01-20, 11:20 PM
It is dark back here. There is another blinking button.

Assuming you push the button there is a humming sound that gradually increases in pitch and volume before fading out of hearing range. Then the lights turn on.

The light provided is a harsh brilliant white which not even the sun provides on the clearest of days. It is not hot, nor does it hurt (other than your eyes) but it is certainly brighter than the other room, and a purer white than anything you've likely seen, other than lightning.

Another clack is heard in the distance, and the power being drawn through the system increases.

You easily locate an area of metal walls and doors. What looks like a very odd woman stares at your through one of the windows. Her skin appears to have seams in it, and her face is tense... yet devoid of all expression.


With the final strike to the ice the doors are free to be closed. The Dragoon quickly swings his door into a shut position, and presses his back against it.

2015-01-20, 11:26 PM
Sighing in disappointment, having been not so secretly hoping that they wouldn't free the door from its icy prison before the noisy creature found them. "Well, that's that. I'm going to go make sure urMru doesn't get himself killed."

Without waiting for anyone to object, Rubi dashes off after the one group member no longer present.

Once she catches up, she taps him on the shoulder. "Hey, don't just walk off like that. You don't look like you'd last that long if a goblin got the jump on you, ya know?"

2015-01-21, 01:07 PM
"Perhaps not. But if someone needs my help, I cannot let my own safety come before theirs. I do not shirk my responsibilities when it is convenient for me.

Still, I am grateful for your concern, young one."

2015-01-22, 03:11 PM
UrMru & Rubi:
A strong wind blows through the halls just after the doors shut, and the air begins warming. There are rooms on either side of the hallways in this area with heavy looking sliding metal doors painted unusual browns and oranges. There are twelve digit keypads next to each door with nine numbers, a zed, and two symbols # and *.

In the open room across from the woman with the seamed skin is what looks like an old man with a very long white beard, apparently sleeping on the cot. He snores softly...

The lights shut off, the building trembles.


Meanwhile back upstairs... After the slight tremor, a moogle comes bursting through one of the doors, it's normally white fur rainbow colored in gray scale from smoke, soot, grease or what have you.

It gives only one word: 'Kupo!' as it runs over and turns off the lights.

A few moments later a new source of light appears, being held. Some sort of lantern. One appears on the belt of every corpse in the room.

In a shocking surge of cleverness, you turn on the flashlight by pushing the little button on the side. It begins strobing (a word for rapid flashing).

2015-01-22, 06:04 PM
Baffled by the strange things he is seeing, urMru resolves to not disturb the sleeping man. Instead, he curiously regards the "woman" across the room.

2015-01-22, 09:42 PM
UrMru: The 'woman' as you put it, stares at you blankly. Apparently not under any duress, or stress for that matter.
Rubi stands there staring at you.

Rubi: You stand there staring at him. Your eyes begin to water from the lack of blinking.

Edd: The Moggle begins running back the way it (A hesitant guess on your part makes it a she) came.

Through the doors into an area filled with pipes and tools laying scattered about.

Do you follow her?

2015-01-22, 09:56 PM

Stubbornly refusing to blink, Rubi goes to check on the old man and make sure that he's just asleep and not dead.

Heal [roll0]

2015-01-23, 02:05 PM
It's unfortunately time to wake the old man. urMru realizes that it's better that he knows that they are here now, rather than later. He gently shakes the sleeping man's arm and asks,

"I am sorry, friend, but we have intruded upon your home, it seems. Might we stay here for a while and warm our bones?"
Whatever happened to the scout?

2015-01-23, 02:15 PM
Rubi: You aren't certain he's alive until he is woken by UrMru.

Ur: The old man shudders awake, and begins to sit up. "Old? Who's old? I'm in my twenties dammit." He doesn't sound old, or smell old... so those are pluses.

The scout is upstairs, lying forgotten and abandoned among the corpses.

