View Full Version : A unique bandit hideout raid? ideas plz!

The Shadowdove
2015-01-12, 03:28 PM
Tonight I'm taking my players through a bandit hideout.

I want it to be more than just a "run in and kill some bandits" kind of thing.

The bandits have been raiding caravans, traders, and farmers the last few months around a small trade town. Taking what they wish, even women.

The town will grab the adventurers as they pass through because their economy is hurting badly, and they've little left after the recent failure of a previous group of adventurers.

they're to hunt down the base and find a way to get rid of them.

In short, let's slap down ideas and design a creative/fun bandit hideout with combat but also interesting twists or factors that make it somewhat unique!!

Also, what kind of reward awaits my group of level 2's?

Thanks in advance!!!! I look forward to seeing your ideas.


2015-01-12, 04:08 PM
I want it to be more than just a "run in and kill some bandits" kind of thing.

The bandits have been raiding caravans, traders, and farmers the last few months around a small trade town. Taking what they wish, even women.

Assuming you're doing it as a Five Room Dungeon, one of the rooms might be "fight this contingent of bandits AND rescue the women". Set the room on fire and make it clear that anyone not rescued quickly is doomed--that gives you a Timer effect so the fight is not purely about killing bandits.

The Shadowdove
2015-01-12, 05:49 PM
Assuming you're doing it as a Five Room Dungeon, one of the rooms might be "fight this contingent of bandits AND rescue the women". Set the room on fire and make it clear that anyone not rescued quickly is doomed--that gives you a Timer effect so the fight is not purely about killing bandits.

I likes it!

Never done a timer type thing.

Is 5 room dungeon a normal thing?

I've never had a method to how many rooms or traps I have in place.

Just cr for monsters and baddies

2015-01-12, 05:51 PM
A few months before, the bandits could've raided a high end trade caravan and obtained some Owlbear Eggs (Hatchlings, Cubs, however Owlbears work for you)
There's Lore in the MM about creatures raising Owlbears. I think a combat encounter (maybe the boss? Or possibly the very first combat at the hideout) where there's some Young Owlbears (reduce stats accordingly) present and being commanded by the Bandit Trainers would be interesting.
Owlbears being so volatile, the PC's might focus on the Trainers with ranged attacks so that the Owlbears lose direction and begin fighting everyone randomly, this possibly helping them kill the bandits.
Any Druids or Rangers or the such could then be rewarded by getting to keep a Cub or an Egg to train for themselves.

As for location, I think a base of operations at the top of a sheer cliff up the side of a mountain outcropping, with a complicated system of Pullies and platforms to reach the top would be cool. One character has to yank the pully while the rest return ranged combat onto the bandits at the top. The bandits wouldn't simply cut the pully ropes because then they'd be trapped up there themselves.

2015-01-12, 06:03 PM
Bandit lair should either be in a nondescript cave or on top of / underneath a business front.

Traps are fun. So are acid pits, illegal research labs, and rooms with exotic beasts.

Nearly every mook should try to ambush the players. I'd be rolling up rogues of appropriate level and using every trick in the book, from caltrops to ball bearings to bonus action heals with fast hands (thief) + healer feat to ganging up on one target to using held actions to guarantee SA. Alternatively, pick from the rogue features and just add them to the NPC stat blocks of your choice.

Be creative. Some rogues like daggers and others like blackjacks. Some bands of rogues have thematic naming, such as a gang named after different cards from an in-universe card game (think royal flush gang from batman beyond).

When you enter the rogue den to break the place up, you might interrupt some illegal gambling and have to deal with fleeing patrons. There's a good chance you'll find some kidnapped prisoners and torture victims. You might catch a corrupt politician or two (good luck convicting them).

Hidden rooms out the whazoo! Make sure the means of discovering them aren't obvious and wouldn't happen by accident. Book cases are dumb, but a mirror where you have to push down on two of its decorative knobs simultaneously might work.

Who is the head of your rogue guild? My guess is he's a Don and you'll never actually catch him. He could also be a warlock building up his power base, probably fey or fiend-pact (make sure the fiend isn't devil, since devils are lawful in FE, while demons are chaotic).

Most importantly, every room needs to have a reason for being there beyond just being fun for adventurers. Use your imagination.

2015-01-12, 06:27 PM
yeah so:

-Hostage situation (diplomacy? stealth? intimitation?)

-Ambush/Traps/Hidden rooms (perception? investigation? athletics/acrobatics?)

-Npc Bandit "informant" or "defector" that could either help them through the hideout or double cross them (insight? diplomacy?)

-Booby trapped loot or self destruct type situation where they have to escape while the hideout is burning down, or figure out how to disarm explosives set on the treasure or people.(investigation? slight of hand? athletics/acrobatics? time element?)

-caged animals that could be advantageous/disadvantageous to the group depending upon how it's dealt with (sleight of hand? animal handling?)

-environmental hazards like a crumbling decrepit building, complete darkness, or thick smoke or fog can add interest as well.