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View Full Version : [3.P] Two characters need help with them

2015-01-12, 11:22 AM
In the next game I am going to be playing two different characters and this is kinda new for me.

One is a Kasatha Monk 2(MoMS)/Warpriest X(likely Sacred Fist)
he other a Half-Giant Blood Rager X (Spell Eating/Untouchable Rager)/(Maybe Warpriest?)

Kasatha is going to be focused on his Multi-Arm fighting Mechanics so Flurry is not needed really. He is a speed boxer who uses Dex and Wis to be mobile and hit hard.

Half-Giant is a Thor-Clone who is searching for Mjolnir (Hammer of Thunderbolts 3.5 version)

Any advice on Feat progression, Key Items to have, Bloodlines to focus on, ect.