2015-01-23, 02:51 PM
Edd: The Moggle begins running back the way it (A hesitant guess on your part makes it a she) came.

Through the doors into an area filled with pipes and tools laying scattered about.

Do you follow her?
Edd curiosity gets the best of him. He follows, but not after he grabs one of the lanterns (btw, I think he passed the wisdom check).

2015-01-23, 04:04 PM
"Have you seen yourself lately? You're ancient!" Rubi looks confused at the paradoxically young voice coming from the old man's body. "More importantly though...what is this place?"

2015-01-24, 12:51 AM
Rubi: "It's an ancient Police Department. And I can't help it my hair is white... it grows in that way naturally." He doesn't appear to be wrinkled in the face, though from behind he does admittedly look rather ancient. Actually seeing his face however, changes things slightly.

Edd: Assuming you meant you follow her after grabbing a flashlight, and since yes, I did say you turned it on...

She scampers down the hall yelling what could only translate as 'kupo!' repeatedly. (I find this to be funny.)

She eventually heads past a garage, down a stairwell two levels with no other visible doors but stairs still leading down, and enters a room with two large tanks on either side with an odd machine that seems to be humming in the middle. (There are also more floors above the ground floor.)

She runs over to it and begins checking what appear to be some very odd displays on it, round with numbers and symbols and pretty colored circular lines that start and end at different points. With needles that twitch or whir.

The moogle starts trying to repair some strange tubular cone thing with the end cut off. She mutters to herself about Humes messing with things when she hasn't fixed the generator yet, and how they are always so impatient.

She points to a hex wrench "Hand me that quickly if you don't want to die a horrible death. As long as you're here I can use some help."

2015-01-24, 10:50 AM
Caught off-guard by his seemingly young face, Rubi shakes her heard to focus again, "Police Department? Well, if it's ancient, what the hell are you doing down here?"

2015-01-24, 04:05 PM
The moogle starts trying to repair some strange tubular cone thing with the end cut off. She mutters to herself about Humes messing with things when she hasn't fixed the generator yet, and how they are always so impatient.

She points to a hex wrench "Hand me that quickly if you don't want to die a horrible death. As long as you're here I can use some help."

"Wow, a bossy moogle... how exquisite. Fine, here it is."

He will attempt some aid another on repair.


2015-01-24, 08:09 PM
As Rubi speaks with the man, urMru has a horrible realization.

"The scout! Rubi, I shall be back soon. I need to check on his condition." urMru makes his way back to the first room on the upper level.

2015-01-25, 01:32 AM
Edd: The Moogle pokes the generator, it appears to be in slightly better condition as she uses the wrench the tighten on the cone. (Everything she says is in fact in Moogle.)

"So how did you end up stuck here, engine trouble? Flat tire, broken wheel, dead horses?"

She removes a circular section as she talks off of one of the sides and begins cleaning it by pouring in some thick yellow liquid out of a can she had sitting next to her. "I don't suppose you've been to the garage yet?"

She reaches in [roll0]. "That should fix the cylinders so they don't explode in a fiery ball of death."

Rubi: "Well, I was escorting a prisoner." He turns on some form of tubular lantern for light, and shines the beam upwards to illuminate the room and the hall outside to just the point of visibility. "A police station has secured rooms for holding prisoners. Seemed like a good place to stick her while I got a nap, and my group's Engineer fixed our transportation and whatever else she had to do to get that done."

UrMru: After quite some time, you finally manage to find your way back upstairs through the unlit halls. You do trip and stumble on occasion from this or that thing you can't make out with your eyes. The complete lack of light makes it impossible to detect anything not almost directly in front of you, but your combined senses and general strength of wit allows you to navigate.

When you finally manage to make your way back up, you notice a source of light from the room through which you entered. Not as good as the ones in the ceiling which previously brightened the room, but better than nothing. The Dragoon wanders from body to body, switching on small tubular devices on their belts, which then emit those wonderful photons that almost everyone loves.

You take [roll1] subdual damage from repeatedly bumping into things due to lack of sight. Not enough to leave bruises, but you're still a little sore from the adventure.

Make a heal check for the scout. (To check his status.)

2015-01-25, 01:42 AM
Rubi doesn't stop urMru as he goes to check on the scout, but too preoccupied with the strange man to go with him. "A prisoner? What'd she do?"

2015-01-25, 11:11 AM
Rubbing his sore nose, urMru finally manages to find their scout. His practiced eyes quickly try to take stock of the sick man.

2015-01-25, 12:16 PM
UrMru Aside from a light case of hypothermia (gradually getting worse), and whatever disease has been affecting him (Pneumonia), he appears to be fine. He isn't getting any better though, at least not under these conditions.

Rubi: "Not my job to ask, so I didn't." He shrugs, "Can't have been anything too serious though. If she had wanted to kill me she would have put up more of a struggle when I shut her in the cell. Instead she just randomly starts yelling to try and keep me from getting any rest..." He shakes his head ruefully.

2015-01-25, 12:19 PM
urMru is forced to drag the man down to the lower level, as he lacks the strength to hoist him onto his shoulders. It is slow going.

2015-01-25, 12:23 PM
Edd: The Moogle pokes the generator, it appears to be in slightly better condition as she uses the wrench the tighten on the cone. (Everything she says is in fact in Moogle.)

"So how did you end up stuck here, engine trouble? Flat tire, broken wheel, dead horses?"

"Oh, we were just walking. Catching some fresh air."

She removes a circular section as she talks off of one of the sides and begins cleaning it by pouring in some thick yellow liquid out of a can she had sitting next to her. "I don't suppose you've been to the garage yet?"
"Nope. Not yet. By the looks of this ruin, I take it it has something flashy in it's garage."

She reaches in [roll0]. "That should fix the cylinders so they don't explode in a fiery ball of death."
"Good job! A fiery ball of death isn't interesting in most scenarios."

He's starting to wonder where are the remaining party members.

2015-01-25, 05:51 PM
Rubi: Checks the prisoner, finds nothing wrong, and begins searching for hygienic facilities.

UrMru: Did you remember to get a light source? ... Nope. E-gads. Gadzukes. Jiminy. Jeepers.

Wisdom check. DC 10. Let's assume you succeeded. After taking enough subdual damage to pass out fro a couple of rounds on the way down from the ground floor, without having entirely escaped the illumination. You decide to go back and get a flashlight, so that you don't kill yourself, or the scout, or someone else by accident. Because doing that would be silly... And you almost did that.

Eddguy: Headless Game.

The moogle stops a moment and stares. "It has our vehicle in it. I'm fixing this generator so that I can use the equipment in there to fix it."

She points to a hammer lying several feet away. "Hand me that would you? Also, fiery balls of death are always interesting.... just never pleasant."

2015-01-25, 10:58 PM

While she looks around to figure out what all is in this police department and searches for a place to wash up after the thought crossed her idle mind, Rubi silently curses herself for not talking to the prisoner like she intended to. "I should stop letting myself get so distracted by--oh, wonder what's in this room?"

2015-01-26, 02:44 PM
The illuminating tool in his hand feels foreign to urMru's fingers. It speaks of the plastic and metal that has become so endemic to this world. Nonetheless, he needs its light to see as he slowly drags the sick scout after him.

Eventually, he sees Rubi investigating a room. "Young one, lend me a hand, would you?"

2015-01-26, 03:01 PM
Hearing urMru's question, Rubi leaves the door to the new room open as she heads to the nu mou. "Sure, what'd ya need?"

2015-01-26, 03:08 PM
urMru nods his head toward the scout. "We need to get him down here, where it's warmer. The cold is affecting his ability to fight off whatever illness he has. We must find a bed for him to recover.

I need someone with stronger shoulders than I to carry him, or else it will take time that he might not have."

2015-01-26, 03:13 PM
Rubi, having completely forgotten that the scout was ill in all the excitement, looks worried as urMru speaks. Dashing over to the duo, she picks the scout up and carries him in her arms while searching now for a room that it would be safe to let him rest in.

Have to run to class now, won't be able to reply further for 4 or 5 hours.

2015-01-26, 10:37 PM
Eddguy: Headless Game.

The moogle stops a moment and stares. "It has our vehicle in it. I'm fixing this generator so that I can use the equipment in there to fix it."

She points to a hammer lying several feet away. "Hand me that would you? Also, fiery balls of death are always interesting.... just never pleasant."
"Fine. Not pleasent. Let's focus on avoiding them for now."
"By the way, here's your hammer."

2015-01-27, 12:26 AM
Edd: She re-attaches the circular section, and uses the hammer to disengage the emergency break on the generator... by hitting it. It begins to hum, and seems to choke a couple of times before steadying out.

"Off to the car-cave! Kupo!"

The room begins to warm noticeably as the Moogle makes her way out of the room back up the stairs and down a hall in the opposite of the direction in which the entrance lies.

The frost on the walls and floors has begun melting, making walking difficult. The moogle begins flying... Acrobatics check!

Rubi & UrMru: The scout groans as he is lifted.

The pair of you just about reach the cells when the lights suddenly return to their full glaring, ocularly painful splendor.

Another blast of warm air washes through the halls. The heating is back on.

Similar to the issue Edd is having, the frost is melting, acrobatics checks all around! (Unless you can fly carrying the scout.)

2015-01-28, 12:55 AM
The moogle seems unaware of Edd's inability to fly. The blue mage tries his best to doesn't fall off the stairs.
Acrobatic Check [roll0]

Damn, I still need to find the others

2015-01-28, 12:59 AM
Looking at the scout and at the slippery floors, Rubi takes a minute trying to think of what to do.

Turning to urMru she speaks up, "Here, hold on to my shield and all my spare weapons. This is going to be close, but I think I can just fly past all of this while carrying him...Then I can come back for you and my stuff so you don't have to worry about falling and breaking something either."

Handing off everything but her knight sword and armor to urMru, she repositions the scout in her arms and does her best to take off, flying down the hall rather than risking navigating the wet floors with the ill scout depending on her looking for a safe room to let him rest.

2015-01-28, 08:16 PM
Rubi and UrMru: You manage to make it back to the cells without being injured.

Edd: You manage to keep your footing and continue following the Moogle, she may manage to lead you to the others.

She heads through a swinging door, the floors here appear rather empty of water or frost, and the air is less cool.

A low hum emanates from within, whatever type of motor it is appears to be keeping this area warm.

2015-01-29, 12:46 AM
Taking back her secondary weapons and shield from urMru, she asks "Think you can take care of him? I'm gonna go talk to that prisoner the guy mentioned, but I want to make sure you don't need help first."

2015-01-30, 03:45 PM
Rubi: Rubi heads a little down the hall... maybe 10 feet, to the door where the woman with the seams on her face stands staring out of the room she is in.

Edd: You finally reach the Garage, a number of men with rifles point them at you, one or two seem to have pistols. A large man with a very big hammer sitting next to him is also being held at gunpoint, though he seems more annoyed than anything.

The moogle's eyes go wide and her hands go up even as she runs for the door on the side of the vehicle.


Taking back her secondary weapons and shield from urMru, she asks "Think you can take care of him? I'm gonna go talk to that prisoner the guy mentioned, but I want to make sure you don't need help first."

2015-01-30, 05:19 PM
Shaking his head as his thoughts become lost at the strangeness of their circumstances, urMru calls out, "I will be fine!" Meanwhile, he turns his attentions to the scout.

2015-01-31, 08:34 PM
Not entirely sure where to begin given the woman's vacant stare, Rubi resorts to the obvious and knocks on the door before waving at her with a cheery smile. "Hello."

2015-01-31, 09:20 PM
Rubi: The woman raises a single eyebrow... ever so slightly. Her expression otherwise blank as she continues to stare at you unblinkingly.

UrMru: You are uncertain of his current condition. Perhaps he should be placed on one of the beds in the many open rooms among the only closed one. The closed one containing the odd woman, who's skin has apparent seems.

2015-01-31, 09:23 PM
"So...why are you here? What'd you do to get arrested?"

2015-01-31, 09:36 PM
urMru manages to drag the unconscious scout onto a bed. Hopefully, this will help. We will have to keep an eye on him.

2015-01-31, 11:58 PM
Edd: You finally reach the Garage, a number of men with rifles point them at you, one or two seem to have pistols. A large man with a very big hammer sitting next to him is also being held at gunpoint, though he seems more annoyed than anything.

Edd looks somewhat terrified. With both hands raised, he tries to parley to his best effort.

"Oh, hi there guys. I see you got rifles... nice. I... uh... got a rifle too. Very interesting weapon. It's just not very polite to point it at people, you know. So... let's talk. It seems I took the wrong turn, heh, I was following this cute little lady here and was expecting just a vehicle in a garage, you know, usual stuff, without dozens of guys with rifles.
So, to heal this ankward momment, let's start properly. Me first. I'm Edd Riot, pleased to make your acquaintance."

2015-02-01, 01:04 AM
Edd looks somewhat terrified. With both hands raised, he tries to parley to his best effort.

"Oh, hi there guys. I see you got rifles... nice. I... uh... got a rifle too. Very interesting weapon. It's just not very polite to point it at people, you know. So... let's talk. It seems I took the wrong turn, heh, I was following this cute little lady here and was expecting just a vehicle in a garage, you know, usual stuff, without dozens of guys with rifles.
So, to heal this ankward momment, let's start properly. Me first. I'm Edd Riot, pleased to make your acquaintance."

The Moogle runs up and climbs into the transport. You begin hearing clunking from within...

"Check for the others. We don't want to be surprised by more people showing up. We were only told to expect the five. And one of them was a Moogle!"

Several groups of approximately six each head off back the way you just came. "Edd Riot?" He mutters for a few moments and checks a paper on a clipboard, "Well, that name isn't on the list. Best to kill you anyway, just to be certain." Creepily, he says this conversationally, as one might mention how it's raining outside. Or in this case, snowing.

The vehicle creaks, three men climb in, Guns at the ready. Startled shouts and wet crunches come from within.

The side of the vehicle fall outwards, as a form of makeshift ramp, and down steps what is obviously a suit of Magiteck armor, being piloted by the Moogle. "Kupo!" (Nice to meet you Edd. I'm Kupi!") The magiteck swivles on one foot, and lands facing the men holding the rifles.

"So...why are you here? What'd you do to get arrested?"
"Arrested? Who has been arrested? I am in here to keep me safe from squishy meatbags that wish to see me disassembled."

urMru manages to drag the unconscious scout onto a bed. Hopefully, this will help. We will have to keep an eye on him.
He is now on the bed.

Rubi & UrMru: You both hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

2015-02-04, 07:06 PM

Before she can inquire further, the footsteps on the stairs draw Rubi's attention. "Just a minute, I'll be right back," she tells the 'prisoner' as she goes to see who's coming down.

Sorry, had a busy morning and afternoon, just got free enough to post in ICs

2015-02-06, 05:14 PM
urMru tries to listen closely to tell if those steps are the typical skipping steps of Rubi.

2015-02-06, 09:07 PM
So while we wait for Dudu... how is everyone doing?

2015-02-07, 04:39 AM
Edd quickly runs to the nearest cover (if it's near the moogle, than better). And will draw his rifle.

2015-02-07, 09:54 AM

Before she can inquire further, the footsteps on the stairs draw Rubi's attention. "Just a minute, I'll be right back," she tells the 'prisoner' as she goes to see who's coming down.
As you begin heading towards the stairs you see the first of three men in unfamiliar uniforms reach the floor you're on, looking first one way then the other down the halls. They are armed with rifles.

urMru tries to listen closely to tell if those steps are the typical skipping steps of Rubi.
Since the two of you are on the same level in the general area... probably not.

UrMru & Rubi: The two of you hear gunfire coming from elsewhere in the facility.

Your friend the Dragoon comes flying down the stairs, two more of them stuck to his spear as he dodges to the side of the stairwell opposite your locations.
More footfalls mark the incoming appearance of yet more of the soldiers.

Edd quickly runs to the nearest cover (if it's near the moogle, than better). And will draw his rifle.
Edd draws his rifle as he rushes for cover, and ducks into the transport, hiding behind what appears to be the anchoring and support system for the Magiteck. Roll Initiative. (Too bad too, you had a surprise round.) Fire on one.

The moogle rushes up and tries to swat one of the soldiers with one of the arms of her suit.
From around the other side towards the front you hear a shout and the sound of something heavy connecting with something squishy, followed by what appears to be the remains of a body struck with explosive force splashing into view, with bits of armor and uniform. Even an arm. The solder hit by the Moogle's Suit flies into a wall with a sickening crunch and crumples. There are only about a dozen or more of them left.


2015-02-07, 11:35 AM
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30ft
AC: 15 Touch: 14 Flat: 14
Save: Fort: 2 Ref: 4 Will: 1
Saphire rifle: +6
Damage: 2d8+1
MP: 1

Spells in effect: Magic Weapon +1

OOC: What were those last rolls?

He shoots at one of the baddies, but not before enhancing his rifle with magic. He uses 1MP for that.

Mage Bullets (Su): A gun mage is adept at transferring spell energy into his sapphire gun attacks. As a swift action, he can spend MP (to a maximum of half his caster level divided in half, rounded up) and transform that energy into a weapon bonus equal to the MP spent on a single barrel of his firearm. With that weapon bonus the gun mage can apply any of the following to his weapon: enhancement bonuses (up to +5) and dancing, defending, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, ghost touch, icy burst, merciful, seeking, shock, shocking burst, spell storing, thundering, vicious, and wounding. A sapphire gun gains no benefit from having two of the same weapon special abilities on the same barrel. The effect of the mage bullets ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to the MP spent, or until this ability is used again to assign the barrel different enhancements.

This ability replaces cantrips, but the gun mage gains the detect magic and read magic cantrips and places them in his spellbook. He can cast either of these as 1st-level spells.

He then shoots at the nearest one

atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2015-02-09, 01:37 PM
So, violence has found us after all.

urMru leaves the scout and fetches his holy rod. The mystic looks around the corner, gauging the enemy's numbers.

2015-02-09, 01:42 PM
HP 13
AC 19

Seeing the dragoon and the armed men, Rubi doesn't take the same approach as urMru. Rather than gauging the enemy's numbers, she charges in haphazardly with her shield in front, slashing at the first enemy in reach.

Sorry, weekend was hectic and today is busy, want to get a brief post up to keep things moving.

Charge nearest enemy;
Attack [roll0] +2 charging
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-09, 07:10 PM
HP: 9/9
Speed: 30ft
AC: 15 Touch: 14 Flat: 14
Save: Fort: 2 Ref: 4 Will: 1
Saphire rifle: +6
Damage: 2d8+1
MP: 1

Spells in effect: Magic Weapon +1

OOC: What were those last rolls?

He shoots at one of the baddies, but not before enhancing his rifle with magic. He uses 1MP for that.

Mage Bullets (Su): A gun mage is adept at transferring spell energy into his sapphire gun attacks. As a swift action, he can spend MP (to a maximum of half his caster level divided in half, rounded up) and transform that energy into a weapon bonus equal to the MP spent on a single barrel of his firearm. With that weapon bonus the gun mage can apply any of the following to his weapon: enhancement bonuses (up to +5) and dancing, defending, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, ghost touch, icy burst, merciful, seeking, shock, shocking burst, spell storing, thundering, vicious, and wounding. A sapphire gun gains no benefit from having two of the same weapon special abilities on the same barrel. The effect of the mage bullets ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to the MP spent, or until this ability is used again to assign the barrel different enhancements.

This ability replaces cantrips, but the gun mage gains the detect magic and read magic cantrips and places them in his spellbook. He can cast either of these as 1st-level spells.

He then shoots at the nearest one

atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
You missed.





[roll17] Wrong dice, rerolled elsewhere.

So, violence has found us after all.

urMru leaves the scout and fetches his holy rod. The mystic looks around the corner, gauging the enemy's numbers.
There are several, bullets bounce, people shift, things are too chaotic at the moment to be certain how many there may be.

HP 13
AC 19

Seeing the dragoon and the armed men, Rubi doesn't take the same approach as urMru. Rather than gauging the enemy's numbers, she charges in haphazardly with her shield in front, slashing at the first enemy in reach.

Sorry, weekend was hectic and today is busy, want to get a brief post up to keep things moving.

Charge nearest enemy;
Attack [roll0] +2 charging
Damage [roll1]

You swing! Unfortunately your shield being held in front of you is a bit of an issue, and you missed due to lack of balance. (This has nothing to do with it mechanically, just seems like a good bit of fluff.)

2015-02-12, 05:36 AM
Four days remain before I consider this game abandoned. :smallannoyed:

As my mother used to say: Excuses are Excuses.

2015-02-12, 09:05 AM
Four days remain before I consider this game abandoned. :smallannoyed:

As my mother used to say: Excuses are Excuses.

I did tell you that edits don't update in my subscriptions. I'll get a post up later today.

2015-02-12, 09:06 PM
HP 13
AC 19

A little off balance, Rubi does her best to correct her stance and keep fighting, swinging wildly at the enemy, too agitated at herself to focus on her training. "Who are you and what do you want?!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-12, 09:18 PM
Seeing that there is no other choice left, urMru raises his holy rod and fires at one of the soldiers.
Ranged touch attack, urMru is considered having Precise Shot for avoiding hitting Rubi.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
CD: [roll3]

2015-02-18, 01:27 PM
Rubi and UrMru:

One of the guards replies with "None of your business!"
Two of the men continue to fire, one stands indecisively, the remaining two already on this level attempt to hit Rubi with the butts of the rifles.






One of the men striking with the butts of their rifles hits, and is shot by one of the men firing into the melee. He drops after managing to strike Rubi.

2015-02-18, 05:18 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Rearing back briefly from the hit, she pays no heed to the men firing on her and swings again at the one that missed her.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-19, 04:28 PM
urMru takes aim again, this time aiming for the soldier who hit Rubi.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
CD: [roll3]

2015-02-19, 04:36 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Rearing back briefly from the hit, she pays no heed to the men firing on her and swings again at the one that missed her.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

You... miss.

urMru takes aim again, this time aiming for the soldier who hit Rubi.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
CD: [roll3]

As the man who hit rubi is already dead... you hit a corpse...

The corpses head pops, the others pause and just stare in horror as bits of gray matter, bone and blood splatter about.

2015-02-19, 04:45 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

"Oh come on! Just stay still and let me hit you!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-19, 04:47 PM
It was not until the soldier fell forward that urMru realized that he was already dead. He is no less horrified by the resulting mess. Still, this spectacle offers a split second opportunity.

"Rubi, stop!

Has there not been enough death," he asks the soldiers. "You just killed one of your own men! Stay this madness, and let us speak!"
Yeah, totally not covering my embarrassment at all...
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-02-19, 04:52 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

"Oh come on! Just stay still and let me hit you!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Horrible luck you have there.

It was not until the soldier fell forward that urMru realized that he was already dead. He is no less horrified by the resulting mess. Still, this spectacle offers a split second opportunity.

"Rubi, stop!

Has there not been enough death," he asks the soldiers. "You just killed one of your own men! Stay this madness, and let us speak!"
Yeah, totally not covering my embarrassment at all...
Diplomacy: [roll0]

"We have our orders! Open fire!" Including the two previously just standing there, they attack once more.

[roll0] vs UrMru

[roll3] vs UrMru

[roll6] vs Rubi

Melee vs Rubi


They all miss... This is ridiculous. What did they do to the roller?!

2015-02-19, 04:57 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Letting out a guttural growl as she goes wide again, Rubi takes a breath and tries to remember her training. Remember what the Master said, stay calm.

Doing her best to keep from giving into rage, she strike again at the nearest enemy.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-19, 04:58 PM
((I have no idea, but 90% of the time I roll horribly))

urMru focuses his rod again and his brows lower. "Then so be it." He fires at one of the ones in the front.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
CD: [roll3]

2015-02-19, 05:10 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Letting out a guttural growl as she goes wide again, Rubi takes a breath and tries to remember her training. Remember what the Master said, stay calm.

Doing her best to keep from giving into rage, she strike again at the nearest enemy.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Your sword cuts through clothes and skin like a hot knife cuts through snow. The other looks slightly startled by his screams as they echo.

((I have no idea, but 90% of the time I roll horribly))

urMru focuses his rod again and his brows lower. "Then so be it." He fires at one of the ones in the front.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
CD: [roll3]

You Miss! But another bit the dust. Now the bullets rip?



Vs Urmru:

Melee with Rubi:

2015-02-19, 05:13 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Seeing urMru get hit, Rubi abandons the melee she's in and charges toward the gunners, "Leave him alone, I'm your opponent!"

Not sure if I can charge. Probably provoking an AOO though.

A[roll0] (+2 if charging is an option]

2015-02-19, 05:29 PM
The knocks urMru had taken earlier finally come to the fore. A bullet pierces his body, and he falls unconscious.

2015-02-19, 05:41 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Seeing urMru get hit, Rubi abandons the melee she's in and charges toward the gunners, "Leave him alone, I'm your opponent!"

Not sure if I can charge. Probably provoking an AOO though.

A[roll0] (+2 if charging is an option]

You can't, actually. They are too close.

The knocks urMru had taken earlier finally come to the fore. A bullet pierces his body, and he falls unconscious.

No he doesn't.

The 'old man' finally comes out of his 'room' (I've been forgetting the Dragoon too.), :smallfurious: "Can't you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep damnit!" He pushes out with a hand, and one of the riflemen is engulfed in fire.
Fort Save for soldier: [roll2] vs Burning Status.

The one in melee with Rubi dies a crispy death, and catches fire!

Rubi moves up and attacks! Miss!

2015-02-19, 05:44 PM
The riflemen 5' step back, and fire!



One of them manages to 'shoot' the old man!

2015-02-19, 06:30 PM
HP 9/13
AC 19

Seeing urMru fall, the gria cries out, "Ooh, you're going to pay for that!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-21, 01:02 PM
The young old man 5' steps towards UrMru, and launches another blast of fire at the soldiers. (One more 5' step... I'm glad I leave contingencies.)

Fort Vs Burn status: [roll1]

Top one discarded if he dies.
Old man:


Old Man:

Rubi gets an Attack of opportunity.

The old man is down.

2015-02-21, 01:56 PM
Rubi strikes out at the opponent who left himself open and then goes to slash again at any enemy still standing.

Can't post much, have to be quick.

AoO [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2015-02-21, 02:01 PM
You managed to kill one.

The remaining Rifleman retreats back up the stairs.